package org.opentrafficsim.draw.graphs;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.time.Period;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableLinkedHashSet;
import org.djutils.immutablecollections.ImmutableSet;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.interfaces.LaneData;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.Sampler;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.SpaceTimeRegion;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.Trajectory;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.Trajectory.SpaceTimeView;
import org.opentrafficsim.kpi.sampling.TrajectoryGroup;
* Fundamental diagram from various sources.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class FundamentalDiagram extends AbstractBoundedPlot implements XYDataset
/** Aggregation periods. */
public static final double[] DEFAULT_PERIODS = new double[] {5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 60.0, 120.0, 300.0, 900.0};
/** Update frequencies (n * 1/period). */
public static final int[] DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCIES = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 10};
/** Source providing the data. */
private final FdSource source;
/** Fundamental diagram line. */
private final FdLine fdLine;
/** Quantity on domain axis. */
private Quantity domainQuantity;
/** Quantity on range axis. */
private Quantity rangeQuantity;
/** The other, 3rd quantity. */
private Quantity otherQuantity;
/** Labels of series. */
private final List<String> seriesLabels = new ArrayList<>();
/** Updater for update times. */
private final GraphUpdater<Time> graphUpdater;
/** Property for chart listener to provide time info for status label. */
private String timeInfo = "";
/** Legend to change text color to indicate visibility. */
private LegendItemCollection legend;
/** Whether each lane is visible or not. */
private final List<Boolean> laneVisible = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructor.
* @param caption caption
* @param domainQuantity initial quantity on the domain axis
* @param rangeQuantity initial quantity on the range axis
* @param scheduler scheduler.
* @param source source providing the data
* @param fdLine fundamental diagram line, may be {@code null}
public FundamentalDiagram(final String caption, final Quantity domainQuantity, final Quantity rangeQuantity,
final PlotScheduler scheduler, final FdSource source, final FdLine fdLine)
super(scheduler, caption, source.getUpdateInterval(), source.getDelay());
Throw.when(domainQuantity.equals(rangeQuantity), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Domain and range quantity should not be equal.");
this.fdLine = fdLine;
Set<Quantity> quantities = EnumSet.allOf(Quantity.class);
this.source = source;
int d = 0;
if (fdLine != null)
d = 1;
for (int series = 0; series < source.getNumberOfSeries(); series++)
this.seriesLabels.add(series + d, source.getName(series));
// setup updater to do the actual work in another thread
this.graphUpdater = new GraphUpdater<>("Fundamental diagram worker", Thread.currentThread(), (t) ->
if (this.getSource() != null)
// let this diagram be notified by the source
* Create a chart.
* @return chart
private JFreeChart createChart()
NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(this.getDomainQuantity().label());
NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(this.getRangeQuantity().label());
XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer()
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20181022L;
public boolean isSeriesVisible(final int series)
return FundamentalDiagram.this.laneVisible.get(series);
}; // XYDotRenderer doesn't support different markers
if (hasLineFD())
int series = this.getSource().getNumberOfSeries();
renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(series, true);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(series, Color.BLACK);
renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(series, false);
XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(this, xAxis, yAxis, renderer);
boolean showLegend = true;
if (!hasLineFD() && this.getSource().getNumberOfSeries() < 2)
showLegend = false;
this.legend = new LegendItemCollection();
for (int i = 0; i < this.getSource().getNumberOfSeries(); i++)
LegendItem li = new LegendItem(this.getSource().getName(i));
li.setSeriesKey(i); // lane series, not curve series
if (hasLineFD())
LegendItem li = new LegendItem(this.fdLine.getName());
showLegend = true;
return new JFreeChart(getCaption(), JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, showLegend);
protected void increaseTime(final Time time)
if (this.graphUpdater != null && >= this.getSource().getAggregationPeriod().si) // null during construction
public int getSeriesCount()
if (this.getSource() == null)
return 0;
return this.getSource().getNumberOfSeries() + (hasLineFD() ? 1 : 0);
public Comparable<String> getSeriesKey(final int series)
