CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.3.5.


File Line
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagram.java 296
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagramLane.java 286

     * Set up a JFreeChart axis.
     * @param valueAxis ValueAxis; the axis to set up
     * @param axis Axis; the Axis that provides the data to setup the ValueAxis
    private static void configureAxis(final ValueAxis valueAxis, final Axis axis)
        valueAxis.setLabel("\u2192 " + axis.getName());
        valueAxis.setRange(axis.getMinimumValue().getInUnit(), axis.getMaximumValue().getInUnit());

     * Redraw this TrajectoryGraph (after the underlying data has been changed, or to change axes).
    public final void reGraph()
        NumberAxis numberAxis = new NumberAxis();
        configureAxis(numberAxis, this.xAxis);
        this.chartPanel.getPlot().axisChanged(new AxisChangeEvent(numberAxis));
        numberAxis = new NumberAxis();
        configureAxis(numberAxis, this.yAxis);
        this.chartPanel.getPlot().axisChanged(new AxisChangeEvent(numberAxis));
        notifyListeners(new DatasetChangeEvent(this, null)); // This guess work actually works!

     * Notify interested parties of an event affecting this TrajectoryPlot.
     * @param event DatasetChangedEvent
    private void notifyListeners(final DatasetChangeEvent event)
        for (DatasetChangeListener dcl : this.listenerList.getListeners(DatasetChangeListener.class))

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final int getSeriesCount()
        return 1;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Comparable<Integer> getSeriesKey(final int series)
        return series;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final int indexOf(final Comparable seriesKey)
        if (seriesKey instanceof Integer)
            return (Integer) seriesKey;
        return -1;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void addChangeListener(final DatasetChangeListener listener)
        this.listenerList.add(DatasetChangeListener.class, listener);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void removeChangeListener(final DatasetChangeListener listener)
        this.listenerList.remove(DatasetChangeListener.class, listener);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final DatasetGroup getGroup()
        return this.datasetGroup;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void setGroup(final DatasetGroup group)
        this.datasetGroup = group;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final DomainOrder getDomainOrder()
        return DomainOrder.ASCENDING;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final int getItemCount(final int series)
        return this.samples.size();

     * Retrieve a value from the recorded samples.
     * @param item Integer; the rank number of the sample
     * @param axis Axis; the axis that determines which quantity to retrieve
     * @return Double; the requested value, or Double.NaN if the sample does not (yet) exist
    private Double getSample(final int item, final Axis axis)
        if (item >= this.samples.size())
            return Double.NaN;
        double result = this.samples.get(item).getValue(axis);
        System.out.println(String.format("getSample(item=%d, axis=%s) returns %f", item, axis.name,
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Number getX(final int series, final int item)
        return getXValue(series, item);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final double getXValue(final int series, final int item)
        return getSample(item, this.xAxis);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Number getY(final int series, final int item)
        return getYValue(series, item);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final double getYValue(final int series, final int item)
        return getSample(item, this.yAxis);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\DefaultSimplePerception.java 645
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\NeighborsPerception.java 665

    /**************************************************** HEADWAY ALGORITHMS **************************************************/

     * Determine which GTU is in front of this GTU. This method looks in all lanes where this GTU is registered, and not further
     * than the value of the given maxDistance. The minimum headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is registered. When
     * no GTU is found within the given maxDistance, a HeadwayGTU with <b>null</b> as the gtuId and maxDistance as the distance
     * is returned. The search will extend into successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the
     * lane. When Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) diverge, a route planner may be used to determine which kinks and
     * lanes to take into account and which ones not. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel"
     * traffic is not taken into account in the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent
     * should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a front-to-back basis.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; positive values search forwards; negative values
     *            search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway forwardHeadway(final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        LanePathInfo lpi = getLanePathInfo();
        return forwardHeadway(lpi, maxDistance);

