Changes Report

Release History

Version Date Description
0.15.00 2017-04-30 Release 0.15.00
0.14.00 2017-04-17 Release 0.14.00
0.13.04 2017-01-16 Intermediate Release 0.13.04
0.13.03 2017-01-05 Intermediate Release 0.13.03
0.13.02 2017-01-03 Intermediate Release 0.13.02
0.13.01 2016-12-20 Intermediate Release 0.13.01
0.13.00 2016-12-11 Sprint 8
0.12.02 2016-11-20 Intermediate Release 0.12.02
0.12.01 2016-11-07 Intermediate release 0.12.01
0.12.00 2016-11-02 Sprint 7
0.11.00 2016-10-07 Sprint 6
0.10.00 2016-08-28 Sprint 5
0.09.00 2016-05-27 Sprint 4
0.08.00 2016-04-08 Sprint 3
0.07.00 2016-03-15 Sprint 2
0.06.00 2016-01-27 Sprint 1
0.05.00 2015-12-20 Major upgrade

Release 0.15.00 – 2017-04-30

Type Changes By
Add OTS-126. Add class for a speed sign. Fixes OTS-126.
Add OTS-156. Make conflicts GTUType dependent. Priority at conflicts may depend on the GTUType, e.g. at some conflicts, trams have absolute priority over cars, but cars may behave according to a right-has-priority rule. Fixes OTS-156.
Update OTS-217. Initial operational plans and lane changes. In some cases, tactical planners should not create an operational plan containing a lane change. E.g. filling the network at t=0, some surrounding GTUs may not yet be generated. Fixes OTS-217.
Add OTS-319. Alignment with DJUNITS 3.00. Units for absolute and relative values have been separated. They are truly different and should never have been mixed. As an example, an AbsoluteTemperature of 10 degrees Celsius has an offset of 283.15 Kelvin from absolute zero. A relative temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, however, is equivalent to 10 Kelvin, and does not have any offset. The same holds for Direction, Time, and Position. This has quite some effects on the code, as TimeUnits in Durations had to be replaced with a DurationUnit. Same for Directions that now have their own DirectionUnit (e.g., NORTH_RADIANS: radians relative to NORTH, or EAST_DEGREES:degrees relative to EAST). Time can be stated relative to the POSIX Epoch (1-1-1970), AD 1, or the J2000.1 Epoch. Fixes OTS-319.
Fix OTS-320. SpeedSign ENDOFDAY Fixes OTS-320.
Add OTS-321. AIMSUN classes have to go into ots-aimsun project. ots-aimsun for aimsun classes on the OTS side. ots-aimsun-demo for demos with aimsun classes. ots-aimsun-proto for proto files and generated classes. The last one is important to separate because of suppression of javadoc and formatting error messages because of checkstyle. Fixes OTS-321.
Fix OTS-325. Toledo demos complain about missing TacticalPlanner Fixes OTS-325.
Fix OTS-327. Demo Crossing with Traffic Lights has a casting error. There was still a reference to the TimeUnit in the typed distributions, where a DurationUnit should have been used. This has been solved in all four typed Distributions. Fixes OTS-327.
Fix OTS-328. TRAFCOD2 demo does not start anymore. To make the registration work better in the OTSNetwork, the name of any registered object should be unique within a lane. In order to make a) inspecting ids easy, while b) still registering full ids with a cross section name and a cross section element name, the method getFullId() has been added in addition to getId(). When displaying objects, getId() is used. When registering objects, getFullId() is used. Fixes OTS-328.
Fix OTS-329. N201 XML Parser demo throws error. All sensor, trafficlight, and sensor objects in XML files have to be globally unique in the network. N201v8.xml in the ots-parser-xml project test has been updated to make the names of Lane objects unique. Fixes OTS-329.
Fix OTS-330. Directions not interpreted correctly when parsing. This was caused by the fact that the DirectionUnit uses NORTH_RADIANS as the BASE, and EAST_RADIANS is -90 degrees rotated with respect to NORTH_RADIANS. Instead of using getSI() or .si for the direction, getInUnit() should be used in Fixes OTS-330.
Update Updated to DJUNITS version 3.00.01.

