package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeAcceleration;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeDouble;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeDuration;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypes;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.TurnIndicatorStatus;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan.Segment;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.AbstractLaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.CategoricalLanePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.DefaultSimplePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.DirectDefaultSimplePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.AbstractHeadwayGTU;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.Headway;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.directedlanechange.DirectedAltruistic;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.directedlanechange.DirectedEgoistic;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.directedlanechange.DirectedLaneChangeModel;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.directedlanechange.DirectedLaneMovementStep;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.AccelerationStep;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.GTUFollowingModelOld;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;
* Lane-based tactical planner that implements car following behavior and rule-based lane change. This tactical planner
* retrieves the car following model from the strategical planner and will generate an operational plan for the GTU.
* <p>
* A lane change occurs when:
* <ol>
* <li>The route indicates that the current lane does not lead to the destination; main choices are the time when the GTU
* switches to the "right" lane, and what should happen when the split gets closer and the lane change has failed. Observations
* indicate that vehicles if necessary stop in their current lane until they can go to the desired lane. A lane drop is
* automatically part of this implementation, because the lane with a lane drop will not lead to the GTU's destination.</li>
* <li>The desired speed of the vehicle is a particular delta-speed higher than its predecessor, the headway to the predecessor
* in the current lane has exceeded a certain value, it is allowed to change to the target lane, the target lane lies on the
* GTU's route, and the gap in the target lane is acceptable (including the evaluation of the perceived speed of a following GTU
* in the target lane).</li>
* <li>The current lane is not the optimum lane given the traffic rules (for example, to keep right), the headway to the
* predecessor on the target lane is greater than a certain value, the speed of the predecessor on the target lane is greater
* than or equal to our speed, the target lane is on the route, it is allowed to switch to the target lane, and the gap at the
* target lane is acceptable (including the perceived speed of any vehicle in front or behind on the target lane).</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* This lane-based tactical planner makes decisions based on headway (GTU following model). It can ask the strategic planner for
* assistance on the route to take when the network splits.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
* initial version Nov 25, 2015 <br>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public class LaneBasedGTUFollowingDirectedChangeTacticalPlanner extends AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160129L;
/** Acceleration parameter type. */
protected static final ParameterTypeAcceleration A = ParameterTypes.A;
/** Desired headway parameter type. */
protected static final ParameterTypeDuration T = ParameterTypes.T;
/** Speed limit adherance factor parameter type. */
protected static final ParameterTypeDouble FSPEED = ParameterTypes.FSPEED;
/** Comfortable deceleration parameter type. */
protected static final ParameterTypeAcceleration B = ParameterTypes.B;
/** Earliest next lane change time (unless we HAVE to change lanes). */
private Time earliestNextLaneChangeTime = Time.ZERO;
/** Time a GTU should stay in its current lane after a lane change. */
private Duration durationInLaneAfterLaneChange = new Duration(15.0, DurationUnit.SECOND);
/** Lane we changed to at instantaneous lane change. */
private Lane laneAfterLaneChange = null;
/** Position on the reference lane. */
private Length posAfterLaneChange = null;
/** When a failure in planning occurs, should we destroy the GTU to avoid halting of the model? */
private boolean destroyGtuOnFailure = false;
* Instantiated a tactical planner with just GTU following behavior and no lane changes.
* @param carFollowingModel GTUFollowingModelOld; Car-following model.
* @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; GTU
public LaneBasedGTUFollowingDirectedChangeTacticalPlanner(final GTUFollowingModelOld carFollowingModel,
final LaneBasedGTU gtu)
super(carFollowingModel, gtu, new CategoricalLanePerception(gtu));
getPerception().addPerceptionCategory(new DirectDefaultSimplePerception(getPerception()));
setNoLaneChange(new Duration(0.25, DurationUnit.SECOND));
* Returns the car-following model.