return this.seriesLabels.get(series);
public int indexOf(final Comparable seriesKey)
int index = this.seriesLabels.indexOf(seriesKey);
return index < 0 ? 0 : index;
public DomainOrder getDomainOrder()
return DomainOrder.NONE;
public int getItemCount(final int series)
if (hasLineFD() && series == getSeriesCount() - 1)
return this.fdLine.getValues(this.domainQuantity).length;
return this.getSource().getItemCount(series);
public Number getX(final int series, final int item)
return getXValue(series, item);
public double getXValue(final int series, final int item)
if (hasLineFD() && series == getSeriesCount() - 1)
return this.fdLine.getValues(this.domainQuantity)[item];
return this.getDomainQuantity().getValue(this.getSource(), series, item);
public Number getY(final int series, final int item)
return getYValue(series, item);
public double getYValue(final int series, final int item)
if (hasLineFD() && series == getSeriesCount() - 1)
return this.fdLine.getValues(this.rangeQuantity)[item];
return this.getRangeQuantity().getValue(this.getSource(), series, item);
public GraphType getGraphType()
public String getStatusLabel(final double domainValue, final double rangeValue)
return this.getDomainQuantity().format(domainValue) + ", " + this.getRangeQuantity().format(rangeValue) + ", "
+ this.getOtherQuantity()
.format(this.getDomainQuantity().computeOther(this.getRangeQuantity(), domainValue, rangeValue))
+ this.getTimeInfo();
* Quantity enum defining density, flow and speed.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public enum Quantity
/** Density. */
public String label()
return "Density [veh/km] \u2192";
public String format(final double value)
return String.format("%.0f veh/km", value);
public double getValue(final FdSource src, final int series, final int item)
return 1000 * src.getDensity(series, item);
public double computeOther(final Quantity pairing, final double thisValue, final double pairedValue)
// .......................... speed = flow / density .. flow = density * speed
return pairing.equals(FLOW) ? pairedValue / thisValue : thisValue * pairedValue;
/** Flow. */
public String label()
return "Flow [veh/h] \u2192";
public String format(final double value)
return String.format("%.0f veh/h", value);
public double getValue(final FdSource src, final int series, final int item)
return 3600 * src.getFlow(series, item);
public double computeOther(final Quantity pairing, final double thisValue, final double pairedValue)
// speed = flow * density ... density = flow / speed
return thisValue / pairedValue;
/** Speed. */
public String label()
return "Speed [km/h] \u2192";
public String format(final double value)
return String.format("%.1f km/h", value);
public double getValue(final FdSource src, final int series, final int item)
return 3.6 * src.getSpeed(series, item);
public double computeOther(final Quantity pairing, final double thisValue, final double pairedValue)
// ............................. flow = speed * density .. density = flow / speed
return pairing.equals(DENSITY) ? thisValue * pairedValue : pairedValue / thisValue;
* Returns an axis label of the quantity.
* @return axis label of the quantity
public abstract String label();
* Formats a value for status display.
* @param value value
* @return formatted string including quantity
public abstract String format(double value);
* Get scaled value in presentation unit.
* @param src the data source
* @param series series number
* @param item item number in series
* @return scaled value in presentation unit
public abstract double getValue(FdSource src, int series, int item);
* Compute the value of the 3rd quantity.
* @param pairing quantity on other axis
* @param thisValue value of this quantity
* @param pairedValue value of the paired quantity on the other axis
* @return value of the 3rd quantity
public abstract double computeOther(Quantity pairing, double thisValue, double pairedValue);
* Data source for a fundamental diagram.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public interface FdSource
* Returns the possible intervals.
* @return possible intervals
default double[] getPossibleAggregationPeriods()
* Returns the possible frequencies, as a factor on 1 / 'aggregation interval'.
* @return possible frequencies
default int[] getPossibleUpdateFrequencies()
* Add fundamental diagram. Used to notify diagrams when data has changed.
* @param fundamentalDiagram fundamental diagram
void addFundamentalDiagram(FundamentalDiagram fundamentalDiagram);
* Clears all connected fundamental diagrams.
void clearFundamentalDiagrams();
* Returns the diagrams.
* @return ImmutableSet<FundamentalDiagram> diagrams
ImmutableSet<FundamentalDiagram> getDiagrams();
* The update interval.
* @return update interval
Duration getUpdateInterval();
* Changes the update interval.
* @param interval update interval
* @param time time until which data has to be recalculated
void setUpdateInterval(Duration interval, Time time);
* The aggregation period.
