package org.opentrafficsim.road.od;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.djunits.unit.FrequencyUnit;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Frequency;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.distributions.Generator;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.dsol.OtsSimulatorInterface;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GtuType;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.idgenerator.IdGenerator;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.math.Draw;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.Connector;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.Link;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.LinkType;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.NetworkException;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.Node;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.object.DetectorType;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.GeneratorPositions;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.GeneratorPositions.LaneBiases;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.LaneBasedGtuGenerator;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.LaneBasedGtuGenerator.RoomChecker;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.MarkovCorrelation;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.characteristics.LaneBasedGtuCharacteristics;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.characteristics.LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGenerator;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.characteristics.LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGeneratorOd;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.headway.Arrivals;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.headway.ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.headway.ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator.HeadwayDistribution;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.generator.headway.DemandPattern;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.RoadNetwork;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.lane.CrossSectionLink;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.lane.Lane;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.lane.LanePosition;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.lane.object.detector.LaneDetector;
import org.opentrafficsim.road.network.lane.object.detector.SinkDetector;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.MersenneTwister;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
* Utility to create vehicle generators on a network from an OD.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/wjschakel">Wouter Schakel</a>
public final class OdApplier
* Utility class.
private OdApplier()
* Applies the OD to the network by creating vehicle generators. The map returned contains objects created for vehicle
* generation. These are bundled in a {@code GeneratorObjects} and mapped to the vehicle generator id. Vehicle generator id
* is equal to the origin node id. For lane-based generators the id's are appended with an ordered number (e.g. A1), where
* the ordering is first by link id, and then right to left concerning the lateral lane position at the start of the lane.
* For node "A" this would for example be:<br>
* <table >
* <caption> </caption>
* <tr>
* <th>Generator id</th>
* <th>Link</th>
* <th>Lateral start offset</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th>A1</th>
* <th>AB</th>
* <th>-1.75m</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th>A2</th>
* <th>AB</th>
* <th>1.75m</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th>A3</th>
* <th>AC</th>
* <th>-3.5m</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th>A4</th>
* <th>AC</th>
* <th>0.0m</th>
* </tr>
* </table>
* If the GTU generation is lane-based (i.e. {@code Lane} in the {@code Categorization}) this method creates a
* {@code LaneBasedGtuGenerator} per lane. It will have a single source of demand data, specifying demand towards all
* relevant destinations, and with a unique {@code MarkovChain} for the GTU type if {@code MarkovCorrelation} is defined.
* For zone GTU generation one {@code LaneBasedGtuGenerator} is created, with one single source of demand data, specifying
* demand towards all destinations. A single {@code MarkovChain} may be used. Traffic is distributed over possible
* {@code Connectors} based on their link-weight, or the number of lanes of the connected links if no weight is given.
* @param network network
* @param od OD matrix
* @param odOptions options for vehicle generation
* @param detectorType detector type.
* @return Map<String, GeneratorObjects> map of generator id's and created generator objects mainly for testing
* @throws ParameterException if a parameter is missing
* @throws SimRuntimeException if this method is called after simulation time 0
public static Map<String, GeneratorObjects> applyOd(final RoadNetwork network, final OdMatrix od, final OdOptions odOptions,
final DetectorType detectorType) throws ParameterException, SimRuntimeException
Throw.whenNull(network, "Network may not be null.");
Throw.whenNull(od, "OD matrix may not be null.");
Throw.whenNull(odOptions, "OD options may not be null.");
OtsSimulatorInterface simulator = network.getSimulator();
Throw.when(!simulator.getSimulatorTime().eq0(), SimRuntimeException.class,
"Method OdApplier.applyOd() should be invoked at simulation time 0.");
// TODO sinks? white extension links?
