
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableMap;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.Identifiable;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.definitions.Definitions;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUType;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.object.InvisibleObjectInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.object.ObjectInterface;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventProducerInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.event.EventType;

 * Interface that defines what information a network should be able to provide about Nodes, Links and Routes.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * <p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-17 22:16:44 +0100 (Sun, 17 Mar 2019) $, @version $Revision: 5158 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
 * initial version Jul 22, 2015 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
 * @author <a href="">Guus Tamminga</a>
public interface Network extends Definitions, EventProducerInterface, Identifiable
    /** @return String; the id */
    String getId();

    /**************************************** NODES ****************************************/

     * Provide an immutable map of node ids to nodes in the network.
     * @return an immutable map of nodes.
    ImmutableMap<String, Node> getNodeMap();

     * Register a node in the network.
     * @param node Node; the node to add to the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if node already exists in the network, or if name of the node is not unique.
    void addNode(Node node) throws NetworkException;

     * Unregister a node from the network.
     * @param node Node; the node to remove from the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if node does not exist in the network.
    void removeNode(Node node) throws NetworkException;

     * Test whether a node is present in the network.
     * @param node Node; the node to search for in the network.
     * @return whether the node is in this network
    boolean containsNode(Node node);

     * Test whether a node with a given id is present in the network.
     * @param nodeId String; the id of the node to search for in the network.
     * @return whether the node is in this network
    boolean containsNode(String nodeId);

     * Retrieve a node with a given id from the network, or null if the id cannot be found.
     * @param nodeId String; the id of the node to search for in the network.
     * @return the node or null if not present
    Node getNode(String nodeId);

    /**************************************** LINKS ****************************************/

     * Provide an immutable map of link ids to links in the network.
     * @return the an immutable map of links.
    ImmutableMap<String, Link> getLinkMap();

     * Register a link in the network.
     * @param link Link; the link to add to the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if link already exists in the network, if name of the link is not unique, or if the start node
     *             or the end node of the link are not registered in the network.
    void addLink(Link link) throws NetworkException;

     * Unregister a link from the network.
     * @param link Link; the link to remove from the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if link does not exist in the network.
    void removeLink(Link link) throws NetworkException;

     * Test whether a link is present in the network.
     * @param link Link; the link to search for in the network.
     * @return whether the link is in this network
    boolean containsLink(Link link);

     * Test whether a link with a given id is present in the network.
     * @param link String; the id of the link to search for in the network.
     * @return whether the link is in this network
    boolean containsLink(String link);

     * Retrieve a node with a given id from the network, or null if the id cannot be found.
     * @param linkId String; the id of the link to search for in the network.
     * @return the link or null if not present
    Link getLink(String linkId);

     * Find a link between node1 and node2 and return it if it exists in the network. If not, return null.
     * @param node1 Node; first node
     * @param node2 Node; second node
     * @return the link between node1 and node2 in the network or null if it does not exist.
    Link getLink(Node node1, Node node2);

     * Find a link between node1 and node2 and return it if it exists in the network. If not, return null.
     * @param nodeId1 String; id of the first node
     * @param nodeId2 String; id of the second node
     * @return the link between node1 and node2 in the network or null if it does not exist.
     * @throws NetworkException if the node(s) cannot be found by their id
    Link getLink(String nodeId1, String nodeId2) throws NetworkException;

    /************************ OBJECT INTERFACE IMPLEMENTING OBJECTS ************************/

     * Return an immutable map of all ObjectInterface implementing objects in the Network.
     * @return ImmutableMap&lt;String, ObjectInterface&gt;; the immutable map of all ObjectInterface implementing objects in the
     *         Network
    ImmutableMap<String, ObjectInterface> getObjectMap();

     * Return an immutable map of all ObjectInterface implementing objects in the network that are of type objectType, or any
     * sub type thereof.
     * @param objectType Class&lt;T&gt;; the (sub-)type of ObjectInterface that the returned map is reduced to
     * @param <T> type of object
     * @return ImmutableMap&lt;String, ObjectInterface&gt;; the immutable map of all ObjectInterface implementing objects in the
     *         Network that are of the type objectType, or any sub type thereof
    <T extends ObjectInterface> ImmutableMap<String, T> getObjectMap(Class<T> objectType);

