package org.opentrafficsim.core.gis;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.opentrafficsim.base.logger.Cat;
import org.opentrafficsim.core.logger.SimLogger;

 * Convert geographical coordinates between WGS84 and the Dutch RD (Rijksdriehoek) system. <br>
 * Specific MathTransform for WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to RD_new (EPSG:28992) conversions. Code based on C code by Peter Knoppers as
 * applied <a href="">here</a>, which is based on
 * <a href="">this</a> paper.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) ~2000-2018 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
 * <p>
 * @version $Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Aug 4, 2016 <br>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
 * @author Gert-Jan Stolk
public final class TransformWGS84DutchRDNew

    /** Western boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double WGS84_WEST_LIMIT = 3.2;

    /** Eastern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double WGS84_EAST_LIMIT = 7.3;

    /** Northern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double WGS84_SOUTH_LIMIT = 50.6;

    /** Southern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double WGS84_NORTH_LIMIT = 53.7;

    /** Western boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double RD_MINIMUM_X = 11000;

    /** Eastern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double RD_MAXIMUM_X = 280000;

    /** Southern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double RD_MINIMUM_Y = 300000;

    /** Northern boundary of the Dutch RD system. */
    private static final double RD_MAXIMUM_Y = 630000;

    /** This class is a utility class and instances cannot be constructed. */
    private TransformWGS84DutchRDNew()
        // This class is a utility class and instances cannot be constructed.

     * Convert from WGS84 to RD coordinates.
     * @param wgs84East double; Degrees East of Greenwich
     * @param wgs84North double; Degrees North of the equator
     * @return Point2D; equivalent location in the Dutch RD system
    private static Point2D.Double ellipswgs842rd(final double wgs84East, final double wgs84North)
        if (wgs84North > WGS84_NORTH_LIMIT || wgs84North < WGS84_SOUTH_LIMIT || wgs84East < WGS84_WEST_LIMIT
                || (wgs84East > WGS84_EAST_LIMIT))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ellipswgs842rd input out of range (" + wgs84East + ", " + wgs84North + ")");
        /** Coefficients for ellipswgs842rd. */
        final double[][] r = 
        { /* p down, q right */
            {  155000.00, 190094.945,   -0.008, -32.391, 0.0   , },
            {     -0.705, -11832.228,    0.0  ,   0.608, 0.0   , },
            {      0.0  ,   -114.221,    0.0  ,   0.148, 0.0   , },
            {      0.0  ,     -2.340,    0.0  ,   0.0  , 0.0   , },
            {      0.0  ,      0.0  ,    0.0  ,   0.0  , 0.0   , }
        final double[][] s = 
        { /* p down, q right */
            { 463000.00 ,      0.433, 3638.893,   0.0  ,  0.092, },
            { 309056.544,     -0.032, -157.984,   0.0  , -0.054, },
            {     73.077,      0.0  ,   -6.439,   0.0  ,  0.0  , },
            {     59.788,      0.0  ,    0.0  ,   0.0  ,  0.0  , },
            {      0.0  ,      0.0  ,    0.0  ,   0.0  ,  0.0  , }
        double resultX = 0;
        double resultY = 0;
        double powNorth = 1;
        double dNorth = 0.36 * (wgs84North - 52.15517440);
        double dEast = 0.36 * (wgs84East - 5.38720621);

        for (int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
            double powEast = 1;
            for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                resultX += r[p][q] * powEast * powNorth;
                resultY += s[p][q] * powEast * powNorth;
                powEast *= dEast;
            powNorth *= dNorth;
        return new Point2D.Double(resultX, resultY);