* @return aggregation period
Duration getAggregationPeriod();
* Changes the aggregation period.
* @param period aggregation period
void setAggregationPeriod(Duration period);
* Recalculates the data after the aggregation or update time was changed.
* @param time time up to which recalculation is required
void recalculate(Time time);
* Return the delay for graph updates so future influencing events have occurred, e.d. GTU move's.
* @return graph delay
Duration getDelay();
* Increase the time span.
* @param time time to increase to
void increaseTime(Time time);
* Returns the number of series (i.e. lanes or 1 for aggregated).
* @return number of series
int getNumberOfSeries();
* Returns a name of the series.
* @param series series number
* @return name of the series
String getName(int series);
* Returns the number of items in the series.
* @param series series number
* @return number of items in the series
int getItemCount(int series);
* Return the SI flow value of item in series.
* @param series series number
* @param item item number in the series
* @return SI flow value of item in series
double getFlow(int series, int item);
* Return the SI density value of item in series.
* @param series series number
* @param item item number in the series
* @return SI density value of item in series
double getDensity(int series, int item);
* Return the SI speed value of item in series.
* @param series series number
* @param item item number in the series
* @return SI speed value of item in series
double getSpeed(int series, int item);
* Returns whether this source aggregates lanes.
* @return whether this source aggregates lanes
boolean isAggregate();
* Sets the name of the series when aggregated, e.g. for legend. Default is "Aggregate".
* @param aggregateName name of the series when aggregated
void setAggregateName(String aggregateName);
* Abstract implementation to link to fundamental diagrams.
abstract static class AbstractFdSource implements FdSource
/** Fundamental diagrams. */
private Set<FundamentalDiagram> fundamentalDiagrams = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public void addFundamentalDiagram(final FundamentalDiagram fundamentalDiagram)
public void clearFundamentalDiagrams()
public ImmutableSet<FundamentalDiagram> getDiagrams()
return new ImmutableLinkedHashSet<>(this.fundamentalDiagrams);
* Creates a {@code Source} from a sampler and positions.
* @param sampler sampler
* @param crossSection cross section
* @param aggregateLanes whether to aggregate the positions
* @param aggregationTime aggregation time (and update time)
* @param harmonic harmonic mean
* @return source for a fundamental diagram from a sampler and positions
* @param <L> LaneData
public static <L extends LaneData<L>> FdSource sourceFromSampler(final Sampler<?, L> sampler,
final GraphCrossSection<L> crossSection, final boolean aggregateLanes, final Duration aggregationTime,
final boolean harmonic)
return new CrossSectionSamplerFdSource<>(sampler, crossSection, aggregateLanes, aggregationTime, harmonic);
* Creates a {@code Source} from a sampler and positions.
* @param sampler sampler
* @param path cross section
* @param aggregateLanes whether to aggregate the positions
* @param aggregationTime aggregation time (and update time)
* @return source for a fundamental diagram from a sampler and positions
* @param <L> LaneData
public static <L extends LaneData<L>> FdSource sourceFromSampler(final Sampler<?, L> sampler, final GraphPath<L> path,
final boolean aggregateLanes, final Duration aggregationTime)
return new PathSamplerFdSource<>(sampler, path, aggregateLanes, aggregationTime);
* Combines multiple sources in to one source.
* @param sources sources coupled to their names for in the legend
* @return combined source
public static FdSource combinedSource(final Map<String, FdSource> sources)
return new MultiFdSource(sources);
* Fundamental diagram source based on a cross section.
* @param <L> lane data type
* @param <S> underlying source type
private static class CrossSectionSamplerFdSource<L extends LaneData<L>, S extends GraphCrossSection<L>>
extends AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource<L, S>
/** Harmonic mean. */
private final boolean harmonic;
* Constructor.
