package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Acceleration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeAcceleration;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeDouble;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeDuration;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypeLength;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterTypes;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.Parameters;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.constraint.ConstraintInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.definitions.DefaultsNl;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.TurnIndicatorIntent;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.LaneBasedGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.PerceptionCollectable;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.PerceptionIterable;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.AbstractHeadwayGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayConflict;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGtu;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayGtuSimple;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.headway.HeadwayStopLine;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.Blockable;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.tactical.following.CarFollowingModel;

 * This class implements default behavior for intersection conflicts for use in tactical planners.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
 * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
 * @see <a href="">Schakel, W.J., B. van Arem (2012) “An Urban
 *      Traffic Extension of a Freeway Driver Model for use in the OpenTraffic® Open Source Traffic Simulation”, presented at
 *      TRAIL Congress 2012.</a>
// TODO do not ignore vehicles upstream of conflict if they have green
// TODO conflict over multiple lanes (longitudinal in own direction)
// TODO a) yielding while having priority happens only when leaders is standing still on conflict (then its useless...)
// b) two vehicles can remain upstream of merge if vehicle stands on merge but leaves some space to move
// probably 1 is yielding, and 1 is courtesy yielding as the other stands still
// c) they might start moving together and collide further down (no response to negative headway on merge)
public final class ConflictUtil

    /** Minimum time gap between events. */
    public static final ParameterTypeDuration MIN_GAP = new ParameterTypeDuration("minGap", "Minimum gap for conflicts",
            new Duration(0.000001, DurationUnit.SECOND), ConstraintInterface.POSITIVE);

    /** Comfortable deceleration. */
    public static final ParameterTypeAcceleration B = ParameterTypes.B;

    /** Critical deceleration. */
    public static final ParameterTypeAcceleration BCRIT = ParameterTypes.BCRIT;

    /** Stopping distance. */
    public static final ParameterTypeLength S0 = ParameterTypes.S0;

    /** Stopping distance at conflicts. */
    public static final ParameterTypeLength S0_CONF = new ParameterTypeLength("s0conf", "Stopping distance at conflicts",
            new Length(1.5, LengthUnit.METER), ConstraintInterface.POSITIVE);

    /** Multiplication factor on time for conservative assessment. */
    public static final ParameterTypeDouble TIME_FACTOR =
            new ParameterTypeDouble("timeFactor", "Safety factor on estimated time", 1.25, ConstraintInterface.ATLEASTONE);

    /** Area before stop line where one is considered arrived at the intersection. */
    public static final ParameterTypeLength STOP_AREA =
            new ParameterTypeLength("stopArea", "Area before stop line where one is considered arrived at the intersection",
                    new Length(4, LengthUnit.METER), ConstraintInterface.POSITIVE);

    /** Parameter of how much time before departure a bus indicates its departure to get priority. */
    public static final ParameterTypeDuration TI = new ParameterTypeDuration("ti", "Indicator time before bus departure",
            Duration.instantiateSI(3.0), ConstraintInterface.POSITIVE);

    /** Time step for free acceleration anticipation. */
    private static final Duration TIME_STEP = new Duration(0.5, DurationUnit.SI);

    /** Cross standing vehicles on crossings. We allow this to prevent dead-locks. A better model should render this useless. */
    private static boolean CROSSSTANDING = true;

     * Do not instantiate.
    private ConflictUtil()

     * Approach conflicts by applying appropriate acceleration (or deceleration). The model may yield for a vehicle even while
     * having priority. Such a 'yield plan' is remembered in <code>YieldPlans</code>. By forwarding the same
     * <code>YieldPlans</code> for a GTU consistency of such plans is provided. If any conflict is not accepted to pass,
     * stopping before a more upstream conflict is applied if there is not sufficient stopping length in between conflicts.
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param conflicts set of conflicts to approach
     * @param leaders leading vehicles
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param vehicleLength length of vehicle
     * @param vehicleWidth width of vehicle
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param acceleration current acceleration
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @param conflictPlans set of plans for conflict
     * @param gtu gtu
     * @param lane lane
     * @return acceleration appropriate for approaching the conflicts
     * @throws GtuException in case of an unsupported conflict rule
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not defined or out of bounds
    // @docs/06-behavior/tactical-planner/#modular-utilities (..., final ConflictPlans conflictPlans, ...)
    public static Acceleration approachConflicts(final Parameters parameters, final Iterable<HeadwayConflict> conflicts,
            final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> leaders, final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel,
            final Length vehicleLength, final Length vehicleWidth, final Speed speed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo, final ConflictPlans conflictPlans, final LaneBasedGtu gtu,
            final RelativeLane lane) throws GtuException, ParameterException


