package org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.eventscheduling.SimEventInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.ErrorStrategy;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
* Construct a DSOL DevsRealTimeAnimator the easy way.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://tudelft.nl/staff/p.knoppers-1">Peter Knoppers</a>
public class OtsLoggingAnimator extends OtsAnimator
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150511L;
/** Counter for replication. */
private int lastReplication = 0;
* Construct an OTSAnimator.
* @param path path for logging
* @param simulatorId the id of the simulator to use in remote communication
public OtsLoggingAnimator(final String path, final Serializable simulatorId)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model) throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication = new OtsReplication("rep" + ++this.lastReplication, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
* Initialize a simulation engine without animation; the easy way. PauseOnError is set to true;
* @param startTime Time; the start time of the simulation
* @param warmupPeriod Duration; the warm up period of the simulation (use new Duration(0, SECOND) if you don't know what
* this is)
* @param runLength Duration; the duration of the simulation
* @param model OtsModelInterface; the simulation to execute
* @param streams Map<String, StreamInterface>; streams
* @throws SimRuntimeException when e.g., warmupPeriod is larger than runLength
* @throws NamingException when the context for the replication cannot be created
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model, final Map<String, StreamInterface> streams)
throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication = new OtsReplication("rep" + ++this.lastReplication, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize(final Time startTime, final Duration warmupPeriod, final Duration runLength,
final OtsModelInterface model, final int replicationnr) throws SimRuntimeException, NamingException
setAnimationDelay(20); // 50 Hz animation update
OtsReplication newReplication = new OtsReplication("rep" + replicationnr, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength);
super.initialize(model, newReplication);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString()
return "OTSLoggingAnimator [lastReplication=" + this.lastReplication + "]";
/** the current animation thread; null if none. */
private AnimationThread animationThread = null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:methodlength"})
public void run()
synchronized (this)
if (this.isAnimation())
this.animationThread = new AnimationThread(this);
/* Baseline point for the wallclock time. */
long wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
/* Baseline point for the simulator time. */
Duration simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
/* Speed factor is simulation seconds per 1 wallclock second. */
double currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
/* wall clock milliseconds per 1 simulation clock millisecond. */
double msec1 = simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis(1.0).doubleValue();
while (this.isStartingOrRunning() && !this.eventList.isEmpty()
&& this.simulatorTime.le(this.replication.getEndTime()))
// check if speedFactor has changed. If yes: re-baseline.
if (currentSpeedFactor != this.getSpeedFactor())
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
// check if we are behind; wantedSimTime is the needed current time on the wall-clock
double wantedSimTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0) * msec1 * currentSpeedFactor;
double simTimeSinceBaseline = this.simulatorTime.minus(simTime0).doubleValue();
if (simTimeSinceBaseline < wantedSimTime)
// we are behind
if (!this.isCatchup())
// if no catch-up: re-baseline.
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
// jump to the required wall-clock related time or to the time of the next event, whichever comes
// first
synchronized (super.semaphore)
Duration delta = simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis((wantedSimTime - simTimeSinceBaseline) / msec1);
Duration absSyncTime = this.simulatorTime.plus(delta);
Duration eventTime = this.eventList.first().getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
if (absSyncTime.lt(eventTime))
this.simulatorTime = absSyncTime;
this.simulatorTime = eventTime;
// peek at the first event and determine the time difference relative to RT speed; that determines
// how long we have to wait.
SimEventInterface<Duration> nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
double wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline =
(nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue() / (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline gives the number of milliseconds on the wall clock since baselining for the
// expected execution time of the next event on the event list .
if (wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline >= (System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0))
while (wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline > System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0)
catch (InterruptedException ie)
// do nothing
ie = null;
Thread.interrupted(); // clear the flag
// did we stop running between events?
if (!isStartingOrRunning())
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = 0.0; // jump out of the while loop for sleeping
// check if speedFactor has changed. If yes: rebaseline. Try to avoid a jump.
if (currentSpeedFactor != this.getSpeedFactor())
// rebaseline
wallTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
simTime0 = this.simulatorTime;
currentSpeedFactor = this.getSpeedFactor();
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue()
/ (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// check if an event has been inserted. In a real-time situation this can be done by other threads
if (!nextEvent.equals(this.eventList.first())) // event inserted by a thread...
nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().minus(simTime0)).doubleValue()
/ (msec1 * currentSpeedFactor);
// make a small time step for the animation during wallclock waiting, but never beyond the next event
// time. Changed 2019-04-30: this is now recalculated based on latest system time after the 'sleep'.
synchronized (super.semaphore)
Duration nextEventSimTime = nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
Duration deltaToWall0inSimTime =
simulatorTimeForWallClockMillis((System.currentTimeMillis() - wallTime0) * currentSpeedFactor);
Duration currentWallSimTime = simTime0.plus(deltaToWall0inSimTime);
if (nextEventSimTime.compareTo(currentWallSimTime) < 0)
if (nextEventSimTime.compareTo(this.simulatorTime) > 0) // don't go back in time
this.simulatorTime = nextEventSimTime;
wallMillisNextEventSinceBaseline = 0.0; // force breakout of the loop
if (currentWallSimTime.compareTo(this.simulatorTime) > 0) // don't go back in time
this.simulatorTime = currentWallSimTime;
// only execute an event if we are still running...
if (isStartingOrRunning())
synchronized (super.semaphore)
if (nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().ne(this.simulatorTime))
fireTimedEvent(SimulatorInterface.TIME_CHANGED_EVENT, null, nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime());
this.simulatorTime = nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime();
// carry out all events scheduled on this simulation time, as long as we are still running.
while (this.isStartingOrRunning() && !this.eventList.isEmpty()
&& nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime().eq(this.simulatorTime))
nextEvent = this.eventList.removeFirst();
System.out.println(nextEvent.getAbsoluteExecutionTime() + " " + nextEvent.toString());
catch (Exception exception)
if (this.getErrorStrategy().equals(ErrorStrategy.WARN_AND_PAUSE))
catch (SimRuntimeException stopException)
if (!this.eventList.isEmpty())
// peek at next event for while loop.
nextEvent = this.eventList.first();
fireTimedEvent(SimulatorInterface.TIME_CHANGED_EVENT, null, this.simulatorTime);
synchronized (this)
if (this.isAnimation() && this.animationThread != null)