package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.toledo;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LinearDensityUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.LinearDensity;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.draw.point.OrientedPoint2d;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeLength;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypes;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlan;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.plan.operational.OperationalPlanException;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.CategoricalLanePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.PerceptionCollectable;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.neighbors.DirectNeighborsPerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.neighbors.HeadwayGtuType;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories.neighbors.NeighborsPerception;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.plan.operational.LaneChange;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.plan.operational.LaneOperationalPlanBuilder;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.CarFollowingModel;
* Implementation of the model of Toledo (2003).<br>
* <br>
* Tomer Toledo (2003) "Integrated Driving Behavior Modeling", Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public class Toledo extends AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160711L;
/** Look ahead parameter type. */
protected static final ParameterTypeLength LOOKAHEAD = ParameterTypes.LOOKAHEAD;
/** Defines light vs heavy vehicles. */
static final Length MAX_LIGHT_VEHICLE_LENGTH = new Length(9.14, LengthUnit.METER);
/** Distance defining tail gating. */
static final Length TAILGATE_LENGTH = new Length(10, LengthUnit.METER);
/** Density for tail gating (Level Of Service (LOS) A, B or C). */
static final LinearDensity LOS_DENSITY = new LinearDensity(16, LinearDensityUnit.PER_KILOMETER);
/** Random number generator. */
public static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
/** Lane change status. */
private final LaneChange laneChange;
* Constructor.
* @param carFollowingModel Car-following model.
* @param gtu GTU
public Toledo(final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final LaneBasedGtu gtu)
super(carFollowingModel, gtu, new CategoricalLanePerception(gtu));
this.laneChange = Try.assign(() -> new LaneChange(gtu), "Parameter LCDUR is required.", GtuException.class);
getPerception().addPerceptionCategory(new ToledoPerception(getPerception()));
getPerception().addPerceptionCategory(new DirectNeighborsPerception(getPerception(), HeadwayGtuType.WRAP));
public final OperationalPlan generateOperationalPlan(final Time startTime, final OrientedPoint2d locationAtStartTime)
throws GtuException, NetworkException, ParameterException
// obtain objects to get info
LanePerception perception = getPerception();
SpeedLimitProspect slp =
SpeedLimitInfo sli = slp.getSpeedLimitInfo(Length.ZERO);
Parameters params = getGtu().getParameters();
Acceleration acceleration = null;
// if (this.laneChangeDirectionality == null)
LateralDirectionality initiatedLaneChange;
NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
if (!this.laneChange.isChangingLane())
// not changing lane
// 3rd layer of model: Target gap model
// TODO vehicle not ahead and not backwards but completely adjacent
GapInfo gapFwdL = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.FORWARD, RelativeLane.LEFT);
GapInfo gapAdjL = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.ADJACENT, RelativeLane.LEFT);
GapInfo gapBckL = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.BACKWARD, RelativeLane.LEFT);
GapInfo gapFwdR = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.FORWARD, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
GapInfo gapAdjR = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.ADJACENT, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
GapInfo gapBckR = getGapInfo(params, perception, Gap.BACKWARD, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
double emuTgL =
Math.log(Math.exp(gapFwdL.getUtility()) + Math.exp(gapAdjL.getUtility()) + Math.exp(gapBckL.getUtility()));
double emuTgR =
Math.log(Math.exp(gapFwdR.getUtility()) + Math.exp(gapAdjR.getUtility()) + Math.exp(gapBckR.getUtility()));
// 2nd layer of model: Gap-acceptance model
// gap acceptance random terms (variable over time, equal for left and right)
double eLead = RANDOM.nextGaussian() * Math.pow(params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LEAD), 2);
double eLag = RANDOM.nextGaussian() * Math.pow(params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LAG), 2);
GapAcceptanceInfo gapAcceptL =
getGapAcceptanceInfo(getGtu(), params, perception, emuTgL, eLead, eLag, RelativeLane.LEFT);
GapAcceptanceInfo gapAcceptR =
getGapAcceptanceInfo(getGtu(), params, perception, emuTgR, eLead, eLag, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
// 1st layer of model: Target lane model
double vL = laneUtility(getGtu(), params, perception, gapAcceptL.getEmu(), sli, RelativeLane.LEFT);
double vC = laneUtility(getGtu(), params, perception, 0, sli, RelativeLane.CURRENT);
double vR = laneUtility(getGtu(), params, perception, gapAcceptR.getEmu(), sli, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
// change lane?