* @return The car-following model.
public final GTUFollowingModelOld getCarFollowingModelOld()
return (GTUFollowingModelOld) super.getCarFollowingModel();
* Indicate that no lane change should happen for the indicated duration.
* @param noLaneChangeDuration Duration; the duration for which no lane change should happen.
public final void setNoLaneChange(final Duration noLaneChangeDuration)
Throw.when(noLaneChangeDuration.lt0(), RuntimeException.class, "noLaneChangeDuration should be >= 0");
this.earliestNextLaneChangeTime = getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().plus(noLaneChangeDuration);
* Headway for synchronization.
private Headway syncHeadway;
* Headway for cooperation.
private Headway coopHeadway;
* Time when (potential) dead-lock was first recognized.
private Time deadLock = null;
* Time after which situation is labeled a dead-lock.
private final Duration deadLockThreshold = new Duration(5.0, DurationUnit.SI);
* Headways that are causing the dead-lock.
private Collection<Headway> blockingHeadways = new HashSet<>();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final OperationalPlan generateOperationalPlan(final Time startTime, final DirectedPoint locationAtStartTime)
throws OperationalPlanException, NetworkException, GTUException, ParameterException
// ask Perception for the local situation
LaneBasedGTU laneBasedGTU = getGtu();
DefaultSimplePerception simplePerception = getPerception().getPerceptionCategory(DefaultSimplePerception.class);
Parameters parameters = laneBasedGTU.getParameters();
// This is the only interaction between the car-following model and the parameters
// start with the turn indicator off -- this can change during the method
// if the GTU's maximum speed is zero (block), generate a stand still plan for one second
if (laneBasedGTU.getMaximumSpeed().si < OperationalPlan.DRIFTING_SPEED_SI)
return new OperationalPlan(getGtu(), locationAtStartTime, startTime, new Duration(1.0, DurationUnit.SECOND));
// perceive the forward headway, accessible lanes and speed limit.
// find out where we are going
Length forwardHeadway = parameters.getParameter(LOOKAHEAD);
LanePathInfo lanePathInfo = buildLanePathInfo(laneBasedGTU, forwardHeadway);
NextSplitInfo nextSplitInfo = determineNextSplit(laneBasedGTU, forwardHeadway);
Set<Lane> correctLanes = laneBasedGTU.positions(laneBasedGTU.getReference()).keySet();
// Step 1: Do we want to change lanes because of the current lane not leading to our destination?
this.syncHeadway = null;
if (lanePathInfo.getPath().getLength().lt(forwardHeadway) && correctLanes.isEmpty())
LateralDirectionality direction = determineLeftRight(laneBasedGTU, nextSplitInfo);
if (direction != null)
getGtu().setTurnIndicatorStatus(direction.isLeft() ? TurnIndicatorStatus.LEFT : TurnIndicatorStatus.RIGHT);
if (canChange(laneBasedGTU, getPerception(), lanePathInfo, direction))
DirectedPoint newLocation = changeLane(laneBasedGTU, direction);
lanePathInfo = buildLanePathInfo(laneBasedGTU, forwardHeadway, this.laneAfterLaneChange,
this.posAfterLaneChange, laneBasedGTU.getDirection(this.laneAfterLaneChange));
return currentLanePlan(laneBasedGTU, startTime, newLocation, lanePathInfo);
Length minDistance = new Length(Double.MAX_VALUE, LengthUnit.SI);
for (Headway headway : simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadways(direction))
if ((headway.isAhead() || headway.isParallel()) && (headway instanceof AbstractHeadwayGTU))
if (headway.isParallel() || headway.getDistance().lt(minDistance))
this.syncHeadway = headway;
if (!headway.isParallel())
minDistance = headway.getDistance();
if (this.syncHeadway != null && this.syncHeadway.isParallel() && getGtu().getSpeed().si < 10)
// do not sync at low speeds when being parallel
this.syncHeadway = null;
// Cooperation
this.coopHeadway = null;
for (LateralDirectionality direction : new LateralDirectionality[] { LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
LateralDirectionality.RIGHT })
for (Headway headway : simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadways(direction))
// other vehicle ahead, its a vehicle, its the nearest, and its indicator is on
if (headway.isAhead() && (headway instanceof AbstractHeadwayGTU)
&& (this.coopHeadway == null || headway.getDistance().lt(this.coopHeadway.getDistance()))
&& (direction.isLeft() ? ((AbstractHeadwayGTU) headway).isRightTurnIndicatorOn()
: ((AbstractHeadwayGTU) headway).isLeftTurnIndicatorOn()))
this.coopHeadway = headway;
// Condition, if we have just changed lane, let's not change immediately again.
