package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.plan.operational;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit;
import org.djunits.value.ValueException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSLine3D;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.math.Solver;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.AbstractLaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.Throw;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;

 * Builder for several often used operational plans, based on a list of lanes. E.g., decelerate to come to a full stop at the
 * end of a shape; accelerate to reach a certain speed at the end of a curve; drive constant on a curve; decelerate or
 * accelerate to reach a given end speed at the end of a curve, etc.<br>
 * TODO driving with negative speeds (backward driving) is not yet supported.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * </p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
 * initial version Nov 15, 2015 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class LaneOperationalPlanBuilder
    /** Maximum acceleration for unbounded accelerations: 1E12 m/s2. */
    private static final Acceleration MAX_ACCELERATION = new Acceleration(1E12, AccelerationUnit.SI);

    /** Maximum deceleration for unbounded accelerations: -1E12 m/s2. */
    private static final Acceleration MAX_DECELERATION = new Acceleration(-1E12, AccelerationUnit.SI);

    /** Private constructor. */
    private LaneOperationalPlanBuilder()
        // class should not be instantiated

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed, exactly at the end of the curve.
     * The acceleration (and deceleration) are capped by maxAcceleration and maxDeceleration. Therefore, there is no guarantee
     * that the end speed is actually reached by this plan.
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param distance distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed the required end speed
     * @param maxAcceleration the maximum acceleration that can be applied, provided as a POSITIVE number
     * @param maxDeceleration the maximum deceleration that can be applied, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the plan cannot be generated, e.g. because of a path that is too short
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the length of the path and the calculated driven distance implied by the
     *             constructed segment list differ more than a given threshold
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePosition is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildGradualAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> lanes,
            final Length firstLanePosition, final Length distance, final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed,
            final Speed endSpeed, final Acceleration maxAcceleration, final Acceleration maxDeceleration)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        OTSLine3D path = makePath(lanes, firstLanePosition, distance);
        OperationalPlan.Segment segment;
        if (startSpeed.eq(endSpeed))
            segment = new SpeedSegment(distance.divideBy(startSpeed));
                // t = 2x / (vt + v0); a = (vt - v0) / t
                Duration duration = distance.multiplyBy(2.0).divideBy(;
                Acceleration acceleration = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divideBy(duration);
                if ( < 0.0 &&
                    acceleration = maxDeceleration;
                    duration = new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                if ( > 0.0 &&
                    acceleration = maxAcceleration;
                    duration = new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                segment = new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, acceleration);
            catch (ValueException ve)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(ve);
        ArrayList<OperationalPlan.Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, lanes);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed, exactly at the end of the curve.
     * The acceleration (and deceleration) are capped by maxAcceleration and maxDeceleration. Therefore, there is no guarantee
     * that the end speed is actually reached by this plan.
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param distance distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @return the driving path as a line
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the length of the lanes is less than the distance when we start at the
     *             firstLanePosition on the first lane, or when the lanes list contains no elements
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePosition is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static OTSLine3D makePath(final List<Lane> lanes, final Length firstLanePosition, final Length distance)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        if (lanes.size() == 0)
            throw new OperationalPlanException("LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.makePath got a lanes list with size = 0");
        OTSLine3D path = lanes.get(0).getCenterLine().extract(firstLanePosition, lanes.get(0).getLength());
        for (int i = 1; i < lanes.size(); i++)
            path = OTSLine3D.concatenate(0.15, path, lanes.get(i).getCenterLine());
        return path.extract(0.0,;

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to reach a provided end speed, exactly at the end of the curve.
     * Acceleration and deceleration are virtually unbounded (1E12 m/s2) to reach the end speed (e.g., to come to a complete
     * stop).
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param distance distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed the required end speed
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the length of the path and the calculated driven distance implied by the
     *             constructed segment list differ more than a given threshold
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildGradualAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> lanes,
            final Length firstLanePosition, final Length distance, final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed,
            final Speed endSpeed) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        return buildGradualAccelerationPlan(gtu, lanes, firstLanePosition, distance, startTime, startSpeed, endSpeed,