* @param sampler Sampler<?, ?>; sampler
* @param crossSection cross section
* @param aggregateLanes whether to aggregate the lanes
* @param aggregationPeriod initial aggregation {@link Period}
* @param harmonic harmonic mean
CrossSectionSamplerFdSource(final Sampler<?, L> sampler, final S crossSection, final boolean aggregateLanes,
final Duration aggregationPeriod, final boolean harmonic)
super(sampler, crossSection, aggregateLanes, aggregationPeriod);
this.harmonic = harmonic;
protected void getMeasurements(final Trajectory<?> trajectory, final Time startTime, final Time endTime,
final Length length, final int series, final double[] measurements)
Length x = getSpace().position(series);
if (GraphUtil.considerTrajectory(trajectory, x, x))
// detailed check
Time t = trajectory.getTimeAtPosition(x);
if ( >= && <
measurements[0] = 1; // first = count
measurements[1] = // second = sum of (inverted) speeds
this.harmonic ? 1.0 / trajectory.getSpeedAtPosition(x).si : trajectory.getSpeedAtPosition(x).si;
protected double getVehicleCount(final double first, final double second)
return first; // is divided by aggregation period by caller
protected double getSpeed(final double first, final double second)
return this.harmonic ? first / second : second / first;
public String toString()
return "CrossSectionSamplerFdSource [harmonic=" + this.harmonic + "]";
* Fundamental diagram source based on a path. Density, speed and flow over the entire path are calculated per lane.
* @param <L> lane data type
* @param <S> underlying source type
private static class PathSamplerFdSource<L extends LaneData<L>, S extends GraphPath<L>>
extends AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource<L, S>
* Constructor.
* @param sampler Sampler<?, ?>; sampler
* @param path path
* @param aggregateLanes whether to aggregate the lanes
* @param aggregationPeriod initial aggregation period
PathSamplerFdSource(final Sampler<?, L> sampler, final S path, final boolean aggregateLanes,
final Duration aggregationPeriod)
super(sampler, path, aggregateLanes, aggregationPeriod);
protected void getMeasurements(final Trajectory<?> trajectory, final Time startTime, final Time endTime,
final Length length, final int sereies, final double[] measurements)
SpaceTimeView stv = trajectory.getSpaceTimeView(Length.ZERO, length, startTime, endTime);
measurements[0] = stv.distance().si; // first = total traveled distance
measurements[1] = stv.time().si; // second = total traveled time
protected double getVehicleCount(final double first, final double second)
return first / getSpace().getTotalLength().si; // is divided by aggregation period by caller
protected double getSpeed(final double first, final double second)
return first / second;
public String toString()
return "PathSamplerFdSource []";
* Abstract class that deals with updating and recalculating the fundamental diagram.
* @param <L> lane data type
* @param <S> underlying source type
private abstract static class AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource<L extends LaneData<L>, S extends AbstractGraphSpace<L>>
extends AbstractFdSource
/** Period number of last calculated period. */
private int periodNumber = -1;
/** Update interval. */
private Duration updateInterval;
/** Aggregation period. */
private Duration aggregationPeriod;
/** Last update time. */
private Time lastUpdateTime;
/** Number of series. */
private final int nSeries;
/** First data. */
private double[][] firstMeasurement;
/** Second data. */
private double[][] secondMeasurement;
/** Whether the plot is in a process such that the data is invalid for the current draw of the plot. */
private boolean invalid = false;
/** The sampler. */
private final Sampler<?, L> sampler;
/** Space. */
private final S space;
/** Whether to aggregate the lanes. */
private final boolean aggregateLanes;
/** Name of the series when aggregated. */
private String aggregateName = "Aggregate";
/** For each series (lane), the highest trajectory number (n) below which all trajectories were also handled (0:n). */
private Map<L, Integer> lastConsecutivelyAssignedTrajectories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** For each series (lane), a list of handled trajectories above n, excluding n+1. */
private Map<L, SortedSet<Integer>> assignedTrajectories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* Constructor.
* @param sampler Sampler<?, ?>; sampler
* @param space space
* @param aggregateLanes whether to aggregate the lanes
* @param aggregationPeriod initial aggregation period
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource(final Sampler<?, L> sampler, final S space, final boolean aggregateLanes,
final Duration aggregationPeriod)
this.sampler = sampler; = space;
this.aggregateLanes = aggregateLanes;
this.nSeries = aggregateLanes ? 1 : space.getNumberOfSeries();
// create and register kpi lane directions
for (L laneDirection : space)
sampler.registerSpaceTimeRegion(new SpaceTimeRegion<>(laneDirection, Length.ZERO, laneDirection.getLength(),, Time.instantiateSI(Double.MAX_VALUE)));
// info per kpi lane direction
this.lastConsecutivelyAssignedTrajectories.put(laneDirection, -1);
this.assignedTrajectories.put(laneDirection, new TreeSet<>());
this.updateInterval = aggregationPeriod;
this.aggregationPeriod = aggregationPeriod;
this.firstMeasurement = new double[this.nSeries][10];
this.secondMeasurement = new double[this.nSeries][10];
* Returns the space.
