Class OTSBufferingJTS

  • public final class OTSBufferingJTS
    extends Object

    Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-16 10:20:53 +0200 (Thu, 16 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1124 $, by $Author: pknoppers $, initial version Jul 22, 2015

    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
    • Method Detail

      • distanceLineSegmentToPoint

        public static double distanceLineSegmentToPoint​(OTSPoint3D lineP1,
                                                        OTSPoint3D lineP2,
                                                        OTSPoint3D point)
        Compute the distance of a line segment to a point. If the the projected points lies outside the line segment, the nearest end point of the line segment is returned. Otherwise the point return lies between the end points of the line segment.
        Adapted from example code provided by Paul Bourke.
        lineP1 - OTSPoint3D; start of line segment
        lineP2 - OTSPoint3D; end of line segment
        point - OTSPoint3D; Point to project onto the line segment
        double; the distance of the projected point or one of the end points of the line segment to the point
      • closestPointOnSegmentToPoint

        public static OTSPoint3D closestPointOnSegmentToPoint​(OTSPoint3D lineP1,
                                                              OTSPoint3D lineP2,
                                                              OTSPoint3D point)
        Project a point on a line (2D). If the the projected points lies outside the line segment, the nearest end point of the line segment is returned. Otherwise the point return lies between the end points of the line segment.
        Adapted from example code provided by Paul Bourke.
        lineP1 - OTSPoint3D; start of line segment
        lineP2 - OTSPoint3D; end of line segment
        point - OTSPoint3D; Point to project onto the line segment
        Point2D.Double; either lineP1, or lineP2 or a new OTSPoint3D that lies somewhere in between those two
      • offsetLine

        public static OTSLine3D offsetLine​(OTSLine3D referenceLine,
                                           double offset)
        Construct parallel line without.
        referenceLine - OTSLine3D; the reference line
        offset - double; offset distance from the reference line; positive is LEFT, negative is RIGHT
        OTSLine3D; the line that has the specified offset from the reference line
      • offsetLine

        public static OTSLine3D offsetLine​(OTSLine3D referenceLine,
                                           double offsetAtStart,
                                           double offsetAtEnd)
                                    throws OTSGeometryException
        Create a line at linearly varying offset from a reference line. The offset may change linearly from its initial value at the start of the reference line to its final offset value at the end of the reference line.
        referenceLine - OTSLine3D; the Geometry of the reference line
        offsetAtStart - double; offset at the start of the reference line (positive value is Left, negative value is Right)
        offsetAtEnd - double; offset at the end of the reference line (positive value is Left, negative value is Right)
        Geometry; the Geometry of the line at linearly changing offset of the reference line
        OTSGeometryException - when this method fails to create the offset line