All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract indicator which stores the last calculated value and returns it in
for an equal query, start time
and end time.Wrapper class for two typed values that represent a confidence interval.
A cross sections contains locations on lanes that together make up a cross section.
Abstract class for defining a type of extended or filter data.
Extended data type for duration values.
ExtendedDataFloat<U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>,T extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.FloatScalar<U,T>,O extends org.djunits.value.vfloat.vector.base.FloatVector<U,T,O>,G extends GtuData>
Class to facilitate JUNITS types in extended data.
Extended data type for length values.
Extended data type for anything that can be captured in a list.
Class for unitless values.
Extended data type for speed values.
Extended data type for string values.
Type class to define different types of data by which trajectories can be extended beyond the basic t, x, v, a.
Accepts trajectories that have passed all cross sections as defined in a query.
Accepts trajectories with a destination node included in a set in a query.
Accepts trajectories with a GtuType included in a set in a query.
Accepts trajectories with an origin node included in a set in a query.
Accepts trajectories with a Route included in a set in a query.
Collection of object sets, one object set per filter data type included.
Abstract class for defining a type of filter data.
Represents a GTU for sampling.
Enum for confidence interval sides.
Represents a lane for sampling.
Store one position and lane of a GTU.
Represents a link for sampling.
Total travel time divided by the sum of areas (X * T).
Total travel distance divided by the sum of areas (X * T).
Sum of trajectory lengths divided by sum of trajectory durations.
Inverse of mean speed.
Sum of trajectory lengths divided by number of GTU's.
Persistent<U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>,T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarRel<U,T>,W extends Number>
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
PersistentStatistic<U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>,T extends org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarRel<U,T>>
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
A query defines which subset of trajectory information should be included.
Reference speed for trajectories.
Sampler is the highest level organizer for sampling.
SamplerData is a storage for trajectory data.
Compression method.
Exception thrown when sampling encounters an error.
Defines a rectangular region over space and time on a lane.
Sum of trajectory durations minus the sum of trajectory lengths divided by a reference speed.
Delay based on reference speed.
Sum of measurements with zero speed, preceded by a non-zero speed.
Sum of trajectory lengths.
Sum of trajectory durations.
Contains position, speed, acceleration and time data of a GTU, over some section.
Space-time view of a trajectory.
Set of trajectories to be accepted or rejected for a query.
Contains all trajectories pertaining to a certain space-time region.