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Classes to connect driver behavior with many different aspects that govern the desired speed.

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Package Description

Classes to connect driver behavior with many different aspects that govern the desired speed. This constitutes both legal and physical speed limits.

Each aspect is defined in a SpeedLimitType<T>, where T is the class of underlying info, generally referred to as Speed Info or with the parameter name speedInfo. Often, T will be Speed. For this purpose the easier SpeedLimitTypeSpeed should be used. A distinction between legal and non-legal speed limit types is made. For legal speed limit types implement interface LegalSpeedLimit. For legal speed limits which have Speed as info, extend SpeedLimitTypeSpeedLegal. A list of default SpeedLimitType's can be found in SpeedLimitTypes.

At any time a set of SpeedLimitType's may be active with an accompanying set of Speed Info's of whatever class. This information is stored in SpeedLimitInfo. Based on such a set, driver models can derive current desired speed.

However, deceleration for lower speed limits ahead may also be required. For this purpose SpeedLimitType's and accompanying Speed Info's are stored together with a distance in a SpeedLimitProspect. Suggested use of this class is:

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$Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version May 3, 2016
Alexander Verbraeck, Wouter Schakel
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