for (Node destination : od.getDestinations())
createSensorsAtDestination(destination, detectorType);
// TODO clean up stream acquiring code after task OTS-315 has been completed
StreamInterface stream = getStream(simulator);
boolean laneBased = od.getCategorization().entails(Lane.class);
Map<String, GeneratorObjects> output = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Node origin : od.getOrigins())
Map<Lane, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>> originNodePerLane = new LinkedHashMap<>();
DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>> originNodeZone =
buildDemandNodeTree(od, odOptions, stream, origin, originNodePerLane);
Map<DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>, Set<LanePosition>> initialPositions =
new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<CrossSectionLink, Double> linkWeights = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<CrossSectionLink, Node> viaNodes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (laneBased)
gatherPositionsLaneBased(originNodePerLane, initialPositions);
initialPositions.put(originNodeZone, gatherPositionsZone(origin, linkWeights, viaNodes));
if (linkWeights.isEmpty())
linkWeights = null;
viaNodes = null;
initialPositions = sortByValue(initialPositions); // sorts by lateral position at link start
createGenerators(network, odOptions, simulator, laneBased, stream, output, initialPositions, linkWeights, viaNodes);
return output;
* Builds nested demand node structure (i.e. tree) for demand and GTU characteristics generation. If
* {@code MarkovCorrelation} is specified, in case of zone GTU generation, a single {@code MarkovChain} is used for the
* selection of GTU type and the relevant lane. In case of lane-based GTU generation, one {@code MarkovChain} is used for
* each lane, even when multiple {@code Category}'s contain the same lane. This method loops over all destinations for the
* given origin, and then over all categories. For lane-based GTU generation, at that level the appropriate origin node is
* taken from the input map, or it is created in to it, and the destination demand-node coupled to that for the looped
* destination is obtained or created, with possible {@code MarkovChain}. For zone GTU generation, the looping is a more
* straight-forward creation of nodes from origin, and for destination and category. The result of lane-based GTU generation
* is given in the input map, for zone GTU generation the single origin demand node is returned by the method.
* @param od OD matrix.
* @param odOptions OD options.
* @param stream random number stream.
* @param origin origin node.
* @param originNodePerLane map of origin demand node per lane, populated for lane-based GTU generation.
* @return demand node structure for the entire generator in case of zone GTU generation.
private static DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>> buildDemandNodeTree(final OdMatrix od,
final OdOptions odOptions, final StreamInterface stream, final Node origin,
final Map<Lane, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>> originNodePerLane)
boolean laneBased = od.getCategorization().entails(Lane.class);
boolean markovian = od.getCategorization().entails(GtuType.class);
DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>> demandNode = null; // for each generator, flexibly used
MarkovChain markovChain = null;
if (!laneBased)
demandNode = new DemandNode<>(origin, stream, null);
LinkType linkType = getLinkTypeFromNode(origin);
if (markovian)
MarkovCorrelation<GtuType, Frequency> correlation = odOptions.get(OdOptions.MARKOV, null, origin, linkType);
if (correlation != null)
Throw.when(!od.getCategorization().entails(GtuType.class), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Markov correlation can only be used on OD categorization entailing GTU type.");
markovChain = new MarkovChain(correlation);
for (Node destination : od.getDestinations())
Set<Category> categories = od.getCategories(origin, destination);
if (!categories.isEmpty())
DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>> destinationNode = null;
if (!laneBased)
destinationNode = new DemandNode<>(destination, stream, markovChain);
for (Category category : categories)
if (laneBased)
// obtain or create root and destination nodes
Lane lane = category.get(Lane.class);
demandNode = originNodePerLane.get(lane);
if (demandNode == null)
demandNode = new DemandNode<>(origin, stream, null);
originNodePerLane.put(lane, demandNode);
destinationNode = demandNode.getChild(destination);
if (destinationNode == null)
markovChain = null;
if (markovian)
MarkovCorrelation<GtuType, Frequency> correlation =
odOptions.get(OdOptions.MARKOV, lane, origin, lane.getLink().getType());
if (correlation != null)
Throw.when(!od.getCategorization().entails(GtuType.class), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Markov correlation can only be used on OD categorization entailing GTU type.");
markovChain = new MarkovChain(correlation); // 1 for each generator per lane
destinationNode = new DemandNode<>(destination, stream, markovChain);
DemandNode<Category, ?> categoryNode =
new DemandNode<>(category, od.getDemandPattern(origin, destination, category));
if (markovian)
destinationNode.addLeaf(categoryNode, category.get(GtuType.class));
return demandNode;
* Returns a set of positions for GTU generation from each lane defined in demand. Stores the positions with the coupled
* demand node.
* @param originNodePerLane map with a demand node per lane.
