Class AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject

        public AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject​(Headway.ObjectType objectType,
                                              String id,
                                              Length overlapFront,
                                              Length overlap,
                                              Length overlapRear,
                                              Length length,
                                              Lane lane)
                                       throws GTUException
        Construct a new Headway information object, for a non-moving object parallel with us.
        objectType - ObjectType; the perceived object type, can be null if object type unknown.
        id - String; the id of the object for comparison purposes, can not be null.
        overlapFront - the front-front distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        overlap - the 'center' overlap with the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        overlapRear - the rear-rear distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        length - the length of the other object; if this constructor is used, length cannot be null.
        lane - Lane; the lane.
        GTUException - when id is null, or parameters are inconsistent
      • AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject

        public AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject​(Headway.ObjectType objectType,
                                              String id,
                                              Length overlapFront,
                                              Length overlap,
                                              Length overlapRear,
                                              Lane lane)
                                       throws GTUException
        Construct a new Headway information object, for a non-moving object parallel with us.
        objectType - ObjectType; the perceived object type, can be null if object type unknown.
        id - String; the id of the object for comparison purposes, can not be null.
        overlapFront - the front-front distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        overlap - the 'center' overlap with the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        overlapRear - the rear-rear distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, this value cannot be null.
        lane - Lane; the lane.
        GTUException - when id is null, or parameters are inconsistent
      • AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject

        public AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject​(Headway.ObjectType objectType,
                                              String id,
                                              Length distance,
                                              Length length,
                                              Lane lane)
                                       throws GTUException
        Construct a new Headway information object, for a non-moving object ahead of us or behind us.
        objectType - ObjectType; the perceived object type, can be null if object type unknown.
        id - String; the id of the object for comparison purposes, can not be null.
        distance - the distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, distance cannot be null.
        length - the length of the other object; if this constructor is used, length cannot be null.
        lane - Lane; the lane.
        GTUException - when id is null, or parameters are inconsistent
      • AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject

        public AbstractHeadwayLaneBasedObject​(Headway.ObjectType objectType,
                                              String id,
                                              Length distance,
                                              Lane lane)
                                       throws GTUException
        Construct a new Headway information object, for a non-moving object ahead of us or behind us.
        objectType - ObjectType; the perceived object type, can be null if object type unknown.
        id - String; the id of the object for comparison purposes, can not be null.
        distance - the distance to the other object; if this constructor is used, distance cannot be null.
        lane - Lane; the lane.
        GTUException - when id is null, or parameters are inconsistent
    • Method Detail

      • getLane

        public Lane getLane()
        Lane at which the object is located.
        Specified by:
        getLane in interface HeadwayLaneBasedObject
        Lane; lane at which the object is located