Class AbstractLaneBasedObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLaneBasedObject

        protected AbstractLaneBasedObject​(String id,
                                          Lane lane,
                                          LongitudinalDirectionality direction,
                                          Length longitudinalPosition,
                                          OTSLine3D geometry,
                                          Length height)
                                   throws NetworkException
        Construct a new AbstractLanebasedObject with the required fields.
        id - String; the id of the new object
        lane - Lane; The lane on which the new object resides. If the new object is a Sensor; it is automatically registered on the lane
        direction - LongitudinalDirectionality; the directionality in which this is valid.
        longitudinalPosition - Length; The position (between 0.0 and the length of the Lane) of the sensor on the design line of the lane
        geometry - OTSLine3D; the geometry of the object, which provides its location and bounds as well
        height - Length; the height of the object, in case it is a 3D object
        NetworkException - when the position on the lane is out of bounds
      • AbstractLaneBasedObject

        protected AbstractLaneBasedObject​(String id,
                                          Lane lane,
                                          Length longitudinalPosition,
                                          OTSLine3D geometry,
                                          Length height)
                                   throws NetworkException
        Construct a new AbstractLanebasedObject with the required fields.
        id - String; the id of the new object
        lane - Lane; The lane on which the new object resides. If the new object is a Sensor; it is automatically registered on the lane
        longitudinalPosition - Length; The position (between 0.0 and the length of the Lane) of the sensor on the design line of the lane
        geometry - OTSLine3D; the geometry of the object, which provides its location and bounds as well
        height - Length; the height of the object, in case it is a 3D object
        NetworkException - when the position on the lane is out of bounds
      • AbstractLaneBasedObject

        protected AbstractLaneBasedObject​(String id,
                                          Lane lane,
                                          LongitudinalDirectionality direction,
                                          Length longitudinalPosition,
                                          OTSLine3D geometry)
                                   throws NetworkException
        Construct a new LaneBasedObject with the required fields.
        id - String; the id of the new AbstractLaneBasedObject
        lane - Lane; The lane for which this is a sensor
        direction - LongitudinalDirectionality; the directionality in which this is valid.
        longitudinalPosition - Length; The position (between 0.0 and the length of the Lane) of the sensor on the design line of the lane
        geometry - OTSLine3D; the geometry of the object, which provides its location and bounds as well
        NetworkException - when the position on the lane is out of bounds
      • AbstractLaneBasedObject

        protected AbstractLaneBasedObject​(String id,
                                          Lane lane,
                                          Length longitudinalPosition,
                                          OTSLine3D geometry)
                                   throws NetworkException
        Construct a new LaneBasedObject with the required fields.
        id - String; the id of the new AbstractLaneBasedObject
        lane - Lane; The lane for which this is a sensor
        longitudinalPosition - Length; The position (between 0.0 and the length of the Lane) of the sensor on the design line of the lane
        geometry - OTSLine3D; the geometry of the object, which provides its location and bounds as well
        NetworkException - when the position on the lane is out of bounds