        Acceleration a = Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
        Length stoppingDistance = Length.instantiateSI(
                parameters.getParameter(S0).si + + .5 * * / parameters.getParameter(B).si);
        Iterator<HeadwayConflict> it = conflicts.iterator();
        if (it.hasNext() &&
            return a;

        List<Length> prevStarts = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Length> prevEnds = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Class<? extends ConflictRule>> conflictRuleTypes = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean blocking = false;

        for (HeadwayConflict conflict : conflicts)

            // adjust acceleration for situations where stopping might not be required
            if (conflict.isCrossing())
                // avoid collision if crossing is occupied
                a = Acceleration.min(a, avoidCrossingCollision(parameters, conflict, carFollowingModel, speed, speedLimitInfo));
                if (conflict.isMerge() && !lane.isCurrent() && conflict.getConflictPriority().isPriority())
                    // probably evaluation for a lane-change
                    a = Acceleration.min(a,
                            avoidMergeCollision(parameters, conflict, carFollowingModel, speed, speedLimitInfo));
                // follow leading GTUs on merge or split
                a = Acceleration.min(a, followConflictingLeaderOnMergeOrSplit(conflict, parameters, carFollowingModel, speed,
                        speedLimitInfo, vehicleWidth));

            // indicator if bus
            if (lane.isCurrent())
                // TODO: priority rules of busses should be handled differently, this also makes a GTU type unnecessary here
                if (gtu.getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute() instanceof BusSchedule && gtu.getType().isOfType(DefaultsNl.BUS)
                        && conflict.getConflictRuleType().equals(BusStopConflictRule.class))
                    BusSchedule busSchedule = (BusSchedule) gtu.getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute();
                    Time actualDeparture = busSchedule.getActualDepartureConflict(conflict.getId());
                    if (actualDeparture != null
                            && < gtu.getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().si + parameters.getParameter(TI).si)
                        // TODO depending on left/right-hand traffic
                        conflictPlans.setIndicatorIntent(TurnIndicatorIntent.LEFT, conflict.getDistance());

            // blocking and ignoring
            if (conflict.getDistance().lt0() && lane.isCurrent())
                if (conflict.getConflictType().isCrossing() && !conflict.getConflictPriority().isPriority())
                    // note that we are blocking a conflict
                    blocking = true;
                // ignore conflicts we are on (i.e. negative distance to start of conflict)

            // determine if we need to stop
            boolean stop;
            switch (conflict.getConflictPriority())
                case PRIORITY:
                    Length prevEnd = prevEnds.isEmpty() ? null : prevEnds.get(prevEnds.size() - 1);
                    stop = stopForPriorityConflict(conflict, leaders, speed, vehicleLength, parameters, prevEnd);
                case YIELD: // TODO depending on rules, we may need to stop and not just yield
                    Length prevEnd = prevEnds.isEmpty() ? null : prevEnds.get(prevEnds.size() - 1);
                    stop = stopForGiveWayConflict(conflict, leaders, speed, acceleration, vehicleLength, parameters,
                            speedLimitInfo, carFollowingModel, blocking ? BCRIT : B, prevEnd);
                case STOP:
                    Length prevEnd = prevEnds.isEmpty() ? null : prevEnds.get(prevEnds.size() - 1);
                    stop = stopForStopConflict(conflict, leaders, speed, acceleration, vehicleLength, parameters,
                            speedLimitInfo, carFollowingModel, blocking ? BCRIT : B, prevEnd);
                case ALL_STOP:
                    stop = stopForAllStopConflict(conflict, conflictPlans);
                case SPLIT:
                    stop = false; // skipped anyway
                    throw new GtuException("Unsupported conflict rule encountered while approaching conflicts.");

            // stop if required, account for upstream conflicts to keep clear
            if (!conflict.getConflictType().equals(ConflictType.SPLIT))

                if (stop)
                    // stop for first conflict looking upstream of this blocked conflict that allows sufficient space
                    int j = 0; // most upstream conflict if not in between conflicts
                    for (int i = prevEnds.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) // downstream to upstream
                        // note, at this point prevStarts contains one more conflict than prevEnds
                        if (prevStarts.get(i + 1).minus(prevEnds.get(i)).gt(passableDistance(vehicleLength, parameters)))
                            j = i + 1;
                    if (blocking && j == 0)
                        // we are blocking a conflict, let's not stop more upstream than the conflict that forces our stop
                        j = prevStarts.size() - 1;