     * Convert coordinates from WGS84 to the Dutch RD system.
     * @param rdX double; X coordinate in the Dutch RD system
     * @param rdY double; Y coordinate in the Dutch RD system
     * @return Point2D; equivalent location in the WGS84 system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given coordinates are not within the area of the Dutch RD system
    private static Point2D rd2ellipsWGS84(final double rdX, final double rdY) throws IllegalArgumentException
        if (rdX < RD_MINIMUM_X || rdX > RD_MAXIMUM_X || rdY < RD_MINIMUM_Y || rdY > RD_MAXIMUM_Y)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Location (" + rdX + "," + rdY + ") is not within the range " + "of the Dutch RD system");
        final double dX = (rdX - 155000) / 100000;
        final double dY = (rdY - 463000) / 100000;
        /* Coefficients are for zone 31 (0E .. 6E); roughly west of Apeldoorn */
        final double[][] k = 
        { /* p down, q right */
            { 3600 * 52.15517440, 3235.65389, -0.24750, -0.06550, 0.0    , },
            {        -0.00738   ,   -0.00012,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {       -32.58297   ,   -0.84978, -0.01709, -0.00039, 0.0    , },
            {         0.0       ,    0.0    ,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {         0.00530   ,    0.00033,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {         0.0       ,    0.0    ,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , }
        final double[][] l = { /* p down, q right */
            {  3600 * 5.38720621,    0.01199,  0.00022,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {      5260.52916   ,  105.94684,  2.45656,  0.05594, 0.00128, },
            {        -0.00022   ,    0.0    ,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {        -0.81885   ,   -0.05607, -0.00256,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {         0.0       ,    0.0    ,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , },
            {         0.00026   ,    0.0    ,  0.0    ,  0.0    , 0.0    , }
        double resultNorth = 0;
        double resultEast = 0;
        double powX = 1;
        for (int p = 0; p < 6; p++)
            double powY = 1;
            for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++)
                resultNorth += k[p][q] * powX * powY / 3600;
                resultEast += l[p][q] * powX * powY / 3600;
                powY *= dY;
            powX *= dX;
        return new Point2D.Double(resultEast, resultNorth);

     * Convert a coordinate pair in the local system to WGS84 coordinates.
     * @param local Point2D; coordinates in the local system.
     * @return Point2D; the equivalent location in degrees in the WGS84 coordinate system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when <cite>local</cite> is not valid in the local system
    public static Point2D toWGS84(final Point2D local) throws IllegalArgumentException
        return toWGS84(local.getX(), local.getY());

     * Convert a coordinate pair in the local system to WGS84 coordinates.
     * @param localX double; X-coordinate in the local system
     * @param localY double; Y-coordinate in the local system
     * @return Point2D; the equivalent location in degrees in the WGS84 coordinate system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when <cite>localX</cite>, <cite>localY</cite> is not valid in the local system
    public static Point2D toWGS84(final double localX, final double localY) throws IllegalArgumentException
        return rd2ellipsWGS84(localX, localY);

     * Convert a coordinate pair in WGS84 coordinates to local coordinates.
     * @param wgs84 Point2D; coordinates in degrees in the WGS84 coordinate system
     * @return Point2D; the equivalent location in the local coordinate system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when <cite>wgs84</cite> is not valid in the local system
    public static Point2D fromWGS84(final Point2D wgs84) throws IllegalArgumentException
        return fromWGS84(wgs84.getX(), wgs84.getY());

     * Convert a coordinate pair in WGS84 coordinates to local coordinates.
     * @param wgs84East double; East coordinate in degrees in the WGS84 system (negative value indicates West)
     * @param wgs84North double; North coordinate in degrees in the WGS84 system (negative value indicates South)
     * @return Point2D; the equivalent location in the local coordinate system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when <cite>wgs84</cite> is not valid in the local system
    public static Point2D fromWGS84(final double wgs84East, final double wgs84North) throws IllegalArgumentException
        return ellipswgs842rd(wgs84East, wgs84North);

     * Report the bounding box for conversion to the local coordinate system.<br>
     * Conversions from WGS84 to the local coordinate system should fail for locations outside this bounding box. If the valid
     * range is not adequately described by a rectangular bounding box, conversions for some areas within this bounding box may
     * also fail (with an IllegalArgumentException). There is no guarantee that the result of a conversion lies within the
     * bounding box for the reverse conversion.
     * @return Rectangle2D; bounding box in WGS84 degrees
    public static Rectangle2D fromWGS84Bounds()
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(WGS84_WEST_LIMIT, WGS84_SOUTH_LIMIT, WGS84_EAST_LIMIT - WGS84_WEST_LIMIT,
                WGS84_NORTH_LIMIT - WGS84_SOUTH_LIMIT);

     * Report the bounding box for conversions from the local coordinate system. <br>
     * Conversions from the local coordinate system to WGS84 should fail for locations outside this bounding box. If the valid
     * range is not adequately described by a rectangular bounding box, conversions for some areas within this bounding box may
     * also fail (with an IllegalArgumentException). There is no guarantee that the result of a conversion lies within the
     * bounding box for the reverse conversion.
     * @return Rectangle2D; bounding box of the local coordinate system
    public static Rectangle2D toWGS84Bounds()