* @return space
protected S getSpace()
public Duration getUpdateInterval()
return this.updateInterval;
public void setUpdateInterval(final Duration interval, final Time time)
if (this.updateInterval != interval)
this.updateInterval = interval;
public Duration getAggregationPeriod()
return this.aggregationPeriod;
public void setAggregationPeriod(final Duration period)
if (this.aggregationPeriod != period)
this.aggregationPeriod = period;
public void recalculate(final Time time)
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
synchronized (AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this)
// an active plot draw will now request data on invalid items
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.invalid = true;
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.periodNumber = -1;
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.updateInterval = getUpdateInterval();
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.firstMeasurement =
new double[AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.nSeries][10];
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.secondMeasurement =
new double[AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.nSeries][10];
for (L lane :
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.lastConsecutivelyAssignedTrajectories.put(lane, -1);
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.assignedTrajectories.put(lane, new TreeSet<>());
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.lastUpdateTime = null; // so the increaseTime call is not skipped
while ((AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.periodNumber + 1) * getUpdateInterval().si
+ <=
.instantiateSI((AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.periodNumber + 1) * getUpdateInterval().si
// TODO: if multiple plots are coupled to the same source, other plots are not invalidated
// TODO: change of aggregation period / update freq, is not updated in the GUI on other plots
// for (FundamentalDiagram diagram : getDiagrams())
// {
// }
AbstractSpaceSamplerFdSource.this.invalid = false;
}, "Fundamental diagram recalculation").start();
public Duration getDelay()
return Duration.instantiateSI(1.0);
public synchronized void increaseTime(final Time time)
if ( <
// skip periods that fall below 0.0 time
if (this.lastUpdateTime != null && time.le(this.lastUpdateTime))
// skip updates from different graphs at the same time
this.lastUpdateTime = time;
// ensure capacity
int nextPeriod = this.periodNumber + 1;
if (nextPeriod >= this.firstMeasurement[0].length - 1)
for (int i = 0; i < this.nSeries; i++)
this.firstMeasurement[i] = GraphUtil.ensureCapacity(this.firstMeasurement[i], nextPeriod + 1);
this.secondMeasurement[i] = GraphUtil.ensureCapacity(this.secondMeasurement[i], nextPeriod + 1);
// loop positions and trajectories
Time startTime = time.minus(this.aggregationPeriod);
double first = 0;
double second = 0.0;
for (int series = 0; series <; series++)
Iterator<L> it =;
while (it.hasNext())
L lane =;
if (!this.sampler.getSamplerData().contains(lane))
// sampler has not yet started to record on this lane
TrajectoryGroup<?> trajectoryGroup = this.sampler.getSamplerData().getTrajectoryGroup(lane);
int last = this.lastConsecutivelyAssignedTrajectories.get(lane);
SortedSet<Integer> assigned = this.assignedTrajectories.get(lane);
if (!this.aggregateLanes)
first = 0.0;
second = 0.0;
// Length x = this.crossSection.position(series);
int i = 0;
for (Trajectory<?> trajectory : trajectoryGroup.getTrajectories())
// we can skip all assigned trajectories, which are all up to and including 'last' and all in 'assigned'
if (i > last && !assigned.contains(i))
// quickly filter
if (GraphUtil.considerTrajectory(trajectory, startTime, time))
double[] measurements = new double[2];
getMeasurements(trajectory, startTime, time, lane.getLength(), series, measurements);
first += measurements[0];
second += measurements[1];
if (trajectory.getT(trajectory.size() - 1) < - getDelay().si)
if (!this.aggregateLanes)
this.firstMeasurement[series][nextPeriod] = first;
this.secondMeasurement[series][nextPeriod] = second;
// consolidate list of assigned trajectories in 'all up to n' and 'these specific ones beyond n'
if (!assigned.isEmpty())
int possibleNextLastAssigned = assigned.first();
while (possibleNextLastAssigned == last + 1) // consecutive or very first