     * Determine which GTU is in front of this GTU. This method uses a given lanePathInfo to look forward, but not further than
     * the value of the given maxDistance. The minimum headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is registered. When no GTU
     * is found within the given maxDistance, a HeadwayGTU with <b>null</b> as the gtuId and maxDistance as the distance is
     * returned. The search will extend into successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the
     * lane. When Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) diverge, a route planner may be used to determine which kinks and
     * lanes to take into account and which ones not. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel"
     * traffic is not taken into account in the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent
     * should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a front-to-back basis.
     * @param lpi the lanePathInfo object that informs the headway algorithm in which lanes to look, and from which position on
     *            the first lane.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; positive values search forwards; negative values
     *            search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway forwardHeadway(final LanePathInfo lpi, final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        Throw.when(maxDistance.le(Length.ZERO), GTUException.class, "forwardHeadway: maxDistance should be positive");

        int ldIndex = 0;
        LaneDirection ld = lpi.getReferenceLaneDirection();
        double gtuPosFrontSI = lpi.getReferencePosition().si;
        if (lpi.getReferenceLaneDirection().getDirection().isPlus())
            gtuPosFrontSI += getGtu().getFront().getDx().si;
            gtuPosFrontSI -= getGtu().getFront().getDx().si;

        // TODO end of lanepath

        while ((gtuPosFrontSI > ld.getLane().getLength().si || gtuPosFrontSI < 0.0)
                && ldIndex < lpi.getLaneDirectionList().size() - 1)
            if (ld.getDirection().isPlus()) // e.g. 1005 on length of lane = 1000
                if (lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getDirection().isPlus())
                    gtuPosFrontSI -= ld.getLane().getLength().si;
                    gtuPosFrontSI = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getLane().getLength().si - gtuPosFrontSI;
                ld = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex);
            // e.g. -5 on lane of whatever length
                if (lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getDirection().isPlus())
                    gtuPosFrontSI += ld.getLane().getLength().si;
                    gtuPosFrontSI += lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex).getLane().getLength().si;
                ld = lpi.getLaneDirectionList().get(ldIndex);
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\DefaultSimplePerception.java 849
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\NeighborsPerception.java 822

     * Calculate the minimum headway, possibly on subsequent lanes, in backward direction (so between our back, and the other
     * GTU's front). Note: this method returns a POSITIVE number.
     * @param lane the lane where we are looking right now
     * @param direction the direction we are driving on that lane
     * @param lanePositionSI from which position on this lane do we start measuring? This is the current position of the rear of
     *            the GTU when we measure in the lane where the original GTU is positioned, and lane.getLength() for each
     *            subsequent lane.
     * @param cumDistanceSI the distance we have already covered searching on previous lanes. Note: This is a POSITIVE number.
     * @param maxDistanceSI the maximum distance to look for in SI units; stays the same in subsequent calls. Note: this is a
     *            POSITIVE number.
     * @param when the current or future time for which to calculate the headway
     * @return the headway in SI units when we have found the GTU, or a null GTU with a distance of Double.MAX_VALUE meters when
     *         no other GTU could not be found within maxDistanceSI meters
     * @throws GTUException when there is a problem with the geometry of the network
    private Headway headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(final Lane lane, final GTUDirectionality direction, final double lanePositionSI,
            final double cumDistanceSI, final double maxDistanceSI, final Time when) throws GTUException
        LaneBasedGTU otherGTU =
                lane.getGtuBehind(new Length(lanePositionSI, LengthUnit.SI), direction, RelativePosition.FRONT, when);
        if (otherGTU != null)
            double distanceM = cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI - otherGTU.position(lane, otherGTU.getFront(), when).getSI();
            if (distanceM > 0 && distanceM <= maxDistanceSI)
                return new HeadwayGTUSimple(otherGTU.getId(), otherGTU.getGTUType(), new Length(distanceM, LengthUnit.SI),
                        otherGTU.getLength(), otherGTU.getSpeed(), null);
            return new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);

