package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.Throw;

 * This data structure can clearly indicate the lane structure ahead of us, e.g. in the following situation:
 * <pre>
 *     (---- a ----)(---- b ----)(---- c ----)(---- d ----)(---- e ----)(---- f ----)(---- g ----)  
 *                                             __________                             __________
 *                                            / _________ 1                          / _________ 2
 *                                           / /                                    / /
 *                                __________/ /             _______________________/ /
 *  1  ____________ ____________ /_ _ _ _ _ _/____________ /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /      
 *  0 |_ _X_ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ \____________
 * -1 |____________|_ _ _ _ _ _ |____________|____________|  __________|____________|____________| 3
 * -2              / __________/                           \ \  
 *        ________/ /                                       \ \___________  
 *      5 _________/                                         \____________  4
 * </pre>
 * When the GTU is looking ahead, it needs to know that when it continues to destination 3, it needs to shift one lane to the
 * right at some point, but <b>not</b> two lanes to the right in link b, and not later than at the end of link f. When it needs
 * to go to destination 1, it needs to shift to the left in link c. When it has to go to destination 2, it has to shift to the
 * left, but not earlier than at link e. At node [de], it is possible to leave the rightmost lane of link e, and go to
 * destination 4. The rightmost lane just splits into two lanes at the end of link d, and the GTU can either continue driving to
 * destination 3, turn right to destination 4. This means that the right lane of link d has <b>two</b> successor lanes.
 * <p>
 * In the data structures, lanes are numbered laterally. Suppose that the lane where vehicle X resides would be number 0.
 * Consistent with "left is positive" for angles, the lane right of X would have number -1, and entry 5 would have number -2.
 * <p>
 * In the data structure, this can be indicated as follows (N = next, P = previous, L = left, R = right, D = lane drop, . =
 * continued but not in this structure). The merge lane in b is considered "off limits" for the GTUs on the "main" lane -1; the
 * "main" lane 0 is considered off limits from the exit lanes on c, e, and f. Still, we need to maintain pointers to these
 * lanes, as we are interested in the GTUs potentially driving next to us, feeding into our lane, etc.
 * <pre>
 *       1                0               -1               -2
 *                       ROOT 
 *                   _____|_____      ___________      ___________            
 *                  |_-_|_._|_R_|----|_L_|_._|_-_|    |_-_|_._|_-_|  a           
 *                        |                |                |
 *                   _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
 *                  |_-_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_D_|_-_|  b           
 *                        |                |                 
 *  ___________      _____V_____      _____V_____                 
 * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|                   c
 *       |                |                |                 
 *  _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____                 
 * |_-_|_._|_-_|    |_-_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_NN|_-_|                   d          
 *                        |                ||_______________ 
 *  ___________      _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
 * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_N_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|    |_-_|_N_|_-_|  e          
 *       |                |                |                |
 *  _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____      _____V_____            
 * |_-_|_N_|_R_|&lt;---|_L_|_D_|_R_|----|_L_|_N_|_-_|    |_-_|_._|_-_|  f          
 *       |                                 |                 
 *  _____V_____                       _____V_____                             
 * |_-_|_._|_-_|                     |_-_|_._|_-_|                   g
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * </p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
 * initial version Feb 20, 2016 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
public class LaneStructure implements EnvironmentState, Serializable
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160400L;

    /** The lanes from which we observe the situation. */
    private LaneStructureRecord rootLSR;
    /** Look ahead distance. */
    private Length lookAhead;
    /** Lane structure records of the cross section. */
    private TreeMap<RelativeLane, LaneStructureRecord> crossSectionRecords = new TreeMap<>();

//    /** Time of last cross section update. */
//    private Time crossSectionUpdateTime;
    /** Lane structure records grouped per relative lane. */
    private final Map<RelativeLane, Set<LaneStructureRecord>> relativeLaneMap = new HashMap<>(); 

     * @param rootLSR the root record.
     * @param lookAhead look ahead distance
    public LaneStructure(final LaneStructureRecord rootLSR, final Length lookAhead)
        this.rootLSR = rootLSR;
        this.lookAhead = lookAhead;
     * @return rootLSR
    public final LaneStructureRecord getRootLSR()
        return this.rootLSR;