last = possibleNextLastAssigned;
possibleNextLastAssigned = assigned.isEmpty() ? -1 : assigned.first();
this.lastConsecutivelyAssignedTrajectories.put(lane, last);
if (this.aggregateLanes)
// whatever we measured, it was summed and can be normalized per line like this
this.firstMeasurement[0][nextPeriod] = first /;
this.secondMeasurement[0][nextPeriod] = second /;
this.periodNumber = nextPeriod;
public int getNumberOfSeries()
// if there is an active plot draw as the data is being recalculated, data on invalid items is requested
// a call to getSeriesCount() indicates a new draw, and during a recalculation the data is limited but valid
this.invalid = false;
return this.nSeries;
public void setAggregateName(final String aggregateName)
this.aggregateName = aggregateName;
public String getName(final int series)
if (this.aggregateLanes)
return this.aggregateName;
public int getItemCount(final int series)
return this.periodNumber + 1;
public final double getFlow(final int series, final int item)
if (this.invalid)
return Double.NaN;
return getVehicleCount(this.firstMeasurement[series][item], this.secondMeasurement[series][item])
public final double getDensity(final int series, final int item)
return getFlow(series, item) / getSpeed(series, item);
public final double getSpeed(final int series, final int item)
if (this.invalid)
return Double.NaN;
return getSpeed(this.firstMeasurement[series][item], this.secondMeasurement[series][item]);
public final boolean isAggregate()
return this.aggregateLanes;
* Returns the first and the second measurement of a trajectory. For a cross-section this is 1 and the vehicle speed if
* the trajectory crosses the location, and for a path it is the traveled distance and the traveled time. If the
* trajectory didn't cross the cross section or space-time range, both should be 0.
* @param trajectory trajectory
* @param startTime start time of aggregation period
* @param endTime end time of aggregation period
* @param length length of the section (to cut off possible lane overshoot of trajectories)
* @param series series number in the section
* @param measurements array with length 2 to place the first and second measurement in
protected abstract void getMeasurements(Trajectory<?> trajectory, Time startTime, Time endTime, Length length,
int series, double[] measurements);
* Returns the vehicle count of two related measurement values. For a cross section: vehicle count & sum of speeds (or
* sum of inverted speeds for the harmonic mean). For a path: total traveled distance & total traveled time.
* <p>
* The value will be divided by the aggregation time to calculate flow. Hence, for a cross section the first measurement
* should be returned, while for a path the first measurement divided by the section length should be returned. That
* will end up to equate to {@code q = sum(x)/XT}.
* @param first first measurement value
* @param second second measurement value
* @return flow
protected abstract double getVehicleCount(double first, double second);
* Returns the speed of two related measurement values. For a cross section: vehicle count & sum of speeds (or sum of
* inverted speeds for the harmonic mean). For a path: total traveled distance & total traveled time.
* @param first first measurement value
* @param second second measurement value
* @return speed
protected abstract double getSpeed(double first, double second);
* Class to group multiple sources in plot.
// TODO: when sub-sources recalculate responding to a click in the graph, they notify only their coupled plots, which are
// none
private static class MultiFdSource extends AbstractFdSource
/** Sources. */
private FdSource[] sources;
/** Source names. */
private String[] sourceNames;
* Constructor.
* @param sources sources
MultiFdSource(final Map<String, FdSource> sources)
Throw.when(sources == null || sources.size() == 0, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"At least 1 source is required.");
this.sources = new FdSource[sources.size()];
this.sourceNames = new String[sources.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Entry<String, FdSource> entry : sources.entrySet())
this.sources[index] = entry.getValue();
this.sourceNames[index] = entry.getKey();
* Returns from a series number overall, the index of the sub-source and the series index in that source.
