Class CycleTimeLightController

    • Constructor Detail

      • CycleTimeLightController

        public CycleTimeLightController​(OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                                        List<TrafficLight> trafficLights,
                                        Compatible compatible)
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; simulator
        trafficLights - List<TrafficLight>; traffic lights
        compatible - Compatible; GTU types that trigger the detector, and hence the light to red
    • Method Detail

      • setRed

        protected void setRed​(TrafficLight trafficLight)
        Sets the traffic light to red. Can be scheduled.
        trafficLight - TrafficLight; traffic light
      • setGreen

        protected void setGreen​(TrafficLight trafficLight)
        Sets the traffic light to green. Can be scheduled and remembers the green time.
        trafficLight - TrafficLight; traffic light