* @param initialPositions Map<DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>,
* Set<LanePosition>>; map with positions per demand node.
private static void gatherPositionsLaneBased(
final Map<Lane, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>> originNodePerLane,
final Map<DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>, Set<LanePosition>> initialPositions)
for (Lane lane : originNodePerLane.keySet())
DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>> demandNode = originNodePerLane.get(lane);
Set<LanePosition> initialPosition = new LinkedHashSet<>();
? new LanePosition(lane, Length.ZERO) : new LanePosition(lane, lane.getLength()));
initialPositions.put(demandNode, initialPosition);
* Returns a set of positions for GTU generation from a zone. All links connected to the origin node are considered. In case
* a link is a {@code Connector}, a link weight and via-node over that link are stored in the provided maps, for later use
* in constructing weighted generator positions. For each {@code CrossSectionLink} attached to the via-node, or to the first
* link if there was no {@code Connector}, positions are generated.
* @param origin origin node for the zone.
* @param linkWeights link weight map to place link weights in.
* @param viaNodes via node map to place via nodes in.
* @return gathered lane positions.
private static Set<LanePosition> gatherPositionsZone(final Node origin, final Map<CrossSectionLink, Double> linkWeights,
final Map<CrossSectionLink, Node> viaNodes)
Set<LanePosition> positionSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Link link : origin.getLinks())
if (link instanceof Connector)
Connector connector = (Connector) link;
if (connector.getStartNode().equals(origin))
Node connectedNode = connector.getEndNode();
// count number of served links
int served = 0;
for (Link connectedLink : connectedNode.getLinks())
if (connectedLink instanceof CrossSectionLink)
for (Link connectedLink : connectedNode.getLinks())
if (connectedLink instanceof CrossSectionLink)
if (connector.getDemandWeight() > 0.0)
// store weight under connected link, as this
linkWeights.put(((CrossSectionLink) connectedLink), connector.getDemandWeight() / served);
// negative weight results in number of lanes being used
linkWeights.put(((CrossSectionLink) connectedLink), -1.0);
viaNodes.put((CrossSectionLink) connectedLink, connectedNode);
setLanePosition((CrossSectionLink) connectedLink, connectedNode, positionSet);
else if (link instanceof CrossSectionLink)
setLanePosition((CrossSectionLink) link, origin, positionSet);
return positionSet;
* Creates GTU generators. For lane-based GTU generation (i.e. {@code Lane} in the {@code Categorization}), the generators
* will obtain an ID with the node id plus a counter. For this the initial positions need to be sorted. The link weights and
* via nodes should be {@code null} for lane-based GTU generation. Furthermore, the lane is then used to obtain OD option
* values possibly specified at the lane level. Other than that, for either lane-based or zone GTU generation, a
* {@code LaneBasedGtuGenerator} is created for each initial position given.
* @param network network.
* @param odOptions od options.
* @param simulator simulator.
* @param laneBased lane in category.
* @param stream random number stream.
* @param output map that output elements will be stored in.
* @param initialPositions Map<DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>,
* Set<LanePosition>>; sorted initial positions.
* @param linkWeights weights per link, may be {@code null}.
* @param viaNodes nodes to select from for zone, may be {@code null}.
* @throws ParameterException if drawing from the inter-arrival generator fails
private static void createGenerators(final RoadNetwork network, final OdOptions odOptions,
final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator, final boolean laneBased, final StreamInterface stream,
final Map<String, GeneratorObjects> output,
final Map<DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>, Set<LanePosition>> initialPositions,
final Map<CrossSectionLink, Double> linkWeights, final Map<CrossSectionLink, Node> viaNodes)
throws ParameterException
Map<Node, Integer> laneGeneratorCounterForUniqueId = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>> root : initialPositions.keySet())
Set<LanePosition> initialPosition = initialPositions.get(root);
// id
Node o = root.getObject();
String id = o.getId();
if (laneBased)
Integer count = laneGeneratorCounterForUniqueId.get(o);
if (count == null)
count = 0;
id += count;
laneGeneratorCounterForUniqueId.put(o, count);
// functional generation elements
Lane lane;
LinkType linkType;
if (laneBased)
lane = initialPosition.iterator().next().lane();
linkType = lane.getLink().getType();
lane = null;
linkType = getLinkTypeFromNode(o);
HeadwayDistribution randomization = odOptions.get(OdOptions.HEADWAY_DIST, lane, o, linkType);
ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator headwayGenerator = new ArrivalsHeadwayGenerator(root, simulator, stream, randomization);
LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGeneratorOd characteristicsGeneratorOd =
odOptions.get(OdOptions.GTU_TYPE, lane, o, linkType);
LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGenerator characteristicsGenerator = new LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGenerator()
public LaneBasedGtuCharacteristics draw() throws ParameterException, GtuException
Time time = simulator.getSimulatorAbsTime();
Node origin = root.getObject();
DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>> destinationNode = root.draw(time);
Node destination = destinationNode.getObject();
Category category = destinationNode.draw(time).getObject();
return characteristicsGeneratorOd.draw(origin, destination, category, stream);
RoomChecker roomChecker = odOptions.get(OdOptions.ROOM_CHECKER, lane, o, linkType);
IdGenerator idGenerator = odOptions.get(OdOptions.GTU_ID, lane, o, linkType);
LaneBiases biases = odOptions.get(OdOptions.LANE_BIAS, lane, o, linkType);
// and finally, the generator
LaneBasedGtuGenerator generator = new LaneBasedGtuGenerator(id, headwayGenerator, characteristicsGenerator,
GeneratorPositions.create(initialPosition, stream, biases, linkWeights, viaNodes), network, simulator,
roomChecker, idGenerator);
generator.setNoLaneChangeDistance(odOptions.get(OdOptions.NO_LC_DIST, lane, o, linkType));
generator.setInstantaneousLaneChange(odOptions.get(OdOptions.INSTANT_LC, lane, o, linkType));
generator.setErrorHandler(odOptions.get(OdOptions.ERROR_HANDLER, lane, o, linkType));
output.put(id, new GeneratorObjects(generator, headwayGenerator, characteristicsGenerator));
catch (SimRuntimeException exception)
// should not happen, we check that time is 0
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
catch (NetworkException exception)
// should not happen, as unique ids are guaranteed by UUID
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
* Obtains a stream for vehicle generation.
* @param simulator simulator.
* @return stream for vehicle generation.
private static StreamInterface getStream(final OtsSimulatorInterface simulator)
StreamInterface stream = simulator.getModel().getStream("generation");
if (stream == null)
stream = simulator.getModel().getStream("default");
if (stream == null)
.println("Using locally created stream (not from the simulator) for vehicle generation, with seed 1.");
stream = new MersenneTwister(1L);
System.out.println("Using stream 'default' for vehicle generation.");
return stream;
* Create destination sensors at all lanes connected to a destination node. This method considers connectors too.
* @param destination destination node
* @param detectorType detector type.
private static void createSensorsAtDestination(final Node destination, final DetectorType detectorType)
for (Link link : destination.getLinks())
if (link.isConnector() && !link.getStartNode().equals(destination))
createSensorsAtDestinationNode(link.getStartNode(), detectorType);
createSensorsAtDestinationNode(destination, detectorType);
* Create sensors at all lanes connected to this node. This method does not handle connectors.
* @param destination the destination node
* @param detectorType detector type.
private static void createSensorsAtDestinationNode(final Node destination, final DetectorType detectorType)
for (Link link : destination.getLinks())
if (link instanceof CrossSectionLink)
for (Lane lane : ((CrossSectionLink) link).getLanes())
// if the lane already contains a SinkDetector, skip creating a new one
boolean destinationDetectorExists = false;
for (LaneDetector detector : lane.getDetectors())
if (detector instanceof SinkDetector)
destinationDetectorExists = true;
if (!destinationDetectorExists)
new SinkDetector(lane, lane.getLength(), detectorType, SinkDetector.DESTINATION);
catch (NetworkException exception)
// can not happen, we use Length.ZERO and lane.getLength()
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
* Returns the common ancestor {@code LinkType} of all links connected to the node, moving through connectors.
* @param node origin node
* @return common ancestor {@code LinkType} of all links connected to the node, moving through connectors
private static LinkType getLinkTypeFromNode(final Node node)
return getLinkTypeFromNode0(node, false);
* Returns the common ancestor {@code LinkType} of all links connected to the node, moving through connectors.
* @param node origin node
* @param ignoreConnectors ignore connectors
* @return common ancestor {@code LinkType} of all links connected to the node, moving through connectors
private static LinkType getLinkTypeFromNode0(final Node node, final boolean ignoreConnectors)
LinkType linkType = null;
for (Link link : node.getLinks())
LinkType next = link.getType();
if (!ignoreConnectors && link.isConnector())
Node otherNode = link.getStartNode().equals(node) ? link.getEndNode() : link.getStartNode();
next = getLinkTypeFromNode0(otherNode, true);
if (next != null && !link.isConnector())
if (linkType == null)
linkType = next;
linkType = linkType.commonAncestor(next);
if (linkType == null)
// incompatible link types
return null;
return linkType;
* Returns a sorted map.
