package org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry;
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* <p>
* @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Aug 16, 2018 <br>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
* @author <a href="">Wouter Schakel</a>
public final class IntersectionProblem
* Cannot be instantiated.
private IntersectionProblem()
// Not reached
* Computed intersection is way off.
* @param args String[]; command line arguments (not used)
* @throws OTSGeometryException ...
public static void main(final String[] args) throws OTSGeometryException
final OTSLine3D lineA = new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D(426330.98352154676, 4581381.654110057),
new OTSPoint3D(426330.99232492544, 4581381.6609363835));
// final OTSLine3D lineB =
// new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D(426330.9891418501, 4581381.65846816), new OTSPoint3D(426330.3763622642,
// 4581382.44872203));
final OTSLine3D lineB = new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D(426330.98915, 4581381.65846816),
new OTSPoint3D(426330.3763622642, 4581382.44872203));
OTSPoint3D intersection =
OTSPoint3D.intersectionOfLines(lineA.getFirst(), lineA.getLast(), lineB.getFirst(), lineB.getLast());
"Determinant values are " + (lineA.getFirst().x - lineA.getLast().x) * (lineB.getFirst().y - lineB.getLast().y)
+ " - " + (lineA.getFirst().y - lineA.getLast().y) * (lineB.getFirst().x - lineB.getLast().x));
System.out.println("Determinant values are (" + lineA.getFirst().x + " - " + lineA.getLast().x + ") * ("
+ lineB.getFirst().y + " - " + lineB.getLast().y + ") \n\t\t- (" + lineA.getFirst().y + " - "
+ lineA.getLast().y + ") * (" + lineB.getFirst().x + " - " + lineB.getLast().x + "0");
System.out.println("intersection of " + lineA + " and " + lineB + " is at (" + intersection.x + "," + intersection.y
+ "," + intersection.z + ")");
intersection =
OTSPoint3D.intersectionOfLineSegments(lineA.getFirst(), lineA.getLast(), lineB.getFirst(), lineB.getLast());
System.out.println("intersection of " + lineA + " and " + lineB + " is at (" + intersection.x + "," + intersection.y
+ "," + intersection.z + ")");