                    // TODO
                    // if this lowers our acceleration, we need to check if we are able to pass upstream conflicts still in time

                    // stop for j'th conflict, if deceleration is too strong, for next one
                    parameters.setParameterResettable(S0, parameters.getParameter(S0_CONF));
                    Acceleration aCF = new Acceleration(-Double.MAX_VALUE, AccelerationUnit.SI);
                    while ( < -6.0 && j < prevStarts.size())
                        if (prevStarts.get(j).lt(parameters.getParameter(S0_CONF)))
                            // TODO what to do when we happen to be in the stopping distance? Stopping might be reasonable,
                            // while car-following might give strong deceleration due to s < s0.
                            aCF = Acceleration.max(aCF, new Acceleration(-6.0, AccelerationUnit.SI));
                            Acceleration aStop = CarFollowingUtil.stop(carFollowingModel, parameters, speed, speedLimitInfo,
                            if (conflictRuleTypes.get(j).equals(BusStopConflictRule.class)
                                // as it may suddenly switch state, i.e. ignore like a yellow traffic light
                                aStop = Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
                            aCF = Acceleration.max(aCF, aStop);
                    a = Acceleration.min(a, aCF);

                // keep conflict clear (when stopping for another conflict)


        if ( < -6.0 && > 5 / 3.6)
            System.err.println("Deceleration from conflict util stronger than 6m/s^2.");
            // return Acceleration.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        return a;

     * Determines acceleration for following conflicting vehicles <i>on</i> a merge or split conflict.
     * @param conflict merge or split conflict
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @param vehicleWidth own width
     * @return acceleration for following conflicting vehicles <i>on</i> a merge or split conflict
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not given or out of bounds
    private static Acceleration followConflictingLeaderOnMergeOrSplit(final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final Parameters parameters, final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final Speed speed,
            final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo, final Length vehicleWidth) throws ParameterException
        // ignore if no conflicting GTU's, or if first is downstream of conflict
        PerceptionIterable<HeadwayGtu> downstreamGTUs = conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs();
        if (downstreamGTUs.isEmpty() || downstreamGTUs.first().isAhead())
            return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
        // get the most upstream GTU to consider
        HeadwayGtu c = null;
        Length virtualHeadway = null;
        if (conflict.getDistance().gt0())
            c = downstreamGTUs.first();
            virtualHeadway = conflict.getDistance().plus(c.getOverlapRear());
            for (HeadwayGtu con : downstreamGTUs)
                if (con.isAhead())
                    // conflict GTU completely downstream of conflict (i.e. regular car-following, ignore here)
                    return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
                // conflict GTU (partially) on the conflict
                // {@formatter:off}
                // ______________________________________________ 
                //   ___      virtual headway   |  ___  |
                //  |___|(-----------------------)|___|(vehicle from south, on lane from south)
                // _____________________________|_______|________
                //                              /       / 
                //                             /       /
                // {@formatter:on}
                virtualHeadway = conflict.getDistance().plus(con.getOverlapRear());
                if (virtualHeadway.gt0())
                    if (conflict.isSplit())
                        double conflictWidth = conflict.getWidthAtFraction(
                                (-conflict.getDistance().si + / conflict.getConflictingLength().si).si;
                        double gtuWidth = con.getWidth().si +;
                        if (conflictWidth > gtuWidth)
                    // found first downstream GTU on conflict
                    c = con;
        if (c == null)
            // conflict GTU downstream of start of conflict, but upstream of us
            return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
        // follow leader
        SortedMap<Length, Speed> leaders = new TreeMap<>();
        leaders.put(virtualHeadway, c.getSpeed());
        Acceleration a = CarFollowingUtil.followSingleLeader(carFollowingModel, parameters, speed, speedLimitInfo,
                virtualHeadway, c.getSpeed());
        // if conflicting GTU is partially upstream of the conflict and at (near) stand-still, stop for the conflict rather than
        // following the tail of the conflicting GTU
        if (conflict.isMerge() &&
            // {@formatter:off}
             * ______________________________________________
             *    ___    stop for conflict  |       | 
             *   |___|(--------------------)|   ___ |
             * _____________________________|__/  /_|________ 
             *                              / /__/  /
             *                             /       /
            // {@formatter:on}
            parameters.setParameterResettable(S0, parameters.getParameter(S0_CONF));
            Acceleration aStop =
                    CarFollowingUtil.stop(carFollowingModel, parameters, speed, speedLimitInfo, conflict.getDistance());
            a = Acceleration.max(a, aStop); // max, which ever allows the largest acceleration
        return a;

