All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractIndicator<T extends DoubleScalarInterface> |
Abstract indicator which stores the last calculated value and returns it in getValue() for an equal query, start time
and end time.
AbstractTable |
Abstract Table implementation taking care of the columns.
Column<T> |
Meta data of data in a column.
ConfidenceInterval<T extends AbstractDoubleScalarRel<?,T>> |
Wrapper class for two typed values that represent a confidence interval.
CrossSection |
A cross sections contains locations on lanes that together make up a cross section.
ExtendedDataType<T,O,S,G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Type class to define different types of data by which trajectories can be extended beyond the basic t, x, v, a.
ExtendedDataTypeDuration<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Extended data type for duration values.
ExtendedDataTypeFloat<U extends Unit<U>,T extends AbstractFloatScalar<U,T>,O extends AbstractFloatVector<U,T,O>,G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Class to facilitate JUNITS types in extended data.
ExtendedDataTypeLength<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Extended data type for length values.
ExtendedDataTypeList<T,G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Extended data type for anything that can be captured in a list.
ExtendedDataTypeNumber<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Class for unitless values.
ExtendedDataTypeSpeed<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Extended data type for speed values.
ExtendedDataTypeString<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
FilterDataCrossSections |
Accepts trajectories that have passed all cross sections as defined in a query.
FilterDataDestination |
Accepts trajectories with a destination node included in a set in a query.
FilterDataGtuType |
Accepts trajectories with a GTUType included in a set in a query.
FilterDataOrigin |
Accepts trajectories with an origin node included in a set in a query.
FilterDataRoute |
Accepts trajectories with a Route included in a set in a query.
FilterDataSet |
Collection of object sets, one object set per meta data type included.
FilterDataType<T> |
Abstract class for defining a type of filter data.
GtuDataInterface |
Represents a GTU for sampling.
GtuTypeDataInterface |
Represents a GTU type for sampling.
IntervalSide |
Enum for confidence interval sides.
KpiDirectedLanePosition |
Store one position, direction and lane of a GTU.
KpiGtuDirectionality |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
KpiLaneDirection |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LaneDataInterface |
Represents a lane for sampling.
LinkDataInterface |
Represents a link for sampling.
ListTable |
List implementation of Table .
MeanDensity |
Total travel time divided by the sum of areas (X * T).
MeanIntensity |
Total travel distance divided by the sum of areas (X * T).
MeanSpeed |
Sum of trajectory lengths divided by sum of trajectory durations.
MeanTravelTimePerDistance |
Inverse of mean speed.
MeanTripLength |
Sum of trajectory lengths divided by number of GTU's.
MetaData |
Collection of objects, one object per meta data type included.
NodeDataInterface |
Represents a node for sampling.
Persistent<U extends Unit<U>,T extends AbstractDoubleScalarRel<U,T>,W extends Number> |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
PersistentStatistic<U extends Unit<U>,T extends AbstractDoubleScalarRel<U,T>> |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Query<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
A query defines which subset of trajectory information should be included.
Record |
Consistent set of values corresponding to columns.
RouteDataInterface |
Represents a route for sampling.
Sampler<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Sampler is the highest level organizer for sampling.
SamplerData<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
SamplerData is a storage for trajectory data.
SamplerData.CompressionMethod |
Defines the compression method for stored data.
SamplingException |
Exception thrown when sampling encounters an error.
SimpleColumn<T> |
Simple column implementation.
SpaceTimeRegion |
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Table |
Table with data stored in structured records.
TotalDelay |
Sum of trajectory durations minus the sum of trajectory lengths divided by a reference speed.
TotalNumberOfStops |
Sum of measurements with zero speed, preceded by a non-zero speed.
TotalTravelDistance |
Sum of trajectory lengths.
TotalTravelTime |
Sum of trajectory durations.
Trajectory<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Contains position, speed, acceleration and time data of a GTU, over some section.
Trajectory.SpaceTimeView |
Space-time view of a trajectory.
TrajectoryAcceptList |
Set of trajectories to be accepted or rejected for a query.
TrajectoryGroup<G extends GtuDataInterface> |
Contains all trajectories pertaining to a certain space-time region.