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param distance distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed the required end speed
     * @param acceleration the acceleration to use if endSpeed &gt; startSpeed, provided as a POSITIVE number
     * @param deceleration the deceleration to use if endSpeed &lt; startSpeed, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildMaximumAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> lanes,
            final Length firstLanePosition, final Length distance, final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed,
            final Speed endSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration, final Acceleration deceleration)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        OTSLine3D path = makePath(lanes, firstLanePosition, distance);
        ArrayList<OperationalPlan.Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (startSpeed.eq(endSpeed))
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(distance.divideBy(startSpeed)));
                if (
                    Duration t = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divideBy(acceleration);
                    Length x = startSpeed.multiplyBy(t).plus(acceleration.multiplyBy(0.5).multiplyBy(t).multiplyBy(t));
                    if (
                        // we cannot reach the end speed in the given distance with the given acceleration
                        Duration duration = new Duration(
                                Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,, TimeUnit.SI);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, acceleration));
                        // we reach the (higher) end speed before the end of the segment. Make two segments.
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, acceleration));
                        Duration duration = distance.minus(x).divideBy(endSpeed);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(duration));
                    Duration t = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divideBy(deceleration);
                    Length x = startSpeed.multiplyBy(t).plus(deceleration.multiplyBy(0.5).multiplyBy(t).multiplyBy(t));
                    if (
                        // we cannot reach the end speed in the given distance with the given deceleration
                        Duration duration = new Duration(
                                Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,, TimeUnit.SI);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, deceleration));
                        if ( == 0.0)
                            // if endSpeed == 0, we cannot reach the end of the path. Therefore, build a partial path.
                            OTSLine3D partialPath = path.truncate(;
                            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, deceleration));
                            return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, partialPath, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, lanes);
                        // we reach the (lower) end speed, larger than zero, before the end of the segment. Make two segments.
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, deceleration));
                        Duration duration = distance.minus(x).divideBy(endSpeed);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(duration));
            catch (ValueException ve)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(ve);

        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, lanes);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param acceleration the acceleration to use
     * @param timeStep time step for the plan
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> lanes,
            final Length firstLanePosition, final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final Duration timeStep) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException

        if (startSpeed.eq(Speed.ZERO) && acceleration.le(Acceleration.ZERO))
            // stand-still
                return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, gtu.getLocation(), startTime, timeStep, lanes.get(0));
            catch (RemoteException exception)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(exception);
        Length distance;
        ArrayList<OperationalPlan.Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (
            // will reach stand-still within time step
            Duration brakingTime = startSpeed.divideBy(acceleration.multiplyBy(-1.0));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(brakingTime, acceleration));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(timeStep.minus(brakingTime)));
            distance = new Length( * + .5 * * *,
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(timeStep, acceleration));
            distance =
                    new Length( * + .5 * * *, LengthUnit.SI);
        OTSLine3D path;
            path = makePath(lanes, firstLanePosition, distance);
        catch (Exception e)
            path = makePath(lanes, firstLanePosition, distance);
            throw new Error("Bad!");
        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, lanes);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param fromLanes lanes where the GTU changes from
     * @param laneChangeDirectionality direction of lane change
     * @param startPosition current position
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param acceleration the acceleration to use
     * @param timeStep time step for the plan
     * @param laneChange lane change status
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildAccelerationLaneChangePlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> fromLanes,
            final LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirectionality, final DirectedPoint startPosition, final Time startTime,
            final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration, final Duration timeStep, final LaneChange laneChange)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        Length fromLaneDistance =
                new Length( * + .5 * * *, LengthUnit.SI);
        // TODO also for other driving directions, additional arguments in projectFractional?
        double fractionalLinkPositionFirst = fromLanes.get(0).getCenterLine().projectFractional(
                fromLanes.get(0).getParentLink().getEndNode().getDirection(), startPosition.x, startPosition.y);
        Length fromLaneFirstPosition = fromLanes.get(0).position(fractionalLinkPositionFirst);
        Length cumulDistance = fromLanes.get(0).getLength().minus(fromLaneFirstPosition);
        int lastLaneIndex = 0;
        while (
            cumulDistance =;
        double fractionalLinkPositionLast =
                        / fromLanes.get(lastLaneIndex).getLength().si;

