package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
* Markov Chain functionality using state auto-correlations. Rather than specifying a Transition Matrix, this matrix is
* calculated from a steady-state and from given auto-correlations. Auto-correlation increases the probability that state S
* returns after state S. Correlation between states can be captured with grouping several states under a super state. This
* creates a Transition Matrix within a cell of a Transition Matrix. To the super matrix, this is simply a single
* state-supplying element, applicable to all previous states that are concerned within the element.<br>
* <br>
* This class is oblivious to intensity data of the states, in the sense that it must be provided to draw the next state. This
* class actually only remembers state auto-correlations. Together with input intensities, a part of the Transition Matrix is
* calculated on the fly. This flexibility over a fixed Transition Matrix allows 1) dynamic intensities, and 2) a single object
* of this class to be used for multiple processes in which intensities differ, but correlations are equal. This class is
* therefore also fairly flexible in terms of which states are concerned. Only states with correlation need to be added. For any
* state included in the input, for which no correlation is defined, a correlation of 0 is assumed. Reversely, states that are
* included in the class, but that are not part of the input states, are ignored.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <S> state type
* @param <I> intensity type
public class MarkovCorrelation<S, I extends Number>
/** Leaf node for each state present in the Markov Chain, including in all sub-groups. */
private Map<S, FixedState<S, I>> leaves = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Transition Matrix for each super state, i.e. the matrix within which states are put that have the given super state. */
private Map<S, TransitionMatrix<S, I>> superMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Matrix in which each state is located. */
private Map<S, TransitionMatrix<S, I>> containingMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Root matrix. */
private TransitionMatrix<S, I> root = new TransitionMatrix<>(null, 0.0); // input not important, it's for sub-groups
* Adds a state to the root group of the Markov Chain. The correlation increases the chance that the state will occur after
* itself. We have: <br>
* <pre>
* p_ii = ss_i + (1 - ss_i) * c_i {eq. 1}
* </pre>
* where,
* <pre>
* p_ii: the probability state i returns after state i
* ss_i: the steady-state (overall mean) probability of state i
* c_i: correlation of state i
* </pre>
* Effective correlations of states depend on correlations of other states as well, so the given correlation is not
* guaranteed to result. One can easily see this from a system with 2 states: A and B. Suppose B has correlation. In order
* to maintain the same overall steady-state (occurrence proportion of A and B), it follows that state A also must be seen
* more frequently to follow itself.
* <pre>
* not correlated: A B B A A A B A A A B A A B B
* very correlated: A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B (all B's grouped together, hence all A's grouped together and correlated)
* </pre>
* The effective correlation <i>c_i</i> of any state <i>i</i> can be calculated by reversing equation {@code eq. 1} using
* for <i>p_ii</i> the effective value after all correlations are applied. The procedure to derive the various probabilities
* from state <i>i</i> to state <i>j</i> (<i>p_ij</i>) is explained below. The procedure is based on the transition matrix
* <i>T</i>, in which each value gives the probability that the state changes from <i>i</i> (the row) to state <i>j</i> (the
* column). Consequently, the values in each row must sum to 1, as each state will be followed by another state.<br>
* <br>
* It is important that the transition matrix <i>T</i> results in a steady-state as provided. In particular we have for
* steady state <i>S</i> that <b><i>S</i>*<i>T</i> = <i>S</i></b> should hold. Suppose we have <i>S</i> = [0.7, 0.2,
* 0.1] for states A, B and C. Without any correlation this would give the base transition matrix:
* <pre>
* | p_11 p_12 p_13 | | 0.70 0.20 0.10 |
* T = | p_21 p_22 p_23 | = | 0.70 0.20 0.10 |
* | p_31 p_32 p_33 | | 0.70 0.20 0.10 |
* </pre>
* Our steady-state results as for whatever the previous state was, the steady-state probabilities are applied. Now suppose
* that state C has a correlation of 0.4. This would give that <i>p_33</i> := <i>p_33</i> + (1 - <i>p_33</i>) * <i>c</i>
* = 0.46. With this increased value, the probabilities of row 3 no longer add up to 1. Hence, <i>p_31</i> and
* <i>p_32</i> should be reduced. However, we require that the same steady-state <i>S</i> is maintained. This will remain
* the case for as long as <i>T</i> remains a <i>reversible</i> Markov Chain. This means that each state has as much input
* probability, as it has output probability. A matrix where, except for the values on the diagonal, all column values are
* equal, is reversible. So the base <i>T</i> without correlation is reversible, and we only need to maintain reversibility.
