Class CrossSectionElement

    • Field Detail

      • parentLink

        protected final CrossSectionLink parentLink
        Cross Section Link to which the element belongs.
      • crossSectionSlices

        protected final List<CrossSectionSlice> crossSectionSlices
        The offsets and widths at positions along the line, relative to the design line of the parent link.
      • length

        protected final Length length
        The length of the line. Calculated once at the creation.

        public static final double MAXIMUMDIRECTIONERROR
        Maximum direction difference w.r.t. node direction at beginning and end of a CrossSectionElement.

        public static final double FIXUPPOINTPROPORTION
        At what fraction of the first segment will an extra point be inserted if the MAXIMUMDIRECTIONERROR is exceeded.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CrossSectionElement

        public CrossSectionElement​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                                   String id,
                                   List<CrossSectionSlice> crossSectionSlices)
                            throws OTSGeometryException,
        Construct a new CrossSectionElement. Note: LEFT is seen as a positive lateral direction, RIGHT as a negative lateral direction, with the direction from the StartNode towards the EndNode as the longitudinal direction.
        id - String; The id of the CrossSectionElement. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Link to which the element belongs.
        crossSectionSlices - List<CrossSectionSlice>; the offsets and widths at positions along the line, relative to the design line of the parent link. If there is just one with and offset, there should just be one element in the list with Length = 0. If there are more slices, the last one should be at the length of the design line. If not, a NetworkException is thrown.
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique, or there are multiple slices and the last slice does not end at the length of the design line.
      • CrossSectionElement

        public CrossSectionElement​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                                   String id,
                                   Length lateralOffsetAtBegin,
                                   Length lateralOffsetAtEnd,
                                   Length beginWidth,
                                   Length endWidth,
                                   boolean fixGradualLateralOffset)
                            throws OTSGeometryException,
        Note: LEFT is seen as a positive lateral direction, RIGHT as a negative lateral direction, with the direction from the StartNode towards the EndNode as the longitudinal direction.
        id - String; The id of the CrossSectionElement. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Link to which the element belongs.
        lateralOffsetAtBegin - Length; the lateral offset of the design line of the new CrossSectionLink with respect to the design line of the parent Link at the start of the parent Link
        lateralOffsetAtEnd - Length; the lateral offset of the design line of the new CrossSectionLink with respect to the design line of the parent Link at the end of the parent Link
        beginWidth - Length; width at start, positioned symmetrically around the design line
        endWidth - Length; width at end, positioned symmetrically around the design line
        fixGradualLateralOffset - boolean; true if gradualLateralOffset needs to be fixed
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
      • CrossSectionElement

        protected CrossSectionElement​(CrossSectionLink newCrossSectionLink,
                                      OTSSimulatorInterface newSimulator,
                                      CrossSectionElement cse)
                               throws NetworkException
        Clone a CrossSectionElement for a new network.
        newCrossSectionLink - CrossSectionLink; the new link to which the clone belongs
        newSimulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; the new simulator for this network
        cse - CrossSectionElement; the element to clone from
        NetworkException - if link already exists in the network, if name of the link is not unique, or if the start node or the end node of the link are not registered in the network.
      • CrossSectionElement

        public CrossSectionElement​(CrossSectionLink parentLink,
                                   String id,
                                   Length lateralOffset,
                                   Length width)
                            throws OTSGeometryException,
        Note: LEFT is seen as a positive lateral direction, RIGHT as a negative lateral direction, with the direction from the StartNode towards the EndNode as the longitudinal direction.
        id - String; The id of the CrosssSectionElement. Should be unique within the parentLink.
        parentLink - CrossSectionLink; Link to which the element belongs.
        lateralOffset - Length; the lateral offset of the design line of the new CrossSectionLink with respect to the design line of the parent Link
        width - Length; width, positioned symmetrically around the design line
        OTSGeometryException - when creation of the geometry fails
        NetworkException - when id equal to null or not unique
    • Method Detail

