Class ContourDataSource<G extends GtuDataInterface>

  • Type Parameters:
    G - gtu type data

    public class ContourDataSource<G extends GtuDataInterface>
    extends Object
    Class that contains data for contour plots. One data source can be shared between contour plots, in which case the granularity, path, sampler, update interval, and whether the data is smoothed (EGTF) are equal between the plots.

    By default the source contains traveled time and traveled distance per cell.

    Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 5 okt. 2018
    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
    • Field Detail


        protected static final double[] DEFAULT_SPACE_GRANULARITIES
        Space granularity values.

        protected static final int DEFAULT_SPACE_GRANULARITY_INDEX
        Index of the initial space granularity.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final double[] DEFAULT_TIME_GRANULARITIES
        Time granularity values.

        protected static final int DEFAULT_TIME_GRANULARITY_INDEX
        Index of the initial time granularity.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final Time DEFAULT_LOWER_TIME_BOUND
        Initial lower bound for the time scale.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContourDataSource

        public ContourDataSource​(SamplerData<G> samplerData,
                                 GraphPath<KpiLaneDirection> path)
        Constructor using default granularities.
        samplerData - SamplerData<G>; sampler data
        path - GraphPath<KpiLaneDirection>; path
      • ContourDataSource

        public ContourDataSource​(SamplerData<G> samplerData,
                                 Duration delay,
                                 GraphPath<KpiLaneDirection> path,
                                 double[] spaceGranularity,
                                 int initSpaceIndex,
                                 double[] timeGranularity,
                                 int initTimeIndex,
                                 Time start,
                                 Time initialEnd)
        Constructor for non-default input.
        samplerData - SamplerData<G>; sampler data
        delay - Duration; delay so critical future events have occurred, e.g. GTU's next move's to extend trajectories
        path - GraphPath<KpiLaneDirection>; path
        spaceGranularity - double[]; granularity options for space dimension
        initSpaceIndex - int; initial selected space granularity
        timeGranularity - double[]; granularity options for time dimension
        initTimeIndex - int; initial selected time granularity
        start - Time; start time
        initialEnd - Time; initial end time of plots, will be expanded if simulation time exceeds it
    • Method Detail

      • getSamplerData

        public final SamplerData<G> getSamplerData()
        Returns the sampler data for an AbstractContourPlot using this ContourDataSource.
        SamplerData<G>; the sampler
      • getGranularities

        public final double[] getGranularities​(ContourDataSource.Dimension dimension)
        Returns the available granularities that a linked plot may use.
        dimension - Dimension; space or time
        double[]; available granularities that a linked plot may use
      • getGranularity

        public final double getGranularity​(ContourDataSource.Dimension dimension)
        Returns the selected granularity that a linked plot should use.
        dimension - Dimension; space or time
        double; granularity that a linked plot should use
      • setGranularity

        public final void setGranularity​(ContourDataSource.Dimension dimension,
                                         double granularity)
        Sets the granularity of the plot. This will invalidate the plot triggering a redraw.
        dimension - Dimension; space or time
        granularity - double; granularity in space or time (SI unit)
      • setInterpolate

        public final void setInterpolate​(boolean interpolate)
        Sets bi-linear interpolation enabled or disabled. This will invalidate the plot triggering a redraw.
        interpolate - boolean; whether to enable interpolation
      • setSmooth

        public final void setSmooth​(boolean smooth)
        Sets the adaptive smoothing enabled or disabled. This will invalidate the plot triggering a redraw.
        smooth - boolean; whether to smooth the plor
      • getSpeed

        public double getSpeed​(int item)
        Returns the speed of the cell pertaining to plot item.
        item - int; plot item
        double; speed of the cell, calculated as 'total distance' / 'total space'.
      • getTotalDistance

        public double getTotalDistance​(int item)
        Returns the total distance traveled in the cell pertaining to plot item.
        item - int; plot item
        double; total distance traveled in the cell
      • getTotalTime

        public double getTotalTime​(int item)
        Returns the total time traveled in the cell pertaining to plot item.
        item - int; plot item
        double; total time traveled in the cell
      • get

        public double get​(int item,
                          ContourDataSource.ContourDataType<?,​?> contourDataType)
        Returns data of the given ContourDataType for a specific item.
        item - int; plot item
        contourDataType - ContourDataType<?, ?>; contour data type
        data of the given ContourDataType for a specific item