package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.structure;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.structure.NavigatingIterable.Entry;
* The lane structure provides a way to see the world for a lane based model.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class LaneStructure
/** GTU. */
private final LaneBasedGtu egoGtu;
/** Length to build lane structure upstream of GTU, or upstream relative to a downstream merge. */
private Length upstream;
/** Length to build lane structure downstream of GTU. */
private Length downstream;
/** Time at which the structure was updated. */
private Time updated = null;
/** Cross section of lane records at different relative lanes. */
private final Map<RelativeLane, Set<LaneRecord>> crossSection = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Cross section of lane records directly found laterally from the root. */
private final Map<RelativeLane, LaneRecord> rootCrossSection = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* Constructor.
* @param gtu the GTU.
* @param upstream guaranteed distance within which objects are found upstream of the GTU, or upstream of downstream merge.
* @param downstream guaranteed distance within which objects are found downstream of the GTU.
public LaneStructure(final LaneBasedGtu gtu, final Length upstream, final Length downstream)
this.egoGtu = gtu;
this.upstream = upstream;
this.downstream = downstream;
* Returns an iterator over objects perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be objects on different
* roads, e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two
* on-ramps that are very close by, or even the shoulder. Objects that are partially downstream are also included.
* @param <T> type of {@code LaneBasedObject}.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param clazz class of lane-based object type.
* @param position RelativePosition.Type; position relative to which objects are found and distances are given.
* @param onRoute whether the objects have to be on-route.
* @return iterator over objects.
public <T extends LaneBasedObject> Iterable<Entry<T>> getDownstreamObjects(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final Class<T> clazz, final RelativePosition.Type position, final boolean onRoute)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(position).dx();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(clazz, this.downstream,
start((record) -> startDownstream(record, position), relativeLane), (record) ->
// this navigator only includes records of lanes on the route
Set<LaneRecord> set = record.getNext();
set.removeIf((r) -> onRoute && !r.isOnRoute(LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute()));
return set;
}, (record) ->
// this navigator selects all objects fully or partially downstream
List<LaneBasedObject> list = record.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects();
if (list.isEmpty())
return list;
Length pos = record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx);
int from = 0;
while (from < list.size()
&& list.get(from).getLongitudinalPosition().plus(list.get(from).getLength()).lt(pos))
if (from > list.size() - 1)
return Collections.emptyList();
return list.subList(from, list.size());
}, (t, r) -> r.getStartDistance().plus(t.getLongitudinalPosition()).minus(dx));
* Returns an iterator over objects perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be objects on different
* roads, e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two
* on-ramps that are very close by, or even the shoulder. Objects that are partially upstream are also included.
* @param <T> type of {@code LaneBasedObject}.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param clazz class of lane-based object type.
* @param position RelativePosition.Type; position relative to which objects are found and distances are given.
* @return iterator over objects.
public <T extends LaneBasedObject> Iterable<Entry<T>> getUpstreamObjects(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final Class<T> clazz, final RelativePosition.Type position)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(position).dx();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(clazz, this.upstream, start((record) -> startUpstream(record, position), relativeLane),
(record) ->
// this navigator combines the upstream and lateral records
Set<LaneRecord> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(record.getPrev());
return set;
}, (record) ->
// this lister reverses the list
List<LaneBasedObject> list = record.getLane().getLaneBasedObjects();
if (list.isEmpty())
return list;
Length pos = record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx);
int to = list.size();
while (to >= 0 && list.get(to).getLongitudinalPosition().gt(pos))
if (to < 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
list = list.subList(0, to);
return list;
}, (t, r) -> r.getStartDistance().plus(t.getLongitudinalPosition()).plus(dx).neg());
* Returns an iterator over GTUs perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be GTUs on different roads,
* e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two on-ramps
* that are very close by, or even the shoulder. When from a lane on the route, a downstream lane is not on the route, GTUs
* on the downstream lane are not included. A split conflict should deal with possible GTUs there.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param egoPosition position of ego GTU relative to which objects are found.
* @param otherPosition position of other GTU that must be downstream of egoPosition.
* @param egoDistancePosition position of ego GTU from which the distance is determined.
* @param otherDistancePosition position of other GTU to which the distance is determined.
* @return iterator over GTUs.
public Iterable<Entry<LaneBasedGtu>> getDownstreamGtus(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final RelativePosition.Type egoPosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherPosition,
final RelativePosition.Type egoDistancePosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherDistancePosition)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoPosition).dx();
Length dxDistance = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoDistancePosition).dx();
Route route = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(LaneBasedGtu.class, this.downstream,
start((record) -> startDownstream(record, egoPosition), relativeLane), (record) ->
// this navigator ignores downstream lanes that are not on the route, if the current record is on the route
Set<LaneRecord> next = new LinkedHashSet<>(record.getNext());
if (route != null && record.getLane().getLink().getEndNode().getLinks().size() > 2
&& route.containsLink(record.getLane().getLink()))
Iterator<LaneRecord> it = next.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
LaneRecord down =;
if (!route.containsLink(down.getLane().getLink()))
return next;
}, (record) ->
// this lister finds the relevant sublist of GTUs
List<LaneBasedGtu> gtus = record.getLane().getGtuList().toList();
if (gtus.isEmpty())
return gtus;
int from = 0;
Length pos = Length.max(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), Length.ZERO);
while (from < gtus.size() && (position(gtus.get(from), record, otherPosition).lt(pos)
|| gtus.get(from).getId().equals(this.egoGtu.getId())))
int to = gtus.size() - 1;
while (to >= 0 && (position(gtus.get(to), record, otherPosition).gt(record.getLength())
|| gtus.get(to).getId().equals(this.egoGtu.getId())))
if (from > to)
return Collections.emptyList();
if (from > 0 || to < gtus.size() - 1)
gtus = gtus.subList(from, to + 1);
return gtus;
}, (t, r) -> r.getStartDistance().plus(position(t, r, otherDistancePosition)).minus(dxDistance));
* Returns an iterator over GTUs perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be GTUs on different roads,
* e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two on-ramps
* that are very close by, or even the shoulder.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param egoPosition position of ego GTU relative to which objects are found.
* @param otherPosition position of other GTU that must be upstream of egoPosition.
* @param egoDistancePosition position of ego GTU from which the distance is determined.
* @param otherDistancePosition position of other GTU to which the distance is determined.
* @return iterator over GTUs.
public Iterable<Entry<LaneBasedGtu>> getUpstreamGtus(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final RelativePosition.Type egoPosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherPosition,
final RelativePosition.Type egoDistancePosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherDistancePosition)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoPosition).dx();
Length dxDistance = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoDistancePosition).dx();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(LaneBasedGtu.class, this.upstream,
start((record) -> startUpstream(record, egoPosition), relativeLane), (record) ->
// this navigator combines the upstream and lateral records
Set<LaneRecord> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(record.getPrev());
return set;
}, (record) ->
// this lister finds the relevant sublist of GTUs and reverses it
List<LaneBasedGtu> gtus = record.getLane().getGtuList().toList();
if (gtus.isEmpty())
return gtus;
int from = 0;
while (from < gtus.size() && (position(gtus.get(from), record, otherPosition).lt0()
|| gtus.get(from).getId().equals(this.egoGtu.getId())))
int to = gtus.size() - 1;
Length pos = Length.min(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), record.getLength());
while (to >= 0 && (position(gtus.get(to), record, otherPosition).gt(pos)
|| gtus.get(to).getId().equals(this.egoGtu.getId())))
if (from > to)
return Collections.emptyList();
if (from > 0 || to < gtus.size() - 1)
gtus = gtus.subList(from, to + 1);
return gtus;
}, (t, r) -> dxDistance.minus(r.getStartDistance().plus(position(t, r, otherDistancePosition))));
* Returns an iterator over GTUs perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be GTUs on different roads,
* e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two on-ramps
* that are very close by, or even the shoulder. This function differs from {@code getDownstreamGtus()} in that it will halt
* further searching on on branch it finds a GTU on.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param egoPosition position of ego GTU relative to which objects are found.
* @param otherPosition position of other GTU that must be downstream of egoPosition.
* @param egoDistancePosition position of ego GTU from which the distance is determined.
* @param otherDistancePosition position of other GTU to which the distance is determined.