if (getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().lt(this.earliestNextLaneChangeTime))
return currentLanePlan(laneBasedGTU, startTime, locationAtStartTime, lanePathInfo);
// Step 2. Do we want to change lanes to the left because of predecessor speed on the current lane?
// And does the lane left of us bring us to our destination as well?
Set<Lane> leftLanes = simplePerception.getAccessibleAdjacentLanesLeft().get(lanePathInfo.getReferenceLane());
if (nextSplitInfo.isSplit())
if (!leftLanes.isEmpty()) // && laneBasedGTU.getSpeed().si > 4.0) // only if we are driving...
if (simplePerception.getParallelHeadwaysLeft().isEmpty())
Collection<Headway> sameLaneTraffic = new HashSet<>();
// TODO should it be getObjectType().isGtu() or !getObjectType().isDistanceOnly() ?
// XXX Object & GTU
if (simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU() != null
&& simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU().getObjectType().isGtu())
if (simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway() != null
&& simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway().getObjectType().isGtu())
DirectedLaneChangeModel dlcm = new DirectedAltruistic(getPerception());
DirectedLaneMovementStep dlms = dlcm.computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration(laneBasedGTU,
LateralDirectionality.LEFT, sameLaneTraffic, simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadwaysLeft(),
parameters.getParameter(LOOKAHEAD), simplePerception.getSpeedLimit(),
// changes 1.0 to 0.0, no bias to the left: changed 0.5 to 0.1 (threshold from MOBIL model)
Acceleration.ZERO, new Acceleration(0.5, AccelerationUnit.SI),
new Duration(0.5, DurationUnit.SECOND));
if (dlms.getLaneChange() != null)
if (canChange(laneBasedGTU, getPerception(), lanePathInfo, LateralDirectionality.LEFT))
DirectedPoint newLocation = changeLane(laneBasedGTU, LateralDirectionality.LEFT);
lanePathInfo = buildLanePathInfo(laneBasedGTU, forwardHeadway, this.laneAfterLaneChange,
this.posAfterLaneChange, laneBasedGTU.getDirection(this.laneAfterLaneChange));
return currentLanePlan(laneBasedGTU, startTime, newLocation, lanePathInfo);
// Step 3. Do we want to change lanes to the right because of TODO traffic rules?
Set<Lane> rightLanes = simplePerception.getAccessibleAdjacentLanesRight().get(lanePathInfo.getReferenceLane());
if (nextSplitInfo.isSplit())
if (!rightLanes.isEmpty()) // && laneBasedGTU.getSpeed().si > 4.0) // only if we are driving...
if (simplePerception.getParallelHeadwaysRight().isEmpty())
Collection<Headway> sameLaneTraffic = new HashSet<>();
// TODO should it be getObjectType().isGtu() or !getObjectType().isDistanceOnly() ?
// XXX GTU & Object
if (simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU() != null
&& simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU().getObjectType().isGtu())
if (simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway() != null
&& simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway().getObjectType().isGtu())
DirectedLaneChangeModel dlcm = new DirectedAltruistic(getPerception());
DirectedLaneMovementStep dlms = dlcm.computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration(laneBasedGTU,
LateralDirectionality.RIGHT, sameLaneTraffic, simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadwaysRight(),
parameters.getParameter(LOOKAHEAD), simplePerception.getSpeedLimit(),
// 1.0 = bias?