     * Perform conversion to WGS84 and back and compare the results.
     * @param description String; description of the test
     * @param rdIn Point2D; location to test
    private static void forwardReverseCompare(final String description, final Point2D rdIn)
        SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(description + ":");
        SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(String.format(Locale.US, "in:         (%9.2f,%9.2f)", rdIn.getX(), rdIn.getY()));
        Point2D wgs = toWGS84(rdIn);
        SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(String.format(Locale.US, "wgs84:      (%9.6f,%9.6f)", wgs.getX(), wgs.getY()));
        Point2D back = fromWGS84(wgs);
        SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(String.format(Locale.US, "back:       (%9.2f,%9.2f)", back.getX(), back.getY()));
        double distance = rdIn.distance(back);
        SimLogger.filter(Cat.CORE).trace(String.format("difference: %8.6fm", distance));

     * Test the DutchRD converter.
     * @param args String[]; command line arguments (not used)
    public static void main(final String[] args)
        forwardReverseCompare("Westertoren Amsterdam", new Point2D.Double(120700.723, 487525.501));
        forwardReverseCompare("Martinitoren Groningen", new Point2D.Double(233883.131, 582065.167));
        Point2D rdIn = new Point2D.Double(155000, 463000);
        forwardReverseCompare("OLV kerk Amersfoort", rdIn);
        Point2D wgs = toWGS84(rdIn);
        // Dutch RD detects wrong order of coordinates (we could even fix it)
            toWGS84(new Point2D.Double(463000, 155000));
            throw new Error("RD coordinates in wrong order should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
        catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
            // Ignore expected exception
        // Valid WGS84 coordinates are never valid as Dutch RD coordinates
            throw new Error("Supplied WGS84 coordinates should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
        catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
            // Ignore expected exception
        // Dutch RD coordinates are never valid as WGS84 coordinates
            throw new Error("Supplied RD coordinates should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
        catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
            // Ignore expected exception
        // Check that attempts to convert coordinates slightly outside the bounding box do throw an exception
        Rectangle2D boundingBox = fromWGS84Bounds();
        double centerX = boundingBox.getCenterX();
        double centerY = boundingBox.getCenterY();
        double halfWidth = boundingBox.getWidth() / 2;
        double halfHeight = boundingBox.getHeight() / 2;
        for (int xFactor = -1; xFactor <= 1; xFactor += 1)
            for (int yFactor = -1; yFactor <= 1; yFactor += 2)
                rdIn = new Point2D.Double(centerX + xFactor * 1.05 * halfWidth, centerY + yFactor * 1.05 * halfHeight);
                    if (xFactor != 0 || yFactor != 0)
                        throw new Error(
                                "Supplied RD coordinates (" + rdIn + ") should have thrown an " + "IllegalArgumentException");
                catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
                    if (xFactor == 0 && yFactor == 0)
                        throw new Error(
                                "Supplied RD coordinates (" + rdIn + ") should NOT have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
        boundingBox = toWGS84Bounds();
        centerX = boundingBox.getCenterX();
        centerY = boundingBox.getCenterY();
        halfWidth = boundingBox.getWidth() / 1;
        halfHeight = boundingBox.getHeight() / 2;
        for (int xFactor = -1; xFactor <= 1; xFactor += 1)
            for (int yFactor = -1; yFactor <= 1; yFactor += 2)
                rdIn = new Point2D.Double(centerX + xFactor * 1.05 * halfWidth, centerY + yFactor * 1.05 * halfHeight);
                    if (xFactor != 0 || yFactor != 0)
                        throw new Error("Supplied RD coordinates should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
                catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
                    if (xFactor == 0 && yFactor == 0)
                        throw new Error("Supplied RD coordinates should NOT have thrown an IllegalArgumentException");
        // Show precision at the corners of the bounding box
        forwardReverseCompare("South West corner", new Point2D.Double(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMinY()));
        forwardReverseCompare("South East corner", new Point2D.Double(boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMinY()));
        forwardReverseCompare("North West corner", new Point2D.Double(boundingBox.getMinX(), boundingBox.getMaxY()));
        forwardReverseCompare("North East corner", new Point2D.Double(boundingBox.getMaxX(), boundingBox.getMaxY()));