     * Return object of given type with given id.
     * @param objectType T; object type class
     * @param objectId String; id of object
     * @param <T> object type
     * @return T; object of given type with given id, {@code null} if no such object
    <T extends ObjectInterface> T getObject(Class<T> objectType, String objectId);

     * Add an ObjectInterface implementing object to the Network.
     * @param object ObjectInterface; the object that implements ObjectInterface
     * @throws NetworkException if link already exists in the network, if name of the object is not unique.
    void addObject(ObjectInterface object) throws NetworkException;

     * Remove an ObjectInterface implementing object form the Network.
     * @param object ObjectInterface; the object that implements ObjectInterface
     * @throws NetworkException if the object does not exist in the network.
    void removeObject(ObjectInterface object) throws NetworkException;

     * Test whether the object is present in the Network.
     * @param object ObjectInterface; the object that is tested for presence
     * @return boolean; whether the object is present in the Network
    boolean containsObject(ObjectInterface object);

     * Test whether an object with the given id is present in the Network.
     * @param objectId String; the id that is tested for presence
     * @return boolean; whether an object with the given id is present in the Network
    boolean containsObject(String objectId);

    /********************************* INVISIBLE OBJECTS ***********************************/

     * Return an immutable map of all InvisibleObject implementing objects in the Network.
     * @return ImmutableMap&lt;String, ObjectInterface&gt;; the immutable map of all ObjectInterface implementing objects in the
     *         Network
    ImmutableMap<String, InvisibleObjectInterface> getInvisibleObjectMap();

     * Return an immutable map of all InvisibleObject implementing objects in the network that are of type objectType, or any
     * sub type thereof.
     * @param objectType Class&lt;InvisibleObjectInterface&gt;; the (sub-)type of InvisibleObject that the returned map is
     *            reduced to
     * @return ImmutableMap&lt;String, InvisibleObject&gt;; the immutable map of all InvisibleObject implementing objects in the
     *         Network that are of the type objectType, or any sub type thereof
    ImmutableMap<String, InvisibleObjectInterface> getInvisibleObjectMap(Class<InvisibleObjectInterface> objectType);

     * Add an ObjectInterface implementing object to the Network.
     * @param object InvisibleObjectInterface; the object that implements ObjectInterface
     * @throws NetworkException if link already exists in the network, if name of the object is not unique.
    void addInvisibleObject(InvisibleObjectInterface object) throws NetworkException;

     * Remove an ObjectInterface implementing object form the Network.
     * @param object InvisibleObjectInterface; the object that implements ObjectInterface
     * @throws NetworkException if the object does not exist in the network.
    void removeInvisibleObject(InvisibleObjectInterface object) throws NetworkException;

     * Test whether the invisible object is present in the Network.
     * @param object InvisibleObjectInterface; the object that is tested for presence
     * @return boolean; whether the invisible object is present in the Network
    boolean containsInvisibleObject(InvisibleObjectInterface object);

     * Test whether an invisible object with the given id is present in the Network.
     * @param objectId String; the id that is tested for presence
     * @return boolean; whether an invisible object with the given id is present in the Network
    boolean containsInvisibleObject(String objectId);

    /*************************************** ROUTES ****************************************/

     * Return an immutable map of routes that exist in the network for the GTUType.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to retrieve the defined routes
     * @return an immutable map of routes in the network for the given GTUType, or an empty Map if no routes are defined for the
     *         given GTUType.
    ImmutableMap<String, Route> getDefinedRouteMap(GTUType gtuType);

     * Add a route to the network.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to add a route
     * @param route Route; the route to add to the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if route already exists in the network, if name of the route is not unique, if one of the nodes
     *             of the route are not registered in the network.
    void addRoute(GTUType gtuType, Route route) throws NetworkException;

     * Remove the route from the network, e.g. because of road maintenance.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to remove a route
     * @param route Route; the route to remove from the network.
     * @throws NetworkException if route does not exist in the network.
    void removeRoute(GTUType gtuType, Route route) throws NetworkException;

     * Return the route with the given id in the network for the given GTUType, or null if it the route with the id does not
     * exist.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to retrieve a route based on its id.
     * @param routeId String; the route to search for in the network.
     * @return the route or null if not present
    Route getRoute(GTUType gtuType, String routeId);

     * Determine whether the provided route exists in the network for the given GTUType.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to check whether the route exists
     * @param route Route; the route to check for
     * @return whether the route exists in the network for the given GTUType
    boolean containsRoute(GTUType gtuType, Route route);

     * Determine whether a route with the given id exists in the network for the given GTUType.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to check whether the route exists
     * @param routeId String; the id of the route to check for
     * @return whether a route with the given id exists in the network for the given GTUType
    boolean containsRoute(GTUType gtuType, String routeId);

     * Return the the shortest route between two nodes in the network, via a list of intermediate nodes. If no path exists from
     * the start node to the end node via the intermediate nodes in the network, null is returned.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to retrieve the defined routes
     * @param nodeFrom Node; the start node.
     * @param nodeTo Node; the end node.
     * @return a set with routes from the start Node to the end Node in the network; if no route can be found, an empty set is
     *         returned.
    Set<Route> getRoutesBetween(GTUType gtuType, Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo);

     * (Re)build the underlying graph for the given GTUType.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to (re)build the graph
    void buildGraph(GTUType gtuType);

     * Calculate the shortest route between two nodes in the network. If no path exists from the start node to the end node in
     * the network, null is returned. This method returns a CompleteRoute, which includes all nodes to get from start to end. In
     * case the graph for the GTUType has not yet been built, this method will call the buildGraph method.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to calculate the shortest route
     * @param nodeFrom Node; the start node.
     * @param nodeTo Node; the end node.
     * @return the shortest route from the start Node to the end Node in the network. If no path exists from the start node to
     *         the end node in the network, null is returned.
     * @throws NetworkException in case nodes cannot be added to the route, e.g. because they are not directly connected. This
     *             can be the case when the links in the network have changed, but the graph has not been rebuilt.
    default CompleteRoute getShortestRouteBetween(GTUType gtuType, Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo) throws NetworkException
        return getShortestRouteBetween(gtuType, nodeFrom, nodeTo, LinkWeight.LENGTH);

     * Calculate the shortest route between two nodes in the network. If no path exists from the start node to the end node in
     * the network, null is returned. This method returns a CompleteRoute, which includes all nodes to get from start to end.
     * This method recalculates the graph.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to calculate the shortest route
     * @param nodeFrom Node; the start node.
     * @param nodeTo Node; the end node.
     * @param linkWeight LinkWeight; link weight.
     * @return the shortest route from the start Node to the end Node in the network. If no path exists from the start node to
     *         the end node in the network, null is returned.
     * @throws NetworkException in case nodes cannot be added to the route, e.g. because they are not directly connected. This
     *             can be the case when the links in the network have changed, but the graph has not been rebuilt.
    CompleteRoute getShortestRouteBetween(GTUType gtuType, Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo, LinkWeight linkWeight)
            throws NetworkException;

     * Calculate the shortest route between two nodes in the network, via a list of intermediate nodes. If no path exists from
     * the start node to the end node via the intermediate nodes in the network, null is returned. This method returns a
     * CompleteRoute, which includes all nodes to get from start to end. In case the graph for the GTUType has not yet been
     * built, this method will call the buildGraph method.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to calculate the shortest route
     * @param nodeFrom Node; the start node.
     * @param nodeTo Node; the end node.
     * @param nodesVia List&lt;Node&gt;; a number of nodes that the GTU has to pass between nodeFrom and nodeTo in the given
     *            order.
     * @return the shortest route between two nodes in the network, via the intermediate nodes. If no path exists from the start
     *         node to the end node via the intermediate nodes in the network, null is returned.
     * @throws NetworkException in case nodes cannot be added to the route, e.g. because they are not directly connected. This
     *             can be the case when the links in the network have changed, but the graph has not been rebuilt.
    default CompleteRoute getShortestRouteBetween(GTUType gtuType, Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo, List<Node> nodesVia)
            throws NetworkException
        return getShortestRouteBetween(gtuType, nodeFrom, nodeTo, nodesVia, LinkWeight.LENGTH);