* A method to maintain reversibility is to <i>scale symmetric pairs</i>. Hence, if we reduce <i>p_32</i>, we should reduce
* <i>p_23</i> by the same <i>factor</i>. Forcing row 3 to sum to 1, and scaling <i>p_31</i>, <i>p_13</i>, <i>p_32</i> and
* <i>p_23</i> by the same factor 0.6 we obtain the third matrix below.
* <pre>
* | 0.70 0.20 0.10 | | 0.70 0.20 0.10 | | 0.70 0.20 0.06 | | 0.74 0.20 0.06 |
* T => | 0.70 0.20 0.10 | => | 0.70 0.20 0.10 | => | 0.70 0.20 0.06 | => | 0.70 0.24 0.06 |
* | 0.70 0.20 0.10 | | 0.70 0.20 0.46 | | 0.42 0.12 0.46 | | 0.42 0.12 0.46 |
* </pre>
* As we reduce <i>p_13</i> and <i>p_23</i>, we also reduce the probability sums of rows 1 and 2. These reductions can be
* compensated by increasing the values on the diagonals, as is done in the fourth matrix. Note that changing the diagonal
* values does not affect reversibility. For example, 0.7*0.74 + 0.2*0.70 + 0.1*0.42 = 0.7 for the first column.<br>
* <br>
* Changing the diagonal values <i>p_11</i> and <i>p_22</i> as the result of correlation for state C, shows that correlation
* of one state automatically introduces correlation at other states, as should also intuitively occur from the A-B example.
* The procedure can be started with the base <i>T</i> from steady-state <i>S</i> and can be repeated for each state
* <i>i</i> with correlation:
* <ol>
* <li>Increase <i>p_ii</i> to <i>p_ii</i> + (1-<i>p_ii</i>) * <i>c_i</i>.</li>
* <li>Reduce <i>p_ij</i> for all <i>j</i> unequal to <i>i</i> such that row <i>i</i> sums to 1, use one factor <i>f</i> for
* all.</li>
* <li>Reduce <i>p_ji</i> for all <i>j</i> unequal to <i>i</i> to maintain reversibility. Use factor <i>f</i> again.</li>
* <li>Set all <i>p_jj</i> for all <i>j</i> unequal to <i>i</i> such that row <i>j</i> sums to 1.</li>
* </ol>
* Knowing that each value <i>p_ij</i> gets reduced for correlation of state <i>i</i> and <i>j</i>, and realizing that the
* reduction factors <i>f</i> equal (1 - <i>c_i</i>) and (1 - <i>c_j</i>) respectively, the effective correlation can be
* calculated by adding all reductions in a row to the diagonal value <i>p_ii</i> and using {@code eq. 1}.<br>
* <br>
* See also "Construction of Transition Matrices of Reversible Markov Chains" by Qian Jiang.
