View Javadoc
1   package org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.categories;
3   import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
4   import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
5   import java.util.Map;
6   import java.util.Objects;
7   import java.util.Set;
8   import java.util.SortedSet;
9   import java.util.TreeSet;
10  import java.util.WeakHashMap;
12  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
13  import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
14  import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
15  import org.opentrafficsim.base.TimeStampedObject;
16  import org.opentrafficsim.base.parameters.ParameterException;
17  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.GTUException;
18  import org.opentrafficsim.core.gtu.RelativePosition;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.Break;
23  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo;
24  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LanePerception;
25  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.LaneStructureRecord;
26  import org.opentrafficsim.road.gtu.lane.perception.RelativeLane;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
33  /**
34   * Perceives information concerning the infrastructure, including splits, lanes, speed limits and road markings. This category
35   * is optimized by cooperating closely with the {@code LaneStructure} and only updating internal information when the GTU is on
36   * a new {@code Lane}. On the {@code Lane} information is defined relative to the start, and thus easily calculated at each
37   * time.
38   * <p>
39   * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
40   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
41   * <p>
42   * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Jul 14, 2016 <br>
43   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
44   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
45   * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
46   */
47  // TODO: more than the lane speed limit and maximum vehicle speed in the speed limit prospect
48  public class DirectInfrastructurePerception extends LaneBasedAbstractPerceptionCategory implements InfrastructurePerception
49  {
51      /** */
52      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20160811L;
54      /** Infrastructure lane change info per relative lane. */
55      private final Map<RelativeLane, TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo>>> infrastructureLaneChangeInfo =
56              new LinkedHashMap<>();
58      /** Speed limit prospect per relative lane. */
59      private Map<RelativeLane, TimeStampedObject<SpeedLimitProspect>> speedLimitProspect = new LinkedHashMap<>();
61      /** Legal Lane change possibilities per relative lane and lateral direction. */
62      private final Map<RelativeLane, Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<
63              LaneChangePossibility>>> legalLaneChangePossibility = new LinkedHashMap<>();
65      /** Physical Lane change possibilities per relative lane and lateral direction. */
66      private final Map<RelativeLane, Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<
67              LaneChangePossibility>>> physicalLaneChangePossibility = new LinkedHashMap<>();
69      /** Cross-section. */
70      private TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<RelativeLane>> crossSection;
72      /** Cache for anyNextOk. */
73      private final Map<LaneStructureRecord, Boolean> anyNextOkCache = new WeakHashMap<>();
75      /** Set of records with accessible end as they are cut off. */
76      private final Set<LaneStructureRecord> cutOff = new LinkedHashSet<>();
78      /** Root. */
79      private LaneStructureRecord root;
81      /** Lanes registered to the GTU used to check if an update is required. */
82      private Set<Lane> lanes;
84      /** Route. */
85      private Route route;
87      /**
88       * @param perception LanePerception; perception
89       */
90      public DirectInfrastructurePerception(final LanePerception perception)
91      {
92          super(perception);
93      }
95      /** {@inheritDoc} */
96      @Override
97      public void updateAll() throws GTUException, ParameterException
98      {
99          updateCrossSection();
100         // clean-up
101         Set<RelativeLane> cs = getCrossSection();
102         this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.keySet().retainAll(cs);
103         this.legalLaneChangePossibility.keySet().retainAll(cs);
104         this.physicalLaneChangePossibility.keySet().retainAll(cs);
105         this.speedLimitProspect.keySet().retainAll(cs);
106         // only if required
107         LaneStructureRecord newRoot = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getRootRecord();
108         if (this.root == null || !newRoot.equals(this.root) || !this.lanes.equals(getPerception().getGtu().positions(
109             RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION).keySet()) || !Objects.equals(this.route, getPerception().getGtu()
110                 .getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute()) || -> !record.isCutOffEnd())
111                     .count() > 0)
112         {
113             this.cutOff.clear();
114             this.root = newRoot;
115             this.lanes = getPerception().getGtu().positions(RelativePosition.REFERENCE_POSITION).keySet();
116             this.route = getPerception().getGtu().getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute();
