Class InputParameterHelper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class InputParameterHelper
    extends Object
    implements ParameterFactory

    Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See for project information The source code and binary code of this software is proprietary information of Delft University of Technology.
    Alexander Verbraeck
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputParameterHelper

        public InputParameterHelper​(InputParameterMap rootMap)
        rootMap - InputParameterMap; input parameter map
    • Method Detail

      • makeInputParameterMapCarTruck

        public static void makeInputParameterMapCarTruck​(InputParameterMap map,
                                                         double probabilityDisplayPriority)
        Make a map of input parameters for a demo with a car/truck ratio and car/truck tabs with parameters.
        map - InputParameterMap; the map to add the car/truck input parameters to
        probabilityDisplayPriority - double; the display priority to use for the car probability in the generic map
      • makeInputParameterMapCar

        public static void makeInputParameterMapCar​(InputParameterMap map,
                                                    double displayPriority)
        Make a map of input parameters for a demo with a car tabs with parameters.
        map - InputParameterMap; the map to add the car input tab to
        displayPriority - double; the display priority to use for the car tab in the generic map
      • makeInputParameterMapTruck

        public static void makeInputParameterMapTruck​(InputParameterMap map,
                                                      double displayPriority)
        Make a map of input parameters for a demo with a truck tabs with parameters.
        map - InputParameterMap; the map to add the truck input tab to
        displayPriority - double; the display priority to use for the truck map in the generic map