Acceleration.ZERO, new Acceleration(0.1, AccelerationUnit.SI),
new Duration(0.5, DurationUnit.SECOND));
if (dlms.getLaneChange() != null)
if (canChange(laneBasedGTU, getPerception(), lanePathInfo, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT))
DirectedPoint newLocation = changeLane(laneBasedGTU, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT);
lanePathInfo = buildLanePathInfo(laneBasedGTU, forwardHeadway, this.laneAfterLaneChange,
this.posAfterLaneChange, laneBasedGTU.getDirection(this.laneAfterLaneChange));
return currentLanePlan(laneBasedGTU, startTime, newLocation, lanePathInfo);
if (this.deadLock != null
&& getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().minus(this.deadLock).ge(this.deadLockThreshold)
&& isDestroyGtuOnFailure())
System.err.println("Deleting gtu " + getGtu().getId() + " to prevent dead-lock.");
getGtu().getSimulator().scheduleEventRel(new Duration(0.001, DurationUnit.SI), this, getGtu(), "destroy",
new Object[0]);
catch (SimRuntimeException exception)
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
return currentLanePlan(laneBasedGTU, startTime, locationAtStartTime, lanePathInfo);
catch (GTUException | NetworkException | OperationalPlanException exception)
if (isDestroyGtuOnFailure())
System.err.println("LaneBasedGTUFollowingChange0TacticalPlanner.generateOperationalPlan() failed for "
+ getGtu() + " because of " + exception.getMessage() + " -- GTU destroyed");
return new OperationalPlan(getGtu(), locationAtStartTime, startTime, new Duration(1.0, DurationUnit.SECOND));
throw exception;
* Make a plan for the current lane.
* @param laneBasedGTU LaneBasedGTU; the gtu to generate the plan for
* @param startTime Time; the time from which the new operational plan has to be operational
* @param locationAtStartTime DirectedPoint; the location of the GTU at the start time of the new plan
* @param lanePathInfo LanePathInfo; the lane path for the current lane.
* @return An operation plan for staying in the current lane.
* @throws OperationalPlanException when there is a problem planning a path in the network
* @throws GTUException when there is a problem with the state of the GTU when planning a path
* @throws ParameterException in case LOOKAHEAD parameter cannot be found
* @throws NetworkException in case the headways to GTUs or objects cannot be calculated
private OperationalPlan currentLanePlan(final LaneBasedGTU laneBasedGTU, final Time startTime,
final DirectedPoint locationAtStartTime, final LanePathInfo lanePathInfo)
throws OperationalPlanException, GTUException, ParameterException, NetworkException
DefaultSimplePerception simplePerception = getPerception().getPerceptionCategory(DefaultSimplePerception.class);
// No lane change. Continue on current lane.
AccelerationStep accelerationStep = mostLimitingAccelerationStep(lanePathInfo, simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU(),
// see if we have to continue standing still. In that case, generate a stand still plan
if (accelerationStep.getAcceleration().si < 1E-6 && laneBasedGTU.getSpeed().si < OperationalPlan.DRIFTING_SPEED_SI)
return new OperationalPlan(laneBasedGTU, locationAtStartTime, startTime, accelerationStep.getDuration());
// build a list of lanes forward, with a maximum headway.
List<Segment> operationalPlanSegmentList = new ArrayList<>();
if (accelerationStep.getAcceleration().si == 0.0)
Segment segment = new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(accelerationStep.getDuration());
Segment segment =
new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(accelerationStep.getDuration(), accelerationStep.getAcceleration());
OperationalPlan op = new OperationalPlan(laneBasedGTU, lanePathInfo.getPath(), startTime, laneBasedGTU.getSpeed(),
return op;
* We are not on a lane that leads to our destination. Determine whether the lateral direction to go is left or right.