     * Determines an acceleration required to avoid a collision with GTUs <i>on</i> a crossing conflict.
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param conflict conflict
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @return acceleration required to avoid a collision
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
    private static Acceleration avoidCrossingCollision(final Parameters parameters, final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final Speed speed, final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo)
            throws ParameterException

        // TODO only within visibility
        List<HeadwayGtu> conflictingGTUs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HeadwayGtu gtu : conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs())
            if (isOnRoute(conflict.getConflictingLink(), gtu))
                // first upstream vehicle on route to this conflict
        for (HeadwayGtu gtu : conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs())
            if (gtu.isParallel())
                // vehicles beyond conflict are not a thread

        if (conflictingGTUs.isEmpty())
            return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;

        Acceleration a = Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
        for (HeadwayGtu conflictingGTU : conflictingGTUs)
            AnticipationInfo tteC;
            Length distance;
            if (conflictingGTU.isParallel())
                tteC = new AnticipationInfo(Duration.ZERO, conflictingGTU.getSpeed());
                distance = conflictingGTU.getOverlapRear().abs().plus(conflictingGTU.getOverlap())
                tteC = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(conflictingGTU.getDistance(), conflictingGTU.getSpeed(),
                distance = conflictingGTU.getDistance().plus(conflict.getLength()).plus(conflictingGTU.getLength());
            AnticipationInfo ttcC = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, conflictingGTU.getSpeed(), Acceleration.ZERO);
            AnticipationInfo tteO = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovementFreeAcceleration(conflict.getDistance(), speed,
                    parameters, carFollowingModel, speedLimitInfo, TIME_STEP);
            // enter before cleared
            // TODO safety factor?
            if (tteC.duration().lt(tteO.duration()) && tteO.duration().lt(ttcC.duration()))
                if (!conflictingGTU.getSpeed().eq0() || !CROSSSTANDING)
                    // solve parabolic speed profile s = v*t + .5*a*t*t, a =
                    double acc = 2 * (conflict.getDistance().si - * ttcC.duration().si)
                            / (ttcC.duration().si * ttcC.duration().si);
                    // time till zero speed > time to avoid conflict?
                    if ( / -acc > ttcC.duration().si)
                        a = Acceleration.min(a, new Acceleration(acc, AccelerationUnit.SI));
                        // will reach zero speed ourselves
                        a = Acceleration.min(a, CarFollowingUtil.stop(carFollowingModel, parameters, speed, speedLimitInfo,
                // conflicting vehicle stand-still, ignore even at conflict
        return a;

     * Avoid collision at merge. This method assumes the GTU has priority.
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param conflict conflict
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @return acceleration required to avoid a collision
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not defined
    private static Acceleration avoidMergeCollision(final Parameters parameters, final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final Speed speed, final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo)
            throws ParameterException
        PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> conflicting = conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs();
        if (conflicting.isEmpty() || conflicting.first().isParallel())
            return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;
        // TODO: this check is simplistic, designed quick and dirty
        HeadwayGtu conflictingGtu = conflicting.first();
        double tteC = conflictingGtu.getDistance().si / conflictingGtu.getSpeed().si;
        if (tteC < conflict.getDistance().si / + 3.0)
            return CarFollowingUtil.stop(carFollowingModel, parameters, speed, speedLimitInfo, conflict.getDistance());
        return Acceleration.POS_MAXVALUE;

     * Approach a priority conflict. Stopping is applied to give way to conflicting traffic in case congestion is present on the
     * own lane. This is courtesy yielding.
     * @param conflict conflict to approach
     * @param leaders leading vehicles in own lane
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param vehicleLength vehicle length
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param prevEnd distance to end of previous conflict that should not be blocked, {@code null} if none
     * @return whether to stop for this conflict
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter B is not defined
    public static boolean stopForPriorityConflict(final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> leaders, final Speed speed, final Length vehicleLength,
            final Parameters parameters, final Length prevEnd) throws ParameterException

        // check if we should stop as there is not sufficient space on the merge, to leave a previous conflict unblocked
        Length passable = passableDistance(vehicleLength, parameters);
        if (prevEnd != null && conflict.isMerge() && !conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs().isEmpty())
            HeadwayGtu conflictingGTU = conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs().first();
            Acceleration b = parameters.getParameter(BCRIT);
            double t = conflictingGTU.getSpeed().divide(b).si;
            Length stopDistance = Length.instantiateSI(conflictingGTU.getSpeed().si * t - .5 * * t * t);
            Length room = conflict
                            ? conflict.getLength().plus(conflictingGTU.getDistance()) : conflictingGTU.getOverlapRear())
            if (
                return true;

