package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.TimeStampedObject;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.behavioralcharacteristics.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.behavioralcharacteristics.ParameterTypes;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LaneStructureRecord;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.AbstractHeadwayGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.Headway;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayDistance;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGTUReal;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGTUSimple;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.LanePathInfo;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.Throw;

 * Perception of surrounding traffic on the own road, i.e. without crossing traffic.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * <p>
 * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Jul 22, 2016 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
 * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class NeighborsPerception extends LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory

    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;

    /** Set of followers per relative lane. */
    private final Map<RelativeLane, TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>>> followers = new HashMap<>();

    /** Set of leaders per relative lane. */
    private final Map<RelativeLane, TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>>> leaders = new HashMap<>();

    /** Set of first followers per lane upstream of merge per lateral direction, i.e. in the left or right lane. */
    private final Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>>> firstFollowers = new HashMap<>();

    /** Set of first leaders per lane downstream of split per lateral direction, i.e. in the left or right lane. */
    private final Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>>> firstLeaders = new HashMap<>();

    /** Whether a GTU is alongside per lateral direction, i.e. in the left or right lane. */
    private final Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<Boolean>> gtuAlongside = new HashMap<>();

     * @param perception perception
    public NeighborsPerception(final LanePerception perception)

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void updateAll() throws GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException
        updateLanePathInfo(); // TODO remove this line
        if (getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getLeft() != null)
        if (getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getRight() != null)
        for (RelativeLane lane : getPerception().getLaneStructure().getCrossSection())

     * Update set of leaders on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of a downstream split with no
     * intermediate GTU.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @throws NetworkException in case of a network exception
     * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final void updateFirstLeaders(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, GTUException, NetworkException
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = getFirstDownstreamGTUs(lat, RelativePosition.FRONT, RelativePosition.REAR);
        this.firstLeaders.put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(headwaySet, getTimestamp()));

     * Update set of followers on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of an upstream merge with no
     * intermediate GTU.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @throws NetworkException in case of a network exception
     * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final void updateFirstFollowers(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws GTUException, ParameterException, NetworkException
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = getFirstUpstreamGTUs(lat, RelativePosition.REAR, RelativePosition.FRONT);
        this.firstFollowers.put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(headwaySet, getTimestamp()));

     * Update whether there is a GTU alongside, i.e. with overlap, in an adjacent lane.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final void updateGtuAlongside(final LateralDirectionality lat) throws GTUException, ParameterException
        // check if any GTU is downstream of the rear, within the vehicle length
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = getFirstDownstreamGTUs(lat, RelativePosition.REAR, RelativePosition.FRONT);
        if (!headwaySet.isEmpty() && headwaySet.first().getDistance().le(getGtu().getLength()))
            this.gtuAlongside.put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(true, getTimestamp()));
        // check if any GTU is upstream of the front, within the vehicle length
        headwaySet = getFirstUpstreamGTUs(lat, RelativePosition.FRONT, RelativePosition.REAR);
        if (!headwaySet.isEmpty() && headwaySet.first().getDistance().le(getGtu().getLength()))
            this.gtuAlongside.put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(true, getTimestamp()));
        // no such GTU
        this.gtuAlongside.put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(false, getTimestamp()));


     * Returns a set of first leaders per branch, relative to given relative position. Helper method to find first leaders and
     * GTU's alongside.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @param egoRelativePosition position of GTU to start search from
     * @param otherRelativePosition position of other GTU
     * @return set of first leaders per branch
     * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
    private SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getFirstDownstreamGTUs(final LateralDirectionality lat,
            final RelativePosition.TYPE egoRelativePosition, final RelativePosition.TYPE otherRelativePosition)
            throws GTUException, ParameterException
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = new TreeSet<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> currentSet = new HashMap<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> nextSet = new HashMap<>();
        LaneStructureRecord record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getLaneLSR(new RelativeLane(lat, 1), getTimestamp());
        double fraction = getGtu().fractionalPosition(getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getLane(),
        Length pos = record.getLane().getLength().multiplyBy(fraction);
        currentSet.put(record, pos.multiplyBy(-1.0)); // by later adding lane length, we get distance to start of next lane
        // move downstream over branches as long as no vehicles are found
        while (!currentSet.isEmpty())
            Iterator<LaneStructureRecord> iterator = currentSet.keySet().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                record =;
                // we search downstream of "minus current distance to start of lane" (is pos in first loop)
                // in this way, GTU's are found who's rear is not on the lane of its reference point
                 *                                             _ _ _ ______________________ _ _ _
                 *                                                             _|___    |
                 * find any vehicle downstream of this point on lane A |      |__o__| A |
                 *                                             _ _ _ ___________|_______|__ _ _ _ 
                 *                                                     (--------) negative distance
                LaneBasedGTU down = record.getLane().getGtuAhead(currentSet.get(record).multiplyBy(-1.0), record.getDirection(),
                        otherRelativePosition, getTimestamp());
                if (down != null)
                    // GTU found, add to set
                    headwaySet.add(new HeadwayGTUReal(down,
                            currentSet.get(record).plus(down.position(record.getLane(), down.getRear()))));
                    // no GTU found, search on next lanes in next loop and maintain cumulative length
                    Length length = currentSet.get(record).plus(record.getLane().getLength());
                    for (LaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
                        nextSet.put(next, length);
            currentSet = nextSet;
            nextSet = new HashMap<>();
        return headwaySet;