if (vL > vR && vL > vC && gapAcceptL.isAcceptable())
initiatedLaneChange = LateralDirectionality.LEFT;
else if (vR > vL && vR > vC && gapAcceptR.isAcceptable())
initiatedLaneChange = LateralDirectionality.RIGHT;
initiatedLaneChange = LateralDirectionality.NONE;
// accelerate for gap selection
if (initiatedLaneChange.isNone())
if ((vC > vR && vC > vL)
|| (!neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).isEmpty() && neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT)
.first().getDistance().lt(getCarFollowingModel().desiredHeadway(params, getGtu().getSpeed()))))
acceleration = getCarFollowingModel().followingAcceleration(params, getGtu().getSpeed(), sli,
GapInfo gapAdj;
GapInfo gapFwd;
GapInfo gapBck;
if (vL > vR && vL > vC)
gapAdj = gapAdjL;
gapFwd = gapFwdL;
gapBck = gapBckL;
gapAdj = gapAdjR;
gapFwd = gapFwdR;
gapBck = gapBckR;
if (gapAdj.getUtility() > gapFwd.getUtility() && gapAdj.getUtility() > gapBck.getUtility())
// adjacent gap selected
double eadj = Toledo.RANDOM.nextGaussian() * params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_ADJ)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_ADJ);
acceleration =
new Acceleration(
* (params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_DP)
* gapAdj.getLength().si - gapAdj.getDistance().si)
+ eadj,
else if (gapFwd.getUtility() > gapAdj.getUtility() && gapFwd.getUtility() > gapBck.getUtility())
// forward gap selected
Length desiredPosition = new Length(
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_DP) * gapFwd.getLength().si,
double deltaV = gapFwd.getSpeed().si > getGtu().getSpeed().si
? params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.LAMBDA_FWD_POS)
* (gapFwd.getSpeed().si - getGtu().getSpeed().si)
: params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.LAMBDA_FWD_NEG)
* (getGtu().getSpeed().si - gapFwd.getSpeed().si);
double efwd = Toledo.RANDOM.nextGaussian() * params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_FWD)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_FWD);
acceleration = new Acceleration(params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_FWD_ACC)
* Math.pow(, params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_FWD))
* Math.exp(deltaV) + efwd, AccelerationUnit.SI);
// backward gap selected
Length desiredPosition = new Length(
+ (1 - params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_DP)) * gapBck.getLength().si,
double deltaV = gapBck.getSpeed().si > getGtu().getSpeed().si
? params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.LAMBDA_BCK_POS)
* (gapBck.getSpeed().si - getGtu().getSpeed().si)
: params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.LAMBDA_BCK_NEG)
* (getGtu().getSpeed().si - gapBck.getSpeed().si);
double ebck = Toledo.RANDOM.nextGaussian() * params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_BCK)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_BCK);
acceleration = new Acceleration(params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_BCK_ACC)
* Math.pow(, params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_BCK))
* Math.exp(deltaV) + ebck, AccelerationUnit.SI);
initiatedLaneChange = LateralDirectionality.NONE;
if (initiatedLaneChange.isLeft())
// changing left
getCarFollowingModel().followingAcceleration(params, getGtu().getSpeed(), sli,
else if (initiatedLaneChange.isRight())
// changing right
getCarFollowingModel().followingAcceleration(params, getGtu().getSpeed(), sli,
if (acceleration == null)
throw new Error("Acceleration from toledo model is null.");
// operational plan
if (initiatedLaneChange.isNone())
return LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationPlan(getGtu(), startTime, getGtu().getSpeed(), acceleration,
params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.DT), false);
OperationalPlan plan = LaneOperationalPlanBuilder.buildAccelerationLaneChangePlan(getGtu(), initiatedLaneChange,
getGtu().getLocation(), startTime, getGtu().getSpeed(), acceleration,
params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.DT), this.laneChange);
return plan;
* Returns info regarding a gap.
