Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Open issues in the code 6 TODO, FIXME, XXX

Each tag is detailed below:

Open issues in the code

Number of occurrences found in the code: 6

org.opentrafficsim.animation.DefaultAnimationFactory Line
this.animatedObjects.get(object).destroy(object.getSimulator()); 275
this is now a memory leak; we don't expect static animation objects to be removed during the run 276
this.animatedObjects.get(object).destroy(object.getSimulator()); 287
this is now a memory leak; we don't expect static animation objects to be removed during the run 288
org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs.ContourPlotTest Line
looks wrong / PK assertFalse("Z value should not be NaN", Double.isNaN(z)); } } } else { if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue)) { // if (!Double.isNaN(z)) // { // System.out.println("Oops"); // Time cellStartTime = new Time(x, SECOND); // Time cellEndTime = // new Time(Math.min(car.getOperationalPlan().getEndTime().getSI(), x + useTimeGranularity), // SECOND); // double xAtCellStartTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellStartTime.si; // double xAtCellEndTime = initialPosition.si + initialSpeed.si * cellEndTime.si; // System.out.println("cellStartTime=" + cellStartTime + " cellEndTime=" + cellEndTime // + " xAtCellStartTime=" + xAtCellStartTime + " xAtCellEndTime=" + xAtCellEndTime); // double cellX = cp.getXValue(0, item); // double cellY = cp.getYValue(0, item); // double cellZ = cp.getZValue(0, item); // System.out.println("cellX=" + cellX + " cellY=" + cellY + " cellZ=" + cellZ + " timeGranularity=" // + useTimeGranularity + " distanceGranularity=" + useDistanceGranularity); // cp.getZValue(0, item); // } assertTrue("Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(z)); } else { assertEquals("Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, z, 0.0001); } if (Double.isNaN(expectedZValue)) { assertTrue("Alternate Z value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(alternateZ.doubleValue())); } else { assertEquals("Alternate Z value should be " + expectedZValue, expectedZValue, alternateZ.doubleValue(), 0.0000); } } } // System.out.println("Running simulator from " + simulator.getSimulatorTime() + " to " // + gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(1)); stopTime = gtuFollowingModel.timeAfterCompletionOfStep(1).si; simulator.runUpToAndIncluding(new Time(stopTime, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND)); while (simulator.isStartingOrRunning()) { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie = null; // ignore } } // System.out.println("Simulator is now at " + simulator.getSimulatorTime()); // Check that the time range has expanded xBins = cp.getDataPool().timeAxis.getBinCount(); bins = cp.getItemCount(0); double observedHighestTime = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++) { double xValue = cp.getXValue(0, bin); if (xValue > observedHighestTime) { observedHighestTime = xValue; } } double expectedHighestTime = Math.floor((car.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().si - 0.001) / useTimeGranularity) * useTimeGranularity; assertEquals("Time range should run up to " + expectedHighestTime, expectedHighestTime, observedHighestTime, 0.0001); Check the updateHint method in the PointerHandler First get the panel that stores the result of updateHint (this is ugly) JLabel hintPanel = null; ChartPanel chartPanel = null; for (Component c0 : cp.getComponents()) { for (Component c1 : ((Container) c0).getComponents()) { if (c1 instanceof Container) { for (Component c2 : ((Container) c1).getComponents()) { // System.out.println("c2 is " + c2); if (c2 instanceof Container) { for (Component c3 : ((Container) c2).getComponents()) { // System.out.println("c3 is " + c3); if (c3 instanceof JLabel) { if (null == hintPanel) { hintPanel = (JLabel) c3; } else { fail("There should be only one JPanel in a ContourPlot"); } } if (c3 instanceof ChartPanel) { if (null == chartPanel) { chartPanel = (ChartPanel) c3; } else { fail("There should be only one ChartPanel in a ContourPlot"); } } } } } } } } if (null == hintPanel) { fail("Could not find a JLabel in ContourPlot"); } if (null == chartPanel) { fail("Could not find a ChartPanel in ContourPlot"); } assertEquals("Initially the text should be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText()); PointerHandler ph = null; for (MouseListener ml : chartPanel.getMouseListeners()) { if (ml instanceof PointerHandler) { if (null == ph) { ph = (PointerHandler) ml; } else { fail("There should be only one PointerHandler on the chartPanel"); } } } if (null == ph) { fail("Could not find the PointerHandler for the chartPanel"); } ph.updateHint(1, 2); // System.out.println("Hint text is now " + hintPanel.getText()); assertFalse("Hint should not be a single space", " ".equals(hintPanel.getText())); ph.updateHint(Double.NaN, Double.NaN); assertEquals("The text should again be a single space", " ", hintPanel.getText()); 590
simulator argument can be remove, but this method is currently only used in code that is commented out 768