Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Open issues in the code 13 TODO, FIXME, XXX

Each tag is detailed below:

Open issues in the code

Number of occurrences found in the code: 13

org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.Sampler Line
fixed columns! 62
hashCode / equals 306
org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.SamplerData Line
extending list table requires us to know the columns beforehand, create a view asTable()? 42
Sampler used this to cut-off space if SpaceTimeRegion's did not cover complete lanes. Trajectories are however recorded over the complete length. 117
values can contain ","; use csv writer 203
set data from outside 401
local iterator over this.trajectories, trajectories per group, and length of each trajectory 435
gathering the extended and filter data types should be done here, these are within the trajectories, and upon file loading, this should be mimicked 437
org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.Trajectory Line
some trajectories have the first time stamp twice, with possibly different values for acceleration (and TTC) 47
do not allow empty trajectory Throw.when(this.size == 0, IllegalStateException.class, "Empty trajectory does not have a length."); 410
do not allow empty trajectory Throw.when(this.size == 0, IllegalStateException.class, "Empty trajectory does not have a duration."); 425
org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.indicator.TotalDelay Line
something better than a global reference speed defined at the indicator 25
use data points and limit speed per interval 49