117             // TODO: this is not suitable if we change lane and consider e.g. dynamic speed signs, they will be forgotten
118             this.speedLimitProspect.clear();
119             for (RelativeLane lane : getCrossSection())
120             {
121                 updateInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(lane);
122                 updateLegalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.LEFT);
123                 updateLegalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT);
124                 updatePhysicalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.LEFT);
125                 updatePhysicalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT);
126             }
127         }
129         // speed limit prospect
130         for (RelativeLane lane : getCrossSection())
131         {
132             updateSpeedLimitProspect(lane);
133         }
134         for (RelativeLane lane : getCrossSection())
135         {
136             if (!this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.containsKey(lane))
137             {
138                 updateInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(lane); // new lane in cross section
139                 updateLegalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.LEFT);
140                 updateLegalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT);
141                 updatePhysicalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.LEFT);
142                 updatePhysicalLaneChangePossibility(lane, LateralDirectionality.RIGHT);
143             }
144         }
145     }
147     /** {@inheritDoc} */
148     @Override
149     public final void updateInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(final RelativeLane lane) throws GTUException, ParameterException
150     {
151         if (this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.containsKey(lane) && this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.get(lane).getTimestamp()
152             .equals(getTimestamp()))
153         {
154             // already done at this time
155             return;
156         }
157         updateCrossSection();
159         // start at requested lane
160         SortedSet<InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo> resultSet = new TreeSet<>();
161         LaneStructureRecord record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getFirstRecord(lane);
162         try
163         {
164             record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getFirstRecord(lane);
165             if (!record.allowsRoute(getGtu().getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute(), getGtu().getGTUType()))
166             {
167                 resultSet.add(InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo.fromInaccessibleLane(record.isDeadEnd()));
168                 this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.put(lane, new TimeStampedObject<>(resultSet, getTimestamp()));
169                 return;
170             }
171         }
172         catch (NetworkException exception)
173         {
174             throw new GTUException("Route has no destination.", exception);
175         }
176         Map<LaneStructureRecord, InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo> currentSet = new LinkedHashMap<>();
177         Map<LaneStructureRecord, InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo> nextSet = new LinkedHashMap<>();
178         RelativePosition front = getPerception().getGtu().getFront();
179         currentSet.put(record, new InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(0, record, front, record.isDeadEnd(),
180             LateralDirectionality.NONE));
181         while (!currentSet.isEmpty())
182         {
183             // move lateral
184             nextSet.putAll(currentSet);
185             for (LaneStructureRecord laneRecord : currentSet.keySet())
186             {
187                 while (laneRecord.legalLeft() && !nextSet.containsKey(laneRecord.getLeft()))
188                 {
189                     InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo info = nextSet.get(laneRecord).left(laneRecord.getLeft(), front, laneRecord
190                         .getLeft().isDeadEnd());
191                     nextSet.put(laneRecord.getLeft(), info);
192                     laneRecord = laneRecord.getLeft();
193                 }
194             }
195             for (LaneStructureRecord laneRecord : currentSet.keySet())
196             {
197                 while (laneRecord.legalRight() && !nextSet.containsKey(laneRecord.getRight()))
198                 {
199                     InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo info = nextSet.get(laneRecord).right(laneRecord.getRight(), front, laneRecord
200                         .getRight().isDeadEnd());
201                     nextSet.put(laneRecord.getRight(), info);
202                     laneRecord = laneRecord.getRight();
203                 }
204             }
205             // move longitudinal
206             currentSet = nextSet;
207             nextSet = new LinkedHashMap<>();
208             InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo bestOk = null;
209             InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo bestNotOk = null;
210             boolean deadEnd = false;
211             for (LaneStructureRecord laneRecord : currentSet.keySet())
212             {
213                 boolean anyOk = Try.assign(() -> anyNextOk(laneRecord), "Route has no destination.");
214                 if (anyOk)
215                 {
216                     // add to nextSet
217                     for (LaneStructureRecord next : laneRecord.getNext())
218                     {
219                         try
220                         {
221                             if (next.allowsRoute(getGtu().getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute(), getGtu().getGTUType()))
222                             {
223                                 InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo prev = currentSet.get(laneRecord);
224                                 InfrastructureLaneChangeInfotion/InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo.html#InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo">InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo info = new InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(prev
225                                     .getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges(), next, front, next.isDeadEnd(), prev
226                                         .getLateralDirectionality());
227                                 nextSet.put(next, info);
228                             }
229                         }
230                         catch (NetworkException exception)
231                         {
232                             throw new RuntimeException("Network exception while considering route on next lane.", exception);
233                         }
234                     }
235                     // take best ok
236                     if (bestOk == null || currentSet.get(laneRecord).getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges() < bestOk
237                         .getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges())
238                     {
239                         bestOk = currentSet.get(laneRecord);
240                     }
241                 }
242                 else
243                 {
244                     // take best not ok
245                     deadEnd = deadEnd || currentSet.get(laneRecord).isDeadEnd();
246                     if (bestNotOk == null || currentSet.get(laneRecord).getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges() < bestNotOk
247                         .getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges())
248                     {
249                         bestNotOk = currentSet.get(laneRecord);
250                     }
251                 }
253             }
254             if (bestOk == null)
255             {
256                 break;
257             }
258             // if there are lanes that are not okay and only -further- lanes that are ok, we need to change to one of the ok's
259             if (bestNotOk != null && bestOk.getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges() > bestNotOk.getRequiredNumberOfLaneChanges())
260             {
261                 bestOk.setDeadEnd(deadEnd);
262                 resultSet.add(bestOk);
263             }
264             currentSet = nextSet;
265             nextSet = new LinkedHashMap<>();
266         }
268         // save
269         this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.put(lane, new TimeStampedObject<>(resultSet, getTimestamp()));
270     }
272     /**
273      * Returns whether the given record end is ok to pass. If not, a lane change is required before this end. The method will
274      * also return true if the next node is the end node of the route, if the lane is cut off due to limited perception range,
275      * or when there is a {@code SinkSensor} on the lane.
276      * @param record LaneStructureRecord; checked record
277      * @return whether the given record end is ok to pass
278      * @throws NetworkException if destination could not be obtained
279      * @throws GTUException if the GTU could not be obtained
280      */
281     private boolean anyNextOk(final LaneStructureRecord record) throws NetworkException, GTUException
282     {
283         if (record.isCutOffEnd())
284         {
285             this.cutOff.add(record);
286             return true; // always ok if cut-off
287         }
288         // check cache
289         Boolean ok = this.anyNextOkCache.get(record);
290         if (ok != null)
291         {
292             return ok;
293         }
294         // sink
295         for (SingleSensor s : record.getLane().getSensors())
296         {
297             // XXX for now, we do allow to lower speed for a DestinationSensor (e.g., to brake for parking)
298             if (s instanceof SinkSensor)
299             {
300                 this.anyNextOkCache.put(record, true);
301                 return true; // ok towards sink
302             }
303         }
304         // check destination
305         Route currentRoute = getGtu().getStrategicalPlanner().getRoute();
306         try
307         {
308             if (currentRoute != null && currentRoute.destinationNode().equals(record.getToNode()))
309             {
310                 this.anyNextOkCache.put(record, true);
311                 return true;
312             }
313         }
314         catch (NetworkException exception)
315         {
316             throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine destination node.", exception);
317         }
318         // check dead-end
319         if (record.getNext().isEmpty())
320         {