     * Calculate the shortest route between two nodes in the network, via a list of intermediate nodes. If no path exists from
     * the start node to the end node via the intermediate nodes in the network, null is returned. This method returns a
     * CompleteRoute, which includes all nodes to get from start to end. This method recalculates the graph.
     * @param gtuType GTUType; the GTUType for which to calculate the shortest route
     * @param nodeFrom Node; the start node.
     * @param nodeTo Node; the end node.
     * @param nodesVia List&lt;Node&gt;; a number of nodes that the GTU has to pass between nodeFrom and nodeTo in the given
     *            order.
     * @param linkWeight LinkWeight; link weight.
     * @return the shortest route between two nodes in the network, via the intermediate nodes. If no path exists from the start
     *         node to the end node via the intermediate nodes in the network, null is returned.
     * @throws NetworkException in case nodes cannot be added to the route, e.g. because they are not directly connected. This
     *             can be the case when the links in the network have changed, but the graph has not been rebuilt.
    CompleteRoute getShortestRouteBetween(GTUType gtuType, Node nodeFrom, Node nodeTo, List<Node> nodesVia,
            LinkWeight linkWeight) throws NetworkException;

    /********************************** ANIMATION EVENTS ***********************************/

     * The timed event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Node. <br>
     * Payload: Node node (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Node. <br>
     * Payload: Node node (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Link. <br>
     * Payload: Link link (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Link. <br>
     * Payload: Link link (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of an ObjectInterface implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: StaticObject object (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of an ObjectInterface implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: StaticObject object (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of an InvisibleObjectInterface implementing
     * object. <br>
     * Payload: InvisibleObject object (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of an InvisibleObjectInterface implementing
     * object. <br>
     * Payload: InvisibleObject object (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Route for a gtuType. <br>
     * Payload: [GTUType gtuType, Route route]

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Route for a gtuType. <br>
     * Payload: [GTUType gtuType, Route route]

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a GTU to the network. <br>
     * Payload: GTU gtu (not an array, just an Object)

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a GTU from the network. <br>
     * Payload: GTU gtu (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of an GTUGenerator implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: AbstractGTUGenerator object (not an array, just an Object)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of an GTUGenerator implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: AbstractGTUGenerator object (not an array, just an Object)

    /*************************************** EVENTS ****************************************/

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Node. <br>
     * Payload: String nodeId (not an array, just a String)
    EventType NODE_ADD_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.NODE.ADD");

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Node. <br>
     * Payload: String nodeId (not an array, just a String)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Link. <br>
     * Payload: String linkId (not an array, just a String)
    EventType LINK_ADD_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.LINK.ADD");

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Link. <br>
     * Payload: String linkId (not an array, just a String)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of an ObjectInterface implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: String ObjectId (not an array, just a String)
    EventType OBJECT_ADD_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.OBJECT.ADD");

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of an ObjectInterface implementing object. <br>
     * Payload: String objectId (not an array, just a String)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of an InvisibleObjectInterface implementing
     * object. <br>
     * Payload: String ObjectId (not an array, just a String)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of an InvisibleObjectInterface implementing
     * object. <br>
     * Payload: String objectId (not an array, just a String)

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a Route for a gtuType. <br>
     * Payload: [String gtuTypeId, String routeId]
    EventType ROUTE_ADD_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.ROUTE.ADD");

     * The (regular, not timed) event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a Route for a gtuType. <br>
     * Payload: [String gtuTypeId, String routeId]

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a GTU to the network. <br>
     * Payload: String gtuId (not an array, just a String)
    EventType GTU_ADD_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.GTU.ADD");

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a GTU from the network. <br>
     * Payload: String gtuId (not an array, just a String)
    EventType GTU_REMOVE_EVENT = new EventType("NETWORK.GTU.REMOVE");

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the addition of a GTUGenerator to the network. <br>
     * Payload: String generatorName (not an array, just a String)

     * The <b>timed</b> event type for pub/sub indicating the removal of a GTUGenerator from the network. <br>
     * Payload: String generatorName (not an array, just a String)