All Classes and Interfaces

Color GTUs based on their current acceleration.
Animation data of a BusStop.
Animation data of a Conflict.
Animation data of a CrossSectionElement.
Animation data of a LaneBasedGtu.
Animation data of a GtuGeneratorPosition.
Animation data of a LaneBasedObject.
Animation data of a Lane.
Animation data of a LaneDetector.
Animation data of a Link.
Animation data of a Node.
Priority data for animation.
Animation data of a shoulder.
Animation data of a SpeedSign.
Animation data of a Stripe.
Animation data of a TrafficLight.
Animation data of a TrafficLightDetector.
Displays whether a GTU is blocking conflicts.
Colorer<D extends org.opentrafficsim.core.animation.Drawable>
Colorer is the generic interface for anything that can get a static or dynamic color in an animation within OTS.
Color based on control state.
Transformation from lat-lon to X-Y in meters.
Convert coordinates from WGS84 to the Dutch RD system.
A simple way to construct a SwitchableGtuColorer set up with the "standard" set of GtuColorers.
Super class with default coloring of left and right desire value.
Color on a scale from Tmin to Tmax parameters, or two given limits.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Fixed color colorer.
FixedColorer<D extends org.opentrafficsim.core.animation.Drawable>
FixedColorer stores a fixed color for drawing.
Utilities to create GraphPaths and GraphCrossSections for graphs, based on lanes.
Determine the fill color for a GTU.
Packs a Color, a short description and a long description in one object.
Color by GTU type, based on the GtuType id or the enum id from the defaults.
Color GTUs based on their id.
Colorer for desire from a specific incentive.
Colorer for LMRS.
Colors the reaction time.
Colorer for social pressure.
Color GTU depending on their speed.
Colors GTUs by the direction that they will take at the next split.
GTU colorer that uses a coloring method that can be switched by the user of the program.
Builder for SwitchableGtuColorer.
Color based on synchronization state.
Colorer for task demand with anticipation reliance indicated by interpolating towards white, for a specific task.
Displays task saturation.
Colorer for total desire.
Convert geographical coordinates between WGS84 and the Dutch RD (Rijksdriehoek) system.