321             this.anyNextOkCache.put(record, false);
322             return false; // never ok if dead-end
323         }
324         // check if we have a route
325         if (currentRoute == null)
326         {
327             this.anyNextOkCache.put(record, true);
328             return true; // if no route assume ok, i.e. simple networks without routes
329         }
330         // finally check route
331         ok = record.allowsRouteAtEnd(currentRoute, getGtu().getGTUType());
332         this.anyNextOkCache.put(record, ok);
333         return ok;
334     }
336     /** {@inheritDoc} */
337     @Override
338     public final void updateSpeedLimitProspect(final RelativeLane lane) throws GTUException, ParameterException
339     {
340         updateCrossSection();
341         checkLaneIsInCrossSection(lane);
342         TimeStampedObject<SpeedLimitProspect> tsSlp = this.speedLimitProspect.get(lane);
343         SpeedLimitProspect slp;
344         if (tsSlp != null)
345         {
346             slp = tsSlp.getObject();
347             slp.update(getGtu().getOdometer());
348         }
349         else
350         {
351             slp = new SpeedLimitProspect(getGtu().getOdometer());
352             slp.addSpeedInfo(Length.ZERO, SpeedLimitTypes.MAX_VEHICLE_SPEED, getGtu().getMaximumSpeed(), getGtu());
353         }
354         try
355         {
356             Lane laneObj = getGtu().getReferencePosition().getLane();
357             if (!slp.containsAddSource(laneObj))
358             {
359                 slp.addSpeedInfo(Length.ZERO, SpeedLimitTypes.FIXED_SIGN, laneObj.getSpeedLimit(getGtu().getGTUType()),
360                     laneObj);
361             }
362         }
363         catch (NetworkException exception)
364         {
365             throw new RuntimeException("Could not obtain speed limit from lane for perception.", exception);
366         }
367         this.speedLimitProspect.put(lane, new TimeStampedObject<>(slp, getTimestamp()));
368     }
370     /** {@inheritDoc} */
371     @Override
372     public final void updateLegalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane lane, final LateralDirectionality lat)
373             throws GTUException, ParameterException
374     {
375         updateLaneChangePossibility(lane, lat, true, this.legalLaneChangePossibility);
376     }
378     /** {@inheritDoc} */
379     @Override
380     public final void updatePhysicalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane lane, final LateralDirectionality lat)
381             throws GTUException, ParameterException
382     {
383         updateLaneChangePossibility(lane, lat, false, this.physicalLaneChangePossibility);
384     }
386     /**
387      * Updates the distance over which lane changes remains legally or physically possible.
388      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane from which the lane change possibility is requested
389      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; LEFT or RIGHT, null not allowed
390      * @param legal boolean; legal, or physical otherwise
391      * @param possibilityMap
392      *            Map&lt;RelativeLane,Map&lt;LateralDirectionality,TimeStampedObject&lt;LaneChangePossibility&gt;&gt;&gt;;
393      *            Map&lt;RelativeLane,Map&lt;LateralDirectionality,TimeStampedObject&lt;LaneChangePossibility&gt;&gt;&gt;; legal
394      *            or physical possibility map
395      * @throws GTUException if the GTU was not initialized or if the lane is not in the cross section
396      * @throws ParameterException if a parameter is not defined
397      */
398     private void updateLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane lane, final LateralDirectionality lat, final boolean legal,
399             final Map<RelativeLane, Map<LateralDirectionality, TimeStampedObject<LaneChangePossibility>>> possibilityMap)
400             throws GTUException, ParameterException
401     {
402         updateCrossSection();
403         checkLaneIsInCrossSection(lane);
405         if (possibilityMap.get(lane) == null)
406         {
407             possibilityMap.put(lane, new LinkedHashMap<>());
408         }
409         LaneStructureRecord record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getFirstRecord(lane);
410         // check tail
411         Length tail = getPerception().getGtu().getRear().getDx();
412         while (record != null && record.getStartDistance().gt(tail) && !record.getPrev().isEmpty() && ((lat.isLeft() && record
413             .possibleLeft(legal)) || (lat.isRight() && record.possibleRight(legal))))
414         {
415             if (record.getPrev().size() > 1)
416             {
417                 // assume not possible at a merge
418                 possibilityMap.get(lane).put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(new LaneChangePossibility(record.getPrev().get(0),
419                     tail, true), getTimestamp()));
420                 return;
421             }
422             else if (record.getPrev().isEmpty())
423             {
424                 // dead-end, no lane upwards prevents a lane change
425                 break;
426             }
427             record = record.getPrev().get(0);
428             if ((lat.isLeft() && !record.possibleLeft(legal)) || (lat.isRight() && !record.possibleRight(legal)))
429             {
430                 // this lane prevents a lane change for the tail
431                 possibilityMap.get(lane).put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(new LaneChangePossibility(record, tail, true),
