Class TrajectoryPlot

    • Constructor Detail

      • TrajectoryPlot

        public TrajectoryPlot​(String caption,
                              Duration updateInterval,
                              org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OTSSimulatorInterface simulator,
                              org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.SamplerData<?> samplerData,
                              GraphPath<org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.KpiLaneDirection> path)
        caption - String; caption
        updateInterval - Duration; regular update interval (simulation time)
        simulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; simulator
        samplerData - SamplerData<?>; sampler data
        path - GraphPath<KpiLaneDirection>; path
    • Method Detail

      • getGraphType

        public GraphType getGraphType()
        Return the graph type for transceiver.
        Specified by:
        getGraphType in class AbstractPlot
        GraphType; the graph type.
      • getStatusLabel

        public String getStatusLabel​(double domainValue,
                                     double rangeValue)
        Returns the status label when the mouse is over the given location.
        Specified by:
        getStatusLabel in class AbstractPlot
        domainValue - double; domain value (x-axis)
        rangeValue - double; range value (y-axis)
        String; status label when the mouse is over the given location
      • increaseTime

        protected void increaseTime​(Time time)
        Increase the simulated time span.
        Specified by:
        increaseTime in class AbstractPlot
        time - Time; time to increase to
      • getItemCount

        public int getItemCount​(int series)
        Specified by:
        getItemCount in interface XYDataset
      • getX

        public Number getX​(int series,
                           int item)
        Specified by:
        getX in interface XYDataset
      • getXValue

        public double getXValue​(int series,
                                int item)
        Specified by:
        getXValue in interface XYDataset
      • getY

        public Number getY​(int series,
                           int item)
        Specified by:
        getY in interface XYDataset
      • getYValue

        public double getYValue​(int series,
                                int item)
        Specified by:
        getYValue in interface XYDataset
      • getLegend

        public LegendItemCollection getLegend()
        Retrieve the legend.
        LegendItemCollection; the legend
      • getLaneVisible

        public List<Boolean> getLaneVisible()
        Retrieve the lane visibility flags.
        List<Boolean>; the lane visibility flags