        // Continue search on predecessor lanes.
        if (cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI < maxDistanceSI)
            // is there a predecessor link?
            if (lane.prevLanes(getGtu().getGTUType()).size() > 0)
                Headway foundMaxGTUDistanceSI = new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);
                for (Lane prevLane : lane.prevLanes(getGtu().getGTUType()).keySet())
                    // What is behind us is INDEPENDENT of the followed route!
                    double traveledDistanceSI = cumDistanceSI + lanePositionSI;
                    // WRONG - adapt method to forward perception method!
                    Headway closest = headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(prevLane, direction, prevLane.getLength().getSI(),
                            traveledDistanceSI, maxDistanceSI, when);
                    if (closest.getDistance().si < maxDistanceSI
                            && closest.getDistance().si < foundMaxGTUDistanceSI.getDistance().si)
                        foundMaxGTUDistanceSI = closest;
                return foundMaxGTUDistanceSI;

        // No other GTU was not on one of the current lanes or their successors.
        return new HeadwayDistance(Double.MAX_VALUE);
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\DefaultSimplePerception.java 807
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\perception\categories\NeighborsPerception.java 785

     * Determine which GTU is behind this GTU. This method looks in all lanes where this GTU is registered, and not further back
     * than the absolute value of the given maxDistance. The minimum net headway is returned of all Lanes where the GTU is
     * registered. When no GTU is found within the given maxDistance, <b>null</b> is returned. The search will extend into
     * successive lanes if the maxDistance is larger than the remaining length on the lane. When Lanes (or underlying
     * CrossSectionLinks) diverge, the headway algorithms have to look at multiple Lanes and return the minimum headway in each
     * of the Lanes. When the Lanes (or underlying CrossSectionLinks) converge, "parallel" traffic is not taken into account in
     * the headway calculation. Instead, gap acceptance algorithms or their equivalent should guide the merging behavior.<br>
     * <b>Note:</b> Headway is the net headway and calculated on a back-to-front basis.
     * @param maxDistance the maximum distance to look for the nearest GTU; it should have a negative value to search backwards
     * @return HeadwayGTU; the headway and the GTU information
     * @throws GTUException when there is an error with the next lanes in the network.
     * @throws NetworkException when there is a problem with the route planner
    private Headway backwardHeadway(final Length maxDistance) throws GTUException, NetworkException
        Throw.when(maxDistance.ge(Length.ZERO), GTUException.class, "backwardHeadway: maxDistance should be negative");
        Time time = getGtu().getSimulator().getSimulatorTime().getTime();
        double maxDistanceSI = maxDistance.si;
        Headway foundHeadway = new HeadwayDistance(-maxDistanceSI);
        for (Lane lane : getGtu().positions(getGtu().getRear()).keySet())
            Headway closest = headwayRecursiveBackwardSI(lane, getGtu().getDirection(lane),
                    getGtu().position(lane, getGtu().getRear(), time).getSI(), 0.0, -maxDistanceSI, time);
            if (closest.getDistance().si < -maxDistanceSI && closest.getDistance().si < -foundHeadway.getDistance().si)
                foundHeadway = closest;
        if (foundHeadway instanceof AbstractHeadwayGTU)
            return new HeadwayGTUSimple(foundHeadway.getId(), ((AbstractHeadwayGTU) foundHeadway).getGtuType(),
                    foundHeadway.getDistance().multiplyBy(-1.0), foundHeadway.getLength(), foundHeadway.getSpeed(), null);
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagram.java 208
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagramLane.java 194
            void updateHint(final double domainValue, final double rangeValue)
                if (Double.isNaN(domainValue))
                    setStatusText(" ");
                String s1 = String.format(getXAxisFormat(), domainValue);
                String s2 = String.format(getYAxisFormat(), rangeValue);
                setStatusText(s1 + ", " + s2);

        final JMenu subMenu = new JMenu("Set layout");
        final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
        final JRadioButtonMenuItem defaultItem = addMenuItem(subMenu, group, getDensityAxis(), this.flowAxis, true);
        addMenuItem(subMenu, group, this.flowAxis, this.speedAxis, false);
        addMenuItem(subMenu, group, this.densityAxis, this.speedAxis, false);
        actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, defaultItem.getActionCommand()));
        final JPopupMenu popupMenu = cp.getPopupMenu();
        popupMenu.insert(subMenu, 0);
        this.add(cp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        this.statusLabel = new JLabel(" ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
        this.add(this.statusLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagram.java 523
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FundamentalDiagramLane.java 438

