CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.4.0.


File Line
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\SensorAnimation.java 106
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\TrafficLightAnimation.java 120
        return "SensorAnimation [getSource()=" + this.getSource() + "]";

     * Text animation for the Sensor. Separate class to be able to turn it on and off...
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="http://opentrafficsim.org/docs/current/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
     * initial version Dec 11, 2016 <br>
     * @author <a href="http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="http://www.tudelft.nl/pknoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
     * @author <a href="http://www.transport.citg.tudelft.nl">Wouter Schakel</a>
    public class Text extends TextAnimation
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20161211L;

         * @param source Locatable; the object for which the text is displayed
         * @param text String; the text to display
         * @param dx float; the horizontal movement of the text, in meters
         * @param dy float; the vertical movement of the text, in meters
         * @param textPlacement TextAlignment; where to place the text
         * @param color Color; the color of the text
         * @param simulator SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit; the simulator
         * @throws NamingException when animation context cannot be created or retrieved
         * @throws RemoteException - when remote context cannot be found
        public Text(final Locatable source, final String text, final float dx, final float dy,
                final TextAlignment textPlacement, final Color color, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit simulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            super(source, text, dx, dy, textPlacement, color, simulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public TextAnimation clone(final Locatable newSource, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit newSimulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            return new Text(newSource, getText(), getDx(), getDy(), getTextAlignment(), getColor(), newSimulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final String toString()
            return "Text []";

File Line
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\BusStopAnimation.java 74
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\SensorAnimation.java 106
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\TrafficLightAnimation.java 120
        return "BusStopAnimation [getSource()=" + getSource() + "]";

     * Text animation for the BusStop. Separate class to be able to turn it on and off...
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="http://opentrafficsim.org/docs/current/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
     * initial version Dec 11, 2016 <br>
     * @author <a href="http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="http://www.tudelft.nl/pknoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
     * @author <a href="http://www.transport.citg.tudelft.nl">Wouter Schakel</a>
    public class Text extends TextAnimation
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20161211L;

         * @param source Locatable; the object for which the text is displayed
         * @param text String; the text to display
         * @param dx float; the horizontal movement of the text, in meters
         * @param dy float; the vertical movement of the text, in meters
         * @param textPlacement TextAlignment; where to place the text
         * @param color Color; the color of the text
         * @param simulator SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit; the simulator
         * @throws NamingException when animation context cannot be created or retrieved
         * @throws RemoteException - when remote context cannot be found
        public Text(final Locatable source, final String text, final float dx, final float dy,
                final TextAlignment textPlacement, final Color color, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit simulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            super(source, text, dx, dy, textPlacement, color, simulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public TextAnimation clone(final Locatable newSource, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit newSimulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            return new Text(newSource, getText(), getDx(), getDy(), getTextAlignment(), getColor(), newSimulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final String toString()
            return "Text []";

File Line
org\opentrafficsim\draw\network\LinkAnimation.java 183
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\LaneAnimation.java 168
            DirectedPoint p = ((Link) getSource()).getDesignLine().getLocationFractionExtended(0.5);
            double a = Angle.normalizePi(p.getRotZ());
            if (a > Math.PI / 2.0 || a < -0.99 * Math.PI / 2.0)
                a += Math.PI;
            return new DirectedPoint(p.x, p.y, Double.MAX_VALUE, 0.0, 0.0, a);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public TextAnimation clone(final Locatable newSource, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit newSimulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            return new Text(newSource, getText(), getDx(), getDy(), getTextAlignment(), getColor(), newSimulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final String toString()
            return "LinkAnimation.Text []";
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\draw\gtu\DefaultCarAnimation.java 352
org\opentrafficsim\draw\network\LinkAnimation.java 183
org\opentrafficsim\draw\road\LaneAnimation.java 168
            DirectedPoint p = ((LaneBasedIndividualGTU) getSource()).getLocation();
            double a = Angle.normalizePi(p.getRotZ());
            if (a > Math.PI / 2.0 || a < -0.99 * Math.PI / 2.0)
                a += Math.PI;
            return new DirectedPoint(p.x, p.y, Double.MAX_VALUE, 0.0, 0.0, a);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public TextAnimation clone(final Locatable newSource, final SimulatorInterface.TimeDoubleUnit newSimulator)
                throws RemoteException, NamingException
            return new Text(newSource, getText(), getDx(), getDy(), getTextAlignment(), getColor(), newSimulator);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final String toString()
            return "Text [isTextDestroyed=" + this.isTextDestroyed + "]";