package org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.djutils.draw.bounds.Bounds2d;
import org.djutils.draw.line.Polygon2d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.Point2d;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsGeometryException;
* Set of Polygon2d objects and provides methods for fast selection of those objects that intersect a Polygon2d. <br>
* An Ots2dSet internally stores the Polygon2ds in a quad tree. At time of construction the minimum cell size is defined. Node
* expansion is never performed on nodes that are smaller than this limit. <br>
* Each node (even the non-leaf nodes) store a set of Polygon2d. Non-leaf nodes locally store those shapes that completely cover
* the rectangular area of the node. Such shapes are <b>not</b> also stored in leaf nodes below that node. Polygon2ds that
* partially cover a non-leaf node are stored in each of the leaf nodes below that node that those Polygon2ds (partially) cover.
* Leaf nodes that cannot be expanded (because they are too small) also store all Polygon2ds that partially cover the area of
* the node. <br>
* If removal of a Polygon2d objects results in a leaf becoming empty, that leaf is removed from its parent (which may then
* itself become empty and removed in turn).
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/wjschakel">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class Ots2dSet implements Set<Polygon2d>, Serializable
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20170400L;
/** Set of all shapes used for iterators, etc. */
private final Set<Polygon2d> allShapes = new LinkedHashSet<Polygon2d>();
/** How fine will this quad tree divide. This one is copied to each sub-node which is somewhat inefficient. */
private final double minimumCellSize;
/** Spatial storage for the Polygon2ds. */
private QuadTreeNode quadTree;
* Construct an empty Ots2dSet for a rectangular region. Objects that do not intersect this region will never be stored in
* this Ots2dSet. (Trying to add such a Polygon2d is <b>not</b> an error; the <code>add</code> method will return false,
* indicating that the set has not been modified.)
* @param boundingBox the region
* @param minimumCellSize resolution of the underlying quad tree
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the bounding box covers no surface or the minimum cell size is not above zero
public Ots2dSet(final Bounds2d boundingBox, final double minimumCellSize) throws IllegalArgumentException
Throw.when(null == boundingBox, NullPointerException.class, "The boundingBox may not be null");
Throw.when(boundingBox.getDeltaX() <= 0 || boundingBox.getDeltaY() <= 0, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"The boundingBox must have nonzero surface (got %s", boundingBox);
Throw.when(minimumCellSize <= 0, IllegalArgumentException.class, "The minimumCellSize must be > 0 (got %f)",
this.quadTree = new QuadTreeNode(boundingBox);
this.minimumCellSize = minimumCellSize;
public final int size()
return this.allShapes.size();
public final boolean isEmpty()
return this.allShapes.isEmpty();
public final boolean contains(final Object o)
return this.allShapes.contains(o);
public final Iterator<Polygon2d> iterator()
return new QuadTreeIterator();
public final Object[] toArray()
return this.allShapes.toArray();
public final <T> T[] toArray(final T[] a)
return this.allShapes.toArray(a);
public final boolean add(final Polygon2d e)
if (!this.quadTree.intersects(e))
return false;
if (this.allShapes.contains(e))
return false;
if (!this.quadTree.add(e))
CategoryLogger.always().error("add: ERROR object could not be added to the quad tree");
return this.allShapes.add(e);
public final boolean remove(final Object o)
if (!this.allShapes.remove(o))
return false;
if (!this.quadTree.remove((Polygon2d) o))
CategoryLogger.always().error("remove: ERROR object could not be removed from the quad tree");
return true;
public final boolean containsAll(final Collection<?> c)
for (Object o : c)
if (!contains(o))
return false;
return true;
public final boolean addAll(final Collection<? extends Polygon2d> c)
boolean result = false;
for (Polygon2d s : c)
if (add(s))
result = true;
return result;
public final boolean retainAll(final Collection<?> c)
boolean result = false;
for (Iterator<Polygon2d> it = iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Polygon2d shape = it.next();
if (!c.contains(shape))
result = true;
return result;
public final boolean removeAll(final Collection<?> c)
boolean result = false;
for (Iterator<Polygon2d> it = iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Polygon2d shape = it.next();
if (c.contains(shape))
result = true;
return result;
public final void clear()
* Return the set of all shapes in this Ots2dSet that intersect the given rectangle.