     * Returns a set of first followers per branch, relative to given relative position. Helper method to find first followers
     * and GTU's alongside.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @param egoRelativePosition position of GTU to start search from
     * @param otherRelativePosition position of other GTU
     * @return set of first followers per branch
     * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
    private SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getFirstUpstreamGTUs(final LateralDirectionality lat,
            final RelativePosition.TYPE egoRelativePosition, final RelativePosition.TYPE otherRelativePosition)
            throws GTUException, ParameterException
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = new TreeSet<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> currentSet = new HashMap<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> prevSet = new HashMap<>();
        LaneStructureRecord record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getLaneLSR(new RelativeLane(lat, 1), getTimestamp());
        double fraction = getGtu().fractionalPosition(getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getLane(),
        Length pos = record.getLane().getLength().multiplyBy(fraction);
        currentSet.put(record, pos.minus(record.getLane().getLength())); // adding lane length gets distance to prev's lane end
        // move upstream over branches as long as no vehicles are found
        while (!currentSet.isEmpty())
            Iterator<LaneStructureRecord> iterator = currentSet.keySet().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                record =;
                // we search upstream of "distance to end of lane + lane length" (is pos in first loop)
                // in this way, GTU's are found who's front is not on the lane of its reference point
                 * _ _ _ ______________________ _ _ _ 
                 *         |    ___|_   
                 *         | A |__o__|      | find any upstream of this point on lane A
                 * _ _ _ __|_______|___________ _ _ _ 
                 *         (----------------) distance
                LaneBasedGTU up = record.getLane().getGtuBehind(currentSet.get(record).plus(record.getLane().getLength()),
                        record.getDirection(), otherRelativePosition, getTimestamp());
                if (up != null)
                    // GTU found, add to set
                    Length distFromEnd = record.getLane().getLength().minus(up.position(record.getLane(), up.getFront()));
                    headwaySet.add(new HeadwayGTUReal(up, currentSet.get(record).plus(distFromEnd)));
                    // no GTU found, search on next lanes in next loop and maintain cumulative length
                    Length length = currentSet.get(record).plus(record.getLane().getLength());
                    for (LaneStructureRecord prev : record.getPrev())
                        prevSet.put(prev, length);
            currentSet = prevSet;
            prevSet = new HashMap<>();
        return headwaySet;

     * Update set of leaders on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's FRONT is ahead of the own vehicle FRONT.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @throws NetworkException in case of a network exception
     * @throws GTUException if the GRU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
    public final void updateLeaders(final RelativeLane lane) throws ParameterException, GTUException, NetworkException
        Throw.whenNull(lane, "Lane may not be null.");
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = new TreeSet<>();
        Set<LaneStructureRecord> currentSet = new HashSet<>();
        Set<LaneStructureRecord> nextSet = new HashSet<>();
        LaneStructureRecord initRecord = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getLaneLSR(lane, getTimestamp());
        Length lookahead = getGtu().getBehavioralCharacteristics().getParameter(ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD);
        Length dx = getGtu().getFront().getDx().minus(getGtu().getReference().getDx());
        // move downstream over branches
        while (!currentSet.isEmpty())
            for (LaneStructureRecord record : currentSet)
                int first;
                LaneBasedGTU down = record.getLane().getGtuAhead(record.getStartDistance().multiplyBy(-1.0),
                        record.getDirection(), RelativePosition.FRONT, getTimestamp());
                if (down == null)
                    first = record.getLane().getGtuList().size(); // none
                    first = record.getLane().getGtuList().indexOf(down); // from first downstream till last
                // loop GTU's and create HeadwayGTU's
                for (int i = first; i < record.getLane().getGtuList().size(); i++)
                    LaneBasedGTU gtu = record.getLane().getGtuList().get(i);
                    Length distance = record.getStartDistance().plus(gtu.position(record.getLane(), gtu.getRear())).minus(dx);
                    // only within lookahead
                    if (distance.le(lookahead) && !gtu.equals(getGtu()))
                        headwaySet.add(new HeadwayGTUReal(gtu, distance));
                // add next lanes
                for (LaneStructureRecord next : record.getNext())
                // TODO break search, but how to guarantee that the rear of further GTU's is not within lookahead?
            currentSet = nextSet;
            nextSet = new HashSet<>();
        this.leaders.put(lane, new TimeStampedObject<>(headwaySet, getTimestamp()));


     * Update set of followers on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's REAR is back of the own vehicle REAR.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @throws NetworkException in case of a network exception
     * @throws GTUException if the GRU was not initialized
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter was not present or out of bounds
    public final void updateFollowers(final RelativeLane lane) throws GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException
        Throw.whenNull(lane, "Lane may not be null.");
        SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> headwaySet = new TreeSet<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> currentSet = new HashMap<>();
        Map<LaneStructureRecord, Length> prevSet = new HashMap<>();
        LaneStructureRecord initRecord = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getLaneLSR(lane, getTimestamp());
        double fraction =
                getGtu().fractionalPosition(getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getLane(), getGtu().getRear());
        Length pos = initRecord.getLane().getLength().multiplyBy(fraction);
        currentSet.put(initRecord, pos.minus(initRecord.getLane().getLength())); // add lane len. gets dist. to prev's lane end
        Length lookback = getGtu().getBehavioralCharacteristics().getParameter(ParameterTypes.LOOKBACK);
        // move upstream over branches
        while (!currentSet.isEmpty())
            Iterator<LaneStructureRecord> iterator = currentSet.keySet().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                LaneStructureRecord record =;
                int first;
                LaneBasedGTU up = record.getLane().getGtuBehind(currentSet.get(record).plus(record.getLane().getLength()),
                        record.getDirection(), RelativePosition.REAR, getTimestamp());
                if (up == null)
                    first = -1; // none
                    first = record.getLane().getGtuList().indexOf(up); // from first upstream till last
                // loop GTU's and create HeadwayGTU's
                for (int i = first; i >= 0; i--)
                    LaneBasedGTU gtu = record.getLane().getGtuList().get(i);
                    Length distance = currentSet.get(record)
                            .plus(record.getLane().getLength().minus(gtu.position(record.getLane(), gtu.getFront())));
                    // only within lookback
                    if (distance.le(lookback))
                        headwaySet.add(new HeadwayGTUReal(gtu, distance));
                // add prev lanes
                Length length = currentSet.get(record).plus(record.getLane().getLength());
                for (LaneStructureRecord prev : record.getPrev())
                    prevSet.put(prev, length);
                // TODO break search, but how to guarantee that the front of further GTU's is not within lookback?
            currentSet = prevSet;
            prevSet = new HashMap<>();
        this.followers.put(lane, new TimeStampedObject<>(headwaySet, getTimestamp()));


     * Set of leaders on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of a downstream split with no intermediate
     * GTU. This is shown below. Suppose A needs to go straight. If A considers a lane change to the left, both GTUs B (who's
     * tail ~ is still on the straight lane) and C need to be considered for whether it's safe to do so. In case of multiple
     * splits close to one another, the returned set may contain even more than 2 leaders. Leaders are sorted by headway value.
     * <pre>
     *          | |
     * _________/B/_____
     * _ _?_ _ _~_ _C_ _
     * _ _A_ _ _ _ _ _ _
     * _________________
     * </pre>
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return list of followers on a lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getFirstLeaders(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.firstLeaders.get(lat).getObject();

     * Set of followers on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of an upstream merge with no intermediate
     * GTU. This is shown below. If A considers a lane change to the left, both GTUs B and C need to be considered for whether
     * it's safe to do so. In case of multiple merges close to one another, the returned set may contain even more than 2
     * followers. Followers are sorted by tailway value.
     * <pre>
     *        | |
     *        |C| 
     * ________\ \______
     * _ _B_|_ _ _ _ _?_
     * _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _A_ 
     * _____|___________
     * </pre>
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return list of followers on a lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getFirstFollowers(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.firstFollowers.get(lat).getObject();