* @param params parameters
* @param perception perception
* @param gap gap
* @param lane lane
* @return utility of gap
* @throws ParameterException if parameter is not given
* @throws OperationalPlanException perception exception
private GapInfo getGapInfo(final Parameters params, final LanePerception perception, final Gap gap, final RelativeLane lane)
throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
// capture no leaders/follower cases for forward and backward gaps
NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
if (gap.equals(Gap.FORWARD) && (neighbors.getLeaders(lane) == null || neighbors.getLeaders(lane).isEmpty()))
// no leaders
return new GapInfo(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, null, null, null);
if (gap.equals(Gap.BACKWARD) && (neighbors.getFollowers(lane) == null || neighbors.getFollowers(lane).isEmpty()))
// no followers
return new GapInfo(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, null, null, null);
double constant; // utility function: constant
double alpha; // utility function: alpha parameter
Length distanceToGap; // utility function: distance to gap
int deltaFrontVehicle; // utility function: dummy whether the gap is limited by vehicle in front
Length putativeLength; // acceleration model: gap length, not affected by vehicle in front
Length putativeDistance; // acceleration model: distance to gap, different from 'distanceToGap' in utility function
Speed putativeSpeed; // acceleration model: speed of putative follower or leader
Length leaderDist; // leader of (effective) gap
Speed leaderSpeed;
Length followerDist; // follower of (effective) gap
Speed followerSpeed;
if (gap.equals(Gap.FORWARD))
constant = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_FWD_TG);
alpha = 0;
PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> itAble = neighbors.getLeaders(lane);
HeadwayGtu second = null;
if (!itAble.isEmpty())
Iterator<HeadwayGtu> it = itAble.iterator();;
second =;
if (second != null)
// two leaders
Iterator<HeadwayGtu> it = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).iterator();;
HeadwayGtu leader =;
leaderDist = leader.getDistance();
leaderSpeed = leader.getSpeed();
putativeLength = leaderDist.minus(neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getDistance())
// TODO infinite -> some limited space, speed also
// one leader
leaderDist = Length.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
leaderSpeed = Speed.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
putativeLength = leaderDist;
// distance to nose, so add length
followerDist =
followerSpeed = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getSpeed();
distanceToGap = followerDist; // same as distance to nose of first leader
putativeDistance = distanceToGap;
putativeSpeed = followerSpeed;
else if (gap.equals(Gap.ADJACENT))
constant = 0;
alpha = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_ADJ);
distanceToGap = Length.ZERO;
if (neighbors.getLeaders(lane) != null && !neighbors.getLeaders(lane).isEmpty())
leaderDist = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getDistance();
leaderSpeed = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getSpeed();
leaderDist = Length.POS_MAXVALUE;
leaderSpeed = Speed.POS_MAXVALUE;
if (neighbors.getFollowers(lane) != null && !neighbors.getFollowers(lane).isEmpty())
// plus own vehicle length for distance from nose of own vehicle (and then whole negative)
followerDist = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getDistance().plus(getGtu().getLength());
followerSpeed = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getSpeed();
putativeDistance = followerDist;
followerDist = Length.NEG_MAXVALUE;
followerSpeed = Speed.NEG_MAXVALUE;
putativeDistance = Length.POS_MAXVALUE;
putativeSpeed = null;
putativeLength =;
constant = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_BCK_TG);
alpha = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_BCK);
deltaFrontVehicle = 0;
PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> itAble = neighbors.getFollowers(lane);
HeadwayGtu second = null;
if (!itAble.isEmpty())
Iterator<HeadwayGtu> it = itAble.iterator();;
second =;
if (second != null)
// two followers
Iterator<HeadwayGtu> it = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).iterator();;
HeadwayGtu follower =;
followerDist = follower.getDistance();
followerSpeed = follower.getSpeed();
putativeLength = followerDist.minus(neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getDistance())
// one follower
followerDist = Length.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
followerSpeed = Speed.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
putativeLength = followerDist;
// add vehicle length to get distance to tail of 1st follower (and then whole negative)
leaderDist =
leaderSpeed = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getSpeed();
distanceToGap = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getDistance().plus(getGtu().getLength()); // own nose to nose
putativeDistance =;
putativeSpeed = leaderSpeed;
// limit by leader in current lane
if (!gap.equals(Gap.BACKWARD) && !neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).isEmpty()
&& neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getDistance().lt(leaderDist))
leaderDist = neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getDistance();
leaderSpeed = neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getSpeed();
deltaFrontVehicle = 1;
deltaFrontVehicle = 0;
// calculate relative gap speed and effective gap
Speed dV = followerSpeed.minus(leaderSpeed);
Length effectiveGap = leaderDist.minus(followerDist);
// {@formatter:off}
// calculate utility
double util = constant
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_DTG) *
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EG) *
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_FV) * deltaFrontVehicle
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_RGS) *
+ alpha * params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ERROR_TERM);
// {@formatter:on}
return new GapInfo(util, putativeLength, putativeDistance, putativeSpeed);
* Returns info regarding gap-acceptance.
* @param gtu GTU
* @param params parameters
* @param perception perception
* @param emuTg emu from target gap model
* @param eLead lead error
* @param eLag lag error
* @param lane lane to evaluate
* @return info regarding gap-acceptance
* @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
* @throws OperationalPlanException perception exception
private GapAcceptanceInfo getGapAcceptanceInfo(final LaneBasedGtu gtu, final Parameters params,
final LanePerception perception, final double emuTg, final double eLead, final double eLag, final RelativeLane lane)
throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
// get lead and lag utility and acceptance
double vLead;
double vLag;
boolean acceptLead;
boolean acceptLag;
NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
if (neighbors.getLeaders(lane) != null && !neighbors.getLeaders(lane).isEmpty())
Speed dVLead = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getSpeed().minus(gtu.getSpeed());
Length sLead = neighbors.getLeaders(lane).first().getDistance();
// critical gap
Length gLead =
new Length(
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_POS_LEAD)
* Speed.max(dVLead, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_NEG_LEAD)
* Speed.min(dVLead, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EMU_LEAD) * emuTg
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_TL_LEAD)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ERROR_TERM)
+ eLead),
vLead = Math.log( - (params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_LEAD)
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_POS_LEAD) * Speed.max(dVLead, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_NEG_LEAD) * Speed.min(dVLead, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EMU_LEAD) * emuTg);
acceptLead =;
vLead = 0;
acceptLead = false;
if (neighbors.getFollowers(lane) != null && !neighbors.getFollowers(lane).isEmpty())
Speed dVLag = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getSpeed().minus(gtu.getSpeed());
Length sLag = neighbors.getFollowers(lane).first().getDistance();
// critical gap
Length gLag =
new Length(
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_POS_LAG)
* Speed.max(dVLag, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EMU_LAG) * emuTg
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_TL_LAG)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ERROR_TERM)
+ eLag),
vLag = Math.log( - (params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_LAG)
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_POS_LAG) * Speed.max(dVLag, Speed.ZERO).si
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EMU_LAG) * emuTg);
acceptLag =;
vLag = 0;
acceptLag = false;
// gap acceptance emu
double vRatLead = vLead / params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LEAD);
double vRatLag = vLag / params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LAG);
double emuGa = vLead * cumNormDist(vRatLead)
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LEAD) * normDist(vRatLead) + vLag * cumNormDist(vRatLag)
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.SIGMA_LAG) * normDist(vRatLag);
// return info
return new GapAcceptanceInfo(emuGa, acceptLead && acceptLag);
* Returns the utility of a lane.
* @param gtu GTU
* @param params parameters
* @param perception perception
* @param emuGa emu from gap acceptance model
* @param sli speed limit info
* @param lane lane to evaluate
* @return utility of lane
* @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
* @throws OperationalPlanException perception exception
private double laneUtility(final LaneBasedGtu gtu, final Parameters params, final LanePerception perception,
final double emuGa, final SpeedLimitInfo sli, final RelativeLane lane)
throws ParameterException, OperationalPlanException
ToledoPerception toledo = perception.getPerceptionCategory(ToledoPerception.class);
if (!perception.getLaneStructure().exists(lane))
return 0.0;
// get infrastructure info
boolean takeNextOffRamp = false;
// for (LaneChangeInfo info : toledo.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT))
// {
// if (info.getSplitNumber() == 1)
// {
// takeNextOffRamp = true;
// }
// }
int deltaNextExit = takeNextOffRamp ? 1 : 0;
Length dExit;
if (!toledo.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT).isEmpty())
dExit = toledo.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().remainingDistance();
int[] delta = new int[3];
int deltaAdd = 0;
if (!toledo.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(lane).isEmpty())
LaneChangeInfo ilciLef = toledo.getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(lane).first();
if (ilciLef.numberOfLaneChanges() > 1 && ilciLef.numberOfLaneChanges() < 5)
deltaAdd = ilciLef.numberOfLaneChanges() - 2;
delta[deltaAdd] = 1;
// heavy neighbor
NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
Length leaderLength = !lane.isCurrent() && !neighbors.getFirstLeaders(lane.getLateralDirectionality()).isEmpty()
? neighbors.getFirstLeaders(lane.getLateralDirectionality()).first().getLength() : Length.ZERO;
Length followerLength = !lane.isCurrent() && !neighbors.getFirstFollowers(lane.getLateralDirectionality()).isEmpty()
? neighbors.getFirstFollowers(lane.getLateralDirectionality()).first().getDistance() : Length.ZERO;
int deltaHeavy = || ? 1 : 0;
// get density
LinearDensity d = getDensityInLane(gtu, perception, lane);
// tail gating
int deltaTailgate = 0;
if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.CURRENT) && !neighbors.getFollowers(RelativeLane.CURRENT).isEmpty()
&& neighbors.getFollowers(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getDistance().le(TAILGATE_LENGTH))
LinearDensity dL = getDensityInLane(gtu, perception, RelativeLane.LEFT);
LinearDensity dR = getDensityInLane(gtu, perception, RelativeLane.RIGHT);
LinearDensity dRoad = new LinearDensity(( + + / 3, LinearDensityUnit.SI);
if (dRoad.le(LOS_DENSITY))
deltaTailgate = 1;
// right most
// TODO definition of 'right most lane' does not account for ramps and weaving sections
int deltaRightMost = 0;
if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.CURRENT) && !toledo.getCrossSection().contains(RelativeLane.RIGHT))
deltaRightMost = 1;
else if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.RIGHT) && toledo.getCrossSection().contains(RelativeLane.RIGHT)
&& !toledo.getCrossSection().contains(RelativeLane.SECOND_RIGHT))
deltaRightMost = 1;
// current lane traffic
Speed vFront;
Length sFront;
if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.CURRENT))
if (!neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).isEmpty())
vFront = neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getSpeed();
sFront = neighbors.getLeaders(RelativeLane.CURRENT).first().getDistance();
vFront = getCarFollowingModel().desiredSpeed(params, sli);
sFront = getCarFollowingModel().desiredHeadway(params, gtu.getSpeed());
vFront = Speed.ZERO;
sFront = Length.ZERO;
// target lane utility
double constant = 0;
double error = 0;
if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.CURRENT))
constant = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_CL);
error = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_CL)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ERROR_TERM);
else if (lane.equals(RelativeLane.RIGHT))
constant = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.C_RL);
error = params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ALPHA_RL)
* params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.ERROR_TERM);
// {@formatter:off}
return constant
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_RIGHT_MOST) * deltaRightMost // 0 for LEFT
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_VFRONT) * // 0 for LEFT/RIGHT
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_SFRONT) * // 0 for LEFT/RIGHT
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_DENSITY) * d.getInUnit(LinearDensityUnit.PER_KILOMETER)
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_HEAVY_NEIGHBOUR) * deltaHeavy
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_TAILGATE) * deltaTailgate
+ Math.pow(dExit.getInUnit(LengthUnit.KILOMETER), params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.THETA_MLC))
* (params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA1) * delta[0]
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA2) * delta[1]
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA3) * delta[2])
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_NEXT_EXIT) * deltaNextExit
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_ADD) * deltaAdd
+ params.getParameter(ToledoLaneChangeParameters.BETA_EMU_GA) * emuGa // 0 for CURRENT (given correct input)
+ error; // 0 for LEFT
// {@formatter:on}
* Returns the density in the given lane based on the following and leading vehicles.
