Class TypedEGTF

  • public class TypedEGTF
    extends EGTF
    Typed version of the EGTF.

    Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 26 okt. 2018
    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypedEGTF

        public TypedEGTF()
        Constructor using cCong = -18km/h, cFree = 80km/h, deltaV = 10km/h and vc = 80km/h. A default kernel is set.
      • TypedEGTF

        public TypedEGTF​(Speed cCong,
                         Speed cFree,
                         Speed deltaV,
                         Speed vc)
        Constructor defining global settings. A default kernel is set.
        cCong - Speed; shock wave speed in congestion
        cFree - Speed; shock wave speed in free flow
        deltaV - Speed; speed range between congestion and free flow
        vc - Speed; flip-over speed below which we have congestion
      • TypedEGTF

        public TypedEGTF​(Speed cCong,
                         Speed cFree,
                         Speed deltaV,
                         Speed vc,
                         Length sigma,
                         Duration tau,
                         Length xMax,
                         Duration tMax)
        Convenience constructor that also sets a specified kernel.
        cCong - Speed; shock wave speed in congestion
        cFree - Speed; shock wave speed in free flow
        deltaV - Speed; speed range between congestion and free flow
        vc - Speed; flip-over speed below which we have congestion
        sigma - Length; spatial kernel size
        tau - Duration; temporal kernel size
        xMax - Length; maximum spatial range
        tMax - Duration; maximum temporal range
    • Method Detail

      • addPointData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addPointData​(Quantity<Z,​?> quantity,
                                                                                               Length location,
                                                                                               Duration time,
                                                                                               Z value)
        Adds point data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        quantity - Quantity<Z, ?>; quantity of the data
        location - Length; location
        time - Duration; time
        value - Z; data value
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a data stream previously
      • addPointData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addPointData​(DataStream<Z> dataStream,
                                                                                               Length location,
                                                                                               Duration time,
                                                                                               Z value)
        Adds point data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        dataStream - DataStream<Z>; data stream of the data
        location - Length; location
        time - Duration; time
        value - Z; data value
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a quantity previously
      • addVectorData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addVectorData​(Quantity<Z,​?> quantity,
                                                                                                LengthVector location,
                                                                                                DurationVector time,
                                                                                                DoubleVectorInterface<U,​?,​?> values)
        Adds vector data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        quantity - Quantity<Z, ?>; quantity of the data
        location - LengthVector; locations
        time - DurationVector; times
        values - DoubleVectorInterface<U>; data values
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a data stream previously
      • addVectorData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addVectorData​(DataStream<Z> dataStream,
                                                                                                LengthVector location,
                                                                                                DurationVector time,
                                                                                                DoubleVectorInterface<U,​?,​?> values)
        Adds vector data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        dataStream - DataStream<Z>; data stream of the data
        location - LengthVector; locations
        time - DurationVector; times
        values - DoubleVectorInterface<U>; data values
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a quantity previously
      • addGridData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addGridData​(Quantity<Z,​?> quantity,
                                                                                              LengthVector location,
                                                                                              DurationVector time,
                                                                                              DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​?,​?,​?> values)
        Adds grid data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        quantity - Quantity<Z, ?>; quantity of the data
        location - LengthVector; locations
        time - DurationVector; times
        values - DoubleMatrixInterface<U>; data values
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a data stream previously
      • addGridData

        public <U extends Unit<U>,​Z extends AbstractScalar<U,​Z>> void addGridData​(DataStream<Z> dataStream,
                                                                                              LengthVector location,
                                                                                              DurationVector time,
                                                                                              DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​?,​?,​?> values)
        Adds grid data.
        Type Parameters:
        U - unit of type
        Z - value type
        dataStream - DataStream<Z>; data stream of the data
        location - LengthVector; locations
        time - DurationVector; times
        values - DoubleMatrixInterface<U>; data values
        IllegalStateException - if data was added with a quantity previously
      • clearDataBefore

        public void clearDataBefore​(Duration time)
        Removes all data from before the given time. This is useful in live usages of this class, where older data is no longer required.
        time - Duration; time before which all data can be removed
      • setKernel

        public void setKernel​(Length sigma,
                              Duration tau)
        Sets an exponential kernel with infinite range.
        sigma - Length; spatial kernel size
        tau - Duration; temporal kernel size
      • setKernel

        public void setKernel​(Length sigma,
                              Duration tau,
                              Length xMax,
                              Duration tMax)
        Returns an exponential kernel with limited range.
        sigma - Length; spatial kernel size in [m]
        tau - Duration; temporal kernel size in [s]
        xMax - Length; maximum spatial range in [m]
        tMax - Duration; maximum temporal range in [s]
      • setGaussKernel

        public void setGaussKernel​(Length sigma,
                                   Duration tau)
        Sets a Gaussian kernel with infinite range.
        sigma - Length; spatial kernel size
        tau - Duration; temporal kernel size
      • setGaussKernel

        public void setGaussKernel​(Length sigma,
                                   Duration tau,
                                   Length xMax,
                                   Duration tMax)
        Returns a Gaussian kernel with limited range.
        sigma - Length; spatial kernel size in [m]
        tau - Duration; temporal kernel size in [s]
        xMax - Length; maximum spatial range in [m]
        tMax - Duration; maximum temporal range in [s]
      • setKernel

        public void setKernel​(Length xMax,
                              Duration tMax,
                              KernelShape shape)
        Sets a kernel with limited range and provided shape. The shape allows using non-exponential kernels.
        xMax - Length; maximum spatial range
        tMax - Duration; maximum temporal range
        shape - KernelShape; shape of the kernel
      • filter

        public TypedFilter filter​(LengthVector location,
                                  DurationVector time,
                                  Quantity<?,​?>... quantities)
        Returns filtered data.
        location - LengthVector; location of output grid
        time - DurationVector; time of output grid
        quantities - Quantity<?, ?>...; quantities to calculate filtered data of
        Filter; filtered data, null when interrupted