* @param rectangle the rectangle
* @return the shapes that intersect the rectangle
public final Set<Polygon2d> intersectingShapes(final Bounds2d rectangle)
return this.quadTree.intersectingShapes(rectangle);
* Recursively print this Ots2dSet.
* @param recursionDepth maximum depth to recurse
* @return String
final String toString(final int recursionDepth)
return "Ots2dSet [contains " + size() + (1 == this.allShapes.size() ? "shape" : "shapes") + ", minimumCellSize="
+ this.minimumCellSize + ", quadTree=" + this.quadTree.toString(recursionDepth) + "]";
public final String toString()
return toString(0);
* Return all Polygon2ds in this Ots2dSet that intersect a given Polygon2d.
* @param shape the given Polygon2d
* @return all Polygon2ds in this Ots2dSet that intersect <code>shape</code>
public final Set<Polygon2d> intersectingShapes(final Polygon2d shape)
Bounds2d bounds = shape.getBounds();
Set<Polygon2d> result =
intersectingShapes(new Bounds2d(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getDeltaX(), bounds.getDeltaY()));
for (Iterator<Polygon2d> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
if (!it.next().intersects(shape))
return result;
* Return an ASCII art rendering of this Ots2dSet.
* @param recursionDepth maximum recursion depth
* @return a somewhat human readable rendering of this Ots2dSet
public final String toStringGraphic(final int recursionDepth)
return this.quadTree.toStringGraphic(recursionDepth);
* Iterator for quad tree. Shall iterate over the local set of shapes and the (up to four) non-null leave nodes.
class QuadTreeIterator implements Iterator<Polygon2d>, Serializable
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20170400L;
/** Underlying iterator that traverses the allShapes Set. */
private final Iterator<Polygon2d> theIterator = Ots2dSet.this.allShapes.iterator();
/** Remember the last returned result so we can remove it when requested. */
private Polygon2d lastResult = null;
public final boolean hasNext()
return this.theIterator.hasNext();
public final Polygon2d next()
this.lastResult = this.theIterator.next();
return this.lastResult;
public final void remove()
if (!Ots2dSet.this.quadTree.remove(this.lastResult))
CategoryLogger.always().error("iterator.remove: ERROR: could not remove {} from the quad tree",
public String toString()
return "QuadTreeIterator [theIterator=" + this.theIterator + ", lastResult=" + this.lastResult + "]";
* Spatial-aware storage for a set of Polygon2d objects.
class QuadTreeNode implements Serializable
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20170400L;
/** The Polygon2ds stored at this node. */
private Set<Polygon2d> shapes = new LinkedHashSet<Polygon2d>();
/** The bounding box of this QuadTreeNode. */
private final Bounds2d boundingBox;
/** The bounding box of this QuadTreeNode as a Polygon2d. */
private final Polygon2d boundingShape;
* The four leaves of this node in the quad tree. An empty sub tree may be represented by null. If this field is
* initialized to null; this node may not expand by adding sub-nodes.
private final QuadTreeNode[] leaves;
* Construct a new QuadTreeNode.
* @param boundingBox the bounding box of the area of the new QuadTreeNode
QuadTreeNode(final Bounds2d boundingBox)
this.boundingBox = boundingBox;
this.boundingShape = rectangleShape(boundingBox);
this.leaves = boundingBox.getDeltaY() > Ots2dSet.this.minimumCellSize
|| boundingBox.getDeltaX() > Ots2dSet.this.minimumCellSize ? new QuadTreeNode[4] : null;
* Return a Set containing all Polygon2ds in this QuadTreeNode that intersect a rectangular area.
