Class OTSReplication

    • Constructor Detail

      • OTSReplication

        public OTSReplication​(String id,
                              Time startTime,
                              Duration warmupPeriod,
                              Duration runLength)
                       throws NamingException
        Create a new OTSReplication.
        id - String; id of the new OTSReplication
        startTime - Time; the start time of the new OTSReplication
        warmupPeriod - Duration; the warmup period of the new OTSReplication
        runLength - Duration; the run length of the new OTSReplication
        NamingException - when the context for the replication cannot be created
    • Method Detail

      • getHistoryManager

        public HistoryManager getHistoryManager​(OTSSimulatorInterface simulator)
        Returns the history manager. If none was set, one is created coupled to the simulator using 0s of history and 10s clean-up time.
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; simulator
        HistoryManager; history manager
      • setHistoryManager

        public void setHistoryManager​(HistoryManager historyManager)
        Set history manager.
        historyManager - HistoryManager; history manager to set
      • getStartTimeAbs

        public Time getStartTimeAbs()
        Return the absolute start time of the simulation.
        Time; the absolute start time of the simulation