All Classes and Interfaces
Plot that allows hard bounds to be set, with upper and lower bound independent.
Class for contour plots.
Common functionality between a cross-section and a path.
Abstract class for objects that draw a line perpendicular on the lane.
LaneBasedObjectData provides the information required to draw a lane based object.
Super class of all plots.
Super class for plots that use sampler data.
Plots with space-time.
Paint scale interpolating between colors at values.
Draw BusStopData.
BusStopData provides the information required to draw a bus stop.
This class returns bounds that respond to
contains(x, y)
by checking a clickable expanse around a line.This class returns bounds that respond to
contains(x, y)
by checking the actual shape, while also accounting for a
minimum clickable expanse.This class returns bounds that respond to
contains(x, y)
by checking a clickable expanse around a point (radius).Interpolate between two color values.
Paint scale that forces the output to be a color.
List of colors to use for various legends.
Animate a conflict.
ConflictData provides the information required to draw a conflict.
Class that contains data for contour plots.
Class to store and determine axis information such as granularity, ticks, and range.
Interface for data types of which a contour plot can be made.
Enum to refer to either the distance or time axis.
Contour plot for acceleration.
Contour plot for delay.
Contour plot for density.
Contour plot for flow.
Contour plot for speed.
Converter for use in
to convert internal filtered data to an output type.Utility class for convolution using fast fourier transformation.
Draws cross section elements (those that are not defined more specifically).
CrossSectionElementData provides the information required to draw a cross section element.
ShoulderData provides the information required to draw a shoulder.
Data source for the EGTF.
Data stream for the EGTF.
Draw a car.
GtuData provides the information required to draw a link.
Marker for GTU when zoomed out.
Tagging interface to toggle different types of detectors in animation.
Tagging interface to toggle IDs of different types of detectors in animation.
Z-level for use in
implementations.Extended Generalized Treiber-Helbing Filter (van Lint and Hoogendoorn, 2009).
EGTF event with progress and the ability to interrupt calculations.
Interface for EGTF listeners.
Listener that allows another thread to monitor, report on, and wait for the filtering result.
Exponential implementation of a shape.
Interface for filtered data.
Class containing processed output data.
Fundamental diagram from various sources.
Abstract implementation to link to fundamental diagrams.
Defines a line plot for a fundamental diagram.
Data source for a fundamental diagram.
Quantity enum defining density, flow and speed.
Gaussian implementation of a shape.
defines the location of graphs.A
defines the spatial dimension of graphs.Class for sections.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
The GraphUpdater can be used to repeatedly offer a value that is automatically processed in order of offering in a parallel
Functional interface for updates to perform.
Contains some static utilities.
Animates a GtuGeneratorPosition.
GtuGeneratorPositionData provides the information required to draw a GTU generator position.
Small helper class that adds some components to a JFileChooser, the contents of which can be used to retrieve user settings
for output.
Kernel with maximum range and shape.
Shape interface for a kernel.
Draws LaneData.
Draw center line of a lane.
Animation for center line of a lane.
LaneData provides the information required to draw a lane.
LaneDetectorAnimation<L extends LaneDetectorAnimation.LaneDetectorData,T extends TextAnimation<L,T>>
Draw LaneDetectorData.
LaneDetectorData provides the information required to draw a lane detector.
SinkData provides the information required to draw a sink.
Tagging implementation for loop detector ids.
SinkData provides the information required to draw a sink.
Tagging implementation for sink ids.
Text animation for the Detector.
Draws LinkData.
LinkData provides the information required to draw a link.
Draws NodeData.
NodeData provides the information required to draw a node.
OtsRenderable<L extends org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLocatable>
to let the contains
method look at the actual bounds shape, rather than only the box.Paint a line as a Path2D.Double
Paint a (series of) filled polygon(s) defined as a Path2D.Double
Interface between plots (subclasses of
) and some source that knows about time in the context, e.g. a
simulator, or a data loader which knows all time has past.Handle mouse events for a graph.
Animation of conflict priority (which is a link property).
Data for priority animation.
Defines a quantity that data sources can provide, such as speed, flow, etc.
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
LinkData provides the information required to draw a link.
Generic animation of a static object.
StaticObjectData provides the information required to draw a static object.
Draw road stripes.
StripeData provides the information required to draw a stripe.
Location of the text in the explanation.
Display a text for another Locatable object.
Interface to obtain the color of the background.
Determine if a Feature object should be rendered.
Properties for text to identify animated objects in OTS.
Weight of the text font in the explanation.
Width of the text font in the explanation.
Draw a traffic light on the road at th place where the cars are expected to stop.
TrafficLightData provides the information required to draw a traffic light.
Traffic light detector animation.
TrafficLightDetectorData provides the information required to draw a traffic light detector.
Plot of trajectories along a path.
Typed version of the EGTF.
Typed version of a kernel.
TypedQuantity<U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>,T extends org.djunits.value.base.Scalar<U,T>,K extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix.base.DoubleMatrix<U,?,?,?>>
Quantities for a strongly-typed context.
Renderer for blocks that are filled with bidirectionally interpolated colors.
extension that allows retrieval of surrounding values by adjusting the item number using the number of
items per column.