View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import org.junit.Test;
4   import;
6   /**
7    * Test the Route class.
8    * <p>
9    * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
10   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
11   * <p>
12   * $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-19 13:55:45 +0200 (Wed, 19 Sep 2018) $, @version $Revision: 4006 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
13   * initial version 20 jan. 2015 <br>
14   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
15   */
16  public class RouteTest
17  {
18      /**
19       * Test the Route class.
20       * @throws NetworkException on Network inconsistency (should not happen in this test)
21       */
22      @Test
23      public void routeTest() throws NetworkException
24      {
25          /*- 
29          Route route = new Route("name");
30          assertEquals("No arguments constructor creates an empty Route", 0, route.size());
31          try
32          {
33              route.getNode(0);
34              fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
35          }
36          catch (NetworkException ne)
37          {
38              // ignore expected exception
39          }
40          try
41          {
42              route.originNode();
43              fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
44          }
45          catch (NetworkException ne)
46          {
47              // ignore expected exception
48          }
49          try
50          {
51              route.destinationNode();
52              fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
53          }
54          catch (NetworkException ne)
55          {
56              // ignore expected exception
57          }
58          assertEquals("lastVisitedNode should return null", null, route.lastVisitedNode());
59          assertEquals("visitNextNode should return null", null, route.visitNextNode());
60          assertEquals("nextNodeToVisit should return null", null, route.nextNodeToVisit());
61          OTSNode n1 = new OTSNode("N1", new OTSPoint3D(12, 34));
62          assertEquals("indexOf should return -1 for an empty Route", -1, route.indexOf(n1));
63          try
64          {
65              route.addNode(1, n1);
66              fail("addNode with out of range index should have thrown a NetworkException");
67          }
68          catch (NetworkException ne)
69          {
70              // Ignore expected exception
71          }
72          try
73          {
74              route.addNode(-1, n1);
75              fail("addNode with negative index should have thrown a NetworkException");
76          }
77          catch (NetworkException ne)
78          {
79              // Ignore expected exception
80          }
81          route.addNode(n1);
82          assertEquals("Route should now contain one Node", 1, route.size());
83          assertEquals("Node 0 of route should be N1", n1, route.getNode(0));
84          assertEquals("OriginNode should be N1", n1, route.originNode());
85          assertEquals("indexOf N1 should return 0", 0, route.indexOf(n1));
86          OTSNode n2 = new OTSNode("N2", new OTSPoint3D(56, 78));
87          route.addNode(n2);
88          assertEquals("Route should now contain two Nodes", 2, route.size());
89          assertEquals("Node 0 of route should be N1", n1, route.getNode(0));
90          assertEquals("Node 1 of route should be N2", n2, route.getNode(1));
91          assertEquals("OriginNode should be N1", n1, route.originNode());
92          assertEquals("indexOf N1 should return 0", 0, route.indexOf(n1));
93          assertEquals("indexOf N2 should return 1", 1, route.indexOf(n2));
94          try
95          {
96              route.getNode(-1);
97              fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
98          }
99          catch (NetworkException ne)
100         {
101             // ignore expected exception
102         }
103         try
104         {
105             route.getNode(2);
106             fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
107         }
108         catch (NetworkException ne)
109         {
110             // ignore expected exception
111         }
112         // System.out.println(route);
113         assertEquals("nextNodeToVisit should be n1", n1, route.nextNodeToVisit());
114         Node nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
115         assertEquals("vistNextNode should have returned n1", n1, nextNode);
116         assertEquals("lastVisitedNode should return n1", n1, route.lastVisitedNode());
117         assertEquals("nextNodeToVisit should be n2", n2, route.nextNodeToVisit());
118         assertEquals("lastVisitedNode should return n1", n1, route.lastVisitedNode());
119         // Currently insertion before the "current" node is allowed and increments the internal lastNode index.
120         OTSNode n0 = new OTSNode("n0", new OTSPoint3D(0, 0));
121         route.addNode(0, n0);
122         assertEquals("size should now be 3", 3, route.size());
123         assertEquals("nextNodeToVisit should still be n2", n2, route.nextNodeToVisit());
124         OTSNode n3 = new OTSNode("n3", new OTSPoint3D(0, 0));
125         route.addNode(n3);
126         assertEquals("size should now be 4", 4, route.size());
127         assertEquals("destinationNode should now be n3", n3, route.destinationNode());
128         assertEquals("nextNodeToVisit should still be n2", n2, route.nextNodeToVisit());
129         nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
130         assertEquals("vistNextNode should have returned n2", n2, nextNode);
131         assertEquals("lastVisitedNode should return n2", n2, route.lastVisitedNode());
132         nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
133         assertEquals("vistNextNode should have returned n3", n3, nextNode);
134         nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
135         assertEquals("vistNextNode should have returned null", null, nextNode);
137         List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();
138         list.add(n0);
139         list.add(n1);
140         list.add(n2);
141         list.add(n3);
142         route = new Route(list);
143         assertEquals("Route element 0 is n0", n0, route.getNode(0));
144         assertEquals("Route element 1 is n1", n1, route.getNode(1));
145         assertEquals("Route element 2 is n2", n2, route.getNode(2));
146         assertEquals("Route element 3 is n3", n3, route.getNode(3));
147         assertEquals("OriginNode should be n0", n0, route.originNode());
148         CrossSectionLink l01 =
149                 new CrossSectionLink("name", n0, n1, new Length(200,
150                         METER));
151         assertTrue("Route contains Link l01", route.containsLink(l01));
152         CrossSectionLink l10 =
153                 new CrossSectionLink("name", n1, n0, new Length(200,
154                         METER));
155         assertFalse("Route contains Link l10", route.containsLink(l10));
156         Node removedNode = route.removeNode(2);
157         assertEquals("removeNode should return the removed node; i.c. n2", n2, removedNode);
158         assertEquals("Route element 0 is n0", n0, route.getNode(0));
159         assertEquals("Route element 1 is n1", n1, route.getNode(1));
160         assertEquals("Route element 2 is n3", n3, route.getNode(2));
161         assertEquals("OriginNode should be n0", n0, route.originNode());
162         try
163         {
164             route.removeNode(-1);
165             fail("Negative index should have thrown a NetworkException");
166         }
167         catch (NetworkException ne)
168         {
169             // Ignore expected exception
170         }
171         try
172         {
173             route.removeNode(4);
174             fail("Too high index should have thrown a NetworkException");
175         }
176         catch (NetworkException ne)
177         {
178             // Ignore expected exception
179         }
180         // System.out.println(route);
181         nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
182         // System.out.println(route);
183         assertEquals("visitNextNode should return n0", n0, nextNode);
184         nextNode = route.visitNextNode();
185         // System.out.println(route);
186         assertEquals("visitNextNode should return n1", n1, nextNode);
187         removedNode = route.removeNode(0);
188         assertEquals("removed node should be n0", n0, removedNode);
189         // System.out.println(route);
190         try
191         {
192             route.removeNode(0);
193             fail("Removing the last visited node on the route should have thrown a NetworkException");
194         }
195         catch (NetworkException ne)
196         {
197             // Ignore expected exception
198         }
200          */
201     }
203     // TODO write JUnit test for the suitability method (has to wait for the XML network lane parser).
205 }