        // some quick -no need to stop-'s
        if (leaders.isEmpty())
            // no leader
            return false;
        if (conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs().isEmpty())
            // no conflicting vehicles
            return false;
            HeadwayGtu conflictingGTU = conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs().first();
            if (conflictingGTU.getSpeed().eq0() && conflictingGTU.isAhead()
                    && conflictingGTU.getDistance().gt(parameters.getParameter(S0)))
                // conflicting stationary vehicle too far away
                return false;

        // Stop as long as some leader is standing still, and this leader is not leaving sufficient space yet
        // use start of conflict on merge, end of conflict on crossing
        Length typeCorrection = conflict.isCrossing() ? conflict.getLength() : Length.ZERO;
        // distance ego vehicle has to cover to pass the conflict
        Length required = conflict.getDistance().plus(typeCorrection).plus(passable);
        // distance leader has to cover before we can pass the conflict
        Length requiredLeader = required.minus(leaders.first().getDistance());
        if (requiredLeader.gt0())
            for (HeadwayGtu leader : leaders)
                if (leader.getSpeed().eq0())
                    // first stand-still leader is not fully upstream of the conflict (in that case, ignore), and does not
                    // allow sufficient space for all vehicles in between
                    return leader.getDistance().ge(conflict.getDistance()) &&;
                required = required // add required distance for leaders
                        .plus(passableDistance(leader.getLength(), leader.getParameters()));

        // no reason found to stop
        return false;

     * Approach a give-way conflict.
     * @param conflict conflict
     * @param leaders leaders
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param acceleration current acceleration
     * @param vehicleLength vehicle length
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param bType parameter type for considered deceleration
     * @param prevEnd distance to end of previous conflict that should not be blocked, {@code null} if none
     * @return whether to stop for this conflict
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not defined
    @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:parameternumber", "checkstyle:methodlength"})
    public static boolean stopForGiveWayConflict(final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> leaders, final Speed speed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final Length vehicleLength, final Parameters parameters, final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo,
            final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final ParameterTypeAcceleration bType, final Length prevEnd)
            throws ParameterException

        // TODO conflicting vehicle on crossing conflict, but will leave sooner then we enter, so no problem?
        // TODO more generally, also upstream conflicting vehicles at crossings may leave the conflict before we enter
        if (conflict.getConflictType().isCrossing() && !conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs().isEmpty()
                && conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs().first().isParallel())
            // vehicle on the conflict
            return true;

        // Get data independent of conflicting vehicle
        // parameters
        Acceleration b = parameters.getParameter(bType).neg();
        double f = parameters.getParameter(TIME_FACTOR);
        Duration gap = parameters.getParameter(MIN_GAP);
        Length passable = passableDistance(vehicleLength, parameters);
        // time till conflict is cleared
        Length distance = conflict.getDistance().plus(vehicleLength);
        if (conflict.isCrossing())
            // merge is cleared at start, crossing at end
            distance =;
        // based on acceleration, limited by free acceleration
        AnticipationInfo ttcOa = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovementFreeAcceleration(distance, speed, parameters,
                carFollowingModel, speedLimitInfo, TIME_STEP);
        // time till downstream vehicle will make the conflict passible, under constant speed or safe deceleration
        AnticipationInfo ttpDz = null;
        AnticipationInfo ttpDs = null;
        if (conflict.isCrossing())
            if (!leaders.isEmpty())
                distance =
                ttpDz = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, leaders.first().getSpeed(), Acceleration.ZERO);
                ttpDs = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, leaders.first().getSpeed(), b);
                // no leader so conflict is passable within a duration of 0
                ttpDz = new AnticipationInfo(Duration.ZERO, Speed.ZERO);
                ttpDs = new AnticipationInfo(Duration.ZERO, Speed.ZERO);
        else if (conflict.isMerge() && prevEnd != null)
            // stop for merge (and previous conflict) if we are likely to stop partially on the previous conflict
            Length preGap = conflict.getDistance().minus(prevEnd);
            PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> downs = conflict.getDownstreamConflictingGTUs();
            if (!downs.isEmpty() && downs.first().isParallel())
                distance = passable.minus(preGap).minus(downs.first().getOverlapRear());
                ttpDz = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, downs.first().getSpeed(), Acceleration.ZERO);
                if (ttpDz.duration().equals(Duration.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
                    // vehicle on conflict will not leave sufficient space
                    return true;
                ttpDs = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, downs.first().getSpeed(), b);
            else if (!leaders.isEmpty())
                distance = conflict.getDistance().plus(passable).minus(preGap).minus(leaders.first().getDistance());
                ttpDz = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, leaders.first().getSpeed(), Acceleration.ZERO);
                if (ttpDz.duration().equals(Duration.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
                    // vehicle on conflict will not leave sufficient space
                    return true;
                ttpDs = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(distance, leaders.first().getSpeed(), b);

        PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> conflictingVehiclesCollectable = conflict.getUpstreamConflictingGTUs();
        Iterable<HeadwayGtu> conflictingVehicles;
        if (conflictingVehiclesCollectable.isEmpty())
            if (conflict.getConflictingTrafficLightDistance() == null)
                // none within visibility, assume a conflicting vehicle just outside of visibility driving at speed limit
                    HeadwayGtuSimple conflictGtu = new HeadwayGtuSimple("virtual " + UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
                            DefaultsNl.CAR, conflict.getConflictingVisibility(), new Length(4.0, LengthUnit.SI),
                            new Length(2.0, LengthUnit.SI), conflict.getConflictingSpeedLimit(), Acceleration.ZERO, Speed.ZERO);
                    List<HeadwayGtu> conflictingVehiclesList = new ArrayList<>();
                    conflictingVehicles = conflictingVehiclesList;
                catch (GtuException exception)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not create a virtual conflicting vehicle at visibility range.",
                // no conflicting vehicles
                return false;
            HeadwayGtu conflicting = conflictingVehiclesCollectable.first();
            if (conflict.getConflictingTrafficLightDistance() != null && conflicting.isAhead()
                    && conflict.getConflictingTrafficLightDistance().lt(conflicting.getDistance())
                    && (conflicting.getSpeed().eq0() || conflicting.getAcceleration().lt0()))
                // conflicting traffic upstream of traffic light
                return false;
            conflictingVehicles = conflictingVehiclesCollectable;

        // Loop over conflicting vehicles
        boolean first = true;
        for (HeadwayGtu conflictingVehicle : conflictingVehicles)

            // skip if not on route
            if (!isOnRoute(conflict.getConflictingLink(), conflictingVehicle))

            // time till conflict vehicle will enter, under free acceleration and safe deceleration
            AnticipationInfo tteCa;
            AnticipationInfo tteCs;
            if (first && conflictingVehicle.getSpeed().eq0() && conflictingVehicle.isAhead())
                // do not stop if conflicting vehicle is standing still
                return false;
                if (conflictingVehicle instanceof HeadwayGtuSimple)
                    tteCa = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(conflictingVehicle.getDistance(), conflictingVehicle.getSpeed(),
                    Parameters params = conflictingVehicle.getParameters();
                    SpeedLimitInfo sli = conflictingVehicle.getSpeedLimitInfo();
                    CarFollowingModel cfm = conflictingVehicle.getCarFollowingModel();
                    // Constant acceleration creates inf at stand still, triggering passing trough a congested stream
                    if (conflictingVehicle.isAhead())
                        tteCa = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovementFreeAcceleration(conflictingVehicle.getDistance(),
                                conflictingVehicle.getSpeed(), params, cfm, sli, TIME_STEP);
                        tteCa = new AnticipationInfo(Duration.ZERO, conflictingVehicle.getSpeed());
                if (conflictingVehicle.isAhead())
                    tteCs = AnticipationInfo.anticipateMovement(conflictingVehicle.getDistance(), conflictingVehicle.getSpeed(),
                    tteCs = new AnticipationInfo(Duration.ZERO, conflictingVehicle.getSpeed());

            // check gap
            if (conflict.isMerge())

                // Merge, will be each others followers, add time to overcome speed difference
                double vSelf = ttcOa.endSpeed().si;
                double speedDiff = conflictingVehicle.getSpeed().si - vSelf;
                speedDiff = speedDiff > 0 ? speedDiff : 0;
                Duration additionalTime = new Duration(speedDiff /, DurationUnit.SI);
                // check if conflict vehicle will be upstream after that time, position beyond conflict after additional time
                double followerFront = conflictingVehicle.isAhead()
                        ? conflictingVehicle.getSpeed().si * ttcOa.duration().si - conflictingVehicle.getDistance().si
                                + (conflictingVehicle.getSpeed().si *
                                        + 0.5 * * * // note: b < 0
                        : 0.0;
                double ownRear = vSelf *; // constant speed after clearing
                Duration tMax = parameters.getParameter(ParameterTypes.TMAX);
                Length s0 = parameters.getParameter(S0);
                // 1) will clear the conflict after the conflict vehicle enters
                // 2) not sufficient time to overcome speed difference
                // 3) conflict vehicle will be too near after adjusting speed
                if (ttcOa.duration().times(f).plus(gap).gt(tteCa.duration())
                        // SKL 2024.02.15: I think this is nonsense, tteCs relates to the location of the conflict, not the
                        // location where the speed difference is resolved
                        // || ttcOa.getDuration().plus(additionalTime).times(f).plus(gap).gt(tteCs.getDuration())
                        || (!Double.isInfinite(tteCa.duration().si) && tteCa.duration().si > 0.0
                                && ownRear < (followerFront + ( + * vSelf + * f))
                    return true;

            else if (conflict.isCrossing())

