
package org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere;
import javax.media.j3d.Bounds;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;

import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.Locatable;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.CartesianPoint;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;

 * An OTSPoint3D implements a 3D-coordinate for OTS. X, y and z are stored as doubles, but it is assumed that the scale is in SI
 * units, i.e. in meters. A distance between two points is therefore also in meters.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="http://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * <p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-16 10:20:53 +0200 (Thu, 16 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1124 $, by $Author: pknoppers $,
 * initial version Jul 22, 2015 <br>
 * @author <a href="http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="http://www.tudelft.nl/pknoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
 * @author <a href="http://www.citg.tudelft.nl">Guus Tamminga</a>
public class OTSPoint3D implements Locatable, Serializable
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150722L;

    /** The internal representation of the point; x-coordinate. */
    public final double x;

    /** The internal representation of the point; y-coordinate. */
    public final double y;

    /** The internal representation of the point; z-coordinate. */
    public final double z;

     * The x, y and z in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to an origin.
     * @param x double; x-coordinate
     * @param y double; y-coordinate
     * @param z double; z-coordinate
    public OTSPoint3D(final double x, final double y, final double z)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;

     * @param xyz array with three elements; x, y and z are assumed to be in meters relative to an origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final double[] xyz)
        this(xyz[0], xyz[1], (xyz.length > 2) ? xyz[2] : 0.0);

     * @param point OTSPoint3D; a point to "clone".
    public OTSPoint3D(final OTSPoint3D point)
        this(point.x, point.y, point.z);

     * @param point javax.vecmath 3D double point; the x, y and z in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to an
     *            origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final Point3d point)
        this(point.x, point.y, point.z);

     * @param point javax.vecmath 3D double point; the x, y and z in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to an
     *            origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final CartesianPoint point)
        this(point.x, point.y, point.z);

     * @param point javax.vecmath 3D double point; the x, y and z in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to an
     *            origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final DirectedPoint point)
        this(point.x, point.y, point.z);

     * @param point2d java.awt 2D point, z-coordinate will be zero; the x and y in the point are assumed to be in meters
     *            relative to an origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final Point2D point2d)
        this(point2d.getX(), point2d.getY(), 0.0);

     * @param coordinate geotools coordinate; the x, y and z in the coordinate are assumed to be in meters relative to an
     *            origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final Coordinate coordinate)
        this(coordinate.x, coordinate.y, Double.isNaN(coordinate.z) ? 0.0 : coordinate.z);

     * @param point geotools point; z-coordinate will be zero; the x and y in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to
     *            an origin.
    public OTSPoint3D(final Point point)
        this(point.getX(), point.getY(), 0.0);

     * The x and y in the point are assumed to be in meters relative to an origin. z will be set to 0.
     * @param x double; x-coordinate
     * @param y double; y-coordinate
    public OTSPoint3D(final double x, final double y)
        this(x, y, 0.0);

     * Interpolate (or extrapolate) between (outside) two given points.
     * @param ratio double; 0 selects the zeroValue point, 1 selects the oneValue point, 0.5 selects a point halfway, etc.
     * @param zeroValue OTSPoint3D; the point that is returned when ratio equals 0
     * @param oneValue OTSPoint3D; the point that is returned when ratio equals 1
     * @return OTSPoint3D
    public static OTSPoint3D interpolate(final double ratio, final OTSPoint3D zeroValue, final OTSPoint3D oneValue)
        double complement = 1 - ratio;
        return new OTSPoint3D(complement * zeroValue.x + ratio * oneValue.x, complement * zeroValue.y + ratio * oneValue.y,
                complement * zeroValue.z + ratio * oneValue.z);

     * Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments. The Z-component of the lines is ignored. Both line segments are defined
     * by two points (that should be distinct). This version suffers loss of precision when called with very large coordinate
     * values.
     * @param line1P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line segment 1
     * @param line1P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line segment 1
     * @param line2P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line segment 2
     * @param line2P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line segment 2
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the intersection of the two lines, or null if the lines are (almost) parallel, or do not intersect
    public static OTSPoint3D intersectionOfLineSegmentsDumb(final OTSPoint3D line1P1, final OTSPoint3D line1P2,
            final OTSPoint3D line2P1, final OTSPoint3D line2P2)
        double denominator =
                (line2P2.y - line2P1.y) * (line1P2.x - line1P1.x) - (line2P2.x - line2P1.x) * (line1P2.y - line1P1.y);
        if (denominator == 0f)
            return null; // lines are parallel (they might even be on top of each other, but we don't check that)
        double uA = ((line2P2.x - line2P1.x) * (line1P1.y - line2P1.y) - (line2P2.y - line2P1.y) * (line1P1.x - line2P1.x))
                / denominator;
        if ((uA < 0f) || (uA > 1f))
            return null; // intersection outside line 1
        double uB = ((line1P2.x - line1P1.x) * (line1P1.y - line2P1.y) - (line1P2.y - line1P1.y) * (line1P1.x - line2P1.x))
                / denominator;
        if (uB < 0 || uB > 1)
            return null; // intersection outside line 2
        return new OTSPoint3D(line1P1.x + uA * (line1P2.x - line1P1.x), line1P1.y + uA * (line1P2.y - line1P1.y), 0);

     * Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments. The Z-component of the lines is ignored. Both line segments are defined
     * by two points (that should be distinct).
     * @param line1P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line segment 1
     * @param line1P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line segment 1
     * @param line2P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line segment 2
     * @param line2P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line segment 2
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the intersection of the two lines, or null if the lines are (almost) parallel, or do not intersect
    public static OTSPoint3D intersectionOfLineSegments(final OTSPoint3D line1P1, final OTSPoint3D line1P2,
            final OTSPoint3D line2P1, final OTSPoint3D line2P2)
        double l1p1x = line1P1.x;
        double l1p1y = line1P1.y;
        double l1p2x = line1P2.x - l1p1x;
        double l1p2y = line1P2.y - l1p1y;
        double l2p1x = line2P1.x - l1p1x;
        double l2p1y = line2P1.y - l1p1y;
        double l2p2x = line2P2.x - l1p1x;
        double l2p2y = line2P2.y - l1p1y;
        double denominator = (l2p2y - l2p1y) * l1p2x - (l2p2x - l2p1x) * l1p2y;
        if (denominator == 0f)
            return null; // lines are parallel (they might even be on top of each other, but we don't check that)
        double uA = ((l2p2x - l2p1x) * (-l2p1y) - (l2p2y - l2p1y) * (-l2p1x)) / denominator;
        // System.out.println("uA is " + uA);
        if ((uA < 0f) || (uA > 1f))
            return null; // intersection outside line 1
        double uB = (l1p2y * l2p1x - l1p2x * l2p1y) / denominator;
        // System.out.println("uB is " + uB);
        if (uB < 0 || uB > 1)
            return null; // intersection outside line 2
        return new OTSPoint3D(line1P1.x + uA * l1p2x, line1P1.y + uA * l1p2y, 0);

     * Compute the 2D intersection of two infinite lines. The Z-component of the lines is ignored. Both lines are defined by two
     * points (that should be distinct). This version suffers loss of precision when called with very large coordinate values.
     * @param line1P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 1
     * @param line1P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 1
     * @param line2P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 2
     * @param line2P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 2
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the intersection of the two lines, or null if the lines are (almost) parallel
    public static OTSPoint3D intersectionOfLinesDumb(final OTSPoint3D line1P1, final OTSPoint3D line1P2,
            final OTSPoint3D line2P1, final OTSPoint3D line2P2)
        double determinant =
                (line1P1.x - line1P2.x) * (line2P1.y - line2P2.y) - (line1P1.y - line1P2.y) * (line2P1.x - line2P2.x);
        if (Math.abs(determinant) < 0.0000001)
            return null;
        return new OTSPoint3D(
                ((line1P1.x * line1P2.y - line1P1.y * line1P2.x) * (line2P1.x - line2P2.x)
                        - (line1P1.x - line1P2.x) * (line2P1.x * line2P2.y - line2P1.y * line2P2.x)) / determinant,
                ((line1P1.x * line1P2.y - line1P1.y * line1P2.x) * (line2P1.y - line2P2.y)
                        - (line1P1.y - line1P2.y) * (line2P1.x * line2P2.y - line2P1.y * line2P2.x)) / determinant);