* @param map input map
* @param <K> key type (implemented for cleaner code only)
* @param <V> value type (implemented for cleaner code only)
* @return sorted map
private static <K, V extends Set<LanePosition>> Map<K, V> sortByValue(final Map<K, V> map)
return map.entrySet().stream().sorted(new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>()
public int compare(final Entry<K, V> o1, final Entry<K, V> o2)
LanePosition lanePos1 = o1.getValue().iterator().next();
String linkId1 = lanePos1.lane().getLink().getId();
LanePosition lanePos2 = o2.getValue().iterator().next();
String linkId2 = lanePos2.lane().getLink().getId();
int c = linkId1.compareToIgnoreCase(linkId2);
if (c == 0)
Length pos1 = Length.ZERO;
Length lat1 = lanePos1.lane().getLateralCenterPosition(pos1);
Length pos2 = Length.ZERO;
Length lat2 = lanePos2.lane().getLateralCenterPosition(pos2);
return lat1.compareTo(lat2);
return c;
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new));
* Adds {@code LanePosition}s to the input set, for {@code Lane}s on the given link, starting at the given {@code Node}.
* @param link link with lanes to add positions for
* @param node node on the side where positions should be placed
* @param positionSet set to add position to
private static void setLanePosition(final CrossSectionLink link, final Node node, final Set<LanePosition> positionSet)
for (Lane lane : link.getLanes())
// TODO should be GTU type dependent.
if (lane.getLink().getStartNode().equals(node))
positionSet.add(new LanePosition(lane, Length.ZERO));
* Node for demand tree. Based on two constructors there are 2 types of nodes:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>Branch nodes; with an object and a stream for randomly drawing a child node.</li>
* <li>Leaf nodes; with an object and demand data (time, frequency, interpolation).</li>
* </ul>
* To accomplish a branching of Node (origin) > Node (destination) > Category, the following generics types can be
* used:<br>
* <br>
* {@code DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Node, DemandNode<Category, ?>>>}
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/wjschakel">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param <T> type of contained object
* @param <K> type of child nodes
private static class DemandNode<T, K extends DemandNode<?, ?>> implements Arrivals
/** Node object. */
private final T object;
/** Random stream to draw child node. */
private final StreamInterface stream;
/** Children. */
private final List<K> children = new ArrayList<>();
/** Demand data. */
private final DemandPattern demandPattern;
/** Unique GTU types of leaf nodes. */
private final List<GtuType> gtuTypes = new ArrayList<>();
/** Number of leaf nodes for the unique GTU types. */
private final List<Integer> gtuTypeCounts = new ArrayList<>();
/** GTU type of leaf nodes. */
private final Map<K, GtuType> gtuTypesPerChild = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Markov chain for GTU type selection. */
private final MarkovChain markov;
* Constructor for branching node, with Markov selection.
* @param object node object
* @param stream random stream to draw child node
* @param markov Markov chain
DemandNode(final T object, final StreamInterface stream, final MarkovChain markov)
this.object = object;
this.stream = stream;
this.demandPattern = null;
this.markov = markov;
* Constructor for leaf node, without Markov selection.
* @param object node object
* @param demandPattern demand data
DemandNode(final T object, final DemandPattern demandPattern)
this.object = object;
this.stream = null;
this.demandPattern = demandPattern;
this.markov = null;
* Adds child to a branching node.
* @param child child node
public void addChild(final K child)
* Adds child to a branching node.
* @param child child node
* @param gtuType gtu type for Markov chain
public void addLeaf(final K child, final GtuType gtuType)
Throw.when(this.gtuTypes == null, IllegalStateException.class,
"Adding leaf with GtuType in not possible on a non-Markov node.");
this.gtuTypesPerChild.put(child, gtuType);
if (!this.gtuTypes.contains(gtuType))
int index = this.gtuTypes.indexOf(gtuType);
this.gtuTypeCounts.set(index, this.gtuTypeCounts.get(index) + 1);
* Randomly draws a child node.