                // Crossing, stop if order of events is not ok
                // Should go before the conflict vehicle
                // 1) downstream vehicle must supply sufficient space before conflict vehicle will enter
                // 2) must clear the conflict before the conflict vehicle will enter
                // 3) if leader decelerates with b, conflict vehicle should be able to safely delay entering conflict
                // 4) conflict vehicle will never leave enough space beyond the conflict
                if (ttpDz.duration().times(f).plus(gap).gt(tteCa.duration())
                        || ttcOa.duration().times(f).plus(gap).gt(tteCa.duration())
                        || ttpDs.duration().times(f).plus(gap).gt(tteCs.duration())
                        || ttpDs.duration().equals(Duration.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
                    return true;

                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Conflict is of unknown type " + conflict.getConflictType() + ", which is not merge nor a crossing.");

            first = false;

        // No conflict vehicle triggered stopping
        return false;


     * Approach a stop conflict. Currently this is equal to approaching a give-way conflict.
     * @param conflict conflict
     * @param leaders leaders
     * @param speed current speed
     * @param acceleration current acceleration
     * @param vehicleLength vehicle length
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @param speedLimitInfo speed limit info
     * @param carFollowingModel car-following model
     * @param bType parameter type for considered deceleration
     * @param prevEnd distance to end of previous conflict that should not be blocked, {@code null} if none
     * @return whether to stop for this conflict
     * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not defined
    public static boolean stopForStopConflict(final HeadwayConflict conflict,
            final PerceptionCollectable<HeadwayGtu, LaneBasedGtu> leaders, final Speed speed, final Acceleration acceleration,
            final Length vehicleLength, final Parameters parameters, final SpeedLimitInfo speedLimitInfo,
            final CarFollowingModel carFollowingModel, final ParameterTypeAcceleration bType, final Length prevEnd)
            throws ParameterException
        // TODO stopping
        return stopForGiveWayConflict(conflict, leaders, speed, acceleration, vehicleLength, parameters, speedLimitInfo,
                carFollowingModel, bType, prevEnd);

     * Approach an all-stop conflict.
     * @param conflict conflict to approach
     * @param conflictPlans set of plans for conflict
     * @return whether to stop for this conflict
    public static boolean stopForAllStopConflict(final HeadwayConflict conflict, final ConflictPlans conflictPlans)
        // TODO all-stop behavior

        if (conflictPlans.isStopPhaseRun(conflict.getStopLine()))
            return false;

        return false;

     * Returns whether the conflicting link is on the route of the given gtu.
     * @param conflictingLink conflicting link
     * @param gtu gtu
     * @return whether the conflict is on the route of the given gtu
    private static boolean isOnRoute(final CrossSectionLink conflictingLink, final HeadwayGtu gtu)
            Route route = gtu.getRoute();
            if (route == null)
                // conservative assumption: it's on the route (gtu should be upstream of the conflict)
                return true;
            Node startNode = conflictingLink.getStartNode();
            Node endNode = conflictingLink.getEndNode();
            return route.contains(startNode) && route.contains(endNode)
                    && Math.abs(route.indexOf(endNode) - route.indexOf(startNode)) == 1;
        catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe)
            // conservative assumption: it's on the route (gtu should be upstream of the conflict)
            return true;

     * Returns a speed dependent distance needed behind the leader to completely pass the conflict.
     * @param vehicleLength vehicle length
     * @param parameters parameters
     * @return speed dependent distance needed behind the leader to completely pass the conflict
     * @throws ParameterException if parameter is not available
    private static Length passableDistance(final Length vehicleLength, final Parameters parameters) throws ParameterException
        return parameters.getParameter(S0).plus(vehicleLength);

     * Holds the tactical plans of a driver considering conflicts. These are remembered for consistency. For instance, if the
     * decision is made to yield as current deceleration suggests it's safe to do so, but the trajectory for stopping in front
     * of the conflict results in deceleration slightly above what is considered safe deceleration, the plan should not be
     * abandoned. Decelerations above what is considered safe deceleration may result due to numerical overshoot or other factor
     * coming into play in car-following models. Many other examples exist where a driver sticks to a certain plan.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    public static final class ConflictPlans implements Blockable, Serializable

        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;

        /** Phases of navigating an all-stop intersection per intersection. */
        private final LinkedHashMap<String, StopPhase> stopPhases = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        /** Estimated arrival times of vehicles at all-stop intersection. */
        private final LinkedHashMap<String, Time> arrivalTimes = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        /** Indicator intent. */
        private TurnIndicatorIntent indicatorIntent = TurnIndicatorIntent.NONE;

        /** Distance to object causing turn indicator intent. */
        private Length indicatorObjectDistance = null;

        /** Whether the GTU is blocking conflicts. */
        private boolean blocking;

         * Clean any yield plan that was no longer kept active in the last evaluation of conflicts.
        void cleanPlans()
            this.indicatorIntent = TurnIndicatorIntent.NONE;
            this.indicatorObjectDistance = null;

         * Sets the estimated arrival time of a GTU.
         * @param gtu GTU
         * @param time estimated arrival time
        void setArrivalTime(final AbstractHeadwayGtu gtu, final Time time)
            this.arrivalTimes.put(gtu.getId(), time);

         * Returns the estimated arrival time of given GTU.
         * @param gtu GTU
         * @return estimated arrival time of given GTU
        Time getArrivalTime(final AbstractHeadwayGtu gtu)
            return this.arrivalTimes.get(gtu.getId());

         * Sets the current phase to 'approach' for the given stop line.
         * @param stopLine stop line
        void setStopPhaseApproach(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
            this.stopPhases.put(stopLine.getId(), StopPhase.APPROACH);

         * Sets the current phase to 'yield' for the given stop line.
         * @param stopLine stop line
         * @throws RuntimeException if the phase was not set to approach before
        void setStopPhaseYield(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
                            || !this.stopPhases.get(stopLine.getId()).equals(StopPhase.APPROACH),
                    RuntimeException.class, "Yield stop phase is set for stop line that was not approached.");
            this.stopPhases.put(stopLine.getId(), StopPhase.YIELD);

         * Sets the current phase to 'run' for the given stop line.
         * @param stopLine stop line
         * @throws RuntimeException if the phase was not set to approach before
        void setStopPhaseRun(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
            Throw.when(!this.stopPhases.containsKey(stopLine.getId()), RuntimeException.class,
                    "Run stop phase is set for stop line that was not approached.");
            this.stopPhases.put(stopLine.getId(), StopPhase.YIELD);

         * @param stopLine stop line
         * @return whether the current phase is 'approach' for the given stop line
        boolean isStopPhaseApproach(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
            return this.stopPhases.containsKey(stopLine.getId())
                    && this.stopPhases.get(stopLine.getId()).equals(StopPhase.APPROACH);

         * @param stopLine stop line
         * @return whether the current phase is 'yield' for the given stop line
        boolean isStopPhaseYield(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
            return this.stopPhases.containsKey(stopLine.getId())
                    && this.stopPhases.get(stopLine.getId()).equals(StopPhase.YIELD);

         * @param stopLine stop line
         * @return whether the current phase is 'run' for the given stop line
        boolean isStopPhaseRun(final HeadwayStopLine stopLine)
            return this.stopPhases.containsKey(stopLine.getId()) && this.stopPhases.get(stopLine.getId()).equals(StopPhase.RUN);

        public String toString()
            return "ConflictPlans";

         * @return indicatorIntent.
        public TurnIndicatorIntent getIndicatorIntent()
            return this.indicatorIntent;

         * @return indicatorObjectDistance.
        public Length getIndicatorObjectDistance()
            return this.indicatorObjectDistance;

         * @param intent indicator intent
         * @param distance distance to object pertaining to the turn indicator intent
        public void setIndicatorIntent(final TurnIndicatorIntent intent, final Length distance)
            if (this.indicatorObjectDistance == null ||
                this.indicatorIntent = intent;
                this.indicatorObjectDistance = distance;

        public boolean isBlocking()
            return this.blocking;

         * Sets the GTU as blocking conflicts or not.
         * @param blocking whether the GTU is blocking conflicts
        public void setBlocking(final boolean blocking)
            this.blocking = blocking;


     * Phases of navigating an all-stop intersection.
     * <p>
     * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
     * <br>
     * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
     * </p>
     * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
     * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
     * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
    private enum StopPhase
        /** Approaching stop intersection. */

        /** Yielding for stop intersection. */

        /** Running over stop intersection. */