     * Compute the 2D intersection of two infinite lines. The Z-component of the lines is ignored. Both lines are defined by two
     * points (that should be distinct).
     * @param line1P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 1
     * @param line1P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 1
     * @param line2P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 2
     * @param line2P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 2
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the intersection of the two lines, or null if the lines are (almost) parallel
    public static OTSPoint3D intersectionOfLines(final OTSPoint3D line1P1, final OTSPoint3D line1P2, final OTSPoint3D line2P1,
            final OTSPoint3D line2P2)
        double l1p1x = line1P1.x;
        double l1p1y = line1P1.y;
        double l1p2x = line1P2.x - l1p1x;
        double l1p2y = line1P2.y - l1p1y;
        double l2p1x = line2P1.x - l1p1x;
        double l2p1y = line2P1.y - l1p1y;
        double l2p2x = line2P2.x - l1p1x;
        double l2p2y = line2P2.y - l1p1y;
        double determinant = (0 - l1p2x) * (l2p1y - l2p2y) - (0 - l1p2y) * (l2p1x - l2p2x);
        if (Math.abs(determinant) < 0.0000001)
            return null;
        return new OTSPoint3D(l1p1x + (l1p2x * (l2p1x * l2p2y - l2p1y * l2p2x)) / determinant,
                l1p1y + (l1p2y * (l2p1x * l2p2y - l2p1y * l2p2x)) / determinant);

     * Project a point on a line segment (2D - Z-component is ignored). If the the projected points lies outside the line
     * segment, the nearest end point of the line segment is returned. Otherwise the returned point lies between the end points
     * of the line segment. <br>
     * Adapted from <a href="http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/DistancePoint.java">example code provided by Paul
     * Bourke</a>.
     * @param segmentPoint1 OTSPoint3D; start of line segment
     * @param segmentPoint2 OTSPoint3D; end of line segment
     * @return Point2D.Double; either <cite>lineP1</cite>, or <cite>lineP2</cite> or a new OTSPoint3D that lies somewhere in
     *         between those two. The Z-component of the result matches the Z-component of the line segment at that point
    public final OTSPoint3D closestPointOnSegment(final OTSPoint3D segmentPoint1, final OTSPoint3D segmentPoint2)
        double dX = segmentPoint2.x - segmentPoint1.x;
        double dY = segmentPoint2.y - segmentPoint1.y;
        if ((0 == dX) && (0 == dY))
            return segmentPoint1;
        final double u = ((this.x - segmentPoint1.x) * dX + (this.y - segmentPoint1.y) * dY) / (dX * dX + dY * dY);
        if (u < 0)
            return segmentPoint1;
        else if (u > 1)
            return segmentPoint2;
            return interpolate(u, segmentPoint1, segmentPoint2);

     * Return the closest point on an OTSLine3D.
     * @param line OTSLine3D; the line
     * @param useHorizontalDistance boolean; if true; the horizontal distance is used to determine the closest point; if false;
     *            the 3D distance is used to determine the closest point
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the Z component of the returned point matches the Z-component of the line at that point
    private OTSPoint3D internalClosestPointOnLine(final OTSLine3D line, final boolean useHorizontalDistance)
        OTSPoint3D prevPoint = null;
        double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        OTSPoint3D result = null;
        for (OTSPoint3D nextPoint : line.getPoints())
            if (null != prevPoint)
                OTSPoint3D closest = closestPointOnSegment(prevPoint, nextPoint);
                double thisDistance = useHorizontalDistance ? horizontalDistanceSI(closest) : distanceSI(closest);
                if (thisDistance < distance)
                    result = closest;
                    distance = thisDistance;
            prevPoint = nextPoint;
        return result;

     * Return the closest point on an OTSLine3D. This method takes the Z-component of this point and the line into account.
     * @param line OTSLine3D; the line
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the Z-component of the returned point matches the Z-component of the line at that point
    public final OTSPoint3D closestPointOnLine(final OTSLine3D line)
        return internalClosestPointOnLine(line, false);

     * Return the closest point on an OTSLine3D. This method ignores the Z-component of this point and the line when computing
     * the distance.
     * @param line OTSLine3D; the line
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the Z-component of the returned point matches the Z-component of the line at that point
    public final OTSPoint3D closestPointOnLine2D(final OTSLine3D line)
        return internalClosestPointOnLine(line, true);

     * Return the point with a length of 1 to the origin.
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the normalized point
    public final OTSPoint3D normalize()
        double length = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
        return this.translate(length);

     * Return this point translated by a factor from the origin.
     * @param factor double; the translation factor
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the translated point
    public final OTSPoint3D translate(final double factor)
        return new OTSPoint3D(this.x / factor, this.y / factor, this.z / factor);