* @param rectangle the area
* @return the set
public Set<Polygon2d> intersectingShapes(final Bounds2d rectangle)
Set<Polygon2d> result = new LinkedHashSet<Polygon2d>();
if (!this.boundingBox.intersects(rectangle))
return result;
if (null == this.leaves)
return result;
for (QuadTreeNode leaf : this.leaves)
if (null != leaf && leaf.intersects(rectangle))
for (Polygon2d shape : this.shapes)
Polygon2d rectangleShape = rectangleShape(rectangle);
if (rectangleShape.intersects(shape))
return result;
* Test if this QuadTreeNode intersects a rectangular area.
* @param rectangle the rectangular area
* @return true if the rectangular area intersects this QuadTreeNode; false otherwise
private boolean intersects(final Bounds2d rectangle)
return this.boundingBox.intersects(rectangle);
* Remove all Polygon2ds from this QuadTreeNode and cut off all leaves.
public void clear()
for (int index = 0; index < this.leaves.length; index++)
this.leaves[index] = null;
* Remove a Polygon2d from this QuadTreeNode.
* @param shape the shape that must be removed.
* @return true if this node (or a sub-node) was altered; false otherwise
public boolean remove(final Polygon2d shape)
if (!this.boundingShape.intersects(shape))
return false;
for (Polygon2d s : this.shapes)
if (shape.equals(s))
return true;
boolean result = false;
for (int index = 0; index < this.leaves.length; index++)
QuadTreeNode qtn = this.leaves[index];
if (null != qtn)
if (qtn.remove(shape))
result = true;
if (qtn.isEmpty())
this.leaves[index] = null; // Cut off empty leaf node
return result;
* Check if this QuadTreeNode is empty.
* @return true if this QuadTreeNode is empty
private boolean isEmpty()
if (!this.shapes.isEmpty())
return false;
if (null == this.leaves)
return true;
for (QuadTreeNode qtn : this.leaves)
if (null != qtn)
return false;
return true;
* Test if the area of this QuadTree intersects a Polygon2d.
* @param shape the shape
* @return true if the area of this QuadTree intersects the shape; false otherwise
public boolean intersects(final Polygon2d shape)
return this.boundingShape.intersects(shape);
* Construct a Polygon2d from a Rectangle2D.
* @param rectangle the rectangle
* @return a new Polygon2d
private Polygon2d rectangleShape(final Bounds2d rectangle)
double left = rectangle.getMinX();
double bottom = rectangle.getMinY();
double right = rectangle.getMaxX();
double top = rectangle.getMaxY();
return new Polygon2d(new Point2d(left, bottom), new Point2d(right, bottom), new Point2d(right, top),
new Point2d(left, top));
* Add a Polygon2d to this QuadTreeNode.
* @param shape the shape
* @return true if this QuadTreeNode changed as a result of this operation
public final boolean add(final Polygon2d shape)
if (!this.boundingShape.intersects(shape))
return false;
if ((null == this.leaves) || shape.contains(this.boundingBox))
// shape belongs in the set of shapes of this node.
return this.shapes.add(shape);
// This node may have leaves and shape does not entirely contain this node. Add shape to all applicable leaves.
boolean result = false;
for (int index = 0; index < this.leaves.length; index++)
if (null == this.leaves[index])
double subWidth = this.boundingBox.getDeltaX() / 2;
double subHeight = this.boundingBox.getDeltaY() / 2;
if (0 == subWidth)
// loss of precision; degenerate into a binary tree
subWidth = this.boundingBox.getDeltaX();
if (0 == subHeight)
// loss of precision; degenerate into a binary tree
subHeight = this.boundingBox.getDeltaY();
double left = this.boundingBox.getMinX();
if (0 != index / 2)
left += subWidth;
double bottom = this.boundingBox.getMinY();
if (0 != index % 2)
bottom += subHeight;
Bounds2d subBox = new Bounds2d(left, left + subWidth, bottom, bottom + subHeight);
if (rectangleShape(subBox).intersects(shape))
// Expand this node by adding a sub node.
this.leaves[index] = new QuadTreeNode(subBox);
if (this.leaves[index].add(shape))
result = true;
throw new Error("Cannot happen: new QuadTreeNode refused to add shape that intersects it");
// Leaf node already exists. Let the leaf determine if shape should be stored (somewhere) in it.
if (this.leaves[index].add(shape))
result = true;
return result;
* Helper function for toString.