432                     getTimestamp()));
433                 return;
434             }
435         }
437         LaneStructureRecord prevRecord = null;
438         record = getPerception().getLaneStructure().getFirstRecord(lane);
440         Length dx;
441         if ((lat.isLeft() && record.possibleLeft(legal)) || (lat.isRight() && record.possibleRight(legal)))
442         {
443             dx = getPerception().getGtu().getFront().getDx();
444             while (record != null && ((lat.isLeft() && record.possibleLeft(legal)) || (lat.isRight() && record.possibleRight(
445                 legal))))
446             {
447                 // TODO: splits
448                 prevRecord = record;
449                 record = record.getNext().isEmpty() ? null : record.getNext().get(0);
450             }
451         }
452         else
453         {
454             dx = getPerception().getGtu().getRear().getDx();
455             while (record != null && ((lat.isLeft() && !record.possibleLeft(legal)) || (lat.isRight() && !record.possibleRight(
456                 legal))))
457             {
458                 // TODO: splits
459                 prevRecord = record;
460                 record = record.getNext().isEmpty() ? null : record.getNext().get(0);
461             }
462         }
463         possibilityMap.get(lane).put(lat, new TimeStampedObject<>(new LaneChangePossibility(prevRecord, dx, true),
464             getTimestamp()));
465     }
467     /**
468      * @param lane RelativeLane; lane to check
469      * @throws GTUException if the lane is not in the cross section
470      */
471     private void checkLaneIsInCrossSection(final RelativeLane lane) throws GTUException
472     {
473         Throw.when(!getCrossSection().contains(lane), GTUException.class,
474             "The requeasted lane %s is not in the most recent cross section.", lane);
475     }
477     /** {@inheritDoc} */
478     @Override
479     public final void updateCrossSection() throws GTUException, ParameterException
480     {
481         if (this.crossSection != null && this.crossSection.getTimestamp().equals(getTimestamp()))
482         {
483             // already done at this time
484             return;
485         }
486         this.crossSection = new TimeStampedObject<>(getPerception().getLaneStructure().getExtendedCrossSection(),
487             getTimestamp());
488     }
490     /** {@inheritDoc} */
491     @Override
492     public final SortedSet<InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo> getInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(final RelativeLane lane)
493     {
494         return this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.get(lane).getObject();
495     }
497     /** {@inheritDoc} */
498     @Override
499     public final SpeedLimitProspect getSpeedLimitProspect(final RelativeLane lane)
500     {
501         return this.speedLimitProspect.get(lane).getObject();
502     }
504     /** {@inheritDoc} */
505     @Override
506     public final Length getLegalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane fromLane, final LateralDirectionality lat)
507     {
508         return this.legalLaneChangePossibility.get(fromLane).get(lat).getObject().getDistance(lat);
509     }
511     /** {@inheritDoc} */
512     @Override
513     public final Length getPhysicalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane fromLane, final LateralDirectionality lat)
514     {
515         return this.physicalLaneChangePossibility.get(fromLane).get(lat).getObject().getDistance(lat);
516     }
518     /** {@inheritDoc} */
519     @Override
520     public final SortedSet<RelativeLane> getCrossSection()
521     {
522         return this.crossSection.getObject();
523     }
525     /**
526      * Returns time stamped infrastructure lane change info of a lane. A set is returned as multiple points may force lane
527      * changes. Which point is considered most critical is a matter of driver interpretation and may change over time. This is
528      * shown below. Suppose vehicle A needs to take the off-ramp, and that behavior is that the minimum distance per required
529      * lane change determines how critical it is. First, 400m before the lane-drop, the off-ramp is critical. 300m downstream,
530      * the lane-drop is critical. Info is sorted by distance, closest first.
531      * 
532      * <pre>
533      * _______
534      * _ _A_ _\_________
535      * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
536      * _________ _ _ ___
537      *          \_______
538      *     (-)        Lane-drop: 1 lane change  in 400m (400m per lane change)
539      *     (--------) Off-ramp:  3 lane changes in 900m (300m per lane change, critical)
540      *     
541      *     (-)        Lane-drop: 1 lane change  in 100m (100m per lane change, critical)
542      *     (--------) Off-ramp:  3 lane changes in 600m (200m per lane change)
543      * </pre>
544      * 
545      * @param lane RelativeLane; relative lateral lane
546      * @return time stamped infrastructure lane change info of a lane
547      */
548     public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<InfrastructureLaneChangeInfo>> getTimeStampedInfrastructureLaneChangeInfo(
549             final RelativeLane lane)
550     {
551         return this.infrastructureLaneChangeInfo.get(lane);
552     }
554     /**
555      * Returns the time stamped prospect for speed limits on a lane (dynamic speed limits may vary between lanes).