        List<Lane> toLanes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Lane lane : fromLanes)
            if (!lane.accessibleAdjacentLanes(laneChangeDirectionality, gtu.getGTUType()).isEmpty())
                toLanes.add(lane.accessibleAdjacentLanes(laneChangeDirectionality, gtu.getGTUType()).iterator().next());
                new Exception().printStackTrace();

        Length toLaneFirstPosition = toLanes.get(0).position(fractionalLinkPositionFirst);
        Length fromLaneLastPosition = fromLanes.get(lastLaneIndex).position(fractionalLinkPositionLast);
        Length toLaneLastPosition = toLanes.get(lastLaneIndex).position(fractionalLinkPositionLast);

        DirectedPoint fromFirst = fromLanes.get(0).getCenterLine().getLocation(fromLaneFirstPosition);
        DirectedPoint toFirst = toLanes.get(0).getCenterLine().getLocation(toLaneFirstPosition);
        DirectedPoint fromLast = fromLanes.get(lastLaneIndex).getCenterLine().getLocation(fromLaneLastPosition);
        DirectedPoint toLast = toLanes.get(lastLaneIndex).getCenterLine().getLocation(toLaneLastPosition);

        double lastFraction = laneChange.updateAndGetFraction(timeStep, laneChangeDirectionality, gtu);
        OTSPoint3D lastPoint = new OTSPoint3D(fromLast.x * (1 - lastFraction) + toLast.x * lastFraction,
                fromLast.y * (1 - lastFraction) + toLast.y * lastFraction,
                fromLast.z * (1 - lastFraction) + toLast.z * lastFraction);
        OTSPoint3D firstPoint = new OTSPoint3D(startPosition);
        OTSLine3D path = new OTSLine3D(firstPoint, lastPoint);

        double t =;
        Acceleration a = new Acceleration((2.0 * (path.getLength().si - * t)) / (t * t), AccelerationUnit.SI);
        Speed endSpeed =;
        ArrayList<OperationalPlan.Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (
            Duration brakingTime = startSpeed.divideBy(acceleration.multiplyBy(-1.0));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(brakingTime, acceleration));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(timeStep.minus(brakingTime)));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(timeStep, acceleration));
        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, fromLanes);

     * Lane change status across operational plans.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * <p>
     * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Jul 26, 2016 <br>
     * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    public static class LaneChange implements Serializable

        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;

        /** Lane change progress. */
        private Duration laneChangeProgress;

        /** Total lane change duration. */
        private Duration laneChangeDuration;

        /** Whether the GTU is changing lane. */
        private LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirectionality = null;

         * Return whether the GTU is changing lane.
         * @return whether the GTU is changing lane
        public final boolean isChangingLane()
            return this.laneChangeDirectionality != null;

         * Return whether the GTU is changing left.
         * @return whether the GTU is changing left
        public final boolean isChangingLeft()
            return LateralDirectionality.LEFT.equals(this.laneChangeDirectionality);

         * Return whether the GTU is changing right.
         * @return whether the GTU is changing right
        public final boolean isChangingRight()
            return LateralDirectionality.RIGHT.equals(this.laneChangeDirectionality);

         * Target lane of lane change.
         * @return target lane of lane change
         * @throws OperationalPlanException If no lane change is being performed.
        public final RelativeLane getTargetLane() throws OperationalPlanException
            Throw.when(!isChangingLane(), OperationalPlanException.class,
                    "Target lane is requested, but no lane change is being performed.");
            return isChangingLeft() ? RelativeLane.LEFT : RelativeLane.RIGHT;

         * Sets the duration for a lane change. May be set during a lane change. Whenever the lane change progress exceeds the
         * lane change duration, the lane change is finalized in the next time step.
         * @param laneChangeDuration total lane change duration
        public final void setLaneChangeDuration(final Duration laneChangeDuration)
            this.laneChangeDuration = laneChangeDuration;