* @param recursionDepth maximum number of levels to print recursively
* @param index index in leaves
* @return String
private String printLeaf(final int recursionDepth, final int index)
QuadTreeNode leaf = this.leaves[index];
if (null == leaf)
return "null";
if (recursionDepth > 0)
return leaf.toString(recursionDepth - 1);
int leafSize = leaf.shapes.size();
return leafSize + " shape" + (1 == leafSize ? "" : "s");
* Recursively print this QuadTreeNode.
* @param recursionDepth maximum depth to recurse
* @return String
final String toString(final int recursionDepth)
return "QuadTreeNode [" + this.shapes.size() + ", bounds=[LB: " + this.boundingBox.getMinX() + ","
+ this.boundingBox.getMinY() + ", RT: " + this.boundingBox.getMaxX() + "," + this.boundingBox.getMaxY()
+ "], " + subNodes(recursionDepth) + ", local " + this.shapes.size()
+ (1 == this.shapes.size() ? " shape" : " shapes") + "]";
* Print the leaves of this QuadTreeNode.
* @param recursionDepth maximum depth to recurse
* @return String
private String subNodes(final int recursionDepth)
if (null == this.leaves)
return "cannot have leaves";
return "leaves=[LB: " + printLeaf(recursionDepth, 0) + ", RB: " + printLeaf(recursionDepth, 1) + ", LT: "
+ printLeaf(recursionDepth, 2) + ", RT: " + printLeaf(recursionDepth, 3) + "]";
public final String toString()
return toString(0);
* Return concatenation of a number of copies of a string.
* @param count number of copies to concatenate
* @param string the string to repeat
* @return String
private String repeat(final int count, final String string)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return result.toString();
/** Graphic to draw a vertical line. */
private static final String VLINE = "|";
/** Graphic to draw a horizontal line. */
private static final String HLINE = "-";
/** Graphic to draw a space. */
private static final String SPACE = " ";
/** Number of digits to print. */
private static final int NUMBERSIZE = 6;
* Similar to toStringGraphic, but with QuadTreeNode argument which can be null. <br>
* This code is <b>not</b> optimized for performance; the repeated use of String.split is probably expensive.
* @param qtn the QuadTreeNode to render. Can be null.
* @param recursionDepth levels to recurse
* @return String
private String subStringGraphic(final QuadTreeNode qtn, final int recursionDepth)
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
if (0 == recursionDepth)
if (null == qtn)
result.append(repeat(NUMBERSIZE, SPACE));
String numberBuf = String.format("%d", size());
int spare = NUMBERSIZE - numberBuf.length();
int filled = 0;
while (filled < spare / 2)
while (filled < spare)
return result.toString();
String[] left = subStringGraphic(null == qtn || null == qtn.leaves ? null : qtn.leaves[1], recursionDepth - 1)
String[] right = subStringGraphic(null == qtn || null == qtn.leaves ? null : qtn.leaves[3], recursionDepth - 1)
String horizontalLine = null;
for (int i = 0; i < left.length; i++)
if (0 == i)
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
int width = left[0].length() + 1 + right[0].length();
if (null == qtn)
line.append(repeat(width, SPACE));
String numberBuf = String.format("%d", qtn.shapes.size());
int spare = width - numberBuf.length();
line.append(repeat(spare / 2, HLINE));
line.append(repeat(spare - spare / 2, HLINE));
horizontalLine = line.toString();
result.append(null == qtn ? SPACE : VLINE);
left = subStringGraphic(null == qtn || null == qtn.leaves ? null : qtn.leaves[0], recursionDepth - 1)
right = subStringGraphic(null == qtn || null == qtn.leaves ? null : qtn.leaves[2], recursionDepth - 1)
for (int i = 0; i < left.length; i++)
result.append(null == qtn ? SPACE : VLINE);
return result.toString();
* Return a String depicting this QuadTreeNode.
* @param recursionDepth levels to recurse
* @return String
public final String toStringGraphic(final int recursionDepth)
return subStringGraphic(this, recursionDepth);