     * Returns the cross section.
     * @return cross section
    public final SortedSet<RelativeLane> getCrossSection()
        return this.crossSectionRecords.navigableKeySet();
//    /**
//     * @param now current time to check if the cross section needs to be updated
//     */
//    private void updateCrossSection(final Time now)
//    {
//        if (this.crossSectionRecords == null ||
//        {
//            this.crossSectionRecords = new TreeMap<>();
//            // current lane
//            this.crossSectionRecords.put(RelativeLane.CURRENT, getRootLSR());
//            // left
//            LaneStructureRecord lane = getRootLSR();
//            int left = 1;
//            while (lane.getLeft() != null)
//            {
//                RelativeLane relLane = new RelativeLane(LateralDirectionality.LEFT, left);
//                this.crossSectionRecords.put(relLane, lane.getLeft());
//                left++;
//                lane = lane.getLeft();
//            }
//            addFirstMergeToCrossSection(lane, LateralDirectionality.LEFT, left);
//            // right
//            lane = getRootLSR();
//            int right = 1;
//            while (lane.getRight() != null)
//            {
//                RelativeLane relLane = new RelativeLane(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, right);
//                this.crossSectionRecords.put(relLane, lane.getRight());
//                right++;
//                lane = lane.getRight();
//            }
//            addFirstMergeToCrossSection(lane, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, right);
//        }
//    }
//    /**
//     * Adds a single lane of the other link to the current cross section at a merge.
//     * @param farMost record on far-most left or right side of current link
//     * @param dir direction to search in, left or right
//     * @param n number of lanes in left or right direction that the next lane will be
//     */
//    private void
//        addFirstMergeToCrossSection(final LaneStructureRecord farMost, final LateralDirectionality dir, final int n)
//    {
//        Length cumulLengthDown = farMost.getLane().getLength();
//        LaneStructureRecord next = getNextOnSide(farMost, dir);
//        LaneStructureRecord mergeRecord = null; // first downstream record past merge
//        while (next != null)
//        {
//            if (next.isLinkMerge())
//            {
//                mergeRecord = next;
//                next = null;
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                cumulLengthDown =;
//                next = getNextOnSide(next, dir);
//            }
//        }
//        if (mergeRecord != null)
//        {
//            LaneStructureRecord adjacentRecord =
//                dir.equals(LateralDirectionality.LEFT) ? mergeRecord.getLeft() : mergeRecord.getRight();
//            if (adjacentRecord == null)
//            {
//                // merge is on other side, add nothing
//                return;
//            }
//            adjacentRecord = getPrevOnSide(adjacentRecord, dir);
//            Length cumulLengthUp = Length.ZERO;
//            while (adjacentRecord != null)
//            {
//                cumulLengthUp =;
//                if (
//                {
//                    RelativeLane relLane = new RelativeLane(dir, n);
//                    this.crossSectionRecords.put(relLane, adjacentRecord);
//                    return;
//                }
//                adjacentRecord = getPrevOnSide(adjacentRecord, dir);
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    /**
//     * Returns the correct next record for searching the next merge.
//     * @param lane current lane record
//     * @param dir direction of search
//     * @return correct next record for searching the next merge
//     */
//    private LaneStructureRecord getNextOnSide(final LaneStructureRecord lane, final LateralDirectionality dir)
//    {
//        if (lane.getNext().size() == 1)
//        {
//            return lane.getNext().get(0);
//        }
//        for (LaneStructureRecord next : lane.getNext())
//        {
//            if ((dir.equals(LateralDirectionality.LEFT) && next.getLeft() == null)
//                || (dir.equals(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT) && next.getRight() == null))
//            {
//                return next;
//            }
//        }
//        return null;
//    }
//    /**
//     * Returns the correct previous record for searching upstream from the next merge.
//     * @param lane current lane record
//     * @param dir direction of search
//     * @return correct previous record for searching upstream from the next merge
//     */
//    private LaneStructureRecord getPrevOnSide(final LaneStructureRecord lane, final LateralDirectionality dir)
//    {
//        if (lane.getPrev().size() == 1)
//        {
//            return lane.getPrev().get(0);
//        }
//        for (LaneStructureRecord prev : lane.getPrev())
//        {
//            // note: looking left from current link, requires looking right from left adjacent link at merge
//            if ((dir.equals(LateralDirectionality.LEFT) && prev.getRight() == null)
//                || (dir.equals(LateralDirectionality.RIGHT) && prev.getLeft() == null))
//            {
//                return prev;
//            }
//        }
//        return null;
//    }
     * @param lane lane to check
     * @param now current time to check if the cross section needs to be updated
     * @return record at given lane
     * @throws GTUException if the lane is not in the cross section
    public final LaneStructureRecord getLaneLSR(final RelativeLane lane, final Time now)  throws GTUException
        Throw.when(!this.crossSectionRecords.containsKey(lane), GTUException.class,
            "The requested lane %s is not in the most recent cross section.", lane);
        return this.crossSectionRecords.get(lane);
     * Removes all mappings to relative lanes that are not in the most recent cross section.
     * @param map map to clear mappings from
    public final void removeInvalidMappings(final Map<RelativeLane, ?> map)
        Iterator<RelativeLane> iterator = map.keySet().iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            RelativeLane lane =;
            if (!this.crossSectionRecords.containsKey(lane))

     * Adds a lane structure record in a mapping from relative lanes.
     * @param lsr lane structure record
     * @param relativeLane relative lane
    public final void addLaneStructureRecord(final LaneStructureRecord lsr, final RelativeLane relativeLane)
        if (!this.relativeLaneMap.containsKey(relativeLane))
            this.relativeLaneMap.put(relativeLane, new HashSet<>());
        if (lsr.getStartDistance().le(Length.ZERO) && lsr.getStartDistance().plus(lsr.getLane().getLength()).ge(Length.ZERO))
            this.crossSectionRecords.put(relativeLane, lsr);
     * {@inheritDoc} 
     * Returns objects over a maximum length of the look ahead distance downstream, or as far as the lane map goes. Upstream,
     * only the map limits included objects.
    public final <T extends LaneBasedObject> TreeMap<Length, Set<T>> getSortedObjects(final ViewingDirection viewingDirection,
            final RelativeLane relativeLane, final Class<T> clazz)
        // TODO
        return new TreeMap<>();
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final String toString()
        return "LaneStructure [rootLSR=" + this.rootLSR + "]";