     * Return the possible center points of a circle when two points and a radius are given.
     * @param point1 OTSPoint3D; the first point
     * @param point2 OTSPoint3D; the second point
     * @param radius double; the radius
     * @return List&lt;OTSPoint3D&gt; a list of zero, one or two points
    public static final List<OTSPoint3D> circleCenter(final OTSPoint3D point1, final OTSPoint3D point2, final double radius)
        List<OTSPoint3D> center = new ArrayList<>();
        OTSPoint3D m = interpolate(0.5, point1, point2);
        double h = point1.distanceSI(m);
        if (radius < h) // no intersection
            return center;
        if (radius == h) // intersection at m
            return center;
        OTSPoint3D p = new OTSPoint3D(point2.y - point1.y, point1.x - point2.x).normalize();
        double d = Math.sqrt(radius * radius - h * h); // distance of center from m
        center.add(new OTSPoint3D(m.x + d * p.x, m.y + d * p.y, m.z));
        center.add(new OTSPoint3D(m.x - d * p.x, m.y - d * p.y, m.z));
        return center;

     * Return the possible intersections between two circles.
     * @param center1 OTSPoint3D; the center of circle 1
     * @param radius1 double; the radius of circle 1
     * @param center2 OTSPoint3D; the center of circle 2
     * @param radius2 double; the radius of circle 2
     * @return List&lt;OTSPoint3D&gt; a list of zero, one or two points
    public static final List<OTSPoint3D> circleIntersections(final OTSPoint3D center1, final double radius1,
            final OTSPoint3D center2, final double radius2)
        List<OTSPoint3D> center = new ArrayList<>();
        OTSPoint3D m = interpolate(radius1 / (radius1 + radius2), center1, center2);
        double h = center1.distanceSI(m);
        if (radius1 < h) // no intersection
            return center;
        if (radius1 == h) // intersection at m
            return center;
        OTSPoint3D p = new OTSPoint3D(center2.y - center1.y, center1.x - center2.x).normalize();
        double d = Math.sqrt(radius1 * radius1 - h * h); // distance of center from m
        center.add(new OTSPoint3D(m.x + d * p.x, m.y + d * p.y, m.z));
        center.add(new OTSPoint3D(m.x - d * p.x, m.y - d * p.y, m.z));
        return center;

     * @param point OTSPoint3D; the point to which the distance has to be calculated.
     * @return the distance in 3D according to Pythagoras, expressed in the SI unit for length (meter)
    public final double distanceSI(final OTSPoint3D point)
        double dx = point.x - this.x;
        double dy = point.y - this.y;
        double dz = point.z - this.z;

        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

     * @param point OTSPoint3D; the point to which the distance has to be calculated.
     * @return the distance in 3D according to Pythagoras, expressed in the SI unit for length (meter)
    public final double horizontalDistanceSI(final OTSPoint3D point)
        double dx = point.x - this.x;
        double dy = point.y - this.y;

        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

     * @param point OTSPoint3D; the point to which the distance has to be calculated.
     * @return the distance in 3D according to Pythagoras
    public final Length horizontalDistance(final OTSPoint3D point)
        return new Length(horizontalDistanceSI(point), LengthUnit.SI);

     * @param point OTSPoint3D; the point to which the distance has to be calculated.
     * @return the distance in 3D according to Pythagoras
    public final Length distance(final OTSPoint3D point)
        return new Length(distanceSI(point), LengthUnit.SI);

     * @return the equivalent geotools Coordinate of this point.
    public final Coordinate getCoordinate()
        return new Coordinate(this.x, this.y, this.z);

     * @return the equivalent DSOL DirectedPoint of this point. Should the result be cached?
    public final DirectedPoint getDirectedPoint()
        return new DirectedPoint(this.x, this.y, this.z);

     * @return a Point2D with the x and y structure.
    public final Point2D getPoint2D()
        return new Point2D.Double(this.x, this.y);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final DirectedPoint getLocation()
        return getDirectedPoint();

     * This method returns a sphere with a diameter of half a meter as the default bounds for a point. {@inheritDoc}
    public final Bounds getBounds()
        return new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.5);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return String.format("(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)", this.x, this.y, this.z);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int hashCode()
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        long temp;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.x);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.y);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.z);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:needbraces"})
    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        OTSPoint3D other = (OTSPoint3D) obj;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.x) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.x))
            return false;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.y) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.y))
            return false;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.z) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.z))
            return false;
        return true;