* @param laneBasedGTU LaneBasedGTU; the gtu
* @param nextSplitInfo NextSplitInfo; the information about the next split
* @return the lateral direction to go, or null if this cannot be determined
private LateralDirectionality determineLeftRight(final LaneBasedGTU laneBasedGTU, final NextSplitInfo nextSplitInfo)
// are the lanes in nextSplitInfo.getCorrectCurrentLanes() left or right of the current lane(s) of the GTU?
Set<Lane> lanes = laneBasedGTU.positions(laneBasedGTU.getReference()).keySet();
for (Lane correctLane : nextSplitInfo.getCorrectCurrentLanes())
for (Lane currentLane : lanes)
if (correctLane.getParentLink().equals(currentLane.getParentLink()))
double deltaOffset =
correctLane.getDesignLineOffsetAtBegin().si - currentLane.getDesignLineOffsetAtBegin().si;
if (laneBasedGTU.getDirection(currentLane).equals(GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS))
return deltaOffset > 0 ? LateralDirectionality.LEFT : LateralDirectionality.RIGHT;
return deltaOffset < 0 ? LateralDirectionality.LEFT : LateralDirectionality.RIGHT;
catch (GTUException exception)
"Exception in LaneBasedGTUFollowingChange0TacticalPlanner.determineLeftRight: " + exception.getMessage());
// perhaps known from split info (if need to change away from all lanes on current link)
return nextSplitInfo.getRequiredDirection();
* See if a lane change in the given direction if possible.
* @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU that has to make the lane change
* @param perception LanePerception; the perception, where forward headway, accessible lanes and speed limit have been
* assessed
* @param lanePathInfo LanePathInfo; the information for the path on the current lane
* @param direction LateralDirectionality; the lateral direction, either LEFT or RIGHT
* @return whether a lane change is possible.
* @throws NetworkException when there is a network inconsistency in updating the perception
* @throws GTUException when there is an issue retrieving GTU information for the perception update
* @throws ParameterException when there is a parameter problem.
* @throws OperationalPlanException in case a perception category is not present
private boolean canChange(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final LanePerception perception, final LanePathInfo lanePathInfo,
final LateralDirectionality direction)
throws GTUException, NetworkException, ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
// TODO remove this hack
if (!((AbstractLaneBasedGTU) gtu).isSafeToChange())
return false;
// rear should be able to change
Map<Lane, Length> positions = getGtu().positions(getGtu().getRear());
for (Lane lane : positions.keySet())
Length pos = positions.get(lane);
if ( > 0.0 && < lane.getLength().si && lane
.accessibleAdjacentLanesLegal(direction, getGtu().getGTUType(), getGtu().getDirection(lane)).isEmpty())
return false;
Collection<Headway> otherLaneTraffic;
DefaultSimplePerception simplePerception = getPerception().getPerceptionCategory(DefaultSimplePerception.class);
if (direction.isLeft())
this.blockingHeadways = simplePerception.getParallelHeadwaysLeft();
otherLaneTraffic = simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadwaysLeft();
else if (direction.isRight())
this.blockingHeadways = simplePerception.getParallelHeadwaysRight();
otherLaneTraffic = simplePerception.getNeighboringHeadwaysRight();
throw new GTUException("Lateral direction is neither LEFT nor RIGHT during a lane change");
if (!simplePerception.getParallelHeadways(direction).isEmpty())
return false;
Collection<Headway> sameLaneTraffic = new HashSet<>();
// TODO should it be getObjectType().isGtu() or !getObjectType().isDistanceOnly() ?
