
package org.opentrafficsim.core.geometry;

import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.opentrafficsim.base.logger.Cat;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.logger.SimLogger;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.network.NetworkException;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.buffer.BufferParameters;

 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="http://opentrafficsim.org/docs/license.html">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * <p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-16 10:20:53 +0200 (Thu, 16 Jul 2015) $, @version $Revision: 1124 $, by $Author: pknoppers $,
 * initial version Jul 22, 2015 <br>
 * @author <a href="http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="http://www.tudelft.nl/pknoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class OTSBufferingJTS
    /** Precision of buffer operations. */
    private static final int QUADRANTSEGMENTS = 16;

    private OTSBufferingJTS()
        // cannot be instantiated.

     * normalize an angle between 0 and 2 * PI.
     * @param angle original angle.
     * @return angle between 0 and 2 * PI.
    private static double norm(final double angle)
        double normalized = angle % (2 * Math.PI);
        if (normalized < 0.0)
            normalized += 2 * Math.PI;
        return normalized;

     * @param c1 first coordinate
     * @param c2 second coordinate
     * @return the normalized angle of the line between c1 and c2
    private static double angle(final Coordinate c1, final Coordinate c2)
        return norm(Math.atan2(c2.y - c1.y, c2.x - c1.x));

     * Compute the distance of a line segment to a point. If the the projected points lies outside the line segment, the nearest
     * end point of the line segment is returned. Otherwise the point return lies between the end points of the line segment.
     * <br>
     * Adapted from <a href="http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/DistancePoint.java"> example code provided by Paul
     * Bourke</a>.
     * @param lineP1 OTSPoint3D; start of line segment
     * @param lineP2 OTSPoint3D; end of line segment
     * @param point Point to project onto the line segment
     * @return double; the distance of the projected point or one of the end points of the line segment to the point
    public static double distanceLineSegmentToPoint(final OTSPoint3D lineP1, final OTSPoint3D lineP2, final OTSPoint3D point)
        return closestPointOnSegmentToPoint(lineP1, lineP2, point).distanceSI(point);

     * Project a point on a line (2D). If the the projected points lies outside the line segment, the nearest end point of the
     * line segment is returned. Otherwise the point return lies between the end points of the line segment. <br>
     * Adapted from <a href="http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/DistancePoint.java"> example code provided by Paul
     * Bourke</a>.
     * @param lineP1 OTSPoint3D; start of line segment
     * @param lineP2 OTSPoint3D; end of line segment
     * @param point Point to project onto the line segment
     * @return Point2D.Double; either <cite>lineP1</cite>, or <cite>lineP2</cite> or a new OTSPoint3D that lies somewhere in
     *         between those two
    public static OTSPoint3D closestPointOnSegmentToPoint(final OTSPoint3D lineP1, final OTSPoint3D lineP2,
            final OTSPoint3D point)
        double dX = lineP2.x - lineP1.x;
        double dY = lineP2.y - lineP1.y;
        if ((0 == dX) && (0 == dY))
            return lineP1;
        final double u = ((point.x - lineP1.x) * dX + (point.y - lineP1.y) * dY) / (dX * dX + dY * dY);
        if (u < 0)
            return lineP1;
        else if (u > 1)
            return lineP2;
            return new OTSPoint3D(lineP1.x + u * dX, lineP1.y + u * dY); // could use interpolate in stead

