PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.21.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
EmptyIfStmt Avoid empty if statements 239241


Rule Violation Line
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 399
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 407
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 429
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 449
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 789
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 790
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'status'. 893
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 895
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'plot'. 895


Rule Violation Line
UselessOverridingMethod Overriding method merely calls super 281285


Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 144147

Priority 4


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 491


Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.awt.Font.BOLD' due to existing import 'java.awt.Font' 120



Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 491


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyIfStmt Avoid empty if statements 3 239241


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.awt.Font.BOLD' due to existing import 'java.awt.Font' 4 120


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 399
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 407
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 429
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 449
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 789
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 790
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'status'. 3 893
UselessQualifiedThis Useless qualified this usage in the same class. 3 895
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'plot'. 3 895


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessOverridingMethod Overriding method merely calls super 3 281285


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 144147