     * Whether there is a GTU alongside, i.e. with overlap, in an adjacent lane.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return whether there is a GTU alongside, i.e. with overlap, in an adjacent lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final boolean isGtuAlongside(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.gtuAlongside.get(lat).getObject();

     * Set of leaders on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's FRONT is ahead of the own vehicle FRONT. Leaders are sorted by
     * headway value.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @return set of leaders on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's FRONT is ahead of the own vehicle FRONT
    public final SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getLeaders(final RelativeLane lane)
        return this.leaders.get(lane).getObject();

     * Set of followers on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's REAR is back of the own vehicle REAR. Follower are are sorted
     * by tailway value.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @return set of followers on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's REAR is back of the own vehicle REAR
    public final SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU> getFollowers(final RelativeLane lane)
        return this.followers.get(lane).getObject();

     * Set of leaders on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of a downstream split with no intermediate
     * GTU. This is shown below. Suppose A needs to go straight. If A considers a lane change to the left, both GTUs B (who's
     * tail ~ is still on the straight lane) and C need to be considered for whether it's safe to do so. In case of multiple
     * splits close to one another, the returned set may contain even more than 2 leaders. Leaders are sorted by headway value.
     * <pre>
     *          | |
     * _________/B/_____
     * _ _?_ _ _~_ _C_ _
     * _ _A_ _ _ _ _ _ _
     * _________________
     * </pre>
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return list of followers on a lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>> getTimeStampedFirstLeaders(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.firstLeaders.get(lat);

     * Set of followers on a lane, which is usually 0 or 1, but possibly more in case of an upstream merge with no intermediate
     * GTU. This is shown below. If A considers a lane change to the left, both GTUs B and C need to be considered for whether
     * it's safe to do so. In case of multiple merges close to one another, the returned set may contain even more than 2
     * followers. Followers are sorted by tailway value.
     * <pre>
     *        | |
     *        |C| 
     * ________\ \______
     * _ _B_|_ _ _ _ _?_
     * _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _A_ 
     * _____|___________
     * </pre>
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return list of followers on a lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>> getTimeStampedFirstFollowers(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.firstFollowers.get(lat);

     * Whether there is a GTU alongside, i.e. with overlap, in an adjacent lane.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @return whether there is a GTU alongside, i.e. with overlap, in an adjacent lane
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    public final TimeStampedObject<Boolean> isGtuAlongsideTimeStamped(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        return this.gtuAlongside.get(lat);

     * Set of leaders on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's FRONT is ahead of the own vehicle FRONT. Leaders are sorted by
     * headway value.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @return set of leaders on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's FRONT is ahead of the own vehicle FRONT
    public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>> getTimeStampedLeaders(final RelativeLane lane)
        return this.leaders.get(lane);

     * Set of followers on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's REAR is back of the own vehicle REAR. Follower are are sorted
     * by tailway value.
     * @param lane relative lateral lane
     * @return set of followers on a lane, including adjacent GTU's who's REAR is back of the own vehicle REAR
    public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<AbstractHeadwayGTU>> getTimeStampedFollowers(final RelativeLane lane)
        return this.followers.get(lane);

     * Checks that lateral directionality is either left or right and an existing lane.
     * @param lat LEFT or RIGHT
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat} is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code lat} is {@code NONE}
    private void checkLateralDirectionality(final LateralDirectionality lat)
            throws ParameterException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
        Throw.whenNull(lat, "Lateral directionality may not be null.");
        Throw.when(lat.equals(LateralDirectionality.NONE), IllegalArgumentException.class,
                "Lateral directionality may not be NONE.");
                (lat.equals(LateralDirectionality.LEFT) && getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getLeft() == null)
                        || (lat.equals(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT)
                                && getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootLSR().getRight() == null),
                IllegalArgumentException.class, "Lateral directionality may only point to an existing adjacent lane.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final String toString()
        return "NeighborsCategory";

    // TODO remove code below
    /****** The code below has been copied from DefaultAlexander and should only be used by a first dummy implementation ******/

    /** The lanes and path we expect to take if we do not change lanes. */
    private TimeStampedObject<LanePathInfo> lanePathInfo;

     * @throws GTUException when the GTU was not initialized yet.
     * @throws NetworkException when the speed limit for a GTU type cannot be retrieved from the network.
     * @throws ParameterException in case of not being able to retrieve parameter ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD
    public final void updateLanePathInfo() throws GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException
        Time timestamp = getTimestamp();
        this.lanePathInfo = new TimeStampedObject<>(AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner.buildLanePathInfo(getGtu(),
                getGtu().getBehavioralCharacteristics().getParameter(ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD)), timestamp);

