package org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.perception.HistoryManager;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.eventscheduling.SimEventInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.ErrorStrategy;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
* Construct a DSOL DevsRealTimeAnimator the easy way.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
public class OtsLoggingAnimator extends OtsAnimator
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150511L;
/** Counter for replication. */
private int lastReplication = 0;
* Construct an OTSAnimator.
* @param path path for logging
* @param simulatorId the id of the simulator to use in remote communication
public OtsLoggingAnimator(final String path, final Serializable simulatorId)
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model, final HistoryManager historyManager) throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication =
new OtsReplication("rep" + ++this.lastReplication, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength, historyManager);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
* Initialize a simulation engine without animation; the easy way. PauseOnError is set to true;
* @param startTime the start time of the simulation
* @param warmupPeriod the warm up period of the simulation (use new Duration(0, SECOND) if you don't know what this is)
* @param runLength the duration of the simulation
* @param model the simulation to execute
* @param streams streams
* @throws SimRuntimeException when e.g., warmupPeriod is larger than runLength
* @throws NamingException when the context for the replication cannot be created
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model, final Map<String, StreamInterface> streams, final HistoryManager historyManager)
throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication =
new OtsReplication("rep" + ++this.lastReplication, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength, historyManager);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model, final HistoryManager historyManager, final int replicationnr)
throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication =
new OtsReplication("rep" + replicationnr, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength, historyManager);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
public String toString()
return "OTSLoggingAnimator [lastReplication=" + this.lastReplication + "]";
/** the current animation thread; null if none. */
private AnimationThread animationThread = null;
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:methodlength"})
public void run()
synchronized (this)
if (this.isAnimation())
this.animationThread = new AnimationThread(this);
/* Baseline point for the wallclock time. */
long wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
/* Baseline point for the simulator time. */
Duration simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
/* Speed factor is simulation seconds per 1 wallclock second. */
double currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
/* wall clock milliseconds per 1 simulation clock millisecond. */
double msec1 = simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis(1.0).doubleValue();
while (this.isStartingOrRunning() && !this.eventList.isEmpty() && this.simulatorTime.le(this.replication.getEndTime()))
// check if speedFactor has changed. If yes: re-baseline.
if (currentSpeedFactor != this.getSpeedFactor())
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
// check if we are behind; wantedSimTime is the needed current time on the wall-clock
double wantedSimTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0) * msec1 * currentSpeedFactor;
double simTimeSinceBaseline = this.simulatorTime.minus(simTime0).doubleValue();
if (simTimeSinceBaseline < wantedSimTime)
// we are behind
if (!this.isCatchup())
// if no catch-up: re-baseline.
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
// jump to the required wall-clock related time or to the time of the next event, whichever comes
// first
synchronized (super.semaphore)
Duration delta = simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis((wantedSimTime - simTimeSinceBaseline) / msec1);
Duration absSyncTime = this.simulatorTime.plus(delta);
Duration eventTime = this.eventList.first().getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
if (absSyncTime.lt(eventTime))
this.simulatorTime = absSyncTime;
this.simulatorTime = eventTime;
// peek at the first event and determine the time difference relative to RT speed; that determines
// how long we have to wait.
SimEventInterface<Duration> nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
double wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline =
(nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue() / (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline gives the number of milliseconds on the wall clock since baselining for the
// expected execution time of the next event on the event list .
if (wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline >= (System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0))
while (wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline > System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0)
catch (InterruptedException ie)
// do nothing
ie = null;
Thread.interrupted(); // clear the flag
// did we stop running between events?
if (!isStartingOrRunning())
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = 0.0; // jump out of the while loop for sleeping
// check if speedFactor has changed. If yes: rebaseline. Try to avoid a jump.
if (currentSpeedFactor != this.getSpeedFactor())
// rebaseline
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue()
/ (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// check if an event has been inserted. In a real-time situation this can be done by other threads
if (!nextEvent.equals(this.eventList.first())) // event inserted by a thread...
nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue()
/ (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// make a small time step for the animation during wallclock waiting, but never beyond the next event
// time. Changed 2019-04-30: this is now recalculated based on latest system time after the 'sleep'.
synchronized (super.semaphore)
Duration nextEventSimTime = nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
Duration deltaToWall0inSimTime =
simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis((System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0) * currentSpeedFactor);
Duration currentWallSimTime = simTime0.plus(deltaToWall0inSimTime);
if (nextEventSimTime.compareTo(currentWallSimTime) < 0)
if (nextEventSimTime.compareTo(this.simulatorTime) > 0) // don't go back in time
this.simulatorTime = nextEventSimTime;
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = 0.0; // force breakout of the loop
if (currentWallSimTime.compareTo(this.simulatorTime) > 0) // don't go back in time
this.simulatorTime = currentWallSimTime;
// only execute an event if we are still running...
if (isStartingOrRunning())
synchronized (super.semaphore)
if (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().ne(this.simulatorTime))
fireTimedEvent(SimulatorInterface.TIME_CHANGED_EVENT, null, nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime());
this.simulatorTime = nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
// carry out all events scheduled on this simulation time, as long as we are still running.
while (this.isStartingOrRunning() && !this.eventList.isEmpty()
&& nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().eq(this.simulatorTime))
nextEvent = this.eventList.removeFirst();
System.out.println(nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime() + " " + nextEvent.toString());
catch (Exception exception)
if (this.getErrorStrategy().equals(ErrorStrategy.WARN_AND_PAUSE))
catch (SimRuntimeException stopException)
if (!this.eventList.isEmpty())
// peek at next event for while loop.
nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
fireTimedEvent(SimulatorInterface.TIME_CHANGED_EVENT, null, this.simulatorTime);
synchronized (this)
if (this.isAnimation() && this.animationThread != null)