      • getParentLink

        public final CrossSectionLink getParentLink()
      • getNetwork

        public final RoadNetwork getNetwork()
        the road network to which the lane belongs
      • getLateralCenterPosition

        public final Length getLateralCenterPosition​(double fractionalPosition)
        Retrieve the lateral offset from the Link design line at the specified longitudinal position.
        fractionalPosition - double; fractional longitudinal position on this Lane
        Length; the lateralCenterPosition at the specified longitudinal position
      • getLateralCenterPosition

        public final Length getLateralCenterPosition​(Length longitudinalPosition)
        Retrieve the lateral offset from the Link design line at the specified longitudinal position.
        longitudinalPosition - Length; the longitudinal position on this Lane
        Length; the lateralCenterPosition at the specified longitudinal position
      • getWidth

        public final Length getWidth​(Length longitudinalPosition)
        Return the width of this CrossSectionElement at a specified longitudinal position.
        longitudinalPosition - Length; the longitudinal position
        Length; the width of this CrossSectionElement at the specified longitudinal position.
      • getWidth

        public final Length getWidth​(double fractionalPosition)
        Return the width of this CrossSectionElement at a specified fractional longitudinal position.
        fractionalPosition - double; the fractional longitudinal position
        Length; the width of this CrossSectionElement at the specified fractional longitudinal position.
      • getLength

        public final Length getLength()
        Return the length of this CrossSectionElement as measured along the design line (which equals the center line).
        Length; the length of this CrossSectionElement
      • getDesignLineOffsetAtBegin

        public final Length getDesignLineOffsetAtBegin()
        Retrieve the offset from the design line at the begin of the parent link.
        Length; the offset of this CrossSectionElement at the begin of the parent link
      • getDesignLineOffsetAtEnd

        public final Length getDesignLineOffsetAtEnd()
        Retrieve the offset from the design line at the end of the parent link.
        Length; the offset of this CrossSectionElement at the end of the parent link
      • getBeginWidth

        public final Length getBeginWidth()
        Retrieve the width at the begin of the parent link.
        Length; the width of this CrossSectionElement at the begin of the parent link
      • getEndWidth

        public final Length getEndWidth()
        Retrieve the width at the end of the parent link.
        Length; the width of this CrossSectionElement at the end of the parent link
      • getZ

        public abstract double getZ()
        Retrieve the Z offset (used to determine what covers what when drawing).
        Specified by:
        getZ in interface Locatable
        double; the Z-offset for drawing (what's on top, what's underneath).
      • getCenterLine

        public final OTSLine3D getCenterLine()
        Retrieve the center line of this CrossSectionElement.
        OTSLine3D; the center line of this CrossSectionElement
      • getContour

        public final OTSShape getContour()
        Retrieve the contour of this CrossSectionElement.
        OTSShape; the contour of this CrossSectionElement
      • getId

        public final String getId()
        Retrieve the id of this CrossSectionElement.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface org.opentrafficsim.base.Identifiable
        String; the id of this CrossSectionElement
      • getFullId

        public final String getFullId()
        Retrieve the id of this CrossSectionElement.
        String; the id of this CrossSectionElement
      • getLateralBoundaryPosition

        public final Length getLateralBoundaryPosition​(LateralDirectionality lateralDirection,
                                                       double fractionalLongitudinalPosition)
        Return the lateral offset from the design line of the parent Link of the Left or Right boundary of this CrossSectionElement at the specified fractional longitudinal position.
        lateralDirection - LateralDirectionality; LEFT, or RIGHT
        fractionalLongitudinalPosition - double; ranges from 0.0 (begin of parentLink) to 1.0 (end of parentLink)
      • getLateralBoundaryPosition

        public final Length getLateralBoundaryPosition​(LateralDirectionality lateralDirection,
                                                       Length longitudinalPosition)
        Return the lateral offset from the design line of the parent Link of the Left or Right boundary of this CrossSectionElement at the specified longitudinal position.
        lateralDirection - LateralDirectionality; LEFT, or RIGHT
        longitudinalPosition - Length; the position along the length of this CrossSectionElement
      • constructContour

        public static OTSShape constructContour​(CrossSectionElement cse)
                                         throws OTSGeometryException,
        Construct a buffer geometry by offsetting the linear geometry line with a distance and constructing a so-called "buffer" around it.
        cse - CrossSectionElement; the cross section element to construct the contour for
        OTSShape; the geometry belonging to this CrossSectionElement.
        OTSGeometryException - when construction of the geometry fails
        NetworkException - when the resulting contour is degenerate (cannot happen; we hope)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • clone

        public abstract CrossSectionElement clone​(CrossSectionLink newParentLink,
                                                  OTSSimulatorInterface newSimulator)
                                           throws NetworkException
        Clone the CrossSectionElement for e.g., copying a network.
        newParentLink - CrossSectionLink; the new link to which the clone belongs
        newSimulator - OTSSimulatorInterface; the new simulator for this network
        a clone of this object
        NetworkException - in case the cloning fails