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What is OpenTrafficSim?

Project overview

OpenTrafficSim aims to bring traffic simulation to a new level by

  • Combining micro-simulation, macro-simulation and meta-simulation in a single environment
  • Combining all traffic modes (private car, buses, trains, bicycles, pedestrians, airlines, etc.) in a single simulator
  • Providing options to link to external code, driving simulators, and data sources

We bring together state of the art simulation techniques, software development techniques and the best people in the traffic, simulation and software fields.

Open source

Everything in OpenTrafficSim shall have a BSD, Apache, MIT, or similar open source license ensuring that

  • OpenTrafficSim can be incorporated in part or in full in other products for any use (educational, commercial, whatever)
  • OpenTrafficSim may be extended, evolved into anything else for any purpose

Source code

The source code for OTS is stored in GitHub opentrafficsim.

Technical documentation and API

The technical project information and API files for all modules of OTS are stored in

Who are we?

All current contributors work at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. We are not picky; if you believe you can contribute to this ambitious project, please contact us. The current group of contributors is:

  • Hans van Lint, TU Delft, faculty CEG
  • Alexander Verbraeck, TU Delft, faculty TBM
  • Peter Knoppers, TU Delft, faculty CEG
  • Wouter Schakel, TU Delft, faculty CEG (author of this manual)

Early contributors to the project were:

  • Guus Tamminga, TU Delft, faculty CEG
  • Yufei Yuan, TU Delft, faculty CEG

What is this manual?

This is the technical manual for OTS. There are also demo models. A more user-oriented manual are within our future plans.