* @param state state
* @param correlation correlation
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if correlation is not within the range (-1 ... 1), or the state is already defined
* @throws NullPointerException if state is null
public synchronized void addState(final S state, final double correlation)
Throw.whenNull(state, "State may not be null.");
Throw.when(this.leaves.containsKey(state), IllegalArgumentException.class, "State %s already defined.", state);
Throw.when(correlation <= -1.0 || correlation >= 1.0, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Correlation at root level need to be in the range (-1 ... 1).");
FixedState<S, I> node = new FixedState<>(state, correlation);
this.root.addNode(state, node);
this.containingMatrices.put(state, this.root);
this.leaves.put(state, node);
* Adds a state to the group of the Markov Chain indicated by a super state. If the super state is not yet placed in a
* sub-group, the sub-group is created. Grouping is useful to let a set of states correlate to any other of the states in
* the set. For example, after state A, both states A and B can occur with some correlation, while state C is not correlated
* to states A and B. The same correlation is applied when the previous state was B, as it is also part of the same group.
* <br>
* <br>
* To explain sub-groups, suppose we have the following 3-state matrix in which the super state <i>s_2</i> is located (this
* can be the root matrix, or any sub-matrix). In this matrix, state <i>s_2</i> is replaced by a matrix <i>S_2</i>.
* <pre>
* s_1 s_2 s_3 s_1 S_2 s_3
* s_1 | p_11 p_12 p_13 | s_1 | p_11 p_12 p_13 |
* s_2 | p_21 p_22 p_23 | => S_2 | p_21 p_22 p_23 |
* s_3 | p_31 p_32 p_33 | s_3 | p_31 p_32 p_33 |
* </pre>
* From the level of this matrix, nothing changes. Whenever the prior state was any of those inside <i>S_2</i>, row 2 is
* applied to determine the next state. If the next state is matrix <i>S_2</i>, the state is further specified by
* <i>S_2</i>. Matrix <i>S_2</i> itself will be:
* <pre>
* s_2 s_4
* s_2 | p_22' p_24 |
* s_4 | p_42 p_44 |
* </pre>
* It will thus result in either state <i>s_2</i> or state <i>s_4</i>. More states can now be added to <i>S_2</i>, using the
* same super state <i>s_2</i>. In case the prior state was either <i>s_1</i> or <i>s_3</i>, i.e. no state included in the
* sub-group, the matrix of the sub-group defaults to fractions based on the steady-state only. Correlations are then also
* ignored.<br>
* <br>
* Correlation of <i>s_2</i> is applied to the whole group, and all other states of the group can be seen as sub-types of
* the group's super state. Correlations as considered inside the group (<i>c'_2</i> and <i>c'_4</i>) are mapped from the
* range <i>c_2</i> to 1. So, <i>c'_2</i> = 0, meaning that within the group there is no further correlation for the super
* state. Sub states, who are required to have an equal or larger correlation than the super state of the group, map
* linearly between <i>c_2</i> and 1.<br>
* <br>
* If the super state is only a virtual layer that should not in itself be a valid state of the system, it can simply be
* excluded from obtaining a new state using {@code getState()}.<br>
* <br>
* @param superState state of group
* @param state state to add
* @param correlation correlation
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if correlation is not within the range (0 ... 1), the state is already defined, or
* superState is not yet a state
* @throws NullPointerException if an input is null
public synchronized void addState(final S superState, final S state, final double correlation)
Throw.whenNull(superState, "Super-state may not be null.");
Throw.whenNull(state, "State may not be null.");
Throw.when(this.leaves.containsKey(state), IllegalArgumentException.class, "State %s already defined.", state);
Throw.when(correlation < 0.0 || correlation >= 1.0, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Correlation at root level need to be in the range (-1 ... 1).");
if (!this.superMatrices.containsKey(superState))
// branch the super state in to a matrix
FixedState<S, I> superOriginal = this.leaves.get(superState);
// remove original from it's matrix
TransitionMatrix<S, I> superMatrix = this.containingMatrices.get(superState);
Throw.when(superMatrix == null, IllegalArgumentException.class, "No state has been defined for super-state %s.",
// replace with matrix
TransitionMatrix<S, I> matrix = new TransitionMatrix<>(superState, superOriginal.getCorrelation());
superMatrix.addNode(superState, matrix);
this.superMatrices.put(superState, matrix);
// add original node to that matrix
matrix.addNode(superState, superOriginal);
this.containingMatrices.put(superState, matrix);
// add node
TransitionMatrix<S, I> superMatrix = this.superMatrices.get(superState);
Throw.when(correlation < superMatrix.getCorrelation(), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Sub states in a group can not have a lower correlation than the super state of the group.");
FixedState<S, I> node =
new FixedState<>(state, (correlation - superMatrix.getCorrelation()) / (1.0 - superMatrix.getCorrelation()));
superMatrix.addNode(state, node);
this.containingMatrices.put(state, superMatrix);
this.leaves.put(state, node);
// register state as part of matrix node
this.root.registerInGroup(superState, state);
for (TransitionMatrix<S, I> matrix : this.superMatrices.values())
if (matrix.getState() != superState)
matrix.registerInGroup(superState, state);
* Draws a next state from this Markov Chain process, with predefined state correlations, but dynamic intensities. Any
* states that are present in the underlying Transition Matrix, but not present in the given states, are ignored. States
* that are not present in the underlying Transition Matrix, are added to it with a correlation of 0.