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent actionEvent)
        final String command = actionEvent.getActionCommand();
        // System.out.println("command is \"" + command + "\"");
        final String[] fields = command.split("[/]");
        if (fields.length == 2)
            for (String field : fields)
                if (field.equalsIgnoreCase(this.densityAxis.getShortName()))
                    if (field == fields[0])
                        this.yAxis = this.densityAxis;
                        this.xAxis = this.densityAxis;
                else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase(this.flowAxis.getShortName()))
                    if (field == fields[0])
                        this.yAxis = this.flowAxis;
                        this.xAxis = this.flowAxis;
                else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase(this.speedAxis.getShortName()))
                    if (field == fields[0])
                        this.yAxis = this.speedAxis;
                        this.xAxis = this.speedAxis;
                    throw new Error("Cannot find axis name: " + field);
            throw new Error("Unknown ActionEvent");
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\following\IDMOld.java 78
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\following\IDMPlusOld.java 84
    public IDMOld(final Acceleration a, final Acceleration b, final Length s0, final Duration tSafe, final double delta)
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.s0 = s0;
        this.tSafe = tSafe;
        this.delta = delta;

     * Desired speed (taking into account the urge to drive a little faster or slower than the posted speed limit).
     * @param speedLimit DoubleScalarAbs&lt;SpeedUnit&gt;; the speed limit
     * @param followerMaximumSpeed Speed; the maximum speed that the follower can drive
     * @return DoubleScalarRel&lt;SpeedUnit&gt;; the desired speed
    private Speed vDes(final Speed speedLimit, final Speed followerMaximumSpeed)
        return new Speed(Math.min(this.delta * speedLimit.getSI(), followerMaximumSpeed.getSI()), SpeedUnit.SI);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Acceleration computeAcceleration(final Speed followerSpeed, final Speed followerMaximumSpeed,
        final Speed leaderSpeed, final Length headway, final Speed speedLimit)
        return computeAcceleration(followerSpeed, followerMaximumSpeed, leaderSpeed, headway, speedLimit, this.stepSize);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Acceleration computeAcceleration(final Speed followerSpeed, final Speed followerMaximumSpeed,
        final Speed leaderSpeed, final Length headway, final Speed speedLimit, final Duration stepSize)
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\following\IDMOld.java 157
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\following\IDMPlusOld.java 175

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final String getLongName()
        return String.format("%s (a=%.1fm/s\u00b2, b=%.1fm/s\u00b2, s0=%.1fm, tSafe=%.1fs, delta=%.2f)", getName(), this.a
            .getSI(), this.b.getSI(), this.s0.getSI(), this.tSafe.getSI(), this.delta);