     * Construct parallel line without.
     * @param referenceLine OTSLine3D; the reference line
     * @param offset double; offset distance from the reference line; positive is LEFT, negative is RIGHT
     * @return OTSLine3D; the line that has the specified offset from the reference line
    public static OTSLine3D offsetLine(final OTSLine3D referenceLine, final double offset)
            double bufferOffset = Math.abs(offset);
            final double precision = 0.00001;
            if (bufferOffset < precision)
                return referenceLine; // It is immutable; so we can safely return the original
            final double circlePrecision = 0.001;
            List<OTSPoint3D> points = new ArrayList<>();
            // Make good use of the fact that an OTSLine3D cannot have consecutive duplicate points and has > 1 points
            OTSPoint3D prevPoint = referenceLine.get(0);
            Double prevAngle = null;
            for (int index = 0; index < referenceLine.size() - 1; index++)
                OTSPoint3D nextPoint = referenceLine.get(index + 1);
                double angle = Math.atan2(nextPoint.y - prevPoint.y, nextPoint.x - prevPoint.x);
                OTSPoint3D segmentFrom =
                        new OTSPoint3D(prevPoint.x - Math.sin(angle) * offset, prevPoint.y + Math.cos(angle) * offset);
                OTSPoint3D segmentTo =
                        new OTSPoint3D(nextPoint.x - Math.sin(angle) * offset, nextPoint.y + Math.cos(angle) * offset);
                if (index > 0)
                    double deltaAngle = angle - prevAngle;
                    if (Math.abs(deltaAngle) > Math.PI)
                        deltaAngle -= Math.signum(deltaAngle) * 2 * Math.PI;
                    if (deltaAngle * offset > 0)
                        // Inside of curve of reference line.
                        // Add the intersection point of each previous segment and the next segment
                        OTSPoint3D pPoint = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
                            OTSPoint3D p = points.get(i);
                            if (Double.isNaN(p.z))
                                continue; // skip this one
                            if (null != pPoint)
                                double pAngle = Math.atan2(p.y - pPoint.y, p.x - pPoint.x);
                                double totalAngle = angle - pAngle;
                                if (Math.abs(totalAngle) > Math.PI)
                                    totalAngle += Math.signum(totalAngle) * 2 * Math.PI;
                                if (Math.abs(totalAngle) > 0.01)
                                    // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, "preceding segment " + pPoint + " to " + p + ", this segment "
                                    // + segmentFrom + " to " + segmentTo + " totalAngle " + totalAngle);
                                    OTSPoint3D intermediatePoint =
                                            intersectionOfLineSegments(pPoint, p, segmentFrom, segmentTo);
                                    if (null != intermediatePoint)
                                        // mark it as added point at inside corner
                                        intermediatePoint =
                                                new OTSPoint3D(intermediatePoint.x, intermediatePoint.y, Double.NaN);
                                        // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, "Inserting intersection of preceding segment and this "
                                        // + "segment " + intermediatePoint);
                            pPoint = p;
                        // Outside of curve of reference line
                        // Approximate an arc using straight segments.
                        // Determine how many segments are needed.
                        int numSegments = 1;
                        if (Math.abs(deltaAngle) > Math.PI / 2)
                            numSegments = 2;
                        for (; numSegments < 1000; numSegments *= 2)
                            double maxError = bufferOffset * (1 - Math.abs(Math.cos(deltaAngle / numSegments / 2)));
                            if (maxError < circlePrecision)
                                break; // required precision reached
                        // Generate the intermediate points
                        for (int additionalPoint = 1; additionalPoint < numSegments; additionalPoint++)
                            double intermediateAngle =
                                    (additionalPoint * angle + (numSegments - additionalPoint) * prevAngle) / numSegments;
                            if (prevAngle * angle < 0 && Math.abs(prevAngle) > Math.PI / 2 && Math.abs(angle) > Math.PI / 2)
                                intermediateAngle += Math.PI;
                            OTSPoint3D intermediatePoint = new OTSPoint3D(prevPoint.x - Math.sin(intermediateAngle) * offset,
                                    prevPoint.y + Math.cos(intermediateAngle) * offset);
                            // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, "inserting intermediate point " + intermediatePoint + " for angle "
                            // + Math.toDegrees(intermediateAngle));
                prevPoint = nextPoint;
                prevAngle = angle;
            // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, OTSGeometry.printCoordinates("#before cleanup: \nc0,0,0\n#", new OTSLine3D(points), "\n
            // "));
            // Remove points that are closer than the specified offset
            for (int index = 1; index < points.size() - 1; index++)
                OTSPoint3D checkPoint = points.get(index);
                prevPoint = null;
                boolean tooClose = false;
                boolean somewhereAtCorrectDistance = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < referenceLine.size(); i++)
                    OTSPoint3D p = referenceLine.get(i);
                    if (null != prevPoint)
                        OTSPoint3D closestPoint = closestPointOnSegmentToPoint(prevPoint, p, checkPoint);
                        if (closestPoint != referenceLine.get(0) && closestPoint != referenceLine.get(referenceLine.size() - 1))
                            double distance = closestPoint.horizontalDistanceSI(checkPoint);
                            if (distance < bufferOffset - circlePrecision)
                                // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, "point " + checkPoint + " inside buffer (distance is " + distance +
                                // ")");
                                tooClose = true;
                            else if (distance < bufferOffset + precision)
                                somewhereAtCorrectDistance = true;
                    prevPoint = p;
                if (tooClose || !somewhereAtCorrectDistance)
                    // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, "Removing " + checkPoint);
            // Fix the z-coordinate of all points that were added as intersections of segments.
            for (int index = 0; index < points.size(); index++)
                OTSPoint3D p = points.get(index);
                if (Double.isNaN(p.z))
                    points.set(index, new OTSPoint3D(p.x, p.y, 0));
            return OTSLine3D.createAndCleanOTSLine3D(points);
        catch (OTSGeometryException exception)
            SimLogger.always().error(exception, "Exception in offsetLine - should never happen");
            return null;

     * Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments. Both line segments are defined by two points (that should be distinct).
     * @param line1P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 1
     * @param line1P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 1
     * @param line2P1 OTSPoint3D; first point of line 2
     * @param line2P2 OTSPoint3D; second point of line 2
     * @return OTSPoint3D; the intersection of the two lines, or null if the lines are (almost) parallel, or do not intersect
    private static OTSPoint3D intersectionOfLineSegments(final OTSPoint3D line1P1, final OTSPoint3D line1P2,
            final OTSPoint3D line2P1, final OTSPoint3D line2P2)
        double denominator =
                (line2P2.y - line2P1.y) * (line1P2.x - line1P1.x) - (line2P2.x - line2P1.x) * (line1P2.y - line1P1.y);
        if (denominator == 0f)
            return null; // lines are parallel (they might even be on top of each other, but we don't check that)
        double uA = ((line2P2.x - line2P1.x) * (line1P1.y - line2P1.y) - (line2P2.y - line2P1.y) * (line1P1.x - line2P1.x))
                / denominator;
        if ((uA < 0f) || (uA > 1f))
            return null; // intersection outside line 1
        double uB = ((line1P2.x - line1P1.x) * (line1P1.y - line2P1.y) - (line1P2.y - line1P1.y) * (line1P1.x - line2P1.x))
                / denominator;
        if (uB < 0 || uB > 1)
            return null; // intersection outside line 2
        return new OTSPoint3D(line1P1.x + uA * (line1P2.x - line1P1.x), line1P1.y + uA * (line1P2.y - line1P1.y), 0);

     * Generate a Geometry that has a fixed offset from a reference Geometry.
     * @param referenceLine Geometry; the reference line
     * @param offset double; offset distance from the reference line; positive is LEFT, negative is RIGHT
     * @return OTSLine3D; the line that has the specified offset from the reference line
     * @throws OTSGeometryException on failure
    public static OTSLine3D offsetGeometryOLD(final OTSLine3D referenceLine, final double offset) throws OTSGeometryException
        Coordinate[] referenceCoordinates = referenceLine.getCoordinates();
        // printCoordinates("reference", referenceCoordinates);
        double bufferOffset = Math.abs(offset);
        final double precision = 0.000001;
        if (bufferOffset < precision) // if this is not added, and offset = 1E-16: CRASH
            // return a copy of the reference line
            return new OTSLine3D(referenceCoordinates);
        Geometry geometryLine = referenceLine.getLineString();
        Coordinate[] bufferCoordinates =
                geometryLine.buffer(bufferOffset, QUADRANTSEGMENTS, BufferParameters.CAP_FLAT).getCoordinates();

        // Z coordinates may be NaN at this point

        // find the coordinate indices closest to the start point and end point,
        // at a distance of approximately the offset
        Coordinate sC0 = referenceCoordinates[0];
        Coordinate sC1 = referenceCoordinates[1];
        Coordinate eCm1 = referenceCoordinates[referenceCoordinates.length - 1];
        Coordinate eCm2 = referenceCoordinates[referenceCoordinates.length - 2];

        double expectedStartAngle = norm(angle(sC0, sC1) + Math.signum(offset) * Math.PI / 2.0);
        double expectedEndAngle = norm(angle(eCm2, eCm1) + Math.signum(offset) * Math.PI / 2.0);
        Coordinate sExpected = new Coordinate(sC0.x + bufferOffset * Math.cos(expectedStartAngle),
                sC0.y + bufferOffset * Math.sin(expectedStartAngle));
        Coordinate eExpected = new Coordinate(eCm1.x + bufferOffset * Math.cos(expectedEndAngle),
                eCm1.y + bufferOffset * Math.sin(expectedEndAngle));