* @param previousState previous state
* @param states set of states to consider
* @param steadyState current steady-state intensities of the states
* @param stream to draw random numbers
* @return next state
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number of states is not the same as the stead-state length
* @throws NullPointerException if states, steadyState or stream is null
public synchronized S drawState(final S previousState, final S[] states, final I[] steadyState,
final StreamInterface stream)
Throw.whenNull(states, "States may not be null.");
Throw.whenNull(steadyState, "Steady-state may not be null.");
Throw.whenNull(stream, "Stream for random numbers may not be null.");
Throw.when(states.length != steadyState.length, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Number of states should match the length of the steady state.");
for (FixedState<S, I> node : this.leaves.values())
int n = states.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
S state = states[i];
FixedState<S, I> leaf = this.leaves.get(state);
if (leaf == null)
addState(state, 0.0);
leaf = this.leaves.get(state);
return this.root.drawState(previousState, stream);
public String toString()
return "MarkovCorrelation [ " + this.root + " ]";
* Base class for elements inside a Markov {@code TransitionMatrix}.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <S> state type
* @param <I> intensity type
private abstract static class MarkovNode<S, I extends Number>
/** State. */
private final S state;
/** Correlation. */
private double correlation;
* Constructor.
* @param state state
* @param correlation correlation
MarkovNode(final S state, final double correlation)
this.state = state;
this.correlation = correlation;
* Returns the encapsulated state, which is either a fixed state, or the super-state of a group.
* @return encapsulated state, which is either a fixed state, or the super-state of a group
final S getState()
return this.state;
* Returns the correlation.
* @return correlation
final double getCorrelation()
return this.correlation;
* Clears the correlation.
protected final void clearCorrelation()
this.correlation = 0.0;
* Returns the current intensity, used for the Markov Chain process.
* @return current intensity, used for the Markov Chain process, 0.0 if no intensity was provided
abstract double getIntensity();
* Returns a state from this node, which is either a fixed state, or a randomly drawn state from a sub-group.
* @param previousState previous state
* @param stream to draw random numbers
* @return state from this node, which is either a fixed state, or a randomly drawn state from a sub-group
abstract S drawState(S previousState, StreamInterface stream);
* Transition matrix with functionality to return a next state, and to entail a set of fixed states mixed with matrices for
* sub-groups.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <S> state type
* @param <I> intensity type
private static final class TransitionMatrix<S, I extends Number> extends MarkovNode<S, I>
/** List of state-defining states, where sub-groups are defined by a set of state. */
private List<Set<S>> states = new ArrayList<>();
/** List of nodes (fixed state or sub-group matrix). */
private List<MarkovNode<S, I>> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructor.
* @param state super state representing the sub-group, or {@code null} for the root matrix.
