Class AbstractDirectedLaneChangeModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DirectedAltruistic, DirectedEgoistic

    public abstract class AbstractDirectedLaneChangeModel
    extends Object
    implements DirectedLaneChangeModel
    Common code for a family of lane change models like in M. Treiber and A. Kesting Traffic Flow Dynamics, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp 239-244.

    Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    $Revision: 1401 $, $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-14 01:33:02 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015) $, by $Author: averbraeck $, initial version 4 nov. 2014
    Peter Knoppers
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDirectedLaneChangeModel

        public AbstractDirectedLaneChangeModel​(LanePerception perception)
        Construct a DirectedLaneChangeModel.
        perception - LanePerception; the perception.
    • Method Detail

      • computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration

        public final DirectedLaneMovementStep computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration​(LaneBasedGTU gtu,
                                                                               LateralDirectionality direction,
                                                                               Collection<Headway> sameLaneGTUs,
                                                                               Collection<Headway> otherLaneGTUs,
                                                                               Length maxDistance,
                                                                               Speed speedLimit,
                                                                               Acceleration otherLaneRouteIncentive,
                                                                               Acceleration laneChangeThreshold,
                                                                               Duration laneChangeTime)
                                                                        throws GTUException,
        Compute the acceleration and lane change.
        Specified by:
        computeLaneChangeAndAcceleration in interface DirectedLaneChangeModel
        gtu - LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for which the acceleration and lane change is computed
        direction - LateralDirectionality; the direction of the lane we want to change to
        sameLaneGTUs - Collection<Headway>; the set of information about observable GTUs in the current lane (can not be null and may include the gtu)
        otherLaneGTUs - Collection<Headway>; the set of information about observable GTUs in the adjacent lane where GTUs should drive in the absence of other traffic (must be null if there is no such lane)
        maxDistance - Length; the maximum distance that the current GTU can drive, e.g. due to a lane drop
        speedLimit - Speed; the local speed limit
        otherLaneRouteIncentive - Acceleration; route incentive to merge to the adjacent lane where GTUs should drive in the absence of other traffic
        laneChangeThreshold - Acceleration; threshold that prevents lane changes that have very little benefit merge to overtake other traffic
        laneChangeTime - Duration; time spent to overtake
        LaneMovementStep; the result of the lane change and GTU following model
        GTUException - when the position of the GTU on the lane(s) cannot be determined
        ParameterException - in case of a parameter problem.
        OperationalPlanException - if DefaultAlexander perception category is not present
      • applyDriverPersonality

        public abstract Acceleration applyDriverPersonality​(DualAccelerationStep accelerationStep)
        Return the weighted acceleration as described by the personality. This incorporates the personality of the driver to the lane change decisions.
        accelerationStep - DualAccelerationStep; the DualAccelerationStep that contains the AccelerationStep that the reference GTU will make and the AccelerationStep that the (new) follower GTU will make
        Acceleration; the acceleration that the personality of the driver uses (in a comparison to a similarly computed acceleration in the non-, or different-lane-changed state) to decide if a lane change should be performed