        // which coordinates are closest to sExpected and eExpected?
        double dS = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double dE = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int sIndex = -1;
        int eIndex = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < bufferCoordinates.length; i++)
            Coordinate c = bufferCoordinates[i];
            double dsc = c.distance(sExpected);
            double dec = c.distance(eExpected);
            if (dsc < dS)
                dS = dsc;
                sIndex = i;
            if (dec < dE)
                dE = dec;
                eIndex = i;

        if (sIndex == -1)
            throw new OTSGeometryException("offsetGeometry: startIndex not found for line " + referenceLine);
        if (eIndex == -1)
            throw new OTSGeometryException("offsetGeometry: endIndex not found for line " + referenceLine);
        if (dS > 0.01)
            SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(referenceLine.toExcel() + "\n\n\n\n" + new OTSLine3D(bufferCoordinates).toExcel()
                    + "\n\n\n\n" + sExpected + "\n" + eExpected);
            throw new OTSGeometryException("offsetGeometry: startDistance too big (" + dS + ") for line " + referenceLine);
        if (dE > 0.01)
            throw new OTSGeometryException("offsetGeometry: endDistance too big (" + dE + ") for line " + referenceLine);

        // try positive direction
        boolean ok = true;
        int i = sIndex;
        Coordinate lastC = null;
        List<OTSPoint3D> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (ok)
            Coordinate c = bufferCoordinates[i];
            if (lastC != null && close(c, lastC, sC0, eCm1))
                ok = false;
            result.add(new OTSPoint3D(c));
            if (i == eIndex)
                return OTSLine3D.createAndCleanOTSLine3D(result);
            i = (i == bufferCoordinates.length - 1) ? 0 : i + 1;
            lastC = c;

        // try negative direction
        ok = true;
        i = sIndex;
        lastC = null;
        result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (ok)
            Coordinate c = bufferCoordinates[i];
            if (lastC != null && close(c, lastC, sC0, eCm1))
                ok = false;
            result.add(new OTSPoint3D(c));
            if (i == eIndex)
                return OTSLine3D.createAndCleanOTSLine3D(result);
            i = (i == 0) ? bufferCoordinates.length - 1 : i - 1;
            lastC = c;

        /*- SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, referenceLine.toExcel() + "\n\n\n\n" + new OTSLine3D(bufferCoordinates).toExcel()
            + "\n\n\n\n" + sExpected + "\n" + eExpected); */
        throw new OTSGeometryException("offsetGeometry: could not find offset in either direction for line " + referenceLine);

     * Check if the points check[] are close to the line [lineC1..LineC2].
     * @param lineC1 first point of the line
     * @param lineC2 second point of the line
     * @param check the coordinates to check
     * @return whether one of the points to check is close to the line.
    private static boolean close(final Coordinate lineC1, final Coordinate lineC2, final Coordinate... check)
        Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(lineC1.x, lineC1.y, lineC2.x, lineC2.y);
        for (Coordinate c : check)
            if (line.ptSegDist(c.x, c.y) < 0.01)
                return true;
        return false;

     * Create a line at linearly varying offset from a reference line. The offset may change linearly from its initial value at
     * the start of the reference line to its final offset value at the end of the reference line.
     * @param referenceLine Geometry; the Geometry of the reference line
     * @param offsetAtStart double; offset at the start of the reference line (positive value is Left, negative value is Right)
     * @param offsetAtEnd double; offset at the end of the reference line (positive value is Left, negative value is Right)
     * @return Geometry; the Geometry of the line at linearly changing offset of the reference line
     * @throws OTSGeometryException when this method fails to create the offset line
    public static OTSLine3D offsetLine(final OTSLine3D referenceLine, final double offsetAtStart, final double offsetAtEnd)
            throws OTSGeometryException
        // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, OTSGeometry.printCoordinates("#referenceLine: \nc1,0,0\n# offset at start is " +
        // offsetAtStart + " at end is " + offsetAtEnd + "\n#", referenceLine, "\n "));