Release 0.14.00 – 2017-04-17

Type Changes By
Update OTS-269. Settable deletion of GTU's if in trouble. Fixes OTS-269.
Update OTS-265. BLOCK should have a cloneable class and should have animation capabilities. Fixes OTS-265.
Fix OTS-263. Fixed bug in detection of intersecting lines (shapes). Fixes OTS-263.
Fix OTS-273. XML parser parsed wrong value for use as Z-coordinate. Fixes OTS-273.
Add OTS-279. Added BusStop. Fixes OTS-279.
Add OTS-280. Added BusSchedule. Fixes OTS-280.
Update OTS-277. Removed LaneBlock. Fixes OTS-280.
Add OTS-295. PRIORITY added to LINK tag in xml parser. Fixes OTS-295.
Add OTS-299. Method projectedPosition was actually translatedPosition; method name fixed. Added new method projectedPosition. Fixes OTS-299.
Update OTS-297. DJUNITS version 2.01.03 used. Scalars in SI units with the exception of Money scalars can now be created with e.g., Length len = Length.createSI(5.0). Fixes OTS-297.
Update OTS-298. DJUNITS version 2.01.03 used. Constants NaN, POSITIVI_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POS_MAXVALUE and NEG_MAXVALUE have been added to scalars, with the exception of Money scalars. Fixes OTS-298.
Add OTS-278. Scheduled busses and bus stops. Fixes OTS-278.
Update OTS-316. Allow non default GTU colorers in visualization. Fixes OTS-316.
Update OTS-267. Researched parallelization of the gtu's move() method and provided options for synchronized update of the GTU's positions as well as position caching. Fixes OTS-267.
Update Updated to DJUNITS version 2.02.00 and DSOL version 3.01.05.

Release 0.13.04 – 2017-01-16

Type Changes By
Update OTS-156. Make conflicts GTUType dependent. Fixes OTS-156.
Fix OTS-246. Demo model XMLNetworks merge with LMRS throws error. Fixes OTS-156.
Update OTS-250. Interaction conflicts and traffic lights. Fixes OTS-250.
Fix OTS-251. Memory leak in simulation when GTUs leave the system. DefaultCarAnimation object changed. Fixes OTS-251.
Fix OTS-252. GTUs do not have a hashCode function Fixes OTS-252.
Fix OTS-253. Memory leak in infrastructure animation after cloning. Extra functions in OTSNetwork to clone and destroy networks. Fixes OTS-253.
Update OTS-254. ToggleAnimationButtons should be aligned to the left. Fixes OTS-254.
Update OTS-255. As a result of update OTS-253, the constructor of the OTSLink and CrossSectionLink have changed to include the simulator. Fixes OTS-255.
Update Default jog4j-2 configuration file added.
Update Updated to use DSOL version 3.01.03, which allows to override the Renderable2D.destroy() function.

Release 0.13.03 – 2017-01-05

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-244. OTSNetwork.shortestPath does not calculate shortest route when direction is BOTH. Fixes OTS-244.
Update OTS-245. Several methods of AbstractGTU and AbstractLaneBasedGTU should be declared non-final to allow extensions. Fixes OTS-245.

Release 0.13.02 – 2017-01-03

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-242. Repair of Bezier curve. Fixes OTS-242.
Update toString() methods added to several classes in ots-core.
Update Throw.when(...) added to constructor of
Update Unit tests added for several classes in ots-core.
Update Hierarchical GTUType class.

Release 0.13.01 – 2016-12-20

Type Changes By
Add OTS-235: Arc with variable radius. Fixes OTS-235.
Add OTS-236: Bezier SHAPE and control points limited to intersection of control lines. Fixes OTS-236.
Fix OTS-237: Clone of CrossSectionLink added CrossSectionElements twice. Fixes OTS-237.
Fix OTS-238: GTU should not immediately change lane on initialization with the DirectedLaneChange tactical planner. Fixes OTS-238.
Fix OTS-239: Time to not change lanes after a lane change with the DirectedLaneChange tactical planner should be settable. Fixes OTS-239.
Add OTS-240: The threshold distance for differences between initial locations of the GTU on different lanes should be settable. Fixes OTS-240.

