package org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.constraint;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalar;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
* Continuous constraints with a dual bound. To allow both {@code Double} and {@code DoubleScalar<?, ?>} constraints, the
* generic type is restricted to {@code Number}. However, that also allows other subclasses of {@code Number}, e.g.
* {@code Integer}. Due to rounding and value limits from the type (e.g. {@code Integer.MAX_VALEU}), bounds may not function
* correctly after a call to {@code Number.doubleValue()}. To restrict the usage, the constructor is private and static factory
* methods for {@code Double} and {@code DoubleScalar<?, ?>} are supplied.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/wjschakel">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <T> value type
public final class DualBound<T extends Number> extends SingleBound<T>
* Standard dual bound on the unit interval [0...1]. This can be used for both {@code Double} and {@code DoubleScalar<?, ?>}
* parameters.
public static final DualBound<Number> UNITINTERVAL = createClosed(0.0, 1.0);
/** The upper bound. */
private final Bound upperBound;
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound <= value <= upperBound}. Bounds may be equal.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @return closed dual bound
public static DualBound<Double> closed(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound)
return createClosed(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound <= value <= upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return closed dual bound
public static <T extends DoubleScalar<?, ?>> DualBound<T> closed(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
return createClosed(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound <= value <= upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return closed dual bound
private static <T extends Number> DualBound<T> createClosed(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
Throw.when(lowerBound.doubleValue() > upperBound.doubleValue(), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Lower bound must be smaller or equal than the upper bound for a closed interval.");
return new DualBound<>(new LowerBoundInclusive<>(lowerBound), new UpperBoundInclusive<>(upperBound), String
.format("Value is not greater than or equal to %s and smaller than or equal to %s", lowerBound, upperBound));
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound < value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @return open dual bound
public static DualBound<Double> open(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound)
return createOpen(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound < value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return open dual bound
public static <T extends DoubleScalar<?, ?>> DualBound<T> open(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
return createOpen(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the bounds; {@code lowerBound < value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return open dual bound
private static <T extends Number> DualBound<T> createOpen(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
checkSeparation(lowerBound, upperBound);
return new DualBound<>(new LowerBoundExclusive<>(lowerBound), new UpperBoundExclusive<>(upperBound),
String.format("Value is not greater than %s and smaller than %s", lowerBound, upperBound));
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the lower bound and <i>including</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound < value <= upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @return excluding the lower bound and including the upper bound
public static DualBound<Double> leftOpenRightClosed(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound)
return createLeftOpenRightClosed(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the lower bound and <i>including</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound < value <= upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return excluding the lower bound and including the upper bound
public static <T extends DoubleScalar<?, ?>> DualBound<T> leftOpenRightClosed(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
return createLeftOpenRightClosed(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>excluding</i> the lower bound and <i>including</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound < value <= upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return excluding the lower bound and including the upper bound
private static <T extends Number> DualBound<T> createLeftOpenRightClosed(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
checkSeparation(lowerBound, upperBound);
return new DualBound<>(new LowerBoundExclusive<>(lowerBound), new UpperBoundInclusive<>(upperBound),
String.format("Value is not greater than %s and smaller than or equal to %s", lowerBound, upperBound));
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the lower bound and <i>excluding</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound <= value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @return including the lower bound and excluding the upper bound
public static DualBound<Double> leftClosedRightOpen(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound)
return createLeftClosedRightOpen(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the lower bound and <i>excluding</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound <= value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return including the lower bound and excluding the upper bound
public static <T extends DoubleScalar<?, ?>> DualBound<T> leftClosedRightOpen(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
return createLeftClosedRightOpen(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Creates a dual bound <i>including</i> the lower bound and <i>excluding</i> the upper bound;
* {@code lowerBound <= value < upperBound}.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @param <T> value type
* @return including the lower bound and excluding the upper bound
private static <T extends Number> DualBound<T> createLeftClosedRightOpen(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
checkSeparation(lowerBound, upperBound);
return new DualBound<>(new LowerBoundInclusive<>(lowerBound), new UpperBoundExclusive<>(upperBound),
String.format("Value is not greater than or equal to %s and smaller than %s", lowerBound, upperBound));
* Checks whether both values for the bounds are positively separated. This should not be used for a closed interval where
* equal bounds can be accepted.
* @param lowerBound lower bound value
* @param upperBound upper bound value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the bound values are not positively separated
* @param <T> value type
private static <T extends Number> void checkSeparation(final T lowerBound, final T upperBound)
Throw.when(lowerBound.doubleValue() >= upperBound.doubleValue(), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Lower bound must be smaller than the upper bound.");
* Constructor.
* @param lowerBound lower bound
* @param upperBound upper bound
* @param failMessage message about values that do not comply with the bound
private DualBound(final Bound lowerBound, final Bound upperBound, final String failMessage)
super(lowerBound, failMessage);
this.upperBound = upperBound;
public boolean accept(final T value)
return super.accept(value) && this.upperBound.accept(value);
public String toString()
return "DualBound [" + this.getBound() + ", " + this.upperBound + "]";