    // The following is inherited from CarFollowingModel

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Speed desiredSpeed(final BehavioralCharacteristics behavioralCharacteristics, final SpeedLimitInfo speedInfo)
        throws ParameterException
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Length desiredHeadway(final BehavioralCharacteristics behavioralCharacteristics, final Speed speed)
        throws ParameterException
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Acceleration followingAcceleration(final BehavioralCharacteristics behavioralCharacteristics,
        final Speed speed, final SpeedLimitInfo speedInfo, final SortedMap<Length, Speed> leaders) throws ParameterException
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final String toString()
        return "IDMOld [s0=" + this.s0 + ", a=" + this.a + ", b=" + this.b + ", tSafe=" + this.tSafe + ", stepSize="
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\ContourPlot.java 131
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\TrajectoryPlot.java 135
        for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++)
            Lane lane = path.get(i);
            lane.addListener(this, Lane.GTU_ADD_EVENT, true);
            lane.addListener(this, Lane.GTU_REMOVE_EVENT, true);
                // register the current GTUs on the lanes (if any) for statistics sampling.
                for (LaneBasedGTU gtu : lane.getGtuList())
                    notify(new TimedEvent<OTSSimTimeDouble>(Lane.GTU_ADD_EVENT, lane, new Object[] { gtu.getId(), gtu },
            catch (RemoteException exception)
            cumulativeLength += lane.getLength().getSI();
            endLengths[i] = cumulativeLength;
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\network\factory\LaneFactory.java 218
org\opentrafficsim\road\network\factory\LaneFactory.java 291
        final CrossSectionLink link = makeLink(network, name, from, to, intermediatePoints, direction);
        Lane[] result = new Lane[laneCount];
        Length width = new Length(4.0, LengthUnit.METER);
        for (int laneIndex = 0; laneIndex < laneCount; laneIndex++)
            // Be ware! LEFT is lateral positive, RIGHT is lateral negative.
            Length latPosAtStart = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtStart) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
            Length latPosAtEnd = new Length((-0.5 - laneIndex - laneOffsetAtEnd) * width.getSI(), LengthUnit.SI);
            result[laneIndex] = makeLane(link, "lane." + laneIndex, laneType, latPosAtStart, latPosAtEnd, width, speedLimit,
                    simulator, direction);
        return result;
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner.java 389
org\opentrafficsim\road\gtu\lane\tactical\AbstractLaneBasedTacticalPlanner.java 543
            if (lastGtuDir.equals(GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS))
                if (lastLink.getEndNode().equals(link.getStartNode()))
                    // -----> O ----->, GTU moves ---->
                    lastGtuDir = GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS;
                    lastNode = lastLink.getEndNode();
                    // -----> O <-----, GTU moves ---->
                    lastGtuDir = GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS;
                    lastNode = lastLink.getEndNode();
                if (lastLink.getStartNode().equals(link.getStartNode()))
                    // <----- O ----->, GTU moves ---->
                    lastNode = lastLink.getStartNode();
                    lastGtuDir = GTUDirectionality.DIR_PLUS;
                    // <----- O <-----, GTU moves ---->
                    lastNode = lastLink.getStartNode();
                    lastGtuDir = GTUDirectionality.DIR_MINUS;
            lastLink = links.iterator().next();
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\road\network\lane\changing\OvertakingConditions.java 380
org\opentrafficsim\road\network\lane\changing\OvertakingConditions.java 442
        public LeftSet(final Collection<GTUType> overtakingGTUs, final Collection<GTUType> overtakenGTUs)
            this.overtakingGTUs = overtakingGTUs;
            this.overtakenGTUs = overtakenGTUs;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public final OvertakingDirection checkOvertaking(final Lane lane, final LaneBasedGTU gtu,
                final LaneBasedGTU predecessorGTU)
            if ((this.overtakingGTUs.contains(GTUType.ALL) || this.overtakingGTUs.contains(gtu.getGTUType())
                    && (this.overtakenGTUs.contains(GTUType.ALL) || this.overtakenGTUs.contains(predecessorGTU.getGTUType()))))
                return OvertakingDirection.LEFT;
File Line
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\FlowContourPlot.java 74
org\opentrafficsim\graphs\SpeedContourPlot.java 82
                this.cumulativeLengths.add(new MutablePositionVector(new double[this.getYAxis().getBinCount()],
                    LengthUnit.METER, StorageType.DENSE));
            catch (ValueException exception)

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void incrementBinData(final int timeBin, final int distanceBin, final double duration,
        final double distanceCovered, final double acceleration)
        if (timeBin < 0 || distanceBin < 0 || 0 == duration || distanceBin >= this.getYAxis().getBinCount())