// XXX Object & GTU
if (simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU() != null && simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU().getObjectType().isGtu())
if (simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway() != null && simplePerception.getBackwardHeadway().getObjectType().isGtu())
// TODO make type of plan (Egoistic, Altruistic) parameter of the class
DirectedLaneChangeModel dlcm = new DirectedEgoistic(getPerception());
// TODO make the elasticities 2.0 and 0.1 parameters of the class
DirectedLaneMovementStep dlms = dlcm.computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration(gtu, direction, sameLaneTraffic, otherLaneTraffic,
gtu.getParameters().getParameter(LOOKAHEAD), simplePerception.getSpeedLimit(),
new Acceleration(2.0, AccelerationUnit.SI), new Acceleration(0.1, AccelerationUnit.SI),
new Duration(0.5, DurationUnit.SECOND));
if (dlms.getLaneChange() == null)
return false;
return true;
* Change lanes instantaneously.
* @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the gtu
* @param direction LateralDirectionality; the direction
* @return the new location of the GTU after the lane change
* @throws GTUException in case the enter lane fails
private DirectedPoint changeLane(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final LateralDirectionality direction) throws GTUException
// stay at a certain number of seconds in the current lane (unless we HAVE to change lanes)
this.earliestNextLaneChangeTime = gtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().plus(this.durationInLaneAfterLaneChange);
// make sure out turn indicator is on!
gtu.setTurnIndicatorStatus(direction.isLeft() ? TurnIndicatorStatus.LEFT : TurnIndicatorStatus.RIGHT);
this.laneAfterLaneChange = gtu.getReferencePosition().getLane();
this.posAfterLaneChange = gtu.getReferencePosition().getPosition();
return gtu.getLocation();
* Calculate which Headway in front of us is leading to the most limiting acceleration step (i.e. to the lowest or most
* negative acceleration). There could, e.g. be a GTU in front of us, a speed sign in front of us, and a traffic light in
* front of the GTU and speed sign. This method will return the acceleration based on the headway that limits us most.<br>
* The method can e.g., be called with:
* <code>mostLimitingHeadway(simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayGTU(), simplePerception.getForwardHeadwayObject());</code>
* @param lanePathInfo LanePathInfo; the lane path info that was calculated for this GTU.
* @param headways Headway...; zero or more headways specifying possible limitations on our acceleration.
* @return the acceleration based on the most limiting headway.
* @throws OperationalPlanException in case the PerceptionCategory cannot be found
* @throws ParameterException in case LOOKAHEAD parameter cannot be found
* @throws GTUException in case the AccelerationStep cannot be calculated
* @throws NetworkException in case the headways to GTUs or objects cannot be calculated
private AccelerationStep mostLimitingAccelerationStep(final LanePathInfo lanePathInfo, final Headway... headways)
throws OperationalPlanException, ParameterException, GTUException, NetworkException
DefaultSimplePerception simplePerception = getPerception().getPerceptionCategory(DefaultSimplePerception.class);
boolean sinkAtEnd = false;
for (SingleSensor sensor : (lanePathInfo.getLanes().get(lanePathInfo.getLanes().size() - 1).getSensors()))
if (sensor instanceof SinkSensor)
sinkAtEnd = true;
boolean stopForEndOrSplit = !sinkAtEnd;
Parameters params = getGtu().getParameters();
Length maxDistance = sinkAtEnd ? new Length(Double.MAX_VALUE, LengthUnit.SI)
: Length.min(getGtu().getParameters().getParameter(LOOKAHEAD),
// params.setParameter(B, params.getParameter(B0));
AccelerationStep mostLimitingAccelerationStep = getCarFollowingModelOld().computeAccelerationStepWithNoLeader(getGtu(),
maxDistance, simplePerception.getSpeedLimit());
// bc.resetParameter(B);
