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Package Summary
Compatibility defines whether a user of infrastructure (e.g., a GTU) can use the infrastructure (e.g., a road).
The definitions package contains the core definitions that can be used to interpret the Network and the PerceivableContext.
Generic implementation of a set of objects with defined probabilities / frequencies.
Extensions of the DSOL simulator interfaces and classes for OTS units.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
GTU (Generalized Travel Unit) is the base class for cars, trains, pedestrians, etc.
The perception module of a GTU is responsible for perceiving (sensing) the environment of the GTU, which includes the
locations of other GTUs.
Operational plans describe a path through the world with a speed profile that a GTU intends to follow.
Strategical planners.
Tactical planners generate operational plans that are in line with reaching the goals of the strategical plan.
Generator names for any kind of object.
Commonly used mathematical operations.
Classes that build a network with nodes, links, and cross-sections.
Routes and route probabilities.
Static objects that the GTU might have to avoid.
Objects involving parameters.
The perception package takes care of registering perceivable objects that are used in an OTS study.
Historical versions of almost all java non-concurrent collections.
Strongly typed distributions.