* @param time simulation time
* @return randomly drawn child node
public K draw(final Time time)
Throw.when(this.children.isEmpty(), RuntimeException.class, "Calling draw on a leaf node in the demand tree.");
Map<K, Double> weightMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (this.markov == null)
// regular draw, loop children and collect their frequencies
for (K child : this.children)
double f = child.getFrequency(time, true).si; // sliceStart = true is arbitrary
weightMap.put(child, f);
// markov chain draw, the markov chain only selects a GTU type, not a child node
GtuType[] gtuTypeArray = new GtuType[this.gtuTypes.size()];
gtuTypeArray = this.gtuTypes.toArray(gtuTypeArray);
Frequency[] steadyState = new Frequency[this.gtuTypes.size()];
Arrays.fill(steadyState, Frequency.ZERO);
Map<K, Frequency> frequencies = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // stored, saves us from calculating them twice
for (K child : this.children)
GtuType gtuType = this.gtuTypesPerChild.get(child);
int index = this.gtuTypes.indexOf(gtuType);
Frequency f = child.getFrequency(time, true); // sliceStart = true is arbitrary
frequencies.put(child, f);
steadyState[index] = steadyState[index].plus(f);
GtuType nextGtuType = this.markov.draw(gtuTypeArray, steadyState, this.stream);
// select only child nodes registered to the next GTU type
for (K child : this.children)
if (this.gtuTypesPerChild.get(child).equals(nextGtuType))
double f = frequencies.get(child).si;
weightMap.put(child, f);
return Draw.drawWeighted(weightMap, this.stream);
* Returns the node object.
* @return node object
public T getObject()
return this.object;
* Returns the child that pertains to specified object or {@code null} if no such child is present.
* @param obj child object
* @return child that pertains to specified object or {@code null} if no such child is present
public K getChild(final Object obj)
for (K child : this.children)
if (child.getObject().equals(obj))
return child;
return null;
public Frequency getFrequency(final Time time, final boolean sliceStart)
if (this.demandPattern != null)
return this.demandPattern.getFrequency(time, sliceStart);
Frequency f = new Frequency(0.0, FrequencyUnit.PER_HOUR);
for (K child : this.children)
f = f.plus(child.getFrequency(time, sliceStart));
return f;
public Time nextTimeSlice(final Time time)
if (this.demandPattern != null)
return this.demandPattern.nextTimeSlice(time);
Time out = null;
for (K child : this.children)
Time childSlice = child.nextTimeSlice(time);
out = out == null || (childSlice != null && childSlice.lt(out)) ? childSlice : out;
return out;
public String toString()
return "DemandNode [object=" + this.object + ", stream=" + this.stream + ", children=" + this.children
+ ", demandPattern=" + this.demandPattern + ", gtuTypes=" + this.gtuTypes + ", gtuTypeCounts="
+ this.gtuTypeCounts + ", gtuTypesPerChild=" + this.gtuTypesPerChild + ", markov=" + this.markov + "]";
* Wrapper class around a {@code MarkovCorrelation}, including the last type. One of these should be used for each vehicle
* generator.
private static class MarkovChain
/** Markov correlation for GTU type selection. */
private final MarkovCorrelation<GtuType, Frequency> markov;
/** Previously returned GTU type. */
private GtuType previousGtuType = null;
* Constructor.
* @param markov Markov correlation for GTU type selection
MarkovChain(final MarkovCorrelation<GtuType, Frequency> markov)
this.markov = markov;
* Returns a next GTU type drawn using a Markov chain.
* @param gtuTypes GtuTypes to consider
* @param intensities frequency for each GTU type, i.e. the steady-state
* @param stream stream for random numbers
* @return next GTU type drawn using a Markov chain
public GtuType draw(final GtuType[] gtuTypes, final Frequency[] intensities, final StreamInterface stream)
this.previousGtuType = this.markov.drawState(this.previousGtuType, gtuTypes, intensities, stream);
return this.previousGtuType;
* Class to contain created generator objects.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
* <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="https://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/peter-knoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="https://github.com/wjschakel">Wouter Schakel</a>
* @param generator main generator for GTU's
* @param headwayGenerator generator of headways
* @param characteristicsGenerator generator of GTU characteristics
public static record GeneratorObjects(LaneBasedGtuGenerator generator, Generator<Duration> headwayGenerator,
LaneBasedGtuCharacteristicsGenerator characteristicsGenerator)