* @param series overall series number
* @return index of the sub-source and the series index in that source
private int[] getSourceAndSeries(final int series)
int source = 0;
int sourceSeries = series;
while (sourceSeries >= this.sources[source].getNumberOfSeries())
sourceSeries -= this.sources[source].getNumberOfSeries();
return new int[] {source, sourceSeries};
public Duration getUpdateInterval()
return this.sources[0].getUpdateInterval();
public void setUpdateInterval(final Duration interval, final Time time)
for (FdSource source : this.sources)
source.setUpdateInterval(interval, time);
public Duration getAggregationPeriod()
return this.sources[0].getAggregationPeriod();
public void setAggregationPeriod(final Duration period)
for (FdSource source : this.sources)
public void recalculate(final Time time)
for (FdSource source : this.sources)
public Duration getDelay()
return this.sources[0].getDelay();
public void increaseTime(final Time time)
for (FdSource source : this.sources)
public int getNumberOfSeries()
int numberOfSeries = 0;
for (FdSource source : this.sources)
numberOfSeries += source.getNumberOfSeries();
return numberOfSeries;
public String getName(final int series)
int[] ss = getSourceAndSeries(series);
return this.sourceNames[ss[0]]
+ (this.sources[ss[0]].isAggregate() ? "" : ": " + this.sources[ss[0]].getName(ss[1]));
public int getItemCount(final int series)
int[] ss = getSourceAndSeries(series);
return this.sources[ss[0]].getItemCount(ss[1]);
public double getFlow(final int series, final int item)
int[] ss = getSourceAndSeries(series);
return this.sources[ss[0]].getFlow(ss[1], item);
public double getDensity(final int series, final int item)
int[] ss = getSourceAndSeries(series);
return this.sources[ss[0]].getDensity(ss[1], item);
public double getSpeed(final int series, final int item)
int[] ss = getSourceAndSeries(series);
return this.sources[ss[0]].getSpeed(ss[1], item);
public boolean isAggregate()
return false;
public void setAggregateName(final String aggregateName)
// invalid for this source type
* Defines a line plot for a fundamental diagram.
public interface FdLine
* Return the values for the given quantity. For two quantities, this should result in a 2D fundamental diagram line.
* @param quantity quantity to return value for.
* @return values for quantity
double[] getValues(Quantity quantity);
* Returns the name of the line, as shown in the legend.
* @return name of the line, as shown in the legend
String getName();
public String toString()
return "FundamentalDiagram [source=" + this.getSource() + ", domainQuantity=" + this.getDomainQuantity()
+ ", rangeQuantity=" + this.getRangeQuantity() + ", otherQuantity=" + this.getOtherQuantity()
+ ", seriesLabels=" + this.seriesLabels + ", graphUpdater=" + this.graphUpdater + ", timeInfo="
+ this.getTimeInfo() + ", legend=" + this.legend + ", laneVisible=" + this.laneVisible + "]";
* Get the data source.
* @return the data source
public FdSource getSource()
return this.source;
* Retrievee the legend of this FundamentalDiagram.
* @return the legend
public LegendItemCollection getLegend()
return this.legend;
* Return the list of lane visibility flags.
* @return the list of lane visibility flags
public List<Boolean> getLaneVisible()
return this.laneVisible;
* Return the domain quantity.
* @return the domain quantity
public Quantity getDomainQuantity()
return this.domainQuantity;
* Set the domain quantity.
* @param domainQuantity the new domain quantity
public void setDomainQuantity(final Quantity domainQuantity)
this.domainQuantity = domainQuantity;
* Get the other (non domain; vertical axis) quantity.
* @return the quantity for the vertical axis
public Quantity getOtherQuantity()
return this.otherQuantity;
* Set the other (non domain; vertical axis) quantity.
* @param otherQuantity the quantity for the vertical axis
public void setOtherQuantity(final Quantity otherQuantity)
this.otherQuantity = otherQuantity;
* Get the range quantity.
* @return the range quantity
public Quantity getRangeQuantity()
return this.rangeQuantity;
* Set the range quantity.
* @param rangeQuantity the new range quantity
public void setRangeQuantity(final Quantity rangeQuantity)
this.rangeQuantity = rangeQuantity;
* Retrieve the time info.
* @return the time info
public String getTimeInfo()
return this.timeInfo;
* Set the time info.
* @param timeInfo the new time info
public void setTimeInfo(final String timeInfo)
this.timeInfo = timeInfo;
* Return whether the plot has a fundamental diagram line.
* @return whether the plot has a fundamental diagram line
public boolean hasLineFD()
return this.fdLine != null;