         * Update the lane change and return the lateral fraction for the end of the coming time step. This method is for use by
         * the operational plan builder. It adds the time step duration to the lane change progress. Lane changes are
         * automatically initiated and finalized.
         * @param timeStep coming time step duration
         * @param laneChangeDirection direction of lane change
         * @param gtu GTU
         * @return lateral fraction for the end of the coming time step
        // TODO remove GTU argument (only needed for instantaneous lane change hack)
        final double updateAndGetFraction(final Duration timeStep, final LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirection,
                final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
            if (!isChangingLane())
                // initiate lane change
                this.laneChangeProgress = Duration.ZERO;
                this.laneChangeDirectionality = laneChangeDirection;
                    ((AbstractLaneBasedGTU) gtu).initLaneChange(laneChangeDirection);
                catch (GTUException exception)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error during lane change initialization.", exception);
            // add current time step
            this.laneChangeProgress =;
            // get lateral fraction at end of current time step
            double fraction = this.laneChangeProgress.divideBy(this.laneChangeDuration).si;
            if (fraction >= 1.0)
                // TODO this elsewhere based on path
                if (fraction >= 1.0)
                        ((AbstractLaneBasedGTU) gtu).finalizeLaneChange(laneChangeDirection);
                    catch (GTUException exception)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Error during lane change finalization.", exception);
                // limit by 1 and finalize lane change
                this.laneChangeDirectionality = null;
                return 1.0;
            return fraction;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final String toString()
            return "LaneChange [" + this.laneChangeProgress + " of " + this.laneChangeDuration + " to "
                    + this.laneChangeDirectionality + "]";


     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to come to a stop with a given deceleration. If the GTU can stop
     * before completing the given path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead. There is no guarantee
     * that the OperationalPlan will lead to a complete stop.
     * @param gtu the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param lanes a list of connected Lanes to do the driving on
     * @param firstLanePosition position on the first lane with the reference point of the GTU
     * @param distance distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed the speed at the start of the path
     * @param deceleration the deceleration to use if endSpeed &lt; startSpeed, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildStopPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final List<Lane> lanes,
            final Length firstLanePosition, final Length distance, final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed,
            final Acceleration deceleration) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        return buildMaximumAccelerationPlan(gtu, lanes, firstLanePosition, distance, startTime, startSpeed,
                new Speed(0.0, SpeedUnit.SI), new Acceleration(1.0, AccelerationUnit.SI), deceleration);

