package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.plan.operational;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit;
import org.djunits.value.ValueRuntimeException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSGeometryException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSLine3D;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.OTSPoint3D;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUDirectionality;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan.Segment;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.math.Solver;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGTU;

import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.eventscheduling.SimEventInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simtime.SimTimeDoubleUnit;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d3.DirectedPoint;

 * Builder for several often used operational plans. E.g., decelerate to come to a full stop at the end of a shape; accelerate
 * to reach a certain speed at the end of a curve; drive constant on a curve; decelerate or accelerate to reach a given end
 * speed at the end of a curve, etc.<br>
 * TODO driving with negative speeds (backward driving) is not yet supported.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * </p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-24 02:58:59 +0200 (Fri, 24 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1147 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
 * initial version Nov 15, 2015 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class LaneOperationalPlanBuilder // class package private for scheduling static method on an instance

    /** Maximum acceleration for unbounded accelerations: 1E12 m/s2. */
    private static final Acceleration MAX_ACCELERATION = new Acceleration(1E12, AccelerationUnit.SI);

    /** Maximum deceleration for unbounded accelerations: -1E12 m/s2. */
    private static final Acceleration MAX_DECELERATION = new Acceleration(-1E12, AccelerationUnit.SI);

     * Minimum distance of an operational plan path; anything shorter will be truncated to 0. <br>
     * If objects related to e.g. molecular movements are simulated using this code, a setter for this parameter will be needed.
    private static final Length MINIMUM_CREDIBLE_PATH_LENGTH = new Length(0.001, LengthUnit.METER);

    /** Constructor. */
        // class should not be instantiated

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed, exactly at the end of the curve.
     * The acceleration (and deceleration) are capped by maxAcceleration and maxDeceleration. Therefore, there is no guarantee
     * that the end speed is actually reached by this plan.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param distance Length; distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed Speed; the required end speed
     * @param maxAcceleration Acceleration; the maximum acceleration that can be applied, provided as a POSITIVE number
     * @param maxDeceleration Acceleration; the maximum deceleration that can be applied, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the plan cannot be generated, e.g. because of a path that is too short
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the length of the path and the calculated driven distance implied by the
     *             constructed segment list differ more than a given threshold
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePosition is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildGradualAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance,
            final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed, final Speed endSpeed, final Acceleration maxAcceleration,
            final Acceleration maxDeceleration) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        OTSLine3D path = createPathAlongCenterLine(gtu, distance);
        Segment segment;
        if (startSpeed.eq(endSpeed))
            segment = new SpeedSegment(distance.divide(startSpeed));
                // t = 2x / (vt + v0); a = (vt - v0) / t
                Duration duration = distance.times(2.0).divide(;
                Acceleration acceleration = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divide(duration);
                if ( < 0.0 &&
                    acceleration = maxDeceleration;
                    duration = new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                if ( > 0.0 &&
                    acceleration = maxAcceleration;
                    duration = new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                segment = new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, acceleration);
            catch (ValueRuntimeException ve)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(ve);
        ArrayList<Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, false);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to reach a provided end speed, exactly at the end of the curve.
     * Acceleration and deceleration are virtually unbounded (1E12 m/s2) to reach the end speed (e.g., to come to a complete
     * stop).
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param distance Length; distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed Speed; the required end speed
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the length of the path and the calculated driven distance implied by the
     *             constructed segment list differ more than a given threshold
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildGradualAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance,
            final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed, final Speed endSpeed)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        return buildGradualAccelerationPlan(gtu, distance, startTime, startSpeed, endSpeed, MAX_ACCELERATION, MAX_DECELERATION);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param distance Length; distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param endSpeed Speed; the required end speed
     * @param acceleration Acceleration; the acceleration to use if endSpeed &gt; startSpeed, provided as a POSITIVE number
     * @param deceleration Acceleration; the deceleration to use if endSpeed &lt; startSpeed, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildMaximumAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance,
            final Time startTime, final Speed startSpeed, final Speed endSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final Acceleration deceleration) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        OTSLine3D path = createPathAlongCenterLine(gtu, distance);
        ArrayList<Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (startSpeed.eq(endSpeed))
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(distance.divide(startSpeed)));
                if (
                    Duration t = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divide(acceleration);
                    Length x = startSpeed.times(t).plus(acceleration.times(0.5).times(t).times(t));
                    if (
                        // we cannot reach the end speed in the given distance with the given acceleration
                        Duration duration =
                                new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, acceleration));
                        // we reach the (higher) end speed before the end of the segment. Make two segments.
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, acceleration));
                        Duration duration = distance.minus(x).divide(endSpeed);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(duration));
                    Duration t = endSpeed.minus(startSpeed).divide(deceleration);
                    Length x = startSpeed.times(t).plus(deceleration.times(0.5).times(t).times(t));
                    if (
                        // we cannot reach the end speed in the given distance with the given deceleration
                        Duration duration =
                                new Duration(Solver.firstSolutionAfter(0, / 2,,,
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(duration, deceleration));
                        if ( == 0.0)
                            // if endSpeed == 0, we cannot reach the end of the path. Therefore, build a partial path.
                            OTSLine3D partialPath = path.truncate(;
                            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, deceleration));
                            return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, partialPath, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, false);
                        // we reach the (lower) end speed, larger than zero, before the end of the segment. Make two segments.
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(t, deceleration));
                        Duration duration = distance.minus(x).divide(endSpeed);
                        segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(duration));
            catch (ValueRuntimeException ve)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(ve);