     * Retrieve the last perceived lane path info.
     * @return LanePathInfo
    public final LanePathInfo getLanePathInfo()
        return this.lanePathInfo.getObject();

     * Retrieve the time stamped last perceived lane path info.
     * @return LanePathInfo
    public final TimeStampedObject<LanePathInfo> getTimeStampedLanePathInfo()
        return this.lanePathInfo;

     * Determine which GTU is in front of this GTU. This method looks in all lanes where this GTU is registered, and not further
     * than the value of the given maxDistance. The minimum headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is registered. When
     * no GTU is found within the given maxDistance, a HeadwayGTU with <b>null</b> as the gtuId and maxDistance as the distance
     * is returned. The search will extend into successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the
     * lane. When Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) diverge, a route planner may be used to determine which kinks and
     * lanes to take into account and which ones not. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel"
     * traffic is not taken into account in the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent
     * should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a front-to-back basis.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; positive values search forwards; negative values
     *            search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway forwardHeadway(final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        LanePathInfo lpi = getLanePathInfo();
        return forwardHeadway(lpi, maxDistance);

     * Determine which GTU is in front of this GTU. This method uses a given lanePathInfo to look forward, but not further than
     * the value of the given maxDistance. The minimum headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is registered. When no GTU
     * is found within the given maxDistance, a HeadwayGTU with <b>null</b> as the gtuId and maxDistance as the distance is
     * returned. The search will extend into successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the
     * lane. When Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) diverge, a route planner may be used to determine which kinks and
     * lanes to take into account and which ones not. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel"
     * traffic is not taken into account in the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent
     * should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a front-to-back basis.
     * @param lpi the lanePathInfo object that informs the headway algorithm in which lanes to look, and from which position on
     *            the first lane.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; positive values search forwards; negative values
     *            search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway forwardHeadway(final LanePathInfo lpi, final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        Throw.when(maxDistance.le(Length.ZERO), GTUException.class, "forwardHeadway: maxDistance should be positive");

        int ldIndex = 0;
        LaneDirection ld = lpi.getReferenceLaneDirection();
        double gtuPosFrontSI = lpi.getReferencePosition().si;
        if (lpi.getReferenceLaneDirection().getDirection().isPlus())
            gtuPosFrontSI += getGtu().getFront().getDx().si;
            gtuPosFrontSI -= getGtu().getFront().getDx().si;

        while ((gtuPosFrontSI > ld.getLane().getLength().si || gtuPosFrontSI < 0.0)
                && ldIndex < lpi.getLaneDirectionList().size() - 1)
            if (ld.getDirection().isPlus()) // e.g. 1005 on length of lane = 1000
                if (lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getDirection().isPlus())
                    gtuPosFrontSI -= ld.getLane().getLength().si;
                    gtuPosFrontSI = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getLane().getLength().si - gtuPosFrontSI;
                ld = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex);
            // e.g. -5 on lane of whatever length
                if (lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getDirection().isPlus())
                    gtuPosFrontSI += ld.getLane().getLength().si;
                    gtuPosFrontSI += lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getLane().getLength().si;
                ld = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex);

        Time time = getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().getTime();

        // look forward based on the provided lanePathInfo.
        return headwayLane(ld, gtuPosFrontSI, 0.0, time);


     * Determine the positive headway on a lane, or null if no GTU can be found on this lane.
     * @param laneDirection the lane and direction to look
     * @param startPosSI the start position to look from in meters
     * @param cumDistSI the cumulative distance that has already been observed on other lanes
     * @param now the current time to determine the GTU positions on the lane
     * @return the HeadwayGTU, containing information on a GTU that is ahead of the given start position, or null if no GTU can
     *         be found on this lane
     * @throws GTUException when the GTUs ahead on the lane cannot be determined
    private Headway headwayLane(final LaneDirection laneDirection, final double startPosSI, final double cumDistSI,
            final Time now) throws GTUException
        Lane lane = laneDirection.getLane();
        LaneBasedGTU laneBasedGTU = lane.getGtuAhead(new Length(startPosSI, LengthUnit.SI), laneDirection.getDirection(),
                RelativePosition.REAR, now);
        if (laneBasedGTU == null)
            return null;
        double distanceSI = Math.abs(laneBasedGTU.position(lane, laneBasedGTU.getRear()).si - startPosSI);
        return new HeadwayGTUSimple(laneBasedGTU.getId(), laneBasedGTU.getGTUType(),
                new Length(cumDistSI + distanceSI, LengthUnit.SI), laneBasedGTU.getLength(), laneBasedGTU.getSpeed(),