* @return iterator over GTUs.
public Iterable<Entry<LaneBasedGtu>> getFirstDownstreamGtus(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final RelativePosition.Type egoPosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherPosition,
final RelativePosition.Type egoDistancePosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherDistancePosition)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoPosition).dx();
Length dxDistance = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoDistancePosition).dx();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(LaneBasedGtu.class, this.downstream,
start((record) -> startDownstream(record, egoPosition), relativeLane), (record) ->
// this navigator only returns records when there are no GTUs on the lane
return Try.assign(
() -> record.getLane().getGtuAhead(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), otherPosition,
"Problem with GTU") == null ? record.getNext() : new LinkedHashSet<>();
}, (record) ->
// this lister finds the first GTU and returns it as the only GTU in the list
LaneBasedGtu down =
() -> record.getLane().getGtuAhead(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), otherPosition,
"Problem with GTU");
return down == null ? Collections.emptyList() : List.of(down);
}, (t, r) -> r.getStartDistance().plus(position(t, r, otherDistancePosition)).minus(dxDistance));
* Returns an iterator over GTUs perceived on a relative lane, ordered close to far. This can be GTUs on different roads,
* e.g. from the main line on the right-most lane, the right-hand relative lane can give objects upstream of two on-ramps
* that are very close by, or even the shoulder. This function differs from {@code getDownstreamGtus()} in that it will halt
* further searching on on branch it finds a GTU on.
* @param relativeLane lane.
* @param egoPosition position of ego GTU relative to which objects are found.
* @param otherPosition position of other GTU that must be upstream of egoPosition.
* @param egoDistancePosition position of ego GTU from which the distance is determined.
* @param otherDistancePosition position of other GTU to which the distance is determined.
* @return iterator over GTUs.
public Iterable<Entry<LaneBasedGtu>> getFirstUpstreamGtus(final RelativeLane relativeLane,
final RelativePosition.Type egoPosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherPosition,
final RelativePosition.Type egoDistancePosition, final RelativePosition.Type otherDistancePosition)
Length dx = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoPosition).dx();
Length dxDistance = LaneStructure.this.egoGtu.getRelativePositions().get(egoDistancePosition).dx();
return new NavigatingIterable<>(LaneBasedGtu.class, this.upstream,
start((record) -> startUpstream(record, egoPosition), relativeLane), (record) ->
// this navigator only returns records when there are no GTUs on the lane (it may thus ignore a GTU on a
// lateral lane that is closer) and combines the upstream and lateral records
LaneBasedGtu gtu =
() -> record.getLane().getGtuBehind(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), otherPosition,
"Problem with GTU");
Set<LaneRecord> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (gtu == null)
return set;
}, (record) ->
// this lister finds the first GTU and returns it as the only GTU in the list
LaneBasedGtu up =
() -> record.getLane().getGtuBehind(record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(dx), otherPosition,
"Problem with GTU");
return up == null ? Collections.emptyList() : List.of(up);
}, (t, r) -> dxDistance.minus(r.getStartDistance().plus(position(t, r, otherDistancePosition))));
* Gathers the records using a starter logic on all records in the cross section on the relative lane.
* @param starter starter logic
* @param relativeLane relative lane
* @return the records using a starter logic on all records in the cross section on the relative lane
private Collection<LaneRecord> start(final Function<LaneRecord, Collection<LaneRecord>> starter,
final RelativeLane relativeLane)
Collection<LaneRecord> collection = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (LaneRecord record : LaneStructure.this.crossSection.computeIfAbsent(relativeLane, (l) -> new LinkedHashSet<>()))
for (LaneRecord start : starter.apply(record))
return collection;
* Recursively move to upstream records if the relative position is upstream of the record, to start a downstream search
* from these upstream records.
* @param record current record in search.
* @param position RelativePosition.Type; relative position type.
* @return records to start from.
private Collection<LaneRecord> startDownstream(final LaneRecord record, final RelativePosition.Type position)
if (position(LaneStructure.this.egoGtu, record, position).ge0())
return Set.of(record); // position is on the lane
Set<LaneRecord> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (LaneRecord up : record.getPrev())
set.addAll(startDownstream(up, position));
return set;
* Recursively move to downstream records if the relative position is downstream of the record, to start an upstream search
* from these downstream records.
* @param record current record in search.
* @param position RelativePosition.Type; relative position type.
* @return records to start from.
private Collection<LaneRecord> startUpstream(final LaneRecord record, final RelativePosition.Type position)
if (position(LaneStructure.this.egoGtu, record, position).lt(record.getLane().getLength()))
return Set.of(record); // position is on the lane
Set<LaneRecord> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (LaneRecord down : record.getNext())
set.addAll(startUpstream(down, position));
return set;
* Returns the position of the GTU on the lane of the given record.