Acceleration minB = params.getParameter(B).neg();
Acceleration numericallySafeB =
Acceleration.max(minB, getGtu().getSpeed().divideBy(mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getDuration()).neg());
if ((this.syncHeadway != null || this.coopHeadway != null) && mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getAcceleration().gt(minB))
AccelerationStep sync;
if (this.syncHeadway == null)
sync = null;
else if (this.syncHeadway.isParallel())
sync = new AccelerationStep(numericallySafeB, mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getValidUntil(),
sync = getCarFollowingModelOld().computeAccelerationStep(getGtu(), this.syncHeadway.getSpeed(),
this.syncHeadway.getDistance(), maxDistance, simplePerception.getSpeedLimit());
AccelerationStep coop;
if (this.coopHeadway == null)
coop = null;
coop = getCarFollowingModelOld().computeAccelerationStep(getGtu(), this.coopHeadway.getSpeed(),
this.coopHeadway.getDistance(), maxDistance, simplePerception.getSpeedLimit());
AccelerationStep adjust;
if (sync == null)
adjust = coop;
else if (coop == null)
adjust = sync;
adjust = sync.getAcceleration().lt(coop.getAcceleration()) ? sync : coop;
if (adjust.getAcceleration().lt(minB))
mostLimitingAccelerationStep = new AccelerationStep(numericallySafeB,
mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getValidUntil(), mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getDuration());
mostLimitingAccelerationStep = adjust;
for (Headway headway : headways)
if (headway != null && headway.getDistance().lt(maxDistance))
AccelerationStep accelerationStep = getCarFollowingModelOld().computeAccelerationStep(getGtu(),
headway.getSpeed(), headway.getDistance(), maxDistance, simplePerception.getSpeedLimit());
if (accelerationStep.getAcceleration().lt(mostLimitingAccelerationStep.getAcceleration()))
stopForEndOrSplit = false;
mostLimitingAccelerationStep = accelerationStep;
// recognize dead-lock
if (!this.blockingHeadways.isEmpty() && stopForEndOrSplit)
Speed maxSpeed = getGtu().getSpeed();
for (Headway headway : this.blockingHeadways)
maxSpeed = Speed.max(maxSpeed, headway.getSpeed());
if ( < OperationalPlan.DRIFTING_SPEED_SI)
if (this.deadLock == null)
this.deadLock = getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime();
this.deadLock = null;
this.deadLock = null;
return mostLimitingAccelerationStep;
* @return destroyGtuOnFailure, indicating when a failure in planning occurs, whether we should destroy the GTU to avoid
* halting of the model
public final boolean isDestroyGtuOnFailure()
return this.destroyGtuOnFailure;
* When a failure in planning occurs, should we destroy the GTU to avoid halting of the model?
* @param destroyGtuOnFailure boolean; set destroyGtuOnFailure to true or false
public final void setDestroyGtuOnFailure(final boolean destroyGtuOnFailure)
this.destroyGtuOnFailure = destroyGtuOnFailure;
* Get the duration to stay in a Lane after a lane change.
* @return Duration; durationInLaneAfterLaneChange
protected final Duration getDurationInLaneAfterLaneChange()
return this.durationInLaneAfterLaneChange;
* Set the duration to stay in a Lane after a lane change.
* @param durationInLaneAfterLaneChange Duration; set duration to stay in a Lane after a lane change
* @throws GTUException when durationInLaneAfterLaneChange less than zero
protected final void setDurationInLaneAfterLaneChange(final Duration durationInLaneAfterLaneChange) throws GTUException
Throw.when(durationInLaneAfterLaneChange.lt0(), GTUException.class, "durationInLaneAfterLaneChange should be >= 0");
this.durationInLaneAfterLaneChange = durationInLaneAfterLaneChange;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final String toString()
return "LaneBasedGTUFollowingChange0TacticalPlanner [earliestNexLaneChangeTime=" + this.earliestNextLaneChangeTime
+ ", referenceLane=" + this.laneAfterLaneChange + ", referencePos=" + this.posAfterLaneChange
+ ", destroyGtuOnFailure=" + this.destroyGtuOnFailure + "]";