* @param gtu subject GTU
* @param perception perception
* @param lane lane to get density of
* @return density in the given lane based on the following and leading vehicles
* @throws OperationalPlanException perception exception
private LinearDensity getDensityInLane(final LaneBasedGtu gtu, final LanePerception perception, final RelativeLane lane)
throws OperationalPlanException
int nVehicles = 0;
NeighborsPerception neighbors = perception.getPerceptionCategory(NeighborsPerception.class);
Length up = Length.ZERO;
Length down = Length.ZERO;
for (HeadwayGtu neighbor : neighbors.getFollowers(lane))
down = neighbor.getDistance();
for (HeadwayGtu neighbor : neighbors.getLeaders(lane))
up = neighbor.getDistance();
if (nVehicles > 0)
return new LinearDensity(nVehicles /,
return LinearDensity.ZERO;
* Returns the cumulative density function (CDF) at given value of the standard normal distribution.
* @param x value
* @return cumulative density function (CDF) at given value of the standard normal distribution
private static double cumNormDist(final double x)
return .5 * (1 + erf(x / Math.sqrt(2)));
* Error function approximation using Horner's method.
* @param x value
* @return error function approximation
private static double erf(final double x)
double t = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * Math.abs(x));
// use Horner's method
// {@formatter:off}
double tau = t * Math.exp(-x * x - 1.26551223 + t * (1.00002368 + t * (0.37409196
+ t * (0.09678418 + t * (0.18628806 + t * (0.27886807 + t * (-1.13520398
+ t * (1.48851587 + t * (-0.82215223 + t * (0.17087277))))))))));
// {@formatter:on}
return x >= 0 ? 1 - tau : tau - 1;
* Returns the probability density function (PDF) at given value of the standard normal distribution.
* @param x value
* @return probability density function (PDF) at given value of the standard normal distribution
private static double normDist(final double x)
return Math.exp(-x * x / 2) / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
* Gap indicator in adjacent lane.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
private enum Gap
/** Gap in front of leader in adjacent lane. */
/** Gap between follower and leader in adjacent lane. */
/** Gap behind follower in adjacent lane. */
* Contains info regarding an adjacent gap.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
private class GapInfo implements Serializable
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;
/** Utility of the gap. */
private final double utility;
/** Length of the gap. */
private final Length length;
/** Distance towards the gap. */
private final Length distance;
/** Speed of the vehicle in front or behind the gap, always the closest. */
private final Speed speed;
* @param utility utility of gap
* @param length length of the gap
* @param distance distance towards the gap
* @param speed speed of the vehicle in front or behind the gap, always the closest
GapInfo(final double utility, final Length length, final Length distance, final Speed speed)
this.utility = utility;
this.length = length;
this.distance = distance;
this.speed = speed;
* @return utility
public final double getUtility()
return this.utility;
* @return length
public final Length getLength()
return this.length;
* @return distance
public final Length getDistance()
return this.distance;
* @return speed
public final Speed getSpeed()
return this.speed;
public String toString()
return "GapAcceptanceInfo [utility = " + this.utility + ", length = " + this.length + ", distance = "
+ this.distance + ", speed = " + this.speed + "]";
* Contains info regarding gap-acceptance.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
private class GapAcceptanceInfo implements Serializable
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;
/** Emu value of gap-acceptance. */
private final double emu;
/** Whether gap is acceptable. */
private final boolean acceptable;
* @param emu emu
* @param acceptable whether gap is acceptable
GapAcceptanceInfo(final double emu, final boolean acceptable)
this.emu = emu;
this.acceptable = acceptable;
* @return emu
public final double getEmu()
return this.emu;
* @return acceptable
public final boolean isAcceptable()
return this.acceptable;
public String toString()
return "GapAcceptanceInfo [emu = " + this.emu + ", acceptable = " + this.acceptable + "]";
public final String toString()
return "Toledo tactical planner.";