Class VerifyPerceptionCategoryMethods

    • Constructor Detail

      • VerifyPerceptionCategoryMethods

        public VerifyPerceptionCategoryMethods()
    • Method Detail

      • perceptionCategoryTest

        public final void perceptionCategoryTest()
        Check that all sub-classes of AbstractPerceptionCategory have for data named TestField:
        • testField* property of any type. Data may be organized e.g. per lane, so type is not forced to be TimeStampedObject. Data may also be stored as e.g. testFieldLeft and testFieldRight, hence the *.
          If the field is not found, wrapped AbstractPerceptionCategory fields are checked. If either has the property the test succeeds. Methods should still be in place as forwards to the wrapped category.
        • updateTestField method
        • For boolean:
          • isTestField method returning boolean.
          • isTestFieldTimeStamped method returning TimeStampedObject.
        • For non-boolean:
          • getTestField method not returning void.
          • getTimeStampedTestField method returning TimeStampedObject.
        These tests are performed whenever a public method with these naming patterns is encountered:
        • is* (boolean).
        • is*TimeStamped (boolean).
        • get* (non-boolean).
        • getTimeStamped* (non-boolean).
        The * is subtracted as field name, with first character made upper or lower case as by convention.
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        args - arguments