    public static OperationalPlan buildSpatialPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Time startTime,
        final Acceleration startAcceleration, final Speed maxSpeed, final Duration duration,
        final List<LaneDirection> fromLanes, List<LaneDirection> toLanes, final CurvatureType curvatureType,
        final double laneChangeProgress, final DirectedPoint endPoint) throws OperationalPlanException
        return buildSpatialPlan(gtu, startTime, gtu.getLocation(), gtu.getSpeed(), startAcceleration, maxSpeed, duration,
            fromLanes, toLanes, curvatureType, laneChangeProgress, endPoint);
    public static OperationalPlan buildSpatialPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Time startTime,
        final DirectedPoint startPoint, final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration startAcceleration, final Speed maxSpeed,
        final Duration duration, final List<LaneDirection> fromLanes, List<LaneDirection> toLanes,
        final CurvatureType curvatureType, final double laneChangeProgress, final DirectedPoint endPoint)
        throws OperationalPlanException
        // check
        checkLaneDirections(fromLanes, toLanes);
        // get start fractional position on link
        final CrossSectionLink startLink = fromLanes.get(0).getLane().getParentLink();
        Direction start;
        Direction end;
        if (fromLanes.get(0).getDirection() == GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)
            start = startLink.getStartNode().getDirection();
            end = startLink.getEndNode().getDirection();
            start = startLink.getEndNode().getDirection();
            end = startLink.getStartNode().getDirection();
        double fStart = startLink.getDesignLine().projectFractional(start, end, startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
        // get end fractional position on link, and end link
        double fEnd = 0;
        CrossSectionLink endLink = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < toLanes.size(); i++)
            CrossSectionLink l = toLanes.get(i).getLane().getParentLink();
            if (toLanes.get(i).getDirection() == GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS)
                start = l.getStartNode().getDirection();
                end = l.getEndNode().getDirection();
                start = l.getEndNode().getDirection();
                end = l.getStartNode().getDirection();
            fEnd = l.getDesignLine().projectFractional(start, end, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
            if (fEnd > 0 && fEnd < 1)
                endLink = l;
        Throw.when(endLink == null, OperationalPlanException.class, "End point cannot be projected to to-lanes.");
        // build from-line and to-line
        OTSLine3D from = null;
        OTSLine3D to = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < toLanes.size(); i++)
            CrossSectionLink l = toLanes.get(i).getLane().getParentLink();
                if (l == startLink)
                    from = fromLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(fStart, 1);
                    to = toLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(fStart, 1);
                else if (l == endLink)
                    from =
                        OTSLine3D.concatenate(from, fromLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(0, fEnd));
                    to = OTSLine3D.concatenate(to, toLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(0, fEnd));
                from = OTSLine3D.concatenate(from, fromLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine());
                to = OTSLine3D.concatenate(to, toLanes.get(i).getLane().getCenterLine());
            catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
                throw new RuntimeException("Bug in buildSpatialPlan method.");
        // interpolate path
        List<OTSPoint3D> line = new ArrayList<>();
        line.add(new OTSPoint3D(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, startPoint.z));
        if (curvatureType.equals(CurvatureType.LINEAR))
            int n = (int) Math.ceil(32 * (1.0 - laneChangeProgress));
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                double fraction = 1.0 * i / n;
                double f0 = laneChangeProgress + (1.0 - laneChangeProgress) * fraction;
                double f1 = 1.0 - f0;
                DirectedPoint p1;
                DirectedPoint p2;
                    p1 = from.getLocationFraction(fraction);
                    p2 = to.getLocationFraction(fraction);
                catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Bug in buildSpatialPlan method.");
                line.add(new OTSPoint3D(p1.x * f1 + p2.x * f0, p1.y * f1 + p2.y * f0, p1.z * f1 + p2.z * f0));
        OTSLine3D path;
            path = new OTSLine3D(line);
        catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
            throw new RuntimeException("Bug in buildSpatialPlan method.");
        // acceleration segments
        List<Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        Acceleration b = startAcceleration.multiplyBy(-1.0);
        if (
            // will reach zero speed within duration
            Duration d = startSpeed.divideBy(b);
            segmentList.add(new AccelerationSegment(d, startAcceleration)); // decelerate to zero
            segmentList.add(new SpeedSegment(duration.minus(d))); // stay at zero for the remainder of duration
            segmentList.add(new AccelerationSegment(duration, startAcceleration));
        return new OperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList);
    public static OperationalPlan buildSpatialPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Acceleration startAcceleration,
        final Speed maxSpeed, final List<LaneDirection> fromLanes, List<LaneDirection> toLanes,
        final CurvatureType curvatureType, final Duration duration) throws OperationalPlanException
        return buildSpatialPlan(gtu, gtu.getLocation(), gtu.getSpeed(), startAcceleration, maxSpeed, fromLanes, toLanes,
            curvatureType, duration);
    public static OperationalPlan buildSpatialPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final DirectedPoint startPoint,
        final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration startAcceleration, final Speed maxSpeed,
        final List<LaneDirection> fromLanes, List<LaneDirection> toLanes, final CurvatureType curvatureType,
        final Duration duration) throws OperationalPlanException
        checkLaneDirections(fromLanes, toLanes);
        return null;
    private final static void checkLaneDirections(final List<LaneDirection> fromLanes, List<LaneDirection> toLanes)
        throws OperationalPlanException
        Throw.when(fromLanes == null || toLanes == null, OperationalPlanException.class, "Lane lists may not be null.");
        Throw.when(fromLanes.isEmpty(), OperationalPlanException.class, "Lane lists may not be empty.");
        Throw.when(fromLanes.size() != toLanes.size(), OperationalPlanException.class,
            "Set of from lanes has different length than set of to lanes.");
        for (int i = 0; i < fromLanes.size(); i++)
                "A lane in the from-lanes list is not on the same link as the lane at equal index in the to-lanes list.");
     * Defines curvature.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * <p>
     * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version May 27, 2016 <br>
     * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    public enum CurvatureType
        /** Linear lateral movement. */
        public double[] getFractions(final double strartFraction)
            return new double[1];
    /** */
        public double[] getFractions(final double strartFraction)
            return new double[1];
    public abstract double[] getFractions(double startFraction);
