Class Barrier

    • Constructor Detail

      • Barrier

        public Barrier​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                       Length beginCenterPosition,
                       Length endCenterPosition,
                       Length beginWidth,
                       Length endWidth)
                throws OTSGeometryException,
        Note: LEFT is seen as a positive lateral direction, RIGHT as a negative lateral direction, with the direction from the StartNode towards the EndNode as the longitudinal direction.
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; the cross section link to which the element belongs.
        beginCenterPosition - Length; the lateral start position compared to the linear geometry of the cross section link.
        endCenterPosition - Length; the lateral end position compared to the linear geometry of the Cross Section Link.
        beginWidth - Length; start width, positioned symmetrically around the lateral start position.
        endWidth - Length; end width, positioned symmetrically around the lateral end position.
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the center line or contour geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique