Package strategies

This package contains simulations regarding LMRS lane change strategies. This entails the base LMRS with:
  • Distributed Tmax
  • Distributed vGain
  • Distributed socio-speed sensitivity parameter (LmrsParameters.SOCIO)
  • Altered gap-acceptance: use own Tmax (GapAcceptance.EGO_HEADWAY)
  • Altered desired speed: increase during overtaking (SocioDesiredSpeed)
  • Lane change incentive to get out of the way (IncentiveSocioSpeed)

Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

$Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 2 mrt. 2018
Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel