import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PrimitiveIterator.OfInt;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Speed;
import org.djutils.draw.point.OrientedPoint2d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.Point2d;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsGeometryUtil;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.geometry.OtsLine2d;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.definitions.DefaultsNl;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulatorInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.Bezier;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.ContinuousBezierCubic;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.ContinuousLine;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.ContinuousLine.ContinuousDoubleFunction;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.ContinuousPolyLine;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.ContinuousStraight;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.Flattener.NumSegments;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry.FractionalLengthData;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuType;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.definitions.DefaultsRoadNl;
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class LaneFactory
/** Angle above which a Bezier curve is used over a straight line. */
private static final double BEZIER_MARGIN = Math.toRadians(0.5);
/** Number of segments to use. */
private static final NumSegments SEGMENTS = new NumSegments(64);
/** Link. */
private final CrossSectionLink link;
/** Design line. */
private final ContinuousLine line;
/** Offset for next cross section elements. Left side of lane when building left to right, and vice versa. */
private Length offset;
/** Lane width to use (negative when building left to right). */
private Length laneWidth0;
/** Start offset. */
private Length offsetStart = Length.ZERO;
/** End offset. */
private Length offsetEnd = Length.ZERO;
/** Lane type to use. */
private LaneType laneType0;
/** Speed limit to use. */
private Speed speedLimit0;
/** Parent GTU type of relevant GTUs. */
private GtuType gtuType;
/** Created lanes. */
private final List<Lane> lanes = new ArrayList<>();
/** Stored stripes, so we can return it to the user on the addLanes() call. */
private Stripe firstStripe;
* @param network network
* @param from from node
* @param to to node
* @param type link type
* @param simulator simulator
* @param policy lane keeping policy
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs.
* @throws NetworkException if the link exists, or a node does not exist, in the network
public LaneFactory(final RoadNetwork network, final Node from, final Node to, final LinkType type,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final LaneKeepingPolicy policy, final GtuType gtuType)
throws NetworkException
this(network, from, to, type, simulator, policy, gtuType, makeLine(from, to));
* @param network network
* @param from from node
* @param to to node
* @param type link type
* @param simulator simulator
* @param policy lane keeping policy
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs.
* @param line line
* @throws NetworkException if the link exists, or a node does not exist, in the network
public LaneFactory(final RoadNetwork network, final Node from, final Node to, final LinkType type,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final LaneKeepingPolicy policy, final GtuType gtuType,
final ContinuousLine line) throws NetworkException
{ = new CrossSectionLink(network, from.getId() + to.getId(), from, to, type,
new OtsLine2d(line.flatten(SEGMENTS)), null, policy);
this.line = line;
this.gtuType = gtuType;
* Creates a line between two nodes. If the nodes and their directions are on a straight line, a straight line is created.
* Otherwise a default Bezier curve is created.
* @param from from node
* @param to to node
* @return design line
private static ContinuousLine makeLine(final Node from, final Node to)
// Straight or bezier?
double rotCrow = Math.atan2(to.getLocation().y - from.getLocation().y, to.getLocation().x - from.getLocation().x);
double dRot = from.getLocation().getDirZ() - rotCrow;
while (dRot < -Math.PI)
dRot += 2.0 * Math.PI;
while (dRot > Math.PI)
dRot -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
ContinuousLine line;
if (from.getLocation().getDirZ() != to.getLocation().getDirZ() || Math.abs(dRot) > BEZIER_MARGIN)
Point2d[] points = Bezier.cubicControlPoints(from.getLocation(), to.getLocation(), 1.0, false);
line = new ContinuousBezierCubic(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
line = new ContinuousStraight(from.getLocation(), from.getPoint().distance(to.getPoint()));
return line;
* Prepare the factory to add lanes from left to right.
* @param leftLanes number of lanes left from the link design line
* @param laneWidth lane width
* @param laneType lane type
* @param speedLimit speed limit
* @return LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory leftToRight(final double leftLanes, final Length laneWidth, final LaneType laneType,
final Speed speedLimit)
this.offset = laneWidth.times(leftLanes);
this.laneWidth0 = laneWidth.neg();
this.laneType0 = laneType;
this.speedLimit0 = speedLimit;
Length width = DefaultsRoadNl.SOLID.getWidth();
Length offsetStripeStart =;
Length offsetStripeEnd =;
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
this.firstStripe = Try.assign(
() -> new Stripe("1", DefaultsRoadNl.SOLID,,
CrossSectionGeometry.of(this.line, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc, widthFunc)),
"Unexpected exception while building link.");
return this;
* Prepare the factory to add lanes from right to left.
* @param rightLanes number of lanes right from the link design line
* @param laneWidth lane width
* @param laneType lane type
* @param speedLimit speed limit
* @return LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory rightToLeft(final double rightLanes, final Length laneWidth, final LaneType laneType,
final Speed speedLimit)
this.offset = laneWidth.times(-rightLanes);
this.laneWidth0 = laneWidth;
this.laneType0 = laneType;
this.speedLimit0 = speedLimit;
Length width = DefaultsRoadNl.SOLID.getWidth();
Length offsetStripeStart =;
Length offsetStripeEnd =;
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
this.firstStripe = Try.assign(
() -> new Stripe("1", DefaultsRoadNl.SOLID,,
CrossSectionGeometry.of(this.line, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc, widthFunc)),
"Unexpected exception while building link.");
return this;
* Set start offset.
* @param startOffset offset
* @return LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory setOffsetStart(final Length startOffset)
this.offsetStart = startOffset;
return this;
* Set end offset.
* @param endOffset offset
* @return LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory setOffsetEnd(final Length endOffset)
this.offsetEnd = endOffset;
return this;
* Adds a lane pair for each stripe type, where the type determines the right-hand side stripe when building from left to
* right and vice versa. The left-most stripe is created in {@code leftToRight()}, meaning that each type describes
* permeablility between a lane and it's right-hand neighbor, when building left to right (and vice versa). This method
* internally adds {@code SOLID} to create the final continuous stripe.
* @param types type per lane pair, for N lanes N-1 should be provided
* @return this LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory addLanes(final StripeData... types)
return addLanes(new ArrayList<>(), types);
* Adds a lane pair for each stripe type, where the type determines the right-hand side stripe when building from left to
* right and vice versa. The left-most stripe is created in {@code leftToRight()}, meaning that each type describes
* permeablility between a lane and it's right-hand neighbor, when building left to right (and vice versa). This method
* internally adds {@code SOLID} to create the final continuous stripe. All generated stripes, including the one generated
* in leftToRight() or rightToLeft(), is returned in the provided list for custom permeability.
* @param stripeList list in to which the generated stripes are placed.
* @param types type per lane pair, for N lanes N-1 should be provided
* @return this LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
public LaneFactory addLanes(final List<? super Stripe> stripeList, final StripeData... types)
List<StripeData> typeList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(types));
OfInt idStream = IntStream.rangeClosed(2, typeList.size() + 1).iterator();
for (StripeData type : typeList)
Length startOffset =;
Length endOffset =;
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc =
FractionalLengthData.of(0.0, this.laneWidth0.abs().si, 1.0, this.laneWidth0.abs().si);
this.lanes.add(Try.assign(() -> new Lane(, "Lane " + (this.lanes.size() + 1),
CrossSectionGeometry.of(this.line, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc, widthFunc), this.laneType0,
Map.of(this.gtuType, this.speedLimit0)), "Unexpected exception while building link."));
this.offset =;
Length width = type.getWidth();
startOffset =;
endOffset =;
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc2 = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc2 = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
() -> new Stripe("" + idStream.nextInt(), type,,
CrossSectionGeometry.of(this.line, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc2, widthFunc2)),
"Unexpected exception while building link."));
return this;
* Adds 1 or 2 shoulders to the current set of lanes.
* @param width width of the shoulder
* @param lat side of shoulder, use {@code null} or {@code NONE} for both
* @param laneType lane type.
* @return LaneFactory this lane factory for method chaining
* @throws IllegalStateException if no lanes are defined
public LaneFactory addShoulder(final Length width, final LateralDirectionality lat, final LaneType laneType)
Throw.when(this.lanes.isEmpty(), IllegalStateException.class, "Lanes should be defined before adding shoulder(s).");
if (lat == null || lat.isNone() || lat.isLeft())
Length startOffset = null;
Length endOffset = null;
for (Lane lane : this.lanes)
if (startOffset == null || lane.getOffsetAtBegin().plus(lane.getBeginWidth().times(0.5)).gt(startOffset))
startOffset = lane.getOffsetAtBegin().plus(lane.getBeginWidth().times(0.5));
if (endOffset == null || lane.getOffsetAtEnd().plus(lane.getEndWidth().times(0.5)).gt(endOffset))
endOffset = lane.getOffsetAtEnd().plus(lane.getEndWidth().times(0.5));
Length start =;
Length end =;
Try.assign(() -> LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightShoulder(, "Left shoulder", start, end, width, width,
laneType), "Unexpected exception while building link.");
if (lat == null || lat.isNone() || lat.isRight())
Length startOffset = null;
Length endOffset = null;
for (Lane lane : this.lanes)
if (startOffset == null || lane.getOffsetAtBegin().minus(lane.getBeginWidth().times(0.5)).lt(startOffset))
startOffset = lane.getOffsetAtBegin().minus(lane.getBeginWidth().times(0.5));
if (endOffset == null || lane.getOffsetAtEnd().minus(lane.getEndWidth().times(0.5)).lt(endOffset))
endOffset = lane.getOffsetAtEnd().minus(lane.getEndWidth().times(0.5));
Length start = startOffset.minus(width.times(0.5));
Length end = endOffset.minus(width.times(0.5));
Try.assign(() -> LaneGeometryUtil.createStraightShoulder(, "Right shoulder", start, end, width, width,
laneType), "Unexpected exception while building link.");
return this;
* Returns the created lanes in build order.
* @return List<Lane> created lanes in build order
public List<Lane> getLanes()
return this.lanes;
* Create a Link along intermediate coordinates from one Node to another.
* @param network the network
* @param name name of the new Link
* @param from start Node of the new Link
* @param to end Node of the new Link
* @param intermediatePoints array of intermediate coordinates (may be null in which case the node points are used)
* @param simulator the simulator for this network
* @return the newly constructed Link
* @throws NetworkException if link already exists in the network, if name of the link is not unique, or if the start node
* or the end node of the link are not registered in the network.
public static CrossSectionLink makeLink(final RoadNetwork network, final String name, final Node from, final Node to,
final Point2d[] intermediatePoints, final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator) throws NetworkException
List<Point2d> pointList = intermediatePoints == null ? List.of(from.getPoint(), to.getPoint())
: new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(intermediatePoints));
OtsLine2d designLine = new OtsLine2d(pointList);
CrossSectionLink link =
new CrossSectionLink(network, name, from, to, DefaultsNl.ROAD, designLine, null, LaneKeepingPolicy.KEEPRIGHT);
return link;
* Create one Lane.
* @param link the link that owns the new Lane
* @param id the id of this lane, should be unique within the link
* @param laneType the type of the new Lane
* @param latPosAtStart the lateral position of the new Lane with respect to the design line of the link at the start of the
* link
* @param latPosAtEnd the lateral position of the new Lane with respect to the design line of the link at the end of the
* link
* @param width the width of the new Lane
* @param speedLimit the speed limit on the new Lane
* @param simulator the simulator
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs
* @return Lane
* @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency
private static Lane makeLane(final CrossSectionLink link, final String id, final LaneType laneType,
final Length latPosAtStart, final Length latPosAtEnd, final Length width, final Speed speedLimit,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final GtuType gtuType) throws NetworkException
ContinuousLine line = new ContinuousPolyLine(link.getDesignLine(), link.getStartNode().getLocation(),
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
return new Lane(link, id, CrossSectionGeometry.of(line, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc, widthFunc), laneType,
Map.of(gtuType, speedLimit));
* Create a simple Lane.
* @param network the network
* @param name name of the Lane (and also of the Link that owns it)
* @param from starting node of the new Lane
* @param to ending node of the new Lane
* @param intermediatePoints intermediate coordinates or null to create a straight road; the intermediate points may contain
* the coordinates of the from node and to node
* @param laneType type of the new Lane
* @param speedLimit the speed limit on the new Lane
* @param simulator the simulator
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs
* @return the new Lane
* @throws NetworkException on network inconsistency
public static Lane makeLane(final RoadNetwork network, final String name, final Node from, final Node to,
final Point2d[] intermediatePoints, final LaneType laneType, final Speed speedLimit,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final GtuType gtuType) throws NetworkException
Length width = new Length(4.0, LengthUnit.METER);
final CrossSectionLink link = makeLink(network, name, from, to, intermediatePoints, simulator);
Length latPos = new Length(0.0, LengthUnit.METER);
return makeLane(link, "lane", laneType, latPos, latPos, width, speedLimit, simulator, gtuType);
* Create a simple road with the specified number of Lanes.<br>
* This method returns an array of Lane. These lanes are embedded in a Link that can be accessed through the getParentLink
* method of the Lane.
* @param network the network
* @param name name of the Link
* @param from starting node of the new Lane
* @param to ending node of the new Lane
* @param intermediatePoints intermediate coordinates or null to create a straight road; the intermediate points may contain
* the coordinates of the from node and to node
* @param laneCount number of lanes in the road
* @param laneOffsetAtStart extra offset from design line in lane widths at start of link
* @param laneOffsetAtEnd extra offset from design line in lane widths at end of link
* @param laneType type of the new Lanes
* @param speedLimit the speed limit on all lanes
* @param simulator the simulator
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs
* @return array containing the new Lanes
* @throws NetworkException on topological problems
public static Lane[] makeMultiLane(final RoadNetwork network, final String name, final Node from, final Node to,
final Point2d[] intermediatePoints, final int laneCount, final int laneOffsetAtStart, final int laneOffsetAtEnd,
final LaneType laneType, final Speed speedLimit, final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final GtuType gtuType)
throws NetworkException
final CrossSectionLink link = makeLink(network, name, from, to, intermediatePoints, simulator);
Lane[] result = new Lane[laneCount];
Length width = new Length(4.0, LengthUnit.METER);
for (int laneIndex = 0; laneIndex < laneCount; laneIndex++)
// Be ware! LEFT is lateral positive, RIGHT is lateral negative.
Length latPosAtStart = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtStart) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
Length latPosAtEnd = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtEnd) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
result[laneIndex] = makeLane(link, "lane." + laneIndex, laneType, latPosAtStart, latPosAtEnd, width, speedLimit,
simulator, gtuType);
return result;
* Create a simple road with the specified number of Lanes.<br>
* This method returns an array of Lane. These lanes are embedded in a Link that can be accessed through the getParentLink
* method of the Lane.
* @param network the network
* @param name name of the Link
* @param from starting node of the new Lane
* @param to ending node of the new Lane
* @param intermediatePoints intermediate coordinates or null to create a straight road; the intermediate points may contain
* the coordinates of the from node and to node
* @param laneCount number of lanes in the road
* @param laneType type of the new Lanes
* @param speedLimit Speed the speed limit (applies to all generated lanes)
* @param simulator the simulator
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs
* @return array containing the new Lanes
* @throws NamingException when names cannot be registered for animation
* @throws NetworkException on topological problems
public static Lane[] makeMultiLane(final RoadNetwork network, final String name, final Node from, final Node to,
final Point2d[] intermediatePoints, final int laneCount, final LaneType laneType, final Speed speedLimit,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final GtuType gtuType) throws NamingException, NetworkException
return makeMultiLane(network, name, from, to, intermediatePoints, laneCount, 0, 0, laneType, speedLimit, simulator,
* Create a simple road with the specified number of Lanes, based on a Bezier curve.<br>
* This method returns an array of Lane. These lanes are embedded in a Link that can be accessed through the getParentLink
* method of the Lane.
* @param network the network
* @param name name of the Link
* @param n1 control node for the start direction
* @param n2 starting node of the new Lane
* @param n3 ending node of the new Lane
* @param n4 control node for the end direction
* @param laneCount number of lanes in the road
* @param laneOffsetAtStart extra offset from design line in lane widths at start of link
* @param laneOffsetAtEnd extra offset from design line in lane widths at end of link
* @param laneType type of the new Lanes
* @param speedLimit the speed limit on all lanes
* @param simulator the simulator
* @param gtuType parent GTU type of relevant GTUs
* @return array containing the new Lanes
* @throws NamingException when names cannot be registered for animation
* @throws NetworkException on topological problems
public static Lane[] makeMultiLaneBezier(final RoadNetwork network, final String name, final Node n1, final Node n2,
final Node n3, final Node n4, final int laneCount, final int laneOffsetAtStart, final int laneOffsetAtEnd,
final LaneType laneType, final Speed speedLimit, final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final GtuType gtuType)
throws NamingException, NetworkException
OrientedPoint2d dp1 = new OrientedPoint2d(n2.getPoint().x, n2.getPoint().y,
Math.atan2(n2.getPoint().y - n1.getPoint().y, n2.getPoint().x - n1.getPoint().x));
OrientedPoint2d dp2 = new OrientedPoint2d(n3.getPoint().x, n3.getPoint().y,
Math.atan2(n4.getPoint().y - n3.getPoint().y, n4.getPoint().x - n3.getPoint().x));
Length width = new Length(4.0, LengthUnit.METER);
dp1 = OtsGeometryUtil.offsetPoint(dp1, (-0.5 - laneOffsetAtStart) * width.getSI());
dp2 = OtsGeometryUtil.offsetPoint(dp2, (-0.5 - laneOffsetAtStart) * width.getSI());
Point2d[] controlPoints = Bezier.cubicControlPoints(dp1, dp2, 0.5, false);
ContinuousBezierCubic designLine =
new ContinuousBezierCubic(controlPoints[0], controlPoints[1], controlPoints[2], controlPoints[3]);
final CrossSectionLink link = makeLink(network, name, n2, n3,
designLine.flatten(SEGMENTS).getPointList().toArray(new Point2d[65]), simulator);
Lane[] result = new Lane[laneCount];
for (int laneIndex = 0; laneIndex < laneCount; laneIndex++)
// Be ware! LEFT is lateral positive, RIGHT is lateral negative.
// Length latPosAtStart = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtStart) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
// Length latPosAtEnd = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtEnd) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
Length latPosAtStart = new Length(-laneIndex * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
Length latPosAtEnd = new Length(-laneIndex * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
ContinuousDoubleFunction offsetFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
ContinuousDoubleFunction widthFunc = FractionalLengthData.of(0.0,, 1.0,;
result[laneIndex] =
new Lane(link, "lane." + laneIndex, CrossSectionGeometry.of(designLine, SEGMENTS, offsetFunc, widthFunc),
laneType, Map.of(gtuType, speedLimit));
return result;
* @param n1 node 1
* @param n2 node 2
* @param n3 node 3
* @param n4 node 4
* @return line between n2 and n3 with start-direction n1-->n2 and end-direction n3-->n4
public static OtsLine2d makeBezier(final Node n1, final Node n2, final Node n3, final Node n4)
Point2d p1 = n1.getPoint();
Point2d p2 = n2.getPoint();
Point2d p3 = n3.getPoint();
Point2d p4 = n4.getPoint();
OrientedPoint2d dp1 = new OrientedPoint2d(p2.x, p2.y, Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x));
OrientedPoint2d dp2 = new OrientedPoint2d(p3.x, p3.y, Math.atan2(p4.y - p3.y, p4.x - p3.x));
return Bezier.cubic(dp1, dp2);