Interface OvertakingConditions

All Known Implementing Classes:
OvertakingConditions.LeftAlwaysRightJam, OvertakingConditions.LeftAlwaysRightSpeed, OvertakingConditions.LeftAndRight, OvertakingConditions.LeftOnly, OvertakingConditions.LeftSet, OvertakingConditions.LeftSetRightJam, OvertakingConditions.LeftSetRightSpeed, OvertakingConditions.None, OvertakingConditions.RightAlwaysLeftJam, OvertakingConditions.RightAlwaysLeftSpeed, OvertakingConditions.RightOnly, OvertakingConditions.RightSet, OvertakingConditions.RightSetLeftJam, OvertakingConditions.RightSetLeftSpeed, OvertakingConditions.SameLaneBoth, OvertakingConditions.SameLaneLeft, OvertakingConditions.SameLaneRight

public interface OvertakingConditions
This class implements the overtaking conditions. Examples are:
  • Overtaking on the left is allowed for all GTU types (not likely when there are e.g., both cars and bicycles in the model).
  • A GTU type CAR can overtake a GTU type TRACTOR on the left on this road, but no other types of GTUs.
  • When the speed of the GTU you try to overtake is lower than 50 km/h, you can overtake on the left.
  • When the speed of the GTU you try to overtake is 25 km/h less than the maximum speed of the lane on which you and the other GTU are driving, you can overtake on the left or right.
  • only overtake vehicles that have a maximum speed of under 25 km/h.
  • Overtaking on the left is allowed for all GTU types, but overtaking on the right is also allowed when traffic density is below a certain number
  • Overtaking on the left is allowed for all GTU types, but overtaking on the right is also allowed when the distance to a traffic light is less than 200 m
  • Overtaking on the left and the right is allowed for all GTUs. This can e.g. be used on an American highway where all GTUs that are allowed on the highway can indeed overtake on the right or the left.
Note: The class does not check whether it is allowed to overtake another GTU on this road, neither whether it is possible or safe to do so. That has to be checked by the GTU itself based on e.g., gap acceptance and other behavioral rules.

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BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Alexander Verbraeck