* @param correlation correlation for the sub-group, or any value for the root matrix.
TransitionMatrix(final S state, final double correlation)
super(state, correlation);
* Adds a node to the matrix.
* @param state state of the node
* @param node node
void addNode(final S state, final MarkovNode<S, I> node)
Set<S> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
* Registers the state to belong to the group of super-state. This is used such that the matrix knows which previous
* states to map to the group.
* @param superState super-state of the group
* @param state state inside the group
void registerInGroup(final S superState, final S state)
for (Set<S> set : this.states)
if (set.contains(superState))
* Removes the node from the matrix, including group registration. This is used to replace a state with a group.
* @param state state to remove
void removeNode(final S state)
int i = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < this.states.size(); j++)
if (this.states.get(j).contains(state))
i = j;
if (i > -1)
* Returns a state from this matrix. This is done by calculating the row of the Markov Transition Chain for the given
* previous state, and using those probabilities to draw an output state.
* @param previousState previous state
* @param stream to draw random numbers
* @return state from this matrix
* @see MarkovCorrelation#addState(Object, double) algorithm for calculating the Transition Matrix
S drawState(final S previousState, final StreamInterface stream)
// figure out whether this matrix contains the previous state, and if so the correlation factor and row number i
boolean contains = false;
int n = this.states.size();
double intensitySum = 0.0;
int i = 0;
double iFactor = 1.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
intensitySum += this.nodes.get(j).getIntensity();
if (this.states.get(j).contains(previousState))
i = j;
contains = true;
iFactor = 1.0 - this.nodes.get(i).getCorrelation();
// gather probabilities and apply correlation factors
double[] p = new double[n];
double pSum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (i != j || !contains)
MarkovNode<S, I> node = this.nodes.get(j);
double jFactor = 1.0;
if (contains)
jFactor = 1.0 - node.getCorrelation();
p[j] = jFactor * iFactor * node.getIntensity() / intensitySum;
pSum += p[j];
// correct to get row sum = 1.0 by changing the diagonal value
if (contains)
p[i] = 1.0 - pSum;
// make probabilities cumulative
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
p[j] = p[j - 1] + p[j];
// draw
double r = stream.nextDouble();
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (r < p[j])
return this.nodes.get(j).drawState(previousState, stream);
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error while drawing state from matrix.");
* Returns the current intensity, used for the Markov Chain process, as the sum of matrix elements.
* @return current intensity, used for the Markov Chain process, 0.0 if no intensity was provided
double getIntensity()
double intensity = 0;
for (MarkovNode<S, I> node : this.nodes)
intensity += node.getIntensity();
return intensity;
public String toString()
String superType = this.getState() == null ? "" : "(" + this.getState() + ")";
String statesStr = "";
String sep = "";
for (MarkovNode<S, I> node : this.nodes)
statesStr += sep + node;
sep = ", ";
return "T" + superType + "[ " + statesStr + " ]";
* Container for a fixed state. Each state is reflected in a single object of this class. They are grouped in matrices,
* possibly all in the root. Subsets of all states may be grouped in a matrix, but no state is present in more than one
* matrix.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <S> state type
* @param <I> intensity type
private static final class FixedState<S, I extends Number> extends MarkovNode<S, I>
/** Intensity. */
private I intensity;
* Constructor.
* @param state state
* @param correlation correlation
FixedState(final S state, final double correlation)
super(state, correlation);
* Returns the state.
* @param previousState previous state
* @param stream to draw random numbers
* @return the state
S drawState(final S previousState, final StreamInterface stream)
return getState();
* Sets the current intensity.
* @param intensity intensity
void setIntensity(final I intensity)
this.intensity = intensity;
* Clears the intensity.
void clearIntensity()
this.intensity = null;
double getIntensity()
return this.intensity == null ? 0.0 : this.intensity.doubleValue();
public String toString()
return String.format(Locale.US, "%s(%.2f)", getState(), getCorrelation());