     * Determine which GTU is behind this GTU. This method looks in all lanes where this GTU is registered, and not further back
     * than the absolute value of the given maxDistance. The minimum net headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is
     * registered. When no GTU is found within the given maxDistance, <b>null</b> is returned. The search will extend into
     * successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the lane. When Lanes (or underlying
     * CrossSectionLinks) diverge, the headway algorithms have to look at multiple Lanes and return the minimum headway in each
     * of the Lanes. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel" traffic is not taken into account in
     * the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a back-to-front basis.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; it should have a negative value to search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway backwardHeadway(final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        Throw.when(, GTUException.class, "backwardHeadway: maxDistance should be negative");
        Time time = getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().getTime();
        double maxDistanceSI =;
        Headway foundHeadway = new HeadwayDistance(-maxDistanceSI);
        for (Lane lane : getGtu().positions(getGtu().getRear()).keySet())
            Headway closest = headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(lane, getGtu().getDirection(lane),
                    getGtu().position(lane, getGtu().getRear(), time).getSI(), 0.0, -maxDistanceSI, time);
            if (closest.getDistance().si < -maxDistanceSI && closest.getDistance().si < -foundHeadway.getDistance().si)
                foundHeadway = closest;
        if (foundHeadway instanceof AbstractHeadwayGTU)
            return new HeadwayGTUSimple(foundHeadway.getId(), ((AbstractHeadwayGTU) foundHeadway).getGtuType(),
                    foundHeadway.getDistance().multiplyBy(-1.0), foundHeadway.getLength(), foundHeadway.getSpeed(), null);
        return null;

     * Calculate the minimum headway, possibly on subsequent lanes, in backward direction (so between our back, and the other
     * GTU's front). Note: this method returns a POSITIVE number.
     * @param lane the lane where we are looking right now
     * @param direction the direction we are driving on that lane
     * @param lanePositionSI from which position on this lane do we start measuring? This is the current position of the rear of
     *            the GTU when we measure in the lane where the original GTU is positioned, and lane.getLength() for each
     *            subsequent lane.
     * @param cumDistanceSI the distance we have already covered searching on previous lanes. Note: This is a POSITIVE number.
     * @param maxDistanceSI the maximum distance to look for in SI units; stays the same in subsequent calls. Note: this is a
     *            POSITIVE number.
     * @param when the current or future time for which to calculate the headway
     * @return the headway in SI units when we have found the GTU, or a null GTU with a distance of Double.MAX_VALUE meters when
     *         no other GTU could not be found within maxDistanceSI meters
     * @throws GTUException when there is a problem with the geometry of the network
    private Headway headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(final Lane lane, final GTUDirectionality direction, final double lanePositionSI,
            final double cumDistanceSI, final double maxDistanceSI, final Time when) throws GTUException
        LaneBasedGTU otherGTU =
                lane.getGtuBehind(new Length(lanePositionSI, LengthUnit.SI), direction, RelativePosition.FRONT, when);
        if (otherGTU != null)
            double distanceM = cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI - otherGTU.position(lane, otherGTU.getFront(), when).getSI();
            if (distanceM > 0 && distanceM <= maxDistanceSI)
                return new HeadwayGTUSimple(otherGTU.getId(), otherGTU.getGTUType(), new Length(distanceM, LengthUnit.SI),
                        otherGTU.getLength(), otherGTU.getSpeed(), null);
            return new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);

        // Continue search on predecessor lanes.
        if (cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI < maxDistanceSI)
            // is there a predecessor link?
            if (lane.prevLanes(getGtu().getGTUType()).size() > 0)
                Headway foundMaxGTUDistanceSI = new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);
                for (Lane prevLane : lane.prevLanes(getGtu().getGTUType()).keySet())
                    // What is behind us is INDEPENDENT of the followed route!
                    double traveledDistanceSI = cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI;
                    // WRONG - adapt method to forward perception method!
                    Headway closest = headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(prevLane, direction, prevLane.getLength().getSI(),
                            traveledDistanceSI, maxDistanceSI, when);
                    if (closest.getDistance().si < maxDistanceSI
                            && closest.getDistance().si < foundMaxGTUDistanceSI.getDistance().si)
                        foundMaxGTUDistanceSI = closest;
                return foundMaxGTUDistanceSI;

        // No other GTU was not on one of the current lanes or their successors.
        return new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);