* @param gtu gtu.
* @param record lane record.
* @param positionType RelativePosition.Type; relative position type.
* @return position of the GTU on the lane of the given record.
private Length position(final LaneBasedGtu gtu, final LaneRecordInterface<?> record,
final RelativePosition.Type positionType)
if (gtu.equals(LaneStructure.this.egoGtu))
return record.getStartDistance().neg().plus(gtu.getRelativePositions().get(positionType).dx());
return Try.assign(() -> gtu.position(record.getLane(), gtu.getRelativePositions().get(positionType)),
"Unable to obtain position %s of GTU.", positionType);
* Updates the structure when required.
private synchronized void update()
if (this.updated != null && this.updated.equals(this.egoGtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorAbsTime()))
Set<Lane> visited = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Deque<LaneRecord> downQueue = new LinkedList<>();
Deque<LaneRecord> upQueue = new LinkedList<>();
Deque<LaneRecord> latDownQueue = new LinkedList<>();
Deque<LaneRecord> latUpQueue = new LinkedList<>();
LanePosition position = Try.assign(() -> this.egoGtu.getReferencePosition(), "GTU does not have a reference position.");
LaneRecord root = new LaneRecord(position.lane(), RelativeLane.CURRENT, position.position().neg(), Length.ZERO);
latDownQueue.add(root); // does not matter which lat queue this is, it is the root cross section
this.rootCrossSection.put(root.getRelativeLane(), root);
while (!downQueue.isEmpty() || !upQueue.isEmpty() || !latDownQueue.isEmpty() || !latUpQueue.isEmpty())
if (!downQueue.isEmpty())
nextDown(visited, downQueue, latDownQueue);
else if (!upQueue.isEmpty())
nextUp(visited, upQueue, latUpQueue);
nextLateral(visited, downQueue, upQueue, latDownQueue, latUpQueue);
this.updated = this.egoGtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorAbsTime();
* Progress to downstream lanes of first record in the downstream queue.
* @param visited visited records in the entire structure so far
* @param downQueue queue of records to be processed in downstream search
* @param latDownQueue queue of records to be processed in lateral direction, as part of a downstream search
private void nextDown(final Set<Lane> visited, final Deque<LaneRecord> downQueue, final Deque<LaneRecord> latDownQueue)
LaneRecord record = downQueue.poll();
Set<Lane> downstreamLanes = record.getLane().nextLanes(null);
if (!record.getLane().getType().isCompatible(this.egoGtu.getType()))
* Progress downstream from an incompatible lane only to other incompatible lanes. Compatible lanes downstream of an
* incompatible lane will have to be found through a lateral move. Only in this way can a merge be detected.
downstreamLanes = new LinkedHashSet<>(downstreamLanes); // safe copy
for (Lane lane : downstreamLanes)
LaneRecord down = new LaneRecord(lane, record.getRelativeLane(), record.getEndDistance(), Length.ZERO);
if (down.getEndDistance().lt(this.downstream))
* Progress to upstream lanes of first record in the upstream queue.
* @param visited visited records in the entire structure so far
* @param upQueue queue of records to be processed in upstream search
* @param latUpQueue queue of records to be processed in lateral direction, as part of an upstream search
private void nextUp(final Set<Lane> visited, final Deque<LaneRecord> upQueue, final Deque<LaneRecord> latUpQueue)
LaneRecord record = upQueue.poll();
for (Lane lane : record.getLane().prevLanes(null))
* Upstream of a merge we ignore visited lanes. Upstream not of a merge, we just continue. I.e. on a roundabout one
* lane can be both upstream and downstream.
if (!visited.contains(lane) || record.getMergeDistance().eq0())
LaneRecord up = new LaneRecord(lane, record.getRelativeLane(),
record.getStartDistance().minus(lane.getLength()), record.getMergeDistance());
if (up.getStartDistance().neg().plus(up.getMergeDistance()).lt(this.upstream))
* Progress to lateral lanes for downstream search if any, or for upstream search otherwise.