        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, false);

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param acceleration Acceleration; the acceleration to use
     * @param timeStep Duration; time step for the plan
     * @param deviative boolean; whether the plan is deviative
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildAccelerationPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Time startTime,
            final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration, final Duration timeStep, final boolean deviative)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        if ( <= OperationalPlan.DRIFTING_SPEED_SI && acceleration.le(Acceleration.ZERO))
            return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, gtu.getLocation(), startTime, timeStep, deviative);

        Duration brakingTime = brakingTime(acceleration, startSpeed, timeStep);
        Length distance =
                Length.instantiateSI( * + .5 * * *;
        List<Segment> segmentList = createAccelerationSegments(startSpeed, acceleration, brakingTime, timeStep);
        if (distance.le(MINIMUM_CREDIBLE_PATH_LENGTH))
            return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, gtu.getLocation(), startTime, timeStep, deviative);
        OTSLine3D path = createPathAlongCenterLine(gtu, distance);
        return new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, deviative);

     * Creates a path along lane center lines.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
     * @param distance Length; minimum distance
     * @return OTSLine3D; path along lane center lines
     * @throws OTSGeometryException when any of the OTSLine3D operations fails
    public static OTSLine3D createPathAlongCenterLine(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance) throws OTSGeometryException
        // if (gtu.getId().equals("1669") && gtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().si >= 2508.9)
        // {
        // System.out.println("processing gtu " + gtu);
        // try
        // {
        // for (Lane l : gtu.fractionalPositions(RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION).keySet())
        // {
        // System.out.println("fractional position on lane " + l + ": "
        // + gtu.fractionalPositions(RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION).get(l));
        // }
        // System.out.println("reference position is " + gtu.getReferencePosition());
        // System.out.println("operational plan path is " + gtu.getOperationalPlan().getPath());
        // }
        // catch (GTUException e)
        // {
        // e.printStackTrace();
        // }
        // }
        OTSLine3D path = null;
            DirectedLanePosition ref = gtu.getReferencePosition();
            double f = ref.getLane().fraction(ref.getPosition());
            if (ref.getGtuDirection().isPlus() && f < 1.0)
                if (f >= 0.0)
                    path = ref.getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(f, 1.0);
                    path = ref.getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, 1.0);
            else if (ref.getGtuDirection().isMinus() && f > 0.0)
                if (f <= 1.0)
                    path = ref.getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, f).reverse();
                    path = ref.getLane().getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, 1.0).reverse();
            // if (gtu.getId().equals("1669") && gtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().si >= 2508.9)
            // {
            // System.out.println("First part of path is " + path);
            // }
            LaneDirection prevFrom = null;
            LaneDirection from = ref.getLaneDirection();
            int n = 1;
            boolean alternativeTried = false;
            while (path == null || path.getLength().si < + n *
                prevFrom = from;
                if (null == from)
                    CategoryLogger.always().warn("About to die: GTU {} has null from value", gtu.getId());
                from = from.getNextLaneDirection(gtu);
                if (from == null)
                    // check sink sensor
                    Length pos = prevFrom.getDirection().isPlus() ? prevFrom.getLength() : Length.ZERO;
                    for (SingleSensor sensor : prevFrom.getLane().getSensors(pos, pos, gtu.getGTUType(),
                        // XXX for now, the same is not done for the DestinationSensor (e.g., decrease speed for parking)
                        if (sensor instanceof SinkSensor)
                            // just add some length so the GTU is happy to go to the sink
                            DirectedPoint end = path.getLocationExtendedSI( + n *;
                            List<OTSPoint3D> points = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(path.getPoints()));
                            points.add(new OTSPoint3D(end));
                            return new OTSLine3D(points);
                    // START CLEVER
                    if (!alternativeTried)
                        for (Lane l : gtu.fractionalPositions(RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION).keySet())
                            if (ref.getLane().equals(l))
                            CategoryLogger.always().warn("GTU {} dead end on {}; but reference position is on {}; trying that",
                                    gtu.getId(), ref, l);
                            // Figure out the driving direction and position on Lane l
                            // For now assume that lane l and ref are lanes on the same parent link. If not, chaos may occur
                            if (!l.getParentLink().equals(ref.getLane().getParentLink()))
                                        .error("Assumption that l and ref.getLane are on same Link does not hold");
                            from = new LaneDirection(l, ref.getGtuDirection());
                            if (ref.getGtuDirection().isPlus() && f < 1.0)
                                if (f >= 0.0)
                                    path = l.getCenterLine().extractFractional(f, 1.0);
                                    path = l.getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, 1.0);
                            else if (ref.getGtuDirection().isMinus() && f > 0.0)
                                if (f <= 1.0)
                                    path = l.getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, f).reverse();
                                    path = l.getCenterLine().extractFractional(0.0, 1.0).reverse();
                            alternativeTried = true;
                        if (null != from)
                    // END CLEVER
                    CategoryLogger.always().error("GTU {} has nowhere to go and no sink sensor either", gtu);
                    // gtu.getReferencePosition(); // CLEVER
                    return path;
                if (path == null)
                    path = from.getDirection().isPlus() ? from.getLane().getCenterLine()
                            : from.getLane().getCenterLine().reverse();
                    path = OTSLine3D.concatenate(, path, from.getDirection().isPlus()
                            ? from.getLane().getCenterLine() : from.getLane().getCenterLine().reverse());
        catch (GTUException exception)
            throw new RuntimeException("Error during creation of path.", exception);
        return path;