Release 0.13.00 – 2016-12-11

Type Changes By
Add OTS-64: LMRS - Relaxation. Fixes OTS-64.
Add OTS-65: Level of lane change desire by other drivers. Fixes OTS-65.
Add OTS-66: Relaxation response to lane change in front. Fixes OTS-66.
Add OTS-200: Implement TrafCOD traffic controller. Fixes OTS-200.
Add OTS-214: TrafficLight implementation for car following + instantaneous lane change model. Fixes OTS-214.
Add OTS-215: TrafficLight implementation for LMRS. Fixes OTS-215.
Update OTS-218: Automatically register LaneBasedObject on their Lane. Fixes OTS-218.
Update OTS-219: Store the GTUs that trigger a Sensor in the Sensor and not in the Lane. Fixes OTS-219.
Add OTS-221: Bring back LaneBasedGTUFollowingDirectedChangeTacticalPlanner. Fixes OTS-221.
Fix OTS-222: Z-order drawing. Fixes OTS-222.
Fix OTS-223: Repair parsing for ARC. Fixes OTS-223.
Add OTS-224: Allow for selection of layers in animation. Fixes OTS-224.
Add OTS-225: Provide default zoom for animation, and fix zoomAll method. Fixes OTS-225.
Add OTS-226: Allow animation of ids for Node, Link, Lane, Sensor, TrafficLight, and GTU. Fixes OTS-226.
Update Moved ImmutableCollections to DSOL version 3.01.01.
Update Updated to use DSOL version 3.01.01.

Release 0.12.02 – 2016-11-20

Type Changes By
Update OTS-87 Implement mandatory incentives for LMRS. Fixes OTS-87.
Update OTS-88 Implement voluntary incentives for LMRS. Fixes OTS-88.
Update OTS-160 Categorize perception. Fixes OTS-160.
Update OTS-216 Added neg() function to djunits and updated djunits in ots to version 2.01.01. Fixes OTS-216.

Release 0.12.01 – 2016-11-07

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-213 Change SimpleWeightedGraph in OTSNetwork into SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph Fixes OTS-213.
Add OTS-214 TrafficLight implementation for car following + instantaneous lane change model Fixes OTS-214.
Add OTS-215 TrafficLight implementation for LMRS Fixes OTS-215.

Release 0.12.00 – 2016-11-02

Type Changes By
Add OTS-106 Traffic lights as separate objects that can be observed instead of a 'fake' GTU Fixes OTS-106.
Add OTS-181 Observable object hierarchy Fixes OTS-181.
Add OTS-174 Retrieve network saved with xstream for a new simulation Fixes OTS-171.
Update OTS-151 Simplify registration of GTU on lanes Fixes OTS-151.
Update OTS-209 DJUNITS Scalars should import Comparable individually Fixes OTS-209.
Add OTS-210 GTU to handle its own instantaneous lane change Fixes OTS-210.
Update OTS-211 GTU should be able to provide its reference position Fixes OTS-211.
Add Separate project 'ots' to act as the root instead of ots-base as ots-base now contains code

Release 0.11.00 – 2016-10-07

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-104 XML parser dependent on order of parsing Fixes OTS-104.
Fix OTS-115 Repair error with lane direction in parser while link direction not yet set Fixes OTS-115.
Add OTS-128 Add ROADCLASS definition in XML and as element under ROADTYPE Fixes OTS-128.
Add OTS-177 Make a list of changes based on JIRA sprints in POM file Fixes OTS-177.
Add OTS-179 OD Matrix class Fixes OTS-179.
Add OTS-180 IMB Callback for SimSmartMobility Fixes OTS-180.
Add OTS-173 Add events for adding/removing and for triggering of sensors Fixes OTS-173.
Add OTS-182 Links and Nodes should automatically be added to a Network Fixes OTS-182.
Update OTS-183 Simplify IMB connection in OTS demos Fixes OTS-183.
Add OTS-184 SimSmartMobility: SimulationTransceiver: add comments about payload Fixes OTS-184.
Add OTS-185 SimSmartMobility: IMB NetworkTransceiver Fixes OTS-185.
Add OTS-186 SimSmartMobility: IMB NodeTransceiver Fixes OTS-186.
Add OTS-187 SimSmartMobility: IMB LinkGTUTransceiver Fixes OTS-187.
Add OTS-188 SimSmartMobility: IMB LaneGTUTransceiver Fixes OTS-188.
Add OTS-189 SimSmartMobility: IMB GTUTransceiver conform SSM v1 standard Fixes OTS-189.
Add OTS-190 IMB SensorGTUTransceiver Fixes OTS-190.
Add OTS-192 XML parser has to be adapted to latest changes in the way a network is built Fixes OTS-192.
Add OTS-193 Sampling framework to calculate KPIs Fixes OTS-193.
Update OTS-194 ImmutableCollections have to be updated Fixes OTS-194.

Release 0.10.00 – 2016-08-28

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-84 Demo simulations don't check for sufficient headway. Fixes OTS-84.
Update OTS-148 Direction should not implement >, >=, <, <=. Fixes OTS-148.
Add OTS-150 min and max functions for djunit scalars. Fixes OTS-150.
Add OTS-154 getLength() in Headway. Fixes OTS-154.
Add OTS-155 Add split as merge type. Fixes OTS-155.
Add OTS-158 Method to add default values of parameters defined in given class. Fixes OTS-158.
Add OTS-159 Add first offramp info in perception. Fixes OTS-159.
Update OTS-161 Replace Velocity by Speed in all code. Fixes OTS-161.
Add OTS-163 Save network with xstream. Fixes OTS-163.
Add OTS-164 POLYLINE element for LINK in XML. Fixes OTS-164.
Update OTS-165 Tidy up XML definitions. Fixes OTS-165.
Add OTS-169 Split ots-road project: separate projects for the different parsers. Fixes OTS-169.
Update OTS-171 Create separate ots-imb project. Fixes OTS-171.
Add OTS-172 Pub/sub between GTU, Lane and Graphs. Fixes OTS-172.

Release 0.09.00 – 2016-05-27

Type Changes By
Add OTS-107 Unit test verifies equals(), hashCode(), toString(), Serializable. Fixes OTS-107.
Update OTS-111 DJUNITS names of Abs quantities. Fixes OTS-111.
Fix OTS-116 Animation objects not shown after toString() changes in OTS. Fixes OTS-116.
Update OTS-118 Change Velocity to Speed in GTU methods. Fixes OTS-118.
Add OTS-120 Create a getCenter() method in all GTUs. Fixes OTS-120.
Update OTS-123 Exception.throwIf() method to separate class. Fixes OTS-123.
Add OTS-131 Add class for speed limit types with static defaults and uniqueness. check Fixes OTS-131.
Add OTS-133 Add utility class for tactical planners for current active speed limit. types Fixes OTS-133.
Add OTS-134 Add interface for perception with common lane change and car-following. info Fixes OTS-134.
Fix OTS-135 Throw.when cannot throw Exceptions that can be internally thrown. Fixes OTS-135.
Update OTS-137 Immutable collection classes. Fixes OTS-137.
Update OTS-138 Implement GTUType as a Type. Fixes OTS-138.
Update OTS-139 LinkType and LaneType should become Types. Fixes OTS-139.

Release 0.08.00 – 2016-04-08

Type Changes By
Update OTS-17 Zoom whole network, zoom to home extent, toggle grid on/off. Fixes OTS-17.
Update OTS-50 Mouse-centered zoom in animation panel. Fixes OTS-50.
Fix OTS-55 Some demos don't check room for generated GTUs. Fixes OTS-55.
Add OTS-63 Display x and y coordinates on animation screen. Fixes OTS-63.
Fix OTS-89 Runtime error in dsol repaint. Fixes OTS-89.
Update OTS-90 Play and pause buttons should be merged. Fixes OTS-90.
Add OTS-101 Create list of driver characteristics. Fixes OTS-101.
Update OTS-102 New implementations of IDM and car-following interface. Fixes OTS-102.
Add OTS-103 Create a runUpToAndIncluding method for the dsol DEVSSimulator. Fixes OTS-103.
Update OTS-108 New implementation of headway algorithms. Fixes OTS-108.
Add OTS-109 Link new algorithms to RTI software for Nissan. Fixes OTS-109.

Release 0.07.00 – 2016-03-15

Type Changes By
Fix OTS-76 Circular road demo gives errors around simulation time 10 minutes. Fixes OTS-76.

Release 0.06.00 – 2016-01-27

No changes in this release.

Release 0.05.00 – 2015-12-20

Type Changes By
Add ots-core: Perception added. averbraeck
Add ots-core: OperationalPlan, TacticalPlanner, and StrategicalPlanner added. averbraeck
Add ots-core, ots-road: All GTUs are free ranging; Lane-based behavior is just a constraint. averbraeck