        OTSLine3D offsetLineAtStart = offsetLine(referenceLine, offsetAtStart);
        if (offsetAtStart == offsetAtEnd)
            return offsetLineAtStart; // offset does not change
        // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, OTSGeometry.printCoordinates("#offset line at start: \nc0,0,0\n#", offsetLineAtStart,
        // "\n"));
        OTSLine3D offsetLineAtEnd = offsetLine(referenceLine, offsetAtEnd);
        // SimLogger.trace(Cat.CORE, OTSGeometry.printCoordinates("#offset line at end: \nc0.7,0.7,0.7\n#", offsetLineAtEnd,
        // "\n"));
        Geometry startGeometry = offsetLineAtStart.getLineString();
        Geometry endGeometry = offsetLineAtEnd.getLineString();
        LengthIndexedLine first = new LengthIndexedLine(startGeometry);
        double firstLength = startGeometry.getLength();
        LengthIndexedLine second = new LengthIndexedLine(endGeometry);
        double secondLength = endGeometry.getLength();
        ArrayList<Coordinate> out = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
        Coordinate[] firstCoordinates = startGeometry.getCoordinates();
        Coordinate[] secondCoordinates = endGeometry.getCoordinates();
        int firstIndex = 0;
        int secondIndex = 0;
        Coordinate prevCoordinate = null;
        final double tooClose = 0.05; // 5 cm
        while (firstIndex < firstCoordinates.length && secondIndex < secondCoordinates.length)
            double firstRatio = firstIndex < firstCoordinates.length ? first.indexOf(firstCoordinates[firstIndex]) / firstLength
                    : Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double secondRatio = secondIndex < secondCoordinates.length
                    ? second.indexOf(secondCoordinates[secondIndex]) / secondLength : Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double ratio;
            if (firstRatio < secondRatio)
                ratio = firstRatio;
                ratio = secondRatio;
            Coordinate firstCoordinate = first.extractPoint(ratio * firstLength);
            Coordinate secondCoordinate = second.extractPoint(ratio * secondLength);
            Coordinate resultCoordinate = new Coordinate((1 - ratio) * firstCoordinate.x + ratio * secondCoordinate.x,
                    (1 - ratio) * firstCoordinate.y + ratio * secondCoordinate.y);
            if (null == prevCoordinate || resultCoordinate.distance(prevCoordinate) > tooClose)
                prevCoordinate = resultCoordinate;
        Coordinate[] resultCoordinates = new Coordinate[out.size()];
        for (int index = 0; index < out.size(); index++)
            resultCoordinates[index] = out.get(index);
        return new OTSLine3D(resultCoordinates);

     * @param args args
     * @throws NetworkException on error
     * @throws OTSGeometryException on error
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NetworkException, OTSGeometryException
        // OTSLine3D line =
        // new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[]{new OTSPoint3D(-579.253, 60.157, 1.568),
        // new OTSPoint3D(-579.253, 60.177, 1.568)});
        // double offset = 4.83899987;
        // System.out.println(OTSBufferingOLD.offsetGeometryOLD(line, offset));
        OTSLine3D line = new OTSLine3D(new OTSPoint3D[] { new OTSPoint3D(-579.253, 60.157, 4.710),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.253, 60.144, 4.712), new OTSPoint3D(-579.253, 60.144, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.251, 60.044, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-579.246, 59.944, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.236, 59.845, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-579.223, 59.746, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.206, 59.647, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-579.185, 59.549, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.161, 59.452, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-579.133, 59.356, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.101, 59.261, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-579.066, 59.168, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-579.028, 59.075, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.986, 58.985, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.940, 58.896, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.891, 58.809, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.839, 58.723, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.784, 58.640, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.725, 58.559, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.664, 58.480, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.599, 58.403, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.532, 58.329, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.462, 58.258, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.390, 58.189, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.314, 58.123, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.237, 58.060, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-578.157, 58.000, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-578.075, 57.943, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.990, 57.889, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-577.904, 57.839, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.816, 57.791, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-577.726, 57.747, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.635, 57.707, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-577.542, 57.670, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.448, 57.636, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-577.352, 57.606, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.256, 57.580, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-577.159, 57.557, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-577.060, 57.538, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-576.962, 57.523, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-576.862, 57.512, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-576.763, 57.504, 0.000),
                new OTSPoint3D(-576.663, 57.500, 0.000), new OTSPoint3D(-576.623, 57.500, 6.278),
                new OTSPoint3D(-576.610, 57.500, 6.280), new OTSPoint3D(-567.499, 57.473, 6.280) });
        System.out.println(OTSBufferingJTS.offsetGeometryOLD(line, -1.831));