* @param visited visited records in the entire structure so far
* @param downQueue queue of records to be processed in downstream search
* @param upQueue queue of records to be processed in upstream search
* @param latDownQueue queue of records to be processed in lateral direction, as part of a downstream search
* @param latUpQueue queue of records to be processed in lateral direction, as part of an upstream search
private void nextLateral(final Set<Lane> visited, final Deque<LaneRecord> downQueue, final Deque<LaneRecord> upQueue,
final Deque<LaneRecord> latDownQueue, final Deque<LaneRecord> latUpQueue)
boolean down;
Deque<LaneRecord> latQueue;
if (!latDownQueue.isEmpty())
down = true;
latQueue = latDownQueue;
down = false;
latQueue = latUpQueue;
LaneRecord record = latQueue.poll();
for (LateralDirectionality latDirection : new LateralDirectionality[] {LateralDirectionality.LEFT,
for (Lane lane : record.getLane().accessibleAdjacentLanesPhysical(latDirection, null))
if (!visited.contains(lane))
* The relative lane stays the same if we are searching upstream. This is because traffic on this adjacent
* lane will have to change lane to this existing relative lane, before it can be in relevant interaction
* with the perceiving GTU. One can think of two lanes merging in to one just before an on-ramp. Traffic on
* both lanes is then considered to be on the same relative lane as the acceleration lane. Otherwise the
* lateral lane is shifted once.
RelativeLane relativeLane = !down ? record.getRelativeLane() : (latDirection.isLeft()
? record.getRelativeLane().getLeft() : record.getRelativeLane().getRight());
* If the zero-position is on the record, the fractional position is used. Otherwise the start distance is
* such that the start is equal in a downstream search, and the end is equal in an upstream search.
Length startDistance;
if (record.getStartDistance().lt0() && record.getEndDistance().gt0())
startDistance = lane.getLength()
.times(record.getStartDistance().neg().si / record.getLane().getLength().si).neg();
else if (down)
startDistance = record.getStartDistance();
startDistance = record.getEndDistance().minus(lane.getLength());
* If the adjacent lane is found in a downstream search and its upstream links are different, we are dealing
* with a merge at a distance of the start of these two lanes.
Length mergeDistance;
if (down && record.getStartDistance().gt0())
if (!getUpstreamLinks(lane).equals(getUpstreamLinks(record.getLane())))
mergeDistance = record.getStartDistance();
mergeDistance = Length.ZERO;
mergeDistance = record.getMergeDistance(); // zero, or continue same value in upstream branch
LaneRecord lat = new LaneRecord(lane, relativeLane, startDistance, mergeDistance);
if (!down)
// from the cross-section directly from the root, we initiate both an upstream and downstream search
if (this.rootCrossSection.containsValue(record))
this.rootCrossSection.put(lat.getRelativeLane(), lat);
latDownQueue.add(lat); // does not matter which lat queue this is, it is the root cross section
if (lat.getEndDistance().lt(this.downstream))
if (lat.getStartDistance().neg().lt(this.upstream))
else if (down)
if (lat.getEndDistance().lt(this.downstream))
if (mergeDistance.gt0())
if (lat.getStartDistance().neg().plus(lat.getMergeDistance()).lt(this.upstream))
* Adds the lane to the cross-section, if the zero position is somewhere on the lane (negative start distance, positive end
* distance).
* @param record record.
private void addToCrossSection(final LaneRecord record)
if (record.getStartDistance().le0() && record.getEndDistance().gt0())
this.crossSection.computeIfAbsent(record.getRelativeLane(), (r) -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(record);
* Returns the links upstream of the lane.
* @param lane lane.
* @return upstream lanes.
private Set<Link> getUpstreamLinks(final Lane lane)
Set<Link> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Lane prev : lane.prevLanes(null))
return set;
* Returns all the lanes that are in the root cross-section, i.e. to our direct left and right.
* @return set of lanes in the root cross-section.
public SortedSet<RelativeLane> getRootCrossSection()
return new TreeSet<>(this.rootCrossSection.keySet());
* Returns whether the lane exists within the structure.
* @param lane lane.
* @return whether the lane exists within the structure.
public boolean exists(final RelativeLane lane)
return this.crossSection.containsKey(lane);
* Returns the root record on the given lane.
* @param lane lane.
* @return root record on the lane.
public LaneRecord getRootRecord(final RelativeLane lane)
return this.rootCrossSection.get(lane);
* Returns the set of records in the cross-section on the given lane.
* @param lane lane.
* @return set of records in the cross-section on the given lane.
public Set<LaneRecord> getCrossSectionRecords(final RelativeLane lane)
return new LinkedHashSet<>(this.crossSection.get(lane));