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to reach a provided end speed. Acceleration or deceleration is as
     * provided, until the end speed is reached. After this, constant end speed is used to reach the end point of the path.
     * There is no guarantee that the end speed is actually reached by this plan. If the end speed is zero, and it is reached
     * before completing the path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param laneChangeDirectionality LateralDirectionality; direction of lane change (on initiation only, after that not
     *            important)
     * @param startPosition DirectedPoint; current position
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param acceleration Acceleration; the acceleration to use
     * @param timeStep Duration; time step for the plan
     * @param laneChange LaneChange; lane change status
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when the construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildAccelerationLaneChangePlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu,
            final LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirectionality, final DirectedPoint startPosition, final Time startTime,
            final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration, final Duration timeStep, final LaneChange laneChange)
            throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException

        // on first call during lane change, use laneChangeDirectionality as laneChange.getDirection() is NONE
        // on successive calls, use laneChange.getDirection() as laneChangeDirectionality is NONE (i.e. no LC initiated)
        LateralDirectionality direction = laneChange.isChangingLane() ? laneChange.getDirection() : laneChangeDirectionality;

        Duration brakingTime = brakingTime(acceleration, startSpeed, timeStep);
        Length planDistance =
                Length.instantiateSI( * + .5 * * *;
        List<Segment> segmentList = createAccelerationSegments(startSpeed, acceleration, brakingTime, timeStep);

            // get position on from lane
            Map<Lane, Length> positions = gtu.positions(gtu.getReference());
            DirectedLanePosition ref = gtu.getReferencePosition();
            Iterator<Lane> iterator = ref.getLane()
                    .accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(direction, gtu.getGTUType(), ref.getGtuDirection()).iterator();
            Lane adjLane = iterator.hasNext() ? : null;
            DirectedLanePosition from = null;
            if (laneChange.getDirection() == null || (adjLane != null && positions.containsKey(adjLane)))
                // reference lane is from lane, this is ok
                from = ref;
                // reference lane is to lane, this should be accounted for
                for (Lane lane : positions.keySet())
                    if (lane.accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(direction, gtu.getGTUType(), ref.getGtuDirection())
                        from = new DirectedLanePosition(lane, positions.get(lane), ref.getGtuDirection());
            Throw.when(from == null, RuntimeException.class, "From lane could not be determined during lane change.");

            // get path and make plan
            OTSLine3D path = laneChange.getPath(timeStep, gtu, from, startPosition, planDistance, direction);
            LaneBasedOperationalPlan plan = new LaneBasedOperationalPlan(gtu, path, startTime, startSpeed, segmentList, true);
            return plan;
        catch (GTUException exception)
            throw new RuntimeException("Error during creation of lane change plan.", exception);

     * Returns the effective braking time, which stops if stand-still is reached.
     * @param acceleration Acceleration; acceleration
     * @param startSpeed Speed; start speed
     * @param time Duration; intended time step
     * @return Duration; effective braking time
    public static Duration brakingTime(final Acceleration acceleration, final Speed startSpeed, final Duration time)
        if (acceleration.ge0())
            return time;
        double t = /;
        if (t >=
            return time;
        return Duration.instantiateSI(t);

     * Creates 1 or 2 segments in an operational plan. Two segments are returned of stand-still is reached within the time step.
     * @param startSpeed Speed; start speed
     * @param acceleration Acceleration; acceleration
     * @param brakingTime Duration; braking time until stand-still
     * @param timeStep Duration; time step
     * @return 1 or 2 segments in an operational plan
    private static List<Segment> createAccelerationSegments(final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final Duration brakingTime, final Duration timeStep)
        List<Segment> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        if ( <
            if ( > 0.0)
                segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(brakingTime, acceleration));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.SpeedSegment(timeStep.minus(brakingTime)));
            segmentList.add(new OperationalPlan.AccelerationSegment(timeStep, acceleration));
        return segmentList;

     * Build an operational plan based on a simple operational plan and status info.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
     * @param startTime Time; start time for plan
     * @param simplePlan SimpleOperationalPlan; simple operational plan
     * @param laneChange LaneChange; lane change status
     * @return operational plan
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
     * @throws GTUException gtu exception
     * @throws NetworkException network exception
     * @throws OperationalPlanException operational plan exeption
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildPlanFromSimplePlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Time startTime,
            final SimpleOperationalPlan simplePlan, final LaneChange laneChange)
            throws ParameterException, GTUException, NetworkException, OperationalPlanException
        Acceleration acc = gtu.getVehicleModel().boundAcceleration(simplePlan.getAcceleration(), gtu);

        if (gtu.isInstantaneousLaneChange())
            if (simplePlan.isLaneChange())
                return LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationPlan(gtu, startTime, gtu.getSpeed(), acc,
                        simplePlan.getDuration(), false);
            catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
                throw new OperationalPlanException(exception);

        // gradual lane change
            if (!simplePlan.isLaneChange() && !laneChange.isChangingLane())
                return LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationPlan(gtu, startTime, gtu.getSpeed(), acc,
                        simplePlan.getDuration(), true);
            if (gtu.getSpeed().si == 0.0 && <= 0.0)
                return LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationPlan(gtu, startTime, gtu.getSpeed(), acc,
                        simplePlan.getDuration(), false);
            return LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationLaneChangePlan(gtu, simplePlan.getLaneChangeDirection(),
                    gtu.getLocation(), startTime, gtu.getSpeed(), acc, simplePlan.getDuration(), laneChange);
        catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
            throw new OperationalPlanException(exception);

     * Schedules a lane change finalization after the given distance is covered. This distance is known as the plan is created,
     * but at that point no time can be derived as the plan is required for that. Hence, this method can be scheduled at the
     * same time (sequentially after creation of the plan) to then schedule the actual finalization by deriving time from
     * distance with the plan.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; gtu
     * @param distance Length; distance
     * @param laneChangeDirection LateralDirectionality; lane change direction
     * @throws SimRuntimeException on bad time
    public static void scheduleLaneChangeFinalization(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance,
            final LateralDirectionality laneChangeDirection) throws SimRuntimeException
        Time time = gtu.getOperationalPlan().timeAtDistance(distance);
        if (Double.isNaN(
            // rounding...
            time = gtu.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime();
        SimEventInterface<SimTimeDoubleUnit> event = gtu.getSimulator().scheduleEventAbs(time, (short) 6, gtu, gtu,
                "finalizeLaneChange", new Object[] { laneChangeDirection });

     * Build a plan with a path and a given start speed to try to come to a stop with a given deceleration. If the GTU can stop
     * before completing the given path, a truncated path that ends where the GTU stops is used instead. There is no guarantee
     * that the OperationalPlan will lead to a complete stop.
     * @param gtu LaneBasedGTU; the GTU for debugging purposes
     * @param distance Length; distance to drive for reaching the end speed
     * @param startTime Time; the current time or a time in the future when the plan should start
     * @param startSpeed Speed; the speed at the start of the path
     * @param deceleration Acceleration; the deceleration to use if endSpeed &lt; startSpeed, provided as a NEGATIVE number
     * @return the operational plan to accomplish the given end speed
     * @throws OperationalPlanException when construction of the operational path fails
     * @throws OTSGeometryException in case the lanes are not connected or firstLanePositiion is larger than the length of the
     *             first lane
    public static LaneBasedOperationalPlan buildStopPlan(final LaneBasedGTU gtu, final Length distance, final Time startTime,
            final Speed startSpeed, final Acceleration deceleration) throws OperationalPlanException, OTSGeometryException
        return buildMaximumAccelerationPlan(gtu, distance, startTime, startSpeed, new Speed(0.0, SpeedUnit.SI),
                new Acceleration(1.0, AccelerationUnit.SI), deceleration);