556      * @param lane RelativeLane; relative lateral lane
557      * @return time stamped prospect for speed limits on a lane
558      */
559     public final TimeStampedObject<SpeedLimitProspect> getTimeStampedSpeedLimitProspect(final RelativeLane lane)
560     {
561         return this.speedLimitProspect.get(lane);
562     }
564     /**
565      * Returns the time stamped distance over which a lane change remains legally possible.
566      * @param fromLane RelativeLane; lane from which the lane change possibility is requested
567      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; LEFT or RIGHT, null not allowed
568      * @return time stamped distance over which a lane change remains possible
569      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat == null}
570      */
571     public final TimeStampedObject<Length> getTimeStampedLegalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane fromLane,
572             final LateralDirectionality lat)
573     {
574         TimeStampedObject<LaneChangePossibility> tsLcp = this.legalLaneChangePossibility.get(fromLane).get(lat);
575         LaneChangePossibility lcp = tsLcp.getObject();
576         return new TimeStampedObject<>(lcp.getDistance(lat), tsLcp.getTimestamp());
577     }
579     /**
580      * Returns the time stamped distance over which a lane change remains physically possible.
581      * @param fromLane RelativeLane; lane from which the lane change possibility is requested
582      * @param lat LateralDirectionality; LEFT or RIGHT, null not allowed
583      * @return time stamped distance over which a lane change remains possible
584      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code lat == null}
585      */
586     public final TimeStampedObject<Length> getTimeStampedPhysicalLaneChangePossibility(final RelativeLane fromLane,
587             final LateralDirectionality lat)
588     {
589         TimeStampedObject<LaneChangePossibility> tsLcp = this.physicalLaneChangePossibility.get(fromLane).get(lat);
590         LaneChangePossibility lcp = tsLcp.getObject();
591         return new TimeStampedObject<>(lcp.getDistance(lat), tsLcp.getTimestamp());
592     }
594     /**
595      * Returns a time stamped set of relative lanes representing the cross section. Lanes are sorted left to right.
596      * @return time stamped set of relative lanes representing the cross section
597      */
598     public final TimeStampedObject<SortedSet<RelativeLane>> getTimeStampedCrossSection()
599     {
600         return this.crossSection;
601     }
603     /** {@inheritDoc} */
604     @Override
605     public final String toString()
606     {
607         return "DirectInfrastructurePerception";
608     }
610     /**
611      * Helper class to return the distance over which a lane change is or is not possible. The distance is based on a
612      * LaneStructureRecord, and does not need an update as such.
613      * <p>
614      * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
615      * <br>
616      * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
617      * <p>
618      * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version 14 feb. 2018 <br>
619      * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
620      * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
621      * @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
622      */
623     private class LaneChangePossibility
624     {
626         /** Structure the end of which determines the available distance. */
627         private final LaneStructureRecord record;
629         /** Relative distance towards nose or tail. */
630         private final double dx;
632         /** Whether to apply legal accessibility. */
633         private final boolean legal;
635         /**
636          * @param record LaneStructureRecord; structure the end of which determines the available distance
637          * @param dx Length; relative distance towards nose or tail
638          * @param legal boolean; whether to apply legal accessibility
639          */
640         LaneChangePossibility(final LaneStructureRecord record, final Length dx, final boolean legal)
641         {
642             this.record = record;
643             this.dx =;
644    = legal;
645         }
647         /**
648          * Returns the distance over which a lane change is (&gt;0) or is not (&lt;0) possible.
649          * @param lat LateralDirectionality; lateral direction
650          * @return Length distance over which a lane change is (&gt;0) or is not (&lt;0) possible
651          */
652         final Length getDistance(final LateralDirectionality lat)
653         {
654             double d = this.record.getStartDistance().si + this.record.getLane().getLength().si - this.dx;
655             if ((lat.isLeft() && this.record.possibleLeft( || (lat.isRight() && this.record.possibleRight(
657             {
658                 return Length.instantiateSI(d); // possible over d
659             }
660             return Length